Childers in A Sentence


    His list of such forms is much more complete than that given by Childers in the introduction to his Dictionary of the Pali Language.


    Childers occupied a succession of prominent posts in the various Gladstone ministries.


    During his term of office the Egyptian War occurred, in which Childers acted with creditable energy; and also the Boer War, in which he and his colleagues showed to less advantage.


    Childers was a capable and industrious administrator of the old Liberal school, and he did his best, in the political conditions then prevailing, to improve the naval and military administration while he was at the admiralty and war office.


    The Life (19m) of Mr Childers, by his son, throws some interesting side-lights on the inner history of more than one Gladstonian cabinet.


    The budget, which Childers brought forward as chancellor of the exchequer, was attacked by the Conservative party; and an amendment proposed by Sir Michael Hicks-Beach, condemning an increase in the duties on spirits and beer, was adopted by a small majority.


    Childers was the original chairman of this commission, which was appointed in 1894 with the object of determining the fiscal contribution of Ireland under Home Rule, and after his death in 1896 The O'Conor Don presided.


    The Stud-Book is silent, and other authorities differ, as to the date of the importation of this celebrated Arab, some saying he came over in the year 1700, others that he arrived somewhat later; but we know from the Stud-Book that Manica (foaled in 1707), Aleppo (1711), Almanzor (1713), and Flying Childers (1715) were got by him, as also was Bartlett's Childers, a younger brother of Flying Childers.


    Roxana threw in 1732 the bay colt Lath by the Godolphin Arabian, the sorrel colt Roundhead by Childers in 1733, and the bay colt Cade by the Godolphin Arabian in 1734, in which year she died within a fortnight after foaling, the produce-Cade-being reared on cow's milk.


    In 1731, being then the property of Mr. Coke, he was teazer to Hobgoblin, and on the latter refusing his services to Roxana, the mare was put to the Godolphin, and the produce was Lath (1732), the first of his get, and the most celebrated race-horse of his day after Flying Childers.


    Without prosecuting this subject further, it may be enough here to follow out the lines of the Darley Arabian, the Byerly Turk, and the Godolphin Arabian or Barb, the main ancestors of the British thoroughbred of the 18th and 19th centuries, through several famous race-horses, each and all brilliant winners,-Flying Childers, Eclipse, Herod and Matchem,-to whom it is considered sufficient to look as the great progenitors of the race-horse of to-day.


    The Darley Arabian's line is represented in a twofold degreefirst, through his son Flying Childers, his grandsons Blaze and Snip, and his great-grandson Snap, and, secondly, through his other son Bartlett's Childers and his great-great-grandson Eclipse.


    Flying or Devonshire Childers, so called to distinguish him from other horses of the same name, was a bay horse of entirely Eastern blood, with a blaze in his face and four white feet, foaled in 1715.


    He was bred by Mr Leonard Childers of Carr House near Doncaster, and was purchased when young by the duke of Devonshire.


    Careless was by Spanker from a Barb mare, so that Childers's dam was closely in-bred to Spanker.


    Snip too had a celebrated son called Snap (1750), and it is chiefly in the female line through the mares by these horses, of which there are fully thirty in the StudBook, that the blood of Flying Childers is handed down to us.


    The other representative line of the Darley Arabian is through Bartlett's Childers, also bred by Mr Leonard Childers, and sold to Mr Bartlett of Masham, in Yorkshire.


    He was for several years called Young Childers,-it being generally supposed that he was a younger brother of his Flying namesake, but his date of birth is not on record,-and subsequently Bartlett's Childers.


    Herod's dam was Cypron (1750) by Blaze (1733), son of Flying Childers.


    He was thus ten years the senior of Herod, representing the Byerly Turk, and sixteen years before Eclipse, though long subsequent to Flying Childers, who represent the Darley Arabian.


    Whether the race-horse of to-day is as good as the stock to which he traces back has often been disputed, chiefly no doubt because he is brought to more early maturity, commencing to win races at two years instead of at five years of age, as in the days of Childers and Eclipse; but the highest authorities, and none more emphatically than the late Admiral Rous, have insisted that he can not only stay quite as long as his ancestors, but also go a good deal faster.


    Childers printed handbills one morning to say that he had refused to meet the repealers.


    Shakespeare was the son of Hobgoblin by Aleppo, and consequently the male line of the Darley Arabian would come through these horses instead of through Bartlett's Childers, Squirt, and Marske; the Stud-Book, however, says that Marske was the sire of Eclipse.


    I doubt if Flying Childers ever carried a peck of corn to mill.