Calculable in A Sentence


    We may not arrive at our port within a calculable period, but we would preserve the true course.


    While polysymmetry is solely conditioned by the manner in which the mimetic twin is built up from the single crystals, there being no change in the scalar properties, and the vector properties being calculable from the nature of the twinning, in the case of polymorphism entirely different structures present themselves, both scalar and vector properties being altered; and, in the present state of our knowledge, it is impossible to foretell the characters of a polymorphous modification.


    Koenig constructed a series of bars forming a harmonicon, the frequency of each bar being calculable, and he found the limit to be between 16,000 and 24,000.


    Hence to give a margin of safety to cover contingencies not calculable, an excess of material must be provided.


    On the Copernican change the heavenly bodies were recognized as concrete and yet subject to calculable law.


    It is comparatively unimportant to the determinist whether the cause to which he attributes conduct be the self, or the will, or character, or the strongest motive, provided that each of these causes be regarded as definitely ascertainable and that its effects in sufficiently known circumstances be calculable.


    The statement that the ' effectively calculable ' is equivalent to the scope of Turing machines is now generally known as the Church-Turing thesis.


    The declination, or deviation between the magnetic pole and the rotation pole, should theoretically be a simple, mathematically calculable figure.


    Once nature became calculable the 17th century system of rational knowledge provided the mastery of human reason over nature.


    Quantum creation scenarios produce gravitational waves of a calculable form and magnitude.


    This barrage of quantitative performance indicators makes the whole educational process measurable, calculable.


    The sextet states are the highest spin states normally calculable using MOPAC in its unmodified form.