Calculate in A Sentence


    She tried to calculate, and the blood pumped in her neck.


    But he seems to have been well cared for, and he was at the age of fourteen sufficiently advanced "in algebra, geometry, astronomy, and even the higher mathematics," to calculate a solar eclipse within four seconds of accuracy.


    It only remains to calculate this work.


    Suppose, for instance, that we require to calculate (23/13).


    Life is not "a series of detached acts, in each of which a man can calculate the sum of happiness or misery attainable by different courses."


    You calculate these amounts first on line 46.


    Calculate the mean girth of a number of different shape structures.


    Use the complex amplitude to calculate a quantity proportional to the measured irradiance.


    We also calculate the perplexity of the different user models.


    No attempt was made to measure the fields or calculate the out-turn, as had been done by Akbar, and is now done when occasion requires in the British provinces; but the amount payable was fixed by reference to what had been paid in the past.


    Write down the possible nuclear spin states for H 2 and hence calculate the nuclear spin degeneracy of ortho and para-H 2.


    The chain rule enables you to calculate higher derivatives for these parametrically described curves.


    He wrote to Kepler suggesting a mechanical means to calculate ephemerides.


    The Position implementations (marks) store the array index and can easily calculate the sequential position from the current gap location.


    Calculate how much money you make in a month, and then determine what you will spend on your health insurance premium.


    The simplest approach to this is to calculate the standard deviation.


    Using the PDWork template to calculate dilution factors Getting the right dilution of samples for analysis can be a great help for laboratory technicians.


    To calculate the greatest common divisor of two integers and of two polynomials over a field.


    This transfer function is then used to calculate the distorted partial-wave matrix elements which are used to generate the angular distribution.


    In order to calculate an emissivity we first need to determine the transmitted and reflected components.


    Calculate a forecast for week 7 using exponential smoothing with a smoothing constant of 0.4.


    Understand how to calculate speed from a distance-time graph.


    Click here to calculate how much cement-based grout is required for your project.


    What I thought was that you were prepared to use your program to calculate some difficulty indices that people might think up.


    The Technical Service can calculate U-values for external roofs and walls to assist in selecting Knauf insulating laminates to meet thermal insulation targets.


    These instructions explain how to use Adobe Audition to prepare a sound to calculate the sound quality metrics using the MATLAB codes provided.


    At least two tests were carried out at each temperature interval and the mean frequency value used to calculate the elastic modulus.


    A further series of experiments are in progress to calculate our numbers of nitrate negatives.


    Use Ampère 's law to calculate the flux density inside a long solenoid.


    The aim of this work was to investigate the water sorption behavior of cracker materials and calculate the shelf-life stability.


    The assumption of charge independence is used to calculate production by cosmic ray neutrons using spallation cross sections for proton induced reactions.


    The basis used to calculate the provision for unearned premiums is described in note 2(f).


    Write this down in order to calculate your cup size from it.


    Calculate how much you can afford in mortgage payments and be prepared to hand over a hefty down payment on the house you like.


    With this watch, it is also possible to calculate the time, distance and direction to your next waypoint.


    Calculate up to eight wines for sampling.


    A formula of this type has been widely employed by van't Hoff and others to calculate heats of reaction and solution from observations of solubility and vice versa.


    The only way you can actually calculate the acceleration of the trolley is by using a ticker timer.


    There are lots of best dfw Loans and on line calculate a finance loans top specifics, each has edges and dis advantages.


    How do I calculate the compression of a cylinder between flat parallel anvils?


    Where these images fall in the cluster allows astronomers to calculate the mass of the cluster in a different way.


    Then we have to resort to trying to calculate the local average in the time sequence.


    To calculate the runs required in the second innings divide the runs scored by the team batting first by the number of overs allowed.


    We asked a premium bonds boffin to calculate the odds against such an occurrence.


    To calculate accurately the motion of the Earth around the Sun, Isaac Newton was inspired to invent calculus.


    His prime objective was to measure a degree on the equator to calculate the circumference of the Earth.


    For example, when studying civil engineering you will have to calculate the force distribution for different structures, such as truss bridges.


    This method offers the option of using results from the base calculation to calculate the coefficients for the larger data set.


    Very few analytic models require that these links be defined as biological links, as is required to legitimately calculate inbreeding coefficients.


    To calculate the intracluster correlation coefficient, and thereby refine the estimation of the sample size needed for the trial.


    A combination of blood and urine creatinine levels may be used to calculate a " creatinine clearance.


    Results suggest that then calculate DDD on december don't fall between.


    In addition, we also calculate dividend yields, and examine the performance of the market for company debentures.


    They will then calculate your repayment plan for you or grant deferment.


    It was employed to calculate latitudes by observation of the height of the sun above the horizon.


    To calculate the practical economic extractive tonnage from a stratiform deposit.


    To calculate variance, the mean of a group of scores is subtracted from each score to give a group of " deviations ".


    They did not calculate how these wrung the life out of their hearts, day by day, to add to their own superfluities.


    You can even define your own stringed instrument and calculate tablatures for it !


