unbundled in A Sentence


    Some German operators started to implement Next Generation Networking, generally realized via DSL and Unbundled local loop.


    It is impossible to say we have a“show-stopper” because each of the seven events over five days are important in different ways to different stakeholders, which is also why the events are“Unbundled”.


    These kinds of experiments with Unbundled treatments are a good way to figure out which part of the treatment- or which parts together- are the ones that are causing the effect Gerber and Green 2012, sec.


    Private participation either for complete provision of metro rail or for some Unbundled components(like Automatic Fare Collection, Operation & Maintenance of services etc) will form an essential requirement for all metro ra il projects seeking central financial assistance” says the policy, to capitalize on private resources, expertise and entrepreneurship.


    Fintech 1.0: The Big Unbundling of Financial Institutions- Technology has evolved to the point that the small smart nimble startups are now taking on the banking and insurance giants by challenging the very premise on which the industry has been operating for decades, by offering alternative services, not just by encroaching on their dominance but by forcing an evolution in partnership with them.
