epidemiologic in A Sentence


    Survival data, or more generally, time-to-event data(where the“event” can be death, disease, recovery, relapse or another outcome), is frequently encountered in Epidemiologic studies.


    Since 2006, 50-plus Epidemiologic studies have sought to identify an association between green tea consumption and cancer risk since 2006, however, results have varied.


    This online medical course will give an introduction to survival analysis and cover many of the types of survival data and analysis techniques regularly encountered in Epidemiologic research.


    Most Epidemiologic studies are observational, meaning that researchers look at a group of people with a certain characteristic or behavior and compare their health to that of a group without that characteristic or behavior.


    They suggest that a randomized trial is unlikely to detect such a small effect, but they recommend that future Epidemiologic studies of stroke and cardiovascular disease include hypertension disorders of pregnancy as a potential risk factor.


    Dr. Chavarro appropriately reminds the readers that no cause and effect relationship can be established from Epidemiologic research but unfortunately, this type of caveat is likely overlooked when it is followed by a discussion of erectile dysfunction.


    However, after much more research- including toxicology in rats and Epidemiologic studies in people- the IARC downgraded saccharin from a classification of“2B: possible human carcinogen” to“3: not classifiable,” and the U.S. National Toxicology Program removed saccharin from a 2016 report on carcinogens.


    Other illnesses such as one-time events like stroke and chronic conditions such as diabetes, as well as social problems such as domestic violence, are increasingly being integrated into Epidemiologic databases called disease registries that are being used in the cost-benefit analysis in determining governmental funding for research and prevention.


    Sugar substitutes like aspartame are designed to promote weight loss and decrease the incidence of metabolic syndrome, but a number of clinical and Epidemiologic studies have suggested that these products don't work very well and may actually make things worse,” says Richard Hodin, MD, lead author of a recent study on the matter.


    Sugar substitutes like aspartame are designed to promote weight loss and decrease the incidence of metabolic syndrome, but a number of clinical and Epidemiologic studies have suggested that these products don't work very well and may actually make things worse,” says Richard Hodin, MD, of the Mass General Department of Surgery, the study's senior author.