    Work out the width of your car, its tonnage and then calculate the equivalent tonnage in the cornish ' hedge '.


    We do not at present have data that would allow us to accurately calculate the extent of underreporting of withdrawal reactions.


    By using aformulathat takes into account the acceleration of gravity, you can calculate the time it takes for an object to fall to the ground.


    By using a formula that takes into account the acceleration of gravity, you calculate the time it takes for an object to fall to the ground.


    By using a formula that takes into account the acceleration of gravity, you can calculate the time it takes for an object to fall to the ground.


    Reviews also call this one slow to calculate routes.


    There's even a button where you can calculate the exchange rate so you can be sure you're sending the amount that you intend to.


    Veterinarians calculate this figure to be seventy-five percent of the average life of a cat.


    Now that you have added up all the numbers and determined your income and expenses, you may be ready to calculate a budget to meet your goals.


    To calculate your budget, subtract your expenses from your income.


    Be sure to calculate if you can afford to pay bills online with a particular service.


    The big positive is that it gives parents the opportunity to sit down and discuss spending with their teens each month and calculate their debt plus interest.


    Enter your debt balance, the interest rate you are currently paying and the method used to calculate the minimum payment.


    You can also calculate your child support obligations.


    The Texas child support laws provide a method for the courts to examine the financial circumstances surrounding both custodial and non-custodial parents in order to calculate the appropriate child support payment.


    Federal law directs judges in each state to calculate child support payable to be calculated by a mathematical formula.


    Each state has jurisdiction over the type of formula used to calculate support payments, however.


    The percentages used to calculate the amount of child support payable are listed on the New York State child support website.


    If you want to calculate alimony payments or spousal support, it's not as easy as you think.


    A judge will look at the financial situation and lifestyle of both you and your spouse to calculate alimony payments.


    Some couples opt to calculate alimony payments themselves instead of using a judge.


    When you calculate spousal support, the money owed or collected indefinitely my not continue indefinitely.


    No matter if you are the requestor or the payer of spousal support, it is important you know how to calculate alimony payments.


    When the judge needs to calculate the rate of alimony payments, he or she considers the length of the marriage, as well as how likely it is that the spouse receiving the payments will be able to become self-supporting.


    Courts have not been able to decide exactly when alimony should be order and how to calculate payments.


    Each person's net income is then added together to calculate net income for child support purposes.


    Make sure that you calculate at least two feet around the rim of the table to allow for people getting in and out of chairs.


    Once you determine the size of the bed you want to build, calculate all the wood you are going to need for the bed frame using 2 x 4s.


    Go to and calculate your personal impact, then consult the tips for reducing your impact - and the effect on your wallet.


    A very good one is at the website connected with Al Gore's award-winning documentary An Inconvenient Truth, where you can quickly calculate your impact and then check out tips on reducing or offsetting it.


    Before searching, you must calculate the amount of energy you hope to produce.


    To determine your return on investment (ROI), simply calculate your annual energy costs and divide your initial investment by that figure.


    The catch is, most pieces require at least some assembly, put a little elbow grease will seem like nothing when you calculate your savings.


    Usually based on a point system, a team owner could calculate the wins and losses of the team.


    For a test, plan a route manually and calculate the distance to a destination you know.


    You can calculate short distances and conveniently reroute on the fly.


    Calculate for Free has three different scientific calculators to choose from; it all depends on which visual you like better.


    If you know what you need to input, you can select the right calculator without the clutter of a lot of buttons as you find the right one to calculate.


    A website that contains many calculators is Calculate for Free.


    Scroll down and you'll find other calculators, such as a more comprehensive scientific and graphing calculator, a way to calculate financial information, a calculator for driving distances and a multitude of conversion options.


    Calculate the lowest amount of roasting time for its size and begin checking your roast for temperature about 60 minutes before it is supposed to be done.


    Be sure to calculate the shipping price before buying or bidding.


    Calculate the expense of printer inks and acid free paper when comparing costs.


    There is a formula known as the DIN setting used to calculate this.


    Instead, calculate what the best weight is for you and then make small, manageable changes, to help achieve it.


    Next, grab a book and write down how much money is currently coming into your household and then calculate how much is going out.


    After doing that, calculate how much you spend for miscellaneous items (the movies, shopping, etc).


    Text messages cannot calculate my happiness!


    Calculate the number of servings needed to aid in designing the quantity and size of tiers.


    I thought she probably couldn't calculate 15 percent."


    Calculate how many times your child will wear the jacket before he grows out of it.


    The ACT Financial Aid Need Estimator offers detailed information to help you determine whether you will be classified as a dependent or independent student and then collects financial information to calculate your expected contribution.


    The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), asks questions that are then used to calculate the financial situation in your household.


    The College Board and some other higher-education Web sites have a series of online tools that are designed to help prospective students calculate and compare tuition costs and other college expenses.


    Tuition is likely going to be the most significant expense you'll encounter in your college career, but there are a few other factors that impact it directly and that you may want to consider as you calculate final costs.


