Thus if it calculates the result of some experiment, it is not the experimentalist's well-attested results which are on their trial, but the basis of the calculation.
Mohn has shown how the inequalities of what he terms the densitysurface can be found from the salinity and temperature; and he calculates that the level of the Skagerrak should be about 2 ft.
Peppe calculates its weight, lid included, at 1537 Ib.
Target calculates interest on charges made to the card daily.
For the size and density of particles which he considers most likely, Arrhenius calculates the time required to travel from the sun as forty-six hours.
Perry (Steam Engine, p. 580), assuming a characteristic equation similar to Zeuner's (which makes v a linear function of the temperature at constant pressure, and S independent of the pressure), calculates S as a function of the temperature to satisfy Regnault's formula (10) for the total heat.
Hecker calculates that one-fourth of the population of Europe, or 25 millions of persons, died in the whole of the epidemics.
From experiments made with this model, Penaud calculates that one horse-power would elevate and support 85 lb.
Calculates the relaxing density contribution to the derivative of the energy wrt Cartesian coordinates.
Celsius temperature, and calculates the temperature in Fahrenheit.
Flying off to a warmer climate - a fun site which calculates for you the air pollution caused by any flight route you choose.
Given the volume velocity, the PC also calculates the input impedance according to equation 2.7.
It calculates the inverse of a group algebra element.
The routine calculates the square symmetric matrix of distances between each atom and every other atom currently selected.
Click popularity sorting algorithms track how many users click on a link and stickiness measurement calculates how long they stay at a website.
While the race is on, the Tote payout clerk calculates the payout with our simple tabulator forms - again supplied free.
The contest uses a VoteTracker scoring system, which tracks each vote from each judge and calculates the total votes as well as the statistical ratings.
Memory. This term refers to how the computer temporarily reads and writes data as the computer calculates and runs programs.
Tawas calculates the exchange rate for you.
You also should know the method that interest calculates on your debt, which is generally APR.
It calculates the amount of carbon and emissions that we generate ourselves through direct activity, for instance driving a car.
The site calculates the total distance, but when giving the directions, the mapping system gives you the distance between each turn or change in route.
Working like most other websites that give you maps, Mapquest calculates both shortest route and quickest distance.
This is more for advanced users who want to see their equation while the website calculates the results.
It automatically calculates the nutrient amounts, too, so you can see how much protein you're actually eating in a given day.
The company calculates exactly how many of each separate item you need to make the invitation design, making shopping for supplies virtually foolproof.
Each car insurance company calculates rates differently, so you may be surprised to find that you aren't paying the least you can for the coverage you have on your vehicle.
After your three tests, the game calculates your age.
The first player (randomly chosen by the computer) places a word on the Literati board and the computer automatically calculates and records the score and replaces the letters while indicating that it is now the other player's turn.
Once the final hand is drawn, the machine calculates whether the player has a winning hand, and if so, makes a pay-off.
The monitor then calculates and displays the blood glucose reading on a screen.
Stereotactic surgery involves an approach that calculates angles and distances from the outside of the patient's skull to locate very small lesions or structures deep inside the brain.
It automatically calculates and assigns East and West groupings.
Best directions - The Fortune Compass calculates and gives your best directions for sleeping, health, working, success, relationships and more.
The site then calculates potential costs and savings associated with refinancing.
The doctor calculates your due date from your last period, not from the moment of conception.
The physician calculates points and assigns a stage to the patient.
According to the US Department of Agriculture, which calculates the average cost of raising children, as of 2008, daycare costs account for 16 percent of the total cost spent on raising a child.
The company calculates Points based on each food's nutritional content, fiber and calories.
It calculates your energy balance by subtracting the energy you expend from physical activity from your food calories/energy intake.
An actuary is a highly trained professional statistician who calculates risks and premiums for insurance companies.
The state calculates taxes paid versus benefits drawn for each employer.
Google calculates the Potential Earnings of your keywords, which are different from the most profitable CPC keywords.
After identifying whether you will claim the standard deduction or itemize your deductions, it calculates the total amount of tax you will owe for the year.
Weighing each plate calculates the total price for each pound of food.
The solution of this problem has recently been attempted by Sir Norman Lockyer (Stonehenge and other British Stone Monuments), who calculates that on midsummer day, 1680 B.C., the sun would rise exactly over the Friar's Heel, and in a direct line with the axis of the temple and "avenue."