Chew in A Sentence


    Did you chew her out in front of everyone?


    Take the time to chew and savor your food.


    Might try to chew through my other arm.


    Puppy needs something to chew on to relive stress.


    I'm always cutting off more than I can chew.


    You might discover you bit off more than you could chew.


    You can also get chew toys made out of cholla.


    Chew the tablet slowly and savor the flavor for a long period of time before swallowing.


    Most puppies bite and chew their owners, and even growl, especially when they are playing.


    It came from Billy Morris, he took a throw in from Jackie Chew and turned his man before shrugging off another defender.


    This is comparable to problems encountered with other chew treats such as rawhide chews, cornstarch bones, pig's ears, and cow hooves.


    This means they are easier to chew and digest, and less likely to break into sharp splinters.A modified version of this diet involves using cooked meats, but in this case all poultry should be de-boned before serving.


    Spectacular jumps and imaginative ambushes give you plenty to chew on, but also provide refreshing contrast to other sections of the game.


    If you cover the air holes with screen, be sure to use a metal screen that the spider cannot chew through easily.


    It would appear that women who chew gum throughout their pregnancy are most at risk from having bouncy bairns.


    They ate nothing of the flesh without a split hoof, or that didn't chew a cud.


    These animals chew the cud but do not have divided hoofs.


    They will chew furniture and break your precious ornaments.


    To chew a part of this tree was believed to protect the person against negative forces including witchcraft.


    Make sure your puppy has some very hard toys to chew at to relieve teething pain.


    Puppies are adorable but they grow up quickly, chew your best shoes, and dig through the flower beds.


    Dogs have been known to choke on their kibble and get intestinal blockages from eating animal bones, so it's not quite so surprising that chew treats also pose some potential health hazards.


    Which kind of treats or chew bones do they get?


    Milke is the collaboration of esteemed producer Friendly who is also resident DJ at The End's Chew the Fat!


    Search for heritage accommodation in South West England Orchard House, Chew Stoke, Bristol A friendly home-from-home to use as your base.


    Chew gum, smoke, pick your nose or display any annoying traits or habits.


    Is it really worth the risk to add these elements if your dog may decide to chew on them?


    The Kong Dental Stick is a ridged tube of rubber that gently scrapes plaque away from his gums and teeth as he works on this chew toy.


    Are you willing to deal with the rigors of potty training and teaching your puppy not to chew everything in sight?


    Each chew treat is shaped like a toothbrush, but this is mainly a visual effect geared toward owners, since what dog is likely to make sure he's starting his treat at the proper end?


    Just how many chew treats should your dog have, and how often should you offer them?


    Only allow your pet to consume no more than one dental chew per day.


    There have been a few reports of dogs having trouble digesting this brand of chew treats, mainly resulting in bowel obstructions that required surgical intervention.


    Ideally, dogs will gradually wear the bones down as they chew, but in many of these cases, the problem seemed to stem from dogs swallowing large chucks, rather than gnawing off small shavings.


    As with any food product, bone or chew toy, keeping an eye on your dog while he's enjoying his treat will help assure the experience is a safe and pleasurable one.


    Let your dog chew it or enjoy a game of fetch together.


    Dog chew toys are fun for dogs, and can literally save a pet owner thousands of dollars.


    Dogs need to chew at various stages of their lives, and perhaps throughout their lives depending on the level of activity they need.


    Providing your dog with items that he is allowed to chew will keep him entertained and out of trouble.


    Chewing is a normal dog behavior, and most dogs need to chew at least during puppyhood.


    Many dogs will chew things when they are bored or do not get enough exercise, while others will gnaw on things to relieve stress.


    Providing your dog with a variety of things he is allowed to chew will keep him healthy and mentally stimulated.


    In a dog's estimation, if something is not a friend, food, water, or in general is useless, it is a chew toy.


    One of the best ways to keep your dog's chew toy collection novel and interesting is to change the toys you leave out for him every couple of days.


    This will encourage your dog chew the things he is allowed to chew, thereby avoiding more expensive items such as furniture.


    It is safe for your dog to chew and swallow this chewable dog toy, as there are no plastic parts or ingredients.


    Watch your dog play with the toy, and remove it if he is able to chew it into smaller pieces.


    After that, around four to five weeks of age, begin errorless house training, chew toy training, socialization and handling.


    There are several types of bone chew toys available for dog bones.


    Selecting a rawhide chew toy large enough for your dog will ensure that your dog gets hours of enjoyment from this simple and inexpensive toy.


    Nylabone makes several varieties of dental chew toys for dogs of all sizes.


    Only a few types of sturdy toys are safe for unsupervised play--hard rubber toys (Kong) and hard chew toys (nylabone).


    Small chew toys are easier for a little dog with small teeth to handle.


    You now have a rope toy that dogs will love to chase and chew on.


    Does your dog chew up the carpet and furniture?