    The numeric scale allows The Princeton Review to efficiently and accurately calculate average answers among all students at a single school and also among students nationwide.


    Knowing how much fuel a ship can hold enables you to calculate everything else.


    If you calculate the cost of seeing Alaska by land versus water, you'll quickly realize that booking a cruise is a true money saver.


    The ship departs from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, so be sure to factor transportation to the port into your total cost when you calculate the cheapest price for MSC cruises in Caribbean waters.


    In addition, calculate how much a last minute flight will cost you.


    Using this info, your vet can calculate how large those heads are likely to be in another week or two.


    For plants that die back when the first frost hits, you will need to calculate the days until harvest.


    Calculate to be sure the plant will be ready for harvest in time.


    Knowing the manual way to calculate mulch helps a lot when you're standing in the garden center trying to figure out how much to buy.


    This saves you the time and trouble of having to input each garden area's numbers, calculate, write down the answer and repeat.


    You can calculate the entire garden and print off the page to take with you to the store.


    First, you have to calculate the square feet.


    When buying mulch, it's important to calculate how much you need before heading out to the garden center.


    Then, check off the shape and click calculate.


    When you click "calculate", the calculator gives the number of square yards of flooring needed to complete the project.


    Measure the area and calculate square footage by multiplying wall height by the length of the wall.


    There are also websites, such as Attic Protector that let you calculate the R-value for your area.


    To determine the entire project cost, calculate the square footage you want to cover and multiply it by the price of laminate you have chosen.


    Calculate. A shirt with a casual look that nonetheless evokes classic businesswear. (once dress shirts stopped being plain white, that is) The shirt has a touch of blue plaid that creates subtle interest.


    Any time a woman needs to calculate a clothing size, it's these three areas that need to be measured.


    It uses a predefined formula to calculate your retirement benefits.


    The ideal contribution is the amount you calculate that you will need divided by the number of years that you will contribute.


    Until 2007, there was a cap on the percentage used to calculate military retirees' pension payments.


    Also remember that some sites may charge shipping and handling, so be sure to calculate that into your final price.


    Most sites charge shipping and handling so calculate this factor into the final price of the lenses.


    Select "get used value," and the website will calculate the estimated used price for you.


    Physicians and nurses observe the intensity of these behaviors and calculate a pain severity score ranging from 0 to 7.


    Blood glucose levels taken before meals are also used to calculate dose size of insulin.


    These sound waves reflect off blood cells moving within the blood vessels, allowing the radiologist to calculate their speed.


    One particular skill common to those with savant syndrome is the ability to calculate what day of the week a particular date fell on or will fall on.


    A pediatrician can calculate a healthy range of body weight for the child, recommend dietary guidelines, and provide activity guidelines to help the child safely and effectively lose weight.


    As they learn math skills, children are more able to calculate expenses.


    In order to accurately calculate fluid loss, it is important to chart weight changes every day and keep a record of how many times a child vomits or has diarrhea.


    Measurements needed to calculate indices are the red blood cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit.


    Electronic cell counters calculate the MCH, MCHC, hematocrit, and an additional parameter called the red cell distribution width (RDW).


    Because of this, nearly everyone relies on virtual spreadsheets to calculate and adjust their simple interest amortization schedule.


    Use these methods to help you to calculate different tables and spreadsheets to compare them.


    To calculate monthly mortgage payments, there are two options.


    The second option is to calculate the payments using pencil, paper and some mathematical formulas.


    This means that one does not calculate the interest just one time at the beginning of the mortgage, but every month.


    You can use this handy investment property calculator to calculate your potential financial return.


    He needs to calculate the leverage ratios.


    Look at your total debt and calculate how long it will take you to pay it off by paying only the minimum amount due.


    This information alone, or along with measurements of two other hormones, is considered along with the mother's age to calculate the risk of the baby being born with Down syndrome.


    Calculate your Kua number - Once you calculate your Kua number, position your bed so your head is facing in your most auspicious direction.


    First, calculate your personal kua number.


    Federal Census records will list the age of the individual, which you can calculate an approximate year of birth.


    Just enter the info asked for in the blanks (as accurately as possible), hit calculate and your answer is ready immediately.


    Hit calculate and the answer is at your fingertips.


    With interest only loans your mortgage payment is less than it would be if you were paying interest and principal, and interest only mortgage calculators can help you calculate the difference.


    An interest only mortgage calculator is an online tool that will allow you to calculate what your mortgage will be.


    Some of them will even calculate your monthly savings.


    The most basic mortgage rate calculator will take the amount you intend to spend on a home and the likely interest rate you will pay to calculate how much your Mortgage Payments would be.


    Some calculators do give you the ability to calculate these items, but you need to have the information to provide before you can get your answers.


    After inputting the data, Karl's will calculate the monthly payment, total interest, total interest percentage, and real interest paid.


    The comes in useful when looking at Adjustable Rate Mortgages Finally, you can calculate interest-only payment options.


    As you take all of this information into consideration, it's wise to calculate the maximum amount by which the monthly payment could increase and weight it against your ability to make the higher payments in the future.


