11380, He remained content to leave such criminal havoc in the hands of the police.
11380, It sort of wreaks havoc on the balance.
11380, On the 16th of March 1889 the heavy tidal waves created havoc in the harbour of Apia.
11380, Unrequited love could wreak havoc on a conscience.
11380, Alex attacked his food as if it were to blame for the havoc he had created at the table.
11380, What is this disorder that can wreak such havoc?
11380, The cultivation of osiers is attended with many disturbing causes - winter floods, spring frosts, ground vermin and insect pests of various kinds, sometimes working great havoc to the crop.
11380, The Analogy, on the contrary, did not directly refer to the deists at all, and yet it worked more havoc with their position than all the other books put together, and remains practically the one surviving landmark of the whole dispute.
11380, Bombay, however, soon recovered herself, and in 1891 was more prosperous than ever before; but during the ensuing decade great havoc was played by plague (q.v.) with both her population and her trade.
11380, But the Latin or Transylvanian movement wrought great havoc in Rumanian literature and caused the greatest confusion in the language.
11380, Freshets and droughts at times work havoc. The former made notable 1844 and 1858; and the latter 1860, 1874 and 1894.
11380, His armada was severely handled in a weeks fighting on its way up the Channel, and was driven off the English ports into the German Ocean; there a south-west gale drove it far from its rendezvous, and completed the havoc which the English ships had begun.
11380, The victorious Lord Berkeley, whose children died young, was on ill terms with his next brother, and made havoc of the great Berkeley estates by grants to the Crown and the royal house, for which he was rewarded with certain empty titles.
11380, The city and the cathedral suffered considerably from the bombardment, but all traces of the havoc have now disappeared.
11380, The epidemic spread rapidly over the Peninsula, causing great havoc in important cities like Granada, Saragossa and Valencia.
11380, Catching this bastard is goal-one considering the havoc he is wrecking.
11380, The Black God, Czerno, had been wreaking havoc in Europe until a few days ago.
11380, On the other hand, these evil men deserved no clemency, and as captives, would doubtless cause what havoc they could.
11380, On the right the events of December 1995 have provoked a crisis which continues to wreak havoc.
11380, Damp weather can cause havoc with naturally curly or wavy hair.
11380, Natural catastrophes and the havoc of War cause widespread devastation, wiping out life and art in a matter of seconds.
11380, Fire caused havoc in a besieged castle or city and a variety of fire missiles, including firebrands and deadly Greek Fire were thrown.
11380, You can wreak havoc from above easily enough, with your large array of weaponry.
11380, We then continued the motion reeking havoc on the normally tranquil city of Milton Keynes.
11380, Numerous devices are used by the devil to wreck havoc into people's lives.
11380, Stress & long hours can cause havoc on your health.
11380, Only Herman Goering wrought more havoc with the national rail timetable.
11380, Dressing to impress could inflict havoc on your purse/wallet.
11380, In his younger days the Admiral had seen service in the China Seas where two powerful pirate fleets wrought havoc among shipping.
11380, Fifty years ago a series of great fires took place, which made terrible havoc on five separate occasions.
11380, This caused absolute havoc which needed the attention of a Stagecoach Inspector to sort it.
11380, They have long been virtually ignored by historians on the ground that, to modern eyes, they would seem to wreak economic havoc.
11380, A good example of how insomnia wreck havoc in a person live can be found my friend, Darren.
11380, Dolly has decided to be mom whilst little Skip causes havoc.
11380, Oh, this plays havoc with a lot of the ways we do things today in our age, even in our churches.
11380, The most destructive hurricane in history, Katrina, followed by another, Rita, has wreaked havoc in the southern States.
11380, The barrier of presentational markup Presentational HTML can wreak havoc.
11380, Set the timer back to come on at a time when he did n't miaow or cause havoc.
11380, An estimated 80 million Australian possums, for instance, are wreaking havoc on native forests and gardens.
11380, With his disorderly band of accomplices - including a demonic, gun-toting tomcat - he immediately begins to create havoc.
11380, Huge lots of twisted metal and destroyed vehicles remain as grim testimony to the havoc unleashed on them by the allied warplanes.
11380, But after a short rain break the spinning fingers of Robin Fisher again wreaked havoc.
11380, Lady Luck, and slippery Hellman's jars, can still wreak havoc.
11380, They are an effective reproductive device if the right buttons are pushed, but can also wreak havoc if you push the wrong buttons.