    Your dog will not escape when housekeeping comes in, and this way he cannot bite a stranger nor can he chew up the room.


    Raw bones are generally easier to chew than cooked bones.


    If bored or isolated too long, they may become destructive and chew for entertainment.


    Can my dog chew through the bed and hurt himself?


    It is true that some dogs can chew through anything and will do so for reasons only known to the dog.


    However, the soft material may not be a good choice for a teething puppy or an adult dog who likes to chew furniture or toys.


    She may become listless and may even lose the will to chew on herr favorite toy.


    As puppies, they teeth and may feel the need to chew to alleviate the discomfort of new teeth coming in.


    You can now even buy toys that you can put dog toothpaste on before you let your dog chew it.


    Try to purchase several different shapes of chew toys since having only one or two toys can become boring.


    The strap buckle and nose strap were not durable, especially for dogs who like to chew.


    The only drawback is that you'll have to watch and make sure that mom or the pups don't decide to chew on the cord.


    When the fungus is present, dogs may exhibit anything from general to severe irritation on their feet, and most will lick and chew around their toes in an attempt to soothe the itch.


    Puppies love to explore their surroundings and frequently chew on anything in sight including power cords and other dangerous items.


    Have chew toys or rawhides on hand for the puppy to play with to help curb his need for chewing or biting.


    Lab pups are known to chew on things, including furniture, and become destructive if they get bored.


    Keeping your pup in a crate with safe chewing toys, such as indestructible plastic chew toys, can protect your belongings and help keep your pet entertained when you can't be there to supervise him.


    Slugs and snails love to chew on leaves, particularly hosta and other plants growing in moist, shady locations.


    It is easy to bite off more than you can chew.


    Grinding up the raw bones will make it easier for your cat to chew and digest.


    Since babies naturally hold things close to themselves and even chew on them, they are more likely to be affected by constant exposure to conventional cotton.


    Yahoo Answers offers some mixed responses (and some sage advice about dogs liking the device as a chew toy).


    They help the child to bite and chew food, help them speak correctly, save space for the child's permanent teeth, and help guide the permanent teeth into place.


    Raw fruit is difficult for babies to chew properly because their teeth are just developing.


    People who chew tobacco have an increased risk of heart disease and mouth and throat cancer.


    Don't bite your nails or chew on objects because they can introduce bacteria to your mouth.


    Some dogs have jaws that seem like they could chew through a truck bumper, so it's no wonder that the average dog toy doesn't last very long.


    The classic red Kong is easily recognizable after enduring in the market for so many years, and makes quite a serviceable chew toy.


    If you give a determined dog enough time, he can probably chew the tires off a truck.


    They may also chew on painted surfaces such as windowsills.


    Again she wondered if she had bit off more than she could chew.


    In contrast, retronasal olfaction occurs when we chew and swallow food, or slurp a wine.


    Mouth cancer is much more common in parts of the world where people chew betel quid.


    Pull faces in the loo mirror, have a big yawn or chew a pretend toffee.


    People who chew with their mouths open really annoy me.


    Just give her lots of extra attention and something cold to chew on, such as a semi-frozen washcloth or teething ring.


    Each time she misses an answer, hand her a piece of bubblegum to chew.


    Almost any food that is soft and easy to chew can become a finger food.


    But keep an eye on your pet, as some cats will try to chew on the plastic.


    Mom will break the sack and chew the cord to separate the kitten.


    She would chew on bones and meat, and would also ingest stomach contents of her prey.


    Kittens like to climb, jump, taste new things and even chew on cords.


    Do check to see if any of your plants are poisonous to cats because most cats will chew on a house plant.


    There are special grasses that you can grow indoors for your kitten to chew on.


    Finally with God's intervention, I called my ex-girlfriend to chew her out and her mother answered the phone, whom I was very fond of.


    Continuing to smoke, chew tobacco, or use other products that contain nicotine can result in a nicotine overdose.


    Smokeless tobacco is also known as dip, chew, chaw, and plug.


    And, just like with cigarettes, using snuff or chew can become a habit that's as hard to kick as the physical addiction.


    I use to always brush my teeth, use mouthwash, chew gum, and use a breath mint or spray or something before I kissed her, if I smoked.


    Tobacco the lead ingredient in both cigarettes and chew is the cause of around 440,000 yearly deaths and those deaths are sadly preventable.


    People who choose to chew tobacco are still risking their health.


    Growing up I developed overgrowth of my jaw, causing it to look protruded and making it difficult to chew food.


    Most dogs love to chew, so it is important that the dog clothes you buy don't have hidden choking hazards.


    Many people also give their pets plush chew toys, and these should also be chosen with great care.


    Eventually he will be comfortable enough to remain inside the crate with his chew toy, but don't close the door the first few times he does.


    Dogs have an ingrained need to chew, and they'll chew anything available unless you teach them not to.