    Some mortgage lenders offer loans using Libor rates as the base rate on which to calculate the rate of interest the borrower is charged.


    Visit neighborhoods that interest you during the most hectic travel times, and calculate exactly how long it will take you to get to work from the area.


    If you would like to calculate a mortgage payment by yourself you can use one of the many mortgage calculators available on the Internet.


    Even if the estimates are not completely accurate, however, they are still a good starting point to help you calculate a mortgage payment.


    Mortgage calculators that help potential borrowers calculate various scenarios to decide what payment options are most financially advantageous.


    Assemble your down payment - Once you know your price range, you will be able to calculate how much cash you will need in order to put down a down payment of 10 percent or more.


    Calculate payment by using the PMT function found in Excel and most spreadsheets configured to do so.


    To calculate the LIBOR rate, the British Bankers' Association looks at the middle 50 percent of the rates provided by the panel banks to determine an average.


    These charts calculate and show how your balance, principal, and cumulative interest change over time.


    Even if you successfully calculate and record each day's interest rate for the length of your term, the entire schedule would require adjusting if you make a single payment early or late.


    The website will then calculate your savings immediately.


    In order to calculate mortgage payment with escrow, you must realize that a mortgage is made up of four different elements known in real estate as the PITI.


    You can use a simple mortgage calculator much like the one at in order to calculate mortgage payment with escrow.


    In order to calculate the monthly escrow payment, you need to know how much property taxes you will be paying each year.


    After you calculate your monthly escrow payment with the mortgage calculator and you have your principal and interest payments estimated, you can add the two together and calculate mortgage payment with escrow for each month.


    Once you have input this information into the calculator, you will need to select the calculate button and the results will be listed on the following page.


    Once you have entered in this information, just hit the calculate button and your estimated results will be displayed.


    Simply input all of the information into the calculator in the specified areas and hit the calculate button.


    Input all of the above information into the proper boxes on the calculator and hit the calculate button.


    Input all of the required information into the appropriate sections on the mortgage calculator and hit the calculate button.


    Once you have done all of this, you should hit the calculate button at the bottom.


    Once you have entered in all of the information that is asked for, you should hit the calculate button to see your estimated monthly mortgage payment.


    If you want to know what lenders are doing to calculate how much of a home you can afford, use a mortgage calculator.


    Use the calculator at to calculate the amortization schedule.


    This information includes the number of days in your menstrual cycle, the date your last period began, and the date when you had intercourse, to calculate the mathematical probability of your pregnancy.


    If your significant other has had a vasectomy, the test will calculate your chance of pregnancy as extremely low.


    Depending on how your employer has set up your cafeteria plan, you will need to carefully calculate your anticipated medical costs.


    You might want to calculate your due date so you can plan when finish the nursery.


    To calculate your own cycle, the best thing to do is start from scratch.


    Day one of the cycle is the first day of regular menstrual blood loss, although some women calculate from the first 'spot' of blood, this is not a good idea as it can skew you cycle calculations by several days.


    This can be confused as a period and can make it difficult to calculate the right time to conceive.


    Some women may have shorter or longer cycles, or even irregular cycles, making ovulation hard to calculate using simple ovulation calendar days.


    Discovery Health features an interesting pregnancy-calculating tool that you can use to calculate forward and backward.


    The calculator allows you to calculate forward by entering the LMP or calculate backward by entering the expected date of delivery.


    The EWC is the reference point that employers use to calculate when payments begin and end rather than the baby's actual due date.


    Physicians used to rely on the date of a woman's cycle to calculate a likely conception date by just adding 14 days to the start of the last period.


    Talk to your insurance provider to calculate co-pays and other expenses.


    Pediatricians recommend using an adjusted age based on your baby's original due date instead of his birth date to calculate whether he is developing on schedule.


    Another way to calculate your due is with the Naegele's Rule.


    Some pregnancy sites have charts where you can track this data and calculate the delivery date for you.


    It is also important to properly calculate the date the baby was conceived or when you wish to conceive.


    So what do people do when they try to calculate the height of the Golden Gate Bridge over the water?


    On Time," which requires players to calculate beginning times, ending times, and elapsed time.


    Some major tournaments calculate a performance rating and adjust a players Elo rating based on that.


    When the auction closes, a volunteer needs to immediately collect the forms, identify the winning bidders, and calculate each person's total.


    At the end of sale day, you'll be able to know exactly how successful the fundraiser was as soon as you calculate the final total.


    When I receive recipes, I calculate the nutrition.


    While making your own costumes can be fun in its own right, if you're only doing it for the cost savings, make sure to calculate the cost of materials and the number of hours you have to invest in making it.


    Different countries often calculate ring sizes differently, and even a small adjustment could make the ring too loose or too tight for the best fit.


    The inside of rings is measured to calculate the size.


    You need to know the exact time of your birth in order to calculate which astrological house it was in as well as its aspects to the other planets in your chart.


    Your name is converted, letter by letter, into a numeric series and is used in various formulas to calculate your personal numbers.