11380, He could have scored in a minute, and generally wreaked havoc for the rest of the game.
11380, A gang of up to 7 men then wreaked havoc in the bar, throwing chairs and slashing the victim's face with glass.
11380, Nobody wants to turn on their TV on a daily basis and see havoc wrought by terrorists.
11380, Owing to the havoc wrought during repeated insurrections, the impoverishment of the peasants, the desolation of the districts formerly inhabited by the Moslem agricultural population, and the drain of gold resulting from the sale of Moslem lands and emigration of the former proprietors, together with other causes, the financial situation has been unsatisfactory.
11380, In the year 251 they defeated and slew the emperor Decius, and in the reign of Gallienus their fleets setting out from the north of the Black Sea worked great havoc on the coast of the Aegean (see GOTHS).
11380, These do not hunt in packs, but will sometimes singly attack a bullock; they and the wolves make havoc among sheep. A favourite feat of the boldest of the young men of southern Afghanistan is to enter the hyena's den, single-handed, muffle and tie him.
11380, Repressed anger, hostility or sexual tensions unknowingly released by an unhappy subject wreak havoc.
11380, He skulked back to the Antipodes ready, no doubt, to wreak havoc on the next unsuspecting poor soul he came upon.
11380, And the Vatican has apologized for the havoc that the Crusades wreaked on the people of the Middle East.
11380, They know, as do we, that a few lines of code could ultimately wreak as much havoc as a handful of bombs.
11380, The United Nations has estimated that the havoc wreaked by climate change could create up to 50 million refugees.
11380, Lady Luck, and slippery Hellman 's jars, can still wreak havoc.
11380, A gang of up to 7 men then wreaked havoc in the bar, throwing chairs and slashing the victim 's face with glass.
11380, By the end of his 5 overs spell Pitts had wrecked havoc.
11380, A plowman and his great plow, now standing idle in the furrow, had in a day wrought a terrible havoc.
11380, Electrical blasts, to zap people from afar or to wreck havoc with machinery?
11380, In fact, the influx of hormones from mom's body and from their own can wreak havoc on a newborn's skin.
11380, Remember, hormones can wreak havoc on your emotions!
11380, Err on the side of the shoe being roomy versus tight fitting, your foot expands as you run and tight running shoes can create havoc on your feet.
11380, Short trips mean that the alternator doesn't have much time to recharge the battery while high temperatures can play havoc with the electrolyte solution and components of the battery.
11380, For example, cardiomyopathy is very often present in cases of undiagnosed feline hyperthyroidism in which the excess thyroid hormones cause the heart to work overtime, thus wreaking havoc on its function over a period of time.
11380, The fewer cards you have floating around, the less the odds of a stolen or lost card causing havoc.
11380, When temperatures begin to reach the smoldering triple digits and humidity wrecks havoc on our hair, regular makeup products begin to melt away faster than the Wicked Witch of the West.
11380, While placing your skis on the outdoor rack of a ski shuttle may be convenient, any ride over 20 minutes can wreak havoc on your ski bindings.
11380, While this is a good thing when one needs to react, as in a "fight or flight" response, an overload of stress hormones can wreak havoc on your health.
11380, A bath not only helps your mind relax but also your muscles, which have become tense from all of the havoc you've been through.
11380, So, why watch a box of red fries, a milkshake and a glob of ground beef run around and create havoc and mischief?
11380, It wreaks havoc and causes way too much drama, as you have observed.
11380, It seems like overnight kids go from being fun loving and optimistic adolescents into hormonal and rule-breaking teenagers wreaking havoc.
11380, As luck would have it, havoc comes in threes!
11380, Yet the heat and humidity of summer weather can wreak havoc with bridal fashion, turning the loveliest wedding dress into an oven of satin and silk.
11380, There are many symptoms of meth addiction that can wreak havoc on a person's life.
11380, While some people seemingly do not appear to have any ill effects from crystal meth use in the beginning, the drug is hard at work wrecking havoc within the user's body.
11380, Players can easily get hooked within a short amount of time, and the hobby can wreak financial and personal havoc.
11380, Some people show subtle symptoms such as isolation and a lack of communication with loved ones, while others find alcohol use wreaks havoc on their entire lives.
11380, An alcoholic will drink even when there is a risk of job loss, family troubles and health risks that usually cause havoc with loved ones at home.
