Chirac played the sorcerer's apprentice by making the main axis of his campaign law and order, a longstanding theme of the FN.
Think of them struck another deal named chirac ' could images from a. Many feel boozer did over new to debut this month.
Chirac can claim with some justice to have somewhat dampened America's war fever.
Chirac had hardly endeared himself to Schröder by openly courting his opponent, Edmund Stoiber, during the election campaign.
Without Blair, Chirac will remain exposed to all sorts of petty revenge by American hawks.
More is at stake than just personal pique from Jacques Chirac.
The most popular candidate among party supporters is Lionel Jospin, the former prime minister, who lost to Jacques Chirac in 2002.
Within six weeks of his victory, Chirac announced the resumption of French nuclear tests in the South Pacific.
Chirac played the sorcerer 's apprentice by making the main axis of his campaign law and order, a longstanding theme of the FN.
Chirac may well cave in to demands to offer some solace to the shareholders, 80 per cent of whom are French.