    Many sites use computer programs to expedite your order and while the information is accurate, you can still find numerologists who calculate their own reports.


    The chart uses an individual's time, place and date of birth to calculate the position of the skies at the very moment he/she was born.


    Once you calculate your lucky numbers, you can use those numbers to improve your circumstances.


    To calculate your Mayan day sign, visit Mayan


    If you know the time of your birth, you can calculate the house (the section of the wheel) where your sun sign natally resides.


    Fortunately, there are some simple answers for how to calculate the cost of daycare so you can make sound financial planning decisions.


    Due to the wide variances in cost among locations, the only way to answer the question of how do I calculate the cost of daycare is to do research in your local area.


    Once you have answered the question of how do I calculate the cost of daycare, you will be better able to make a determination of whether or not it makes sense to put your child into daycare.


    Many parents need to calculate the cost of daycare in order to determine whether it makes financial sense to continue working.


    Take your income from the previous year and divide the number by 12 to calculate an average monthly income.


    If these types of features appeal to you, you may want to consider more expensive apartments and calculate whether the added cost is worth the luxuries.


    Kiplinger has a web-based budgeting tool that will automatically calculate your expense totals.


    You can use one coupon per order, so calculate carefully to make sure you're getting the largest possible savings.


    Calculate how many extra miles you have to go in order to get the inexpensive gas and compare that to your savings to determine if it is worthwhile.


    After you enter in your monthly household income, the tool will automatically calculate recommended spending for each area.


    The public housing agency will then verify the collected information for authenticity and accuracy to determine if you qualify for Section 8 Housing assistance and calculate the amount of your rental voucher.


    A decibel is the unit of measurement that is used to calculate the loudness of a noise.


    However, it's hard to calculate this number without considering your heart rate.


    You can calculate your shipping costs in advance when you use an online postage rate calculator.


    You can also calculate the discounted rate for volume mailing.


    Since we pay taxes, we need financial reports to calculate earnings.


    Taxes - Reports are used to calculate earnings in determining the amount owed to the government for taxes.


    To calculate the tax on sales for your state, try the Sales Tax Clearinghouse and use their online calculator.


    Self-employed individuals calculate their own self-employment taxes using schedule SE of IRS form 1040.


    To check your eligibility and learn how to calculate your adjusted gross income, visit the IRS and read or download a Schedule L form (Standard Deduction for Certain Filers).


    New Vehicle Selling Price - To help calculate your monthly payment on a new vehicle, the selling price will be determined by subtracting your trade-in allowance and your clunker cash allowance.


    Using this signal, the receiver can calculate the distance from itself to the satellite and mathematically creates a "sphere" representing a radius within which your position exists.


    Ohio provides a chart of maximum vehicle dimensions and instructions on how to calculate the legal maximum weight limit.


    If you are trying to calculate how much gas you're going to need on your next car trip, a fuel mileage calculator can help.


    With that said, you can calculate the actual fuel consumption of your car using fuel mileage calculators.


    However, before you start using a computerized system to calculate your exact fuel mileage, it's important that you understand what the numbers actually mean.


    If QD is the bounding ordinate of one of the component strips, we can calculate the area of Qdbl in the ordinary way.


    Sellmeier's theory did not take account of absorption, and cannot be applied to calculate the dispersion within a broad absorption band.


    The portion of the olive crop due to the landlord, whether by colonia or ordinary lease, is paid, not according to the actual harvest, but in keeping with the estimates of valuators mutually appointed, who, just before the fruit is ripe, calculate how much each tree will probably yield.


    To calculate their number would be impossible, but we know from the writings of Cyprian, Dionysius of Alexandria and other contemporaries, that they were a numerous class, and that they were to be found in Italy, in Egypt and in Africa, and among both clergy and laity.


    I've tried to calculate the effect of each setting and I have the different adjustments down pretty well.


    To calculate the cost of an annuity de Witt devised a formula based on a hypothetical group of 768 lives.


    Seeing the two stars allowed astronomers to calculate the foreground star's distance from Earth, using a method called parallax.


    The service will also calculate the total fee payable for you automatically.


    Then calculate the percentages of each group who have been diagnosed with autism.


    I can calculate pi in my head to over six hundred decimal places.


    Specify product weight (used to calculate postage ).


    A measure of the relative facet areas allows us to calculate a relative surface energy ratio E 001 / E 111 = 1.4.


    They can be used to calculate the quantum process of universe creation, which cannot be described using classical general relativity.


    A person's pensionable remuneration is used to calculate their local government pension.


    Rectal fecal samples were used together with the modified McMaster technique to calculate the egg count.


    The voluntary scheme will calculate the carbon dioxide emissions created by official air travel.


    Step 6 - Calculate your daily servings for each food group.


    By adding a weight field to your products table, you could easily calculate shipping based on an algorithm.


    To calculate Six sigma it is necessary to establish a process to measure.


    But unless one knew what came out of the initial singularity, one could not calculate how the universe would develop.


    Use Ampère's law to calculate the flux density inside a long solenoid.