11380, Fleas can cause your dog to get worms, which wreak havoc with his digestive system.
11380, Are dog behavior problems wreaking havoc between you and your furry friend?
11380, Healthy plants can tolerate a small number of aphids, but large numbers of aphids can wreak havoc.
11380, Instead of being used to heat your home, this gas was being converted directly into carbon dioxide, wreaking havoc with both your wallet and the environment.
11380, The war had wreaked havoc on Europe, decimating its male population and economy.
11380, The right coat will also be reliable - the one you turn to whenever the weather wreaks havoc with your day or requires an extra layer of warmth.
11380, Night leg cramps are very painful and the jerking awake plays havoc on your ability to get a good night's sleep.
11380, Avoid tobacco and alcohol - These bad habits can wreak havoc on your health.
11380, Be aware that some users have been known to wreck havoc as guests in other towns and can swindle you out of items.
11380, Since Flatout is all about creating havoc for a purpose, there is ample opportunity to destroy everything.
11380, Drive around in crazy cars, use multiple weapons and create havoc!
11380, These characteristics make it useful for both utility and attack, and when properly armored, choppers can be formidable mobile battle platforms, wreaking havoc with missiles and gunfire of all calibers.
11380, Using Nintendo's popular characters such as Mario, Luigi, and Yoshi, gamers could race around tracks, nab turtle shells and banana peels to and wreak havoc on their opponents.
11380, Progressing through the game still requires you to complete tasks and quests while making your minions wreak havoc as you do so.
11380, While all this is happening, a dark alien army is creating havoc and destruction in the world.
11380, The violent game where you played a main character whose main goal was to create havoc had one very controversial scene that could only be found with a hidden code.
11380, Improper humidity can wreak havoc with a maturing wine, making the cork dry and allow oxygen to seep into the wine and affect its taste.
11380, Winter months can also wreak havoc on dry hair, when freezing temperatures dry out the hair and heating systems contribute to the damage.
11380, Heat and humidity can wreck havoc on the infamously groomed bob style, so ensure your hair looks its best at all times with the use of recommended styling products for your hair type.
11380, Irregular growth patterns, damaged tresses and weather or humidity can wreak havoc on even the shortest of styles.
11380, Many years of weather changes, insects and wear and tear can play havoc on a home.
11380, Losing an unborn baby can wreak havoc on your emotional state.
11380, Having a new baby in your life can wreak havoc with the balance between your marriage and family.
11380, Both of these eating disorders can wreak havoc on your body and with a pregnancy.
11380, Relationship breakups can wreak havoc on anyone's emotional state.
11380, Sometimes when your ex boyfriend finds out your dating again, he can wreck a little havoc.
11380, Check out Isaac Mizrahi's handbag line at Target, selections from Old Navy, or the chic Metro 7 handbag line from Wal-Mart for styles that will look without wreaking havoc on your budget.
11380, From slim python clutches to large glazed shoppers and totes, there's a fit for most women that won't wreak havoc on your handbag budget.
11380, The release of fresh new colors and holiday-specific bags make it easy to keep up with contemporary trends without wreaking havoc on your handbag budget.
11380, Reeking havoc and mayhem wherever they go will be typical for this immature couple.
11380, However, Leo is also a social sign, and this can play havoc with the Aquarian need for solitude.
11380, Snow and rain will wreak havoc on those shoes.
11380, This excess glucose wreaks havoc on the patient's system including the tissues and nerves in the feet.
11380, Your feet are important - the amount of standing and walking a man does on a daily basis can wreak havoc on feet that aren't adequately protected with good-quality shoes.
11380, Bo and Hope anchor their family while Victor and Stefano create havoc for theirs.
11380, Jacobsen would return in 2006 to visit more havoc on the town and its residents until she eventually died.
11380, Marlena would eventually be saved when John (who was an ordained priest at this point), but not before creating havoc all over Salem and levitating over her own bed.
11380, Robbie was a bit of a bad boy and created havoc for his family.
11380, A number of troubling events wreak havoc in their lives, including murder, infidelity and a resounding finale in which Lisa accidentally shoots and kills Ben.
11380, In the second season, Dobrev's role was doubled up as Katherine returned to present-day Mystic Falls to cause havoc for all the residents.
11380, Her most prominent alter “Niki” wreaked havoc.
11380, Fairies can also be mischief makers on the look out to wreck a little havoc for their own personal amusement.