    Then give him the Kong with a happy "Good Dog" to show him this is what he is allowed to chew on.


    In fact, you may be keeping him from injuring himself if he were to chew on a live electrical cord, or an item that could poison or choke him.


    This bite usually results in tooth loss because the dog is unable to chew properly and gum disease ensues.


    What drives one dog to chew another dog's fur off?


    Place the unit near the area where your dog sleeps, but not so close that he might feel tempted to chew on the cord.


    These animals must have cloven hooves and chew their cud.


    Children should sit still while eating and chew food thoroughly.


    Food is also a choking hazard, especially for children under three who do not know how to chew food thoroughly.


    Food-related choking usually occurs because infants and young children do not chew their food well, and larger pieces can become stuck in their throat.


    Some hypotonic children also have trouble feeding and are unable to suck or chew for long periods.


    Properly aligned teeth, which close together correctly, simplify oral hygiene and enable children to chew their food efficiently.


    Missing baby teeth can also result in the adult teeth coming in crooked, the child having to chew on one side of his or her mouth, and speech delays.


    Adolescents may chew ice due to peer pressure or because they are deficient in iron.


    A compulsion to chew on ice cubes or to eat soil is also an indication of iron deficiency.


    They should chew sugarless gum or eat sugar-free hard candy to redirect the oral fixation that comes with smoking and to prevent weight gain.


    Electrical burns may be prevented by covering unused electrical outlets with safety plugs and keeping electrical cords away from infants and toddlers who might chew on them.


    To temporarily relieve the dry mouth, chew sugarless gum, suck on sugarless candy or ice chips, or use saliva substitutes, which come in liquid and tablet forms and are available without a prescription.


    Lastly, for both men and women, don't chew gum.


    Do not let your baby chew or suck on the nipple, but on the whole areola.


    If your dog likes to chew, make sure to tightly sew all the seams in the dog bed.


    Chews are thought to be good for absorption because digestion begins in the mouth; as you chew the supplement, the process of chewing begins breaking down the candy-like calcium chew, making the vitamins more readily available.


    Bush chew toy is guaranteed to be a hit at your next holiday party!


    Knit or crochet a cuddly chew toy for your favorite pooch.


    The pups’ rendition of "The 12 Days of Christmas" includes flea collars and chew toys.


    This experiment also works if you simply chew the candy in a dark closet--but it's more easily viewable if you smash it by hammer.


    Whether your dog mistakes them for a chew toy, they get dirty, or you just want an updated shoe, your shoe laces are probably going to need replacing at some point.


    If you absolutely must eat solid food, chew very slowly because the swelling makes it more likely that you could accidently bite your tongue.


    Don't chew on common objects like pens or silverware.


    In the case of the Martha's Vineyard Detox Diet, you aren't actually eating anything in the sense of having to chew.


    You can get past the craving if you act quickly and substitute a health movement or something to chew for the craving.


    Juicing vegetables allows your body to absorb nutrients faster than if you have to chew them because your digestive system does not have to deal with all that fiber.


    However, it is important to chew foods thoroughly and to eat very slowly since the stomach fills very quickly.


    She would chew her food and then spit it into a cup, and her daughter was starting to do the same thing.


    Given more time, he'd have preferred to put the bike on the car's rack and chew up some countryside miles, tour­ing the hills and farm lands that surrounded Parkside.


    Pecora, or true ruminants as they may be conveniently called, have complex stomachs and chew the cud; they have no upper incisor teeth; and the lower canines are approximated to the outer incisors in such a manner that the three incisors and the one canine of the two sides collectively form a continuous semicircle of four pairs of nearly similar teeth.


    The natives chew betel nuts instead of tobacco, and to the production of these nuts they devote more than 60,000 acres.


    Laurens displayed bravery even to rashness in the storming of the Chew mansion at Germantown; at Monmouth, where he saved Washington's life, and was himself severely wounded; and at Coosahatchie, where, with a handful of men, he defended a pass against a large English force under General Augustine Prevost, and was.


    In old age they appear much ground down; particularly is this the case with women, who chew the different kinds of fibres, of which they make nets and bags.


    He then studied law in the office in Philadelphia of Benjamin Chew, and was admitted to the bar in 1761.


    She could tuck it back in her mind and chew on it later or she could do something about it now.


    Sofi would chew him out if he gave Bianca to her like she was, and he himself couldn't help but feel somewhat concerned that she'd gone unresponsive.


    I know, you think he had his hands full raising me, and I'm sure he did, but if I had let him, he would have told me which side to chew my breakfast on.


    He was present at Princeton; was chiefly responsible for the mistake in attacking the "Chew House" at Germantown; urged New York as the objective of the campaign of 1778; served with efficiencylat Monmouth and at Yorktown; and after the surrender of Cornwallis was promoted major-general, and served as a commissioner on the exchange of prisoners.