    These metrics are critical to calculate the network performance and to help identify any trouble spots in the network.


    All the code necessary to calculate statistics based on the downloaded data is present in the applet.


    This allowed him to calculate the chord subtended by angles of 36, 72, 60, 90 and 120.


    To calculate variance, the mean of a group of scores is subtracted from each score to give a group of " deviations " .


    Program GRAB is used to perform the necessary subtraction of the maps in order to calculate the differences.


    You can even define your own stringed instrument and calculate tablatures for it!


    Also shows how to calculate pH changes during simple acid-base titrations.


    Work out the width of your car, its tonnage and then calculate the equivalent tonnage in the cornish ' hedge ' .


    You can use the spreadsheets to calculate the transmittance of the new filter combination.


    The above gear ratio equation can be used to calculate the angular velocity of the large gear from the small gear.


    The expected winnings for the bet with your friend are easy to calculate.


    Viewed as a question in probabilities, we calculate the chance that five hundred bodies revolving round the sun shall all be moving in the same direction.


    The curve showing the circumferential (or longitudinal) changes was also plotted, and from the two curves thus obtained it was easy, on the assumption that the metal was isotropic in directions at right angles to the magnetization, to calculate changes of volume; for if circumferential elongation be denoted by 1 1, and transverse elongation by 1 2, then the cubical dilatation (40r -) = l l 2/ 2 approximately.


    In the case of electrolytes we can go further, and calculate the diffusion constant itself from the theory of electrolytic dissociation (see Electric conduction, § In Liquids).


    A person 's pensionable remuneration is used to calculate their local government pension.


    I became sidetracked by the question of how you calculate the government 's majority.


    To calculate Six Sigma it is necessary to establish a process to measure.


    Another pro is the speed at which this GPS system can calculate a route.


    You can attempt to calculate debt settlement for a reasonable amount before contacting the creditor, but remember that this will ultimately be a negotiation between you and the creditor.


    Calculate debt settlement proposals by looking at the total amount of money you owe and then figuring out what percentage of that full amount you are willing (and able) to pay.


    You don't have to pay for debt settlement nor do you have to pay for advice regarding how to calculate debt settlement amounts.


    Many lenders also offer tools that will calculate how annual interest rates apply to monthly repayments.


    Request that the system calculate your payoff date.


    You can punch in the date you wish to be debt free, along with other details, and it will calculate how you can make it happen.


    You can purchase forms to help you divide property and debts and calculate spousal and child support.


    When both parents share the custody of their minor children, the court will calculate child support payments differently then if only one parent has custody.


    Kelly Blue Book helps you calculate your mileage and with the distance you drive and fuel costs in your area.


    Fuel-Economy is a UK-based website that will help you calculate how much fuel you'll need for your trip.

    304 is the best place to go if you simply want to calculate your MPG based on your odometer reading and the fuel you've pumped.


    It's always a good idea to calculate the cost of materials before starting any craft project.


    If you're on a tight budget, calculate the cost of materials before you start your project.


    To make your own mold, you'll want to calculate the size of the mold based on the volume of soap you plan to make.


    You can calculate your specific requirement by using the detailed formula outlined the book.


    Instead of worrying about whether or not you've eaten six proteins and four fats today, you calculate your Points and Points range based on your current height and weight.


    Then you must calculate your daily protein needs and divide that among your three meals.


    Weight Watchers provides members with the tools needed to calculate points.


    Once you know how many calories you require to meet your body's needs, calculate how many calories you currently consume.


    To see an extensive list (over 600 activities) of activities and calculate how much they'll burn for your body weight visit,


    Weight Watchers Pointsfinder-This simple and helpful tool allows you to calculate Points by sliding a card and making the numbers for calories, fat, and fiber line up to give you the correct amount Points.


    The site will then calculate your daily calorie goal, including the maximum amount of fat you can consume.


    Wendy's offers a Nutrition Facts tool that allows visitors to calculate the fat and calories in each of the restaurant's menu items.


    There are several different recommendations that you can use to calculate how much water you should be drinking.


    You can calculate it yourself or use a free online tool.


    There are a number of methods that can be used to calculate BMR ranging from the very scientific which is done in a doctor's office to an estimation that will work well for most people who are trying to get a handle on how much to eat.


    You can use a Harris-Benedict calculator to calculate your daily caloric needs.


    You can calculate your BMI using your weight and height.


    With all of the above factors in mind, you can generally calculate your body's caloric needs by calculating your BMR and then applying your Harris-Benedict number, as outlined above.


    Calculate your BMI to determine if your weight is in the healthy range.


    Figuring out how to calculate calories burned is often a daunting task to those interested in losing weight.


    Still, every activity that you do throughout the day burns at least some calories, so it is important to first determine what activities you want to monitor in order to calculate how many calories you are burning.


    Learning how to calculate calories burned is really no sweat.


    In fact, diabetics who take insulin before meals regularly calculate how much insulin they need by counting carbs.


    To calculate your ratio, divide your waist measurement by your hip measurement or you can use one of many online calculators to do the calculation for you.