11380, European legends are full of stories about dragons which wreak havoc on human kind.
11380, The spinning tires and roaring engines can wreak havoc with wildlife and cause problems with erosion.
11380, After not making the real Spartan cheerleading squad, they show up at a football game as "unofficial cheerleaders", but of course cause enough havoc to be asked to leave by a "real" Spartan cheerleader played by Quentin Tarantino.
11380, Few simple carbs - Simple carbs, ie. sugary, highly processed and white flour-based foods, tend to wreak havoc on the blood sugar balance.
11380, The same amount of sugar would be downright hazardous for the sedentary woman, wreaking havoc on her blood sugar levels.
11380, Hormones - Your hormones can also wreak havoc on your metabolism - especially for women who are in perimenopause or menopause.
11380, This is because this cycle of dieting wreaks havoc on your metabolism.
11380, Fibromyalgia wreaks havoc on the body-physically and emotionally.
11380, From instigating fights to burning Jaison's socks while he sleeps, Russell kicked off his game by creating havoc and trouble, while trying to build alliances with all of the females on his tribe.
11380, Discovering that he is universally loathed, the poor monster becomes a monster in truth, wrecking havoc in the area.
11380, Strange cylinder-like objects are orbiting the planet causing destructive changes in the weather patterns, and causing havoc worldwide.
11380, Like Godzilla, Gamera also wreaks havoc and heads toward Japan.
11380, Little did unsuspecting fans realize that underground uranium deposits located on this island would wreak havoc on Godzilla and endanger the world in the future.
11380, Dehydration wreaks havoc on all parts of your body.
11380, The problem is that overactive sebaceous glands just love to wreak havoc with your skin, no matter what you might do to stop them in their tracks.
11380, Since it's not all that brisk air outside wreaking havoc on your skin, one might think the solution is to spend more time outdoors.
11380, Not only can the sun damage the hair cuticle from excessive unprotected exposure, it can also wreak havoc on color-treated tresses, as it fades and changes the overall tone of haircolor from frequent exposure.
11380, They can contain viruses and spyware waiting to wreak havoc on your computer.
11380, All of the parts of a theme are created using sophisticated CSS and HTML tags, and that means that a misplaced comma, semicolon, or parentheses can wreak havoc on your WordPress blog.
11380, The Reformation and the religious wars spread havoc among the Benedictines in many parts of northern Europe; and as a consequence, in part of the rule of Joseph II.
11380, The climate is so dry, and the rains are so scarce, that an absence of forests and Alpine meadows is characteristic of the ridge; but when heavy rain falls simultaneously with the melting of the snows in the mountains, the watercourses become filled with furious torrents, which create great havoc. The main glaciers (12) are on the north slope, but none creeps below io,000 to 12,000 ft.
11380, The haunting memories of these horrors played havoc with the nerves of a supersensitive child.
11380, In the fight at Gdow (February 2 6th), where Benedek laid the foundations of the military reputation that was to end so tragically at KOniggratz, flail and scythe wrought more havoc in the rebel ranks than the Austrian musketry.
11380, Then came the religious fanaticism of Akhenaton, mutilating all figures of Ammon and all inscriptions containing his name; this made havoc of the exquisite monuments of Hatshepsut; and the restorers of the XIXth Dynasty, refusing to recognize the legitimacy of the queen, had no scruples in replacing her names by those of the associate kings Tethmosis I., II.
11380, Pestilences and conflagrations were its ruin; the plague of 1566 wrought great havoc among its inhabitants, and that of 1600 destroyed 15,000.
11380, Smallpox, dysentery and fevers, frequently of a bilious character, are endemic and occasionally epidemic. Cholera breaks out from time to time and works great havoc, as was the case in 1903 when one of the raja of Sarawak's punitive expeditions was stricken while ascending the Limbang river by boat, and lost many hundreds of its numbers before the coast could be regained.
11380, At the Cape it was formerly common, and occasionally committed great havoc among the cattle, while it did not hesitate to enter the Kaffir dwellings at night and carry off children sleeping by their mothers.
11380, It made most havoc in the flower of the nation, since every kind of eminence marked men for death.
11380, Kiki didn't have a chance to answer before the wooden door to their prison creaked open. Rhyn's head spun as he was hauled up and dragged into a well-lit hallway. Light and shadows wreaked havoc on his sense of place and time until he hit the cool stone floor again.