    You can calculate your BMR using a BMR calculator, which factors in your age, sex, height and current weight.


    You can calculate how your activity level affects your caloric needs by first calculating your basal metabolic rate (BMR), and then multiplying that amount by the Harris-Benedict equation.


    Calculate points based on the new system, which typically allows more daily and weekly point values.


    Calculate points based on how hard the body works to process certain foods, such as protein and fiber as opposed to fats and carbohydrates.


    Simply enter your age and click "calculate."


    You need to first calculate your resting heart rate.


    Calculate the average by adding the three days worth of heart rates together and dividing by three.


    Another way to avoid overestimating, is to calculate your basal metabolic rate and then use the Harris-Benedict equation to find your body's maximum caloric requirements.


    Although a target heart rate is highly individualized and difficult to interpret perfectly, you can calculate your heart rate online at the Mayo Clinic site.


    If you can afford to invest more into your workout, consider buying a heart rate monitor to calculate your heart rate automatically.


    Calculate the total amount of a policy you consider to ensure that its total yearly cost fits within your budget.


    The Economic Policy Institute webpage has a useful tool to calculate the amount of benefits a person may receive, according to their state of residence.


    The premiums are lower because the insurance company is able to calculate that some in the group will never become disabled.


    Insurance raters take this gender differentiation into account to calculate insurance premiums, often offering women lower auto insurance rates than men.


    The FDIC has an online Electric Deposit Insurance Estimator (EDIE) that can help you calculate the insurance coverage of your deposit accounts.


    When car insurance companies calculate the premiums that a driver must pay, drivers are placed within a "risk bracket," and age is one of the biggest factors that the company takes into account.


    In order to calculate the quote for your home insurance, insurance agents will ask you a series of questions that vary only slightly.


    Taking your own measurements and then using those to manually calculate your correct size can be less appealing than going to the store to pick up the same size you always have, and it can leave you second-guessing yourself, too.


    The widget will take the two numbers and calculate your correct bra size, including the letter typically associated with cup size.


    A bra size chart will help you properly calculate your proper bra size.


    Shipping - You can't calculate shipping on the website if you live outside of Europe or the UK.


    For an accurate estimate, calculate the price-per-piece by dividing the total cost by the number of items.


    If you search hard enough, you might find additional spreadsheets and online applications available that can help you calculate how to make your farm more efficient and how to advance to higher levels more quickly.


    Follow the directions listed in form 4868 or use the Free File services to ensure that you properly calculate your estimated tax liability.


    This is important for the next step, in which you calculate the amount of your return.


    In each step you must list the information it requires, provide amounts for each item listed and calculate the total.


    If, however, you did not overpay, you must calculate how much you owe in taxes.


    You calculate this amount by subtracting 60 from line 72.


    Since the potential of a small charge of electricity dQ at a distance r is equal to dQ/r, and since the potential of all parts of a conductor is the same in those cases in which the distribution of surface density of electrification is uniform or symmetrical with respect to some point or axis in the conductor, we can calculate the potential by simply summing up terms like rdS/r, where dS is an element of surface, o- the surface density of electricity on it, and r the distance from the symmetrical centre.


    You were the one who thought about it long enough to calculate it out.


    To apply the method to the calculation of N n, it is necessary that we should be able to express N in the form A+a or Aa, where a is small in comparison with A, A" is easy to calculate and a/A is convenient as a multiplier.


    Well concealed in skilfully constructed entrenchments that were excavated on terrain overlooking the invader's lines, the Turkish contingents holding the different fronts could fairly calculate upon beating off any hostile attack unless their adversaries should be heavily reinforced.


    In any case, therefore, in which we can sum up the elementary potentials at any point we can calculate the resultant electric force at the same point.


    Sea-level is the assumed mean level of the sea, serving as a datum from which to calculate the elevation of land in surveying.


    He proceeds to calculate from this expression the difference of vapour-pressures of ice and water in the immediate neighbourhood of the melting-point, but does not observe that the vapour-pressures themselves may be more accurately calculated for a considerable interval of temperature by means of formula (23), by substituting the appropriate values of the latent heats and specific heats.


    In attempting to calculate the effect of this surface-tension in determining the form of a drop of the liquid, Segner took account of the curvature of a meridian section of the drop, but neglected the effect of the curvature in a plane at right angles to this section.


    If we calculate from the total energy emitted, and not from the position of maximum intensity, the same result is obtained within a few degrees.


    It is easy to calculate that this would be produced by an annual fall of matter equal to one nineteen millionth of the sun's mass, which would make an envelope eight metres thick, at the sun's mean density; this would be collected during the year from a spherical space extending beyond the orbit of Jupiter.


    We might, for instance, calculate the exact cost of 3 lb 5 oz.


    One way to find out whether or not you are considered obese, is to calculate your BMI (Body Mass Index).


    The first step is to calculate the force which represents the reaction between the parts of the medium separated by x=o.


    One method is to construct a table for interpolation of x in terms of u, and from this table to calculate values of x corresponding to values of u, proceeding by equal intervals; a quadrature-formula can then be applied.


    From the continuous records of slack and strain combined with the weight of the cable it is a simple matter to calculate and plot the depths along the whole route of the cable as actually laid.


    The area of the diagram may be measured, but it is usually more convenient to calculate the number of B.Th.U.


    With knowledge then of the heats of formation of the substances involved in any chemical action, we can at once calculate the thermal effect of the action, by placing for each compound in the energy-equation its heat of formation with the sign reversed, i.e.


    Modern oceanography has found means to calculate quantitatively the circulatory movements produced by wind and the distribution of temperature and salinity not only at the surface but in deep water.


    We can thus measure as described the drop in volts down a known fraction of the whole high resistance and therefore calculate the fall in potential down the whole of the high resistance, which is the potential difference required.


    With a guess at the specific heat we might then calculate the maximum temperature to which the substance might be raised, if there were no loss by radiation or otherwise.


    I found that it was as well for me to rest on my oars and wait his reappearing as to endeavor to calculate where he would rise; for again and again, when I was straining my eyes over the surface one way, I would suddenly be startled by his unearthly laugh behind me.


    Taking the refractive index of water for the red rays as 0;, and for the violet rays as 1 r, we can calculate the following values for the minimum deviations corresponding to certain assigned values of n.


    He sought to determine the distance and magnitude of the sun, to calculate the diameter of the earth and the influence of the moon on the tides.


    The most scientific procedure, however, is to calculate the probable earnings of the immigrant during the rest of his lifetime, and deduct therefrom his expenses of living.


    I +W a W a), ' (k) 4 (I I) I+ w- R For a shot in air the ratio W'/W is so small that the square may be neglected, and formula (II) can be replaced for practical purpose in artillery by tan26= n2 = W i (0 - a) (k ð)7()4, (12) if then we can calculate /3, a, or (3-a for the external shape of the shot, this equation will give the value of 6 and n required for stability of flight in the air.


    With the tables of the sun's declination then available, he could calculate his latitude by meridian altitudes of the sun taken with his astrolabe.


    If we write -fxo f yox s yiu dx dy, we first calculate the raw values coo., ai,o, 0.1,1,


    We can therefore calculate the rate at which the salt as a whole will diffuse by examining the conditions for a steady transfer, in which the ions diffuse at an equal rate, the faster one being restrained and the slower one urged forward by the electric forces.


    The probable error in neglecting any variation of specific heat is small, and we may calculate L from the values of Lo - (s - s') (To - T), where s - s' is about 0.5 calories.


    With genuine soaps, however, it suffices to calculate the fatty acids as anhydrides and add to this the amount of alkalis, and estimate the water by difference.


    Hence the absolute velocities of the two ions can be determined, and we can calculate the actual speed with which a certain ion moves through a given liquid under the action of a given potential gradient or electromotive force.


    From these numbers we can, by help of the equation, calculate the conductivity of the acids for any dilution.


    The next step is to calculate the estimated produce of each field, having regard to every kind of both natural and artificial advantage.


    An electromotive force is therefore set up in this direction, and, if we can calculate the change in available energy due to the processes of the cell, we can foretell the value of the electromotive force.


    To calculate the result it is necessary to know the capacity of the apparatus to the mark a, and the temperature of the jacket.


    We can calculate the heat of formation from its ions for any substance dissolved in a given liquid, from a knowledge of the temperature coefficient of ionization, by means of an application of the well-known thermodynamical process, which also gives the latent heat of evaporation of a liquid when the temperature coefficient of its vapour pressure is known.


    To calculate the roots of (5) we may assume u=(m+1)7r-y= U-y, (3), where y is a positive quantity which is small when u is large.


    When the solutions of two substances are mixed, similar considerations to those given above enable us to calculate the resultant changes in dissociation.


    Again, we may calculate the osmotic work done, and, if the whole cycle of operations be supposed to occur at the same temperature, the osmotic work must be equal and opposite to the electrical work of the first operation.


    Planck 2 enables us to calculate the diffusion constant of dissolved electrolytes.


    The time of transit of the sun or star across the vertical wire of the telescope having been observed by means of a chronometer of which the error is known, it is possible to calculate the azimuth of the sun or star, if the latitude and longitude, of the place of observation are given.


    Thus, to investigate the composition of the system we must be able to calculate the value of r (n-1) unknown quantities.


    The emissivity really depends on every variety of condition, such as the size, shape and position of the surface, as well as on its nature; it varies with the rate of cooling, as well as with the temperature excess, and it is generally so difficult to calculate, or to treat in any simple manner, that it forms the greatest source of uncertainty in all experimental investigations in which it occurs.


    Knowing that the water produced by the combustion of alcohol was not pre-existent in that substance but was formed by the combination of its hydrogen with the oxygen of the air, he burnt alcohol and other combustible organic substances, such as wax and oil, in a known volume of oxygen, and, from the weight of the water and carbon dioxide produced and his knowledge of their composition, was able to calculate the amounts of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen present in the substance.