11380, Here was the beginning, and in some measure doubtless the cause, of a long suite of murderous conflicts, bearing havoc and flame to generations yet unborn" (Parkman).
11380, We may add that in peninsular Italy, which was most clearly under his ecclesiastical jurisdiction, the Lombards had spread havoc and ruin; so that nearly ninety bishoprics had been suppressed, either temporarily or definitively.
11380, The Civil War wrought a havoc from which a full recovery was hardly reached before 1890.
11380, In some districts the tsetse fly causes great havoc. The most interesting of the endemic insectivora is the Chrysochloris or " golden mole," so called from the brilliant yellow lustre of its fur.
11380, The vine has been attacked by the Oidium Tuckeri, the Phylloxera vastatrix and the Peronospora viticola, which in rapid succession wrought great havoc in Italian vineyards.
11380, At each change it has worked havoc and disaster by covering the cultivated fields with 2 or 3 ft.
11380, The country was roadless and uninhabited save by wild beasts, and fever and cholera made sad havoc of the working parties; but it was successfully accomplished.
11380, Parallel to the Stradone, on the north, is the Prijeki, a long, very narrow street, flanked by tall houses with overhanging balconies, and greatly resembling a Venetian alley, Despite the havoc wrought by earthquake in 1667, the whole city is rich in antiquarian interest.
11380, The Kaffirs wrought great havoc, and Sir Benjamin D'Urban, the governor, in order to secure peace, extended the boundary of the colony to the Kei river.
11380, Outside the walls are the remains of a vast city, now for the most part in ruins, but the innumerable tombs, mosques, caravanserais and other edifices, which have resisted the havoc of time, afford abundant evidence of the ancient splendour of the place.
11380, He therefore insisted that England should be required not merely to pay damages for the havoc wrought by the " Alabama " and other cruisers fitted out for Confederate service in her ports, but that, for " that other damage, immense and infinite, caused by the prolongation of the war," the withdrawal of the British flag from this hemisphere could " not be abandoned as a condition or preliminary of such a settlement as is now proposed."
11380, That a revolution largely inspired by generous and humane feeling should have issued in such havoc and such crimes is a paradox which astounded spectators and still perplexes the historian.
11380, During the month of August bands of fanatical rioters in various parts of the country made havoc in the churches and religious houses, wrecking the altars, smashing the images and pictures, and carrying off the sacred vessels and other treasures on which they could lay their hands.
11380, The season was soon after Easter; the year may be safely deduced from the fact that the first nine canons are intended to repair havoc wrought in the church by persecution, which ceased after the overthrow of Maximinus in 313.
11380, On the one hand he is the god who, through bringing on the rain in due season, causes the land to become fertile, and, on the other hand, the storms that he sends out bring havoc and destruction.
11380, Partisans found that havoc had been played with their proof texts.
11380, The labours of the United States government have much extended and very greatly improved this navigation, materially lessening also the frequency and havoc of floods along the rich bottom-lands through which the rivers plough a tortuous way in the eastern and southern portions of the state.
11380, To this fact it owes its immunity from the forest fires which wreak frightful havoc among the surrounding forests.
11380, Burke uses, in reference to Hyder Ali, the same image which Demosthenes uses in reference to Philip. "Compounding all the materials of fury, havoc, desolation, into one black cloud, he hung for a while on the declivity of the mountains.
11380, The tough but flexible coarse grey paper (German Fliesspapier), upon which on the Continent specimens are commonly fixed by gummed strips of the same, is less hygroscopic than ordinary cartridge paper, but has the disadvantage of affording harbourage in the inequalities of its surface to a minute insect, Atropos pulsatoria, which commits great havoc in damp specimens, and which, even if noticed, cannot be dislodged without difficulty.
11380, Hamilton made Imbros his headquarters, and troops also were sometimes collected there owing to its vicinity both to Helles and to Anzac. Within the Dardanelles the battleship " Goliath " had been torpedoed by the Turkish destroyer " Muavenet-i-Milliye " on May 13; on the other hand British submarines were performing invaluable service, diving under the mine-fields, causing havoc amongst enemy craft in the channel itself and higher up, and threatening Ottoman communications with the peninsula.
11380, In Germany, where it wrought havoc and misery, it increased the already bitter resentment against the priests.
11380, It retained much of its Greek character and many of its finest public buildings, even after the havoc wrought by Marcellus.