Even the " cheerleading " from the White House and the economic gurus has not revived the sagging economy.
The plot takes the audience through the politics of the sports team, cheerleading squad, dance club, faculty and administration.
Many of the previous attendees compare the event to a cross between summer camp, cheerleading practice, and a sorority rush.
School sports include basketball, bowling, cheerleading, flag football, soccer, tennis, volleyball, and wrestling.
The mascot may coordinate his or her antics with the cheerleading squad.
Paying for the tween to take guitar lessons at a local music store or to attend basketball or cheerleading camp can be a very nice gift that will be appreciated and remembered for years to come.
She was a member of her high school's cheerleading squad and a gymnast for seven years.
Bobby Brown was nabbed at his daughter's cheerleading competition on a warrant for failing to appear at a child support hearing in October 2006.
She attended Van Nuys High School, where she was a member of the cheerleading squad.
Offers some specific fleece warm up pants that are aimed at sports like soccer, cheerleading and dance.
Today's cheerleaders are true athletes, having the ability to jump, flip, tumble and fly (in a cheerleading stunt of course).
Girls who participate in cheerleading in high school understand the team work that is necessary for developing strong routines.
A cheerleading squad performs well when everyone works together in a team effort.
On the collegiate level, cheerleading is about leadership, cooperation, team building and successful integration.
Cheerleading is more dangerous than baseball or basketball and often results in high intensity injuries that can take a lifetime to recover from.
School spirit is often placed into the trusted hands of the cheerleading squads.
Being a part of a college cheerleading squad is a commitment.
Interested in using cheerleading to get a college scholarship?
Most colleges that field cheerleading squads will offer some type of scholarship or financial aid program associated with the sport.
Send a letter of interest and request a packet from the college's cheerleading staff office.
To learn more about what it's like to be a cheerleader, visit LoveToKnow Cheerleading.
With a pair of bloomers or shorts underneath your cheerleading skirt, you are ready for anything you have planned on Halloween.
You can play this game by itself or with others as you create the perfect cheerleading squad to take to the championship.
Students with concerns or specific health problems, such as asthma or diabetes, should check with their family doctor before joining a team that requires physical activity, such as a sport or cheerleading.
Some may be familiar with Latin style moves to put a saucy tone to the routine, while others may be able to do fancy cheerleading stunts that can change the level of the entire dance.
So groups of students began to come together, rehearsing choreography that was both more complex and less stunt-based than cheerleading routines.
Similar to cheerleading, dance teams have certain moves to perform that the judges are usually looking to see performed well.
As with cheerleading, the art of a fantastic dance team is having a large number of people who can perform the same movement in exactly the same manner at exactly the same instant in time.
Throughout history there have been various dance talent contests, whether in conjunction with other competitions (such as cheerleading) or sponsored by dance studios like Tremayne.
The Jacksonville Jaguars swimsuit calendar is composed of The Roar, the Jacksonville cheerleading team.
These women do a great job of dispelling the "I'm a young airhead" myth that seems to surround cheerleading.
The Jacksonville Jaguars swimsuit calendar is also called The Roar, and it pays homage to this fantastic cheerleading team.
On the official Jaguars website, you can search for all the latest appearances for this much in demand cheerleading team.
Each pack contains a different outfit and related accessories, such as a ballet tutu and ballet slippers, a pair of pajamas with slippers to match or a cheerleading outfit and pom poms.
After School - Lexa wears a cheerleading uniform, Avery has a sporty casual outfit, and Sophina is ready for dance class.
Get a jump-start on the fund raising with a list of fund raising ideas for your school, dance team, cheerleading organization, church, sports and more.
Pre-teens may find it interesting to find out the per-cookie cost, especially if the cookies are going to be sold as a fundraiser for their soccer team or cheerleading outfits.
They offer specialized footwear for running, walking, cheerleading, tennis and even for kids.
Yet, if your little girl is requiring hip hop dance shoes for a class or for cheerleading, always inquire of the instructor as to what is expected.
For fitness dancing, cheerleading, performing or just a strenuous night at the club, you need the right women's athletic dance shoes to keep your feet happy through the workout.
Shoes designed specifically for cheerleading will look the most like an ordinary sneaker but are more lightweight.
Good for group dance and cheerleading, and featuring twelve color chips to match a team's color, this sneaker has a full leather upper and ventilated toe.
Over the years, the brand has expanded to include products for many sports, including walking, running, cheerleading, tennis, volleyball, field sports, wrestling, cross training, and others.
Cheerleading fundraising is a way of life for many squads that are less than fully funded by the schools and organizations they represent.
Cheerleading is certainly fun, but is isn't all fun and games.
By raising extra money through cheerleading fundraising for a "rainy day" fund, you can cover some of these unexpected costs aside from your yearly budget.
The following safety tips should be kept in mind while participating in cheerleading fundraising.
Cheerleading fundraising is hard but necessary work.
Welcome to Cheerleading at LoveToKnow, where you'll find a community that's as excited about cheering as you are.
Learn about the history of cheerleading, how to raise funds for your team and much more.
LoveToKnow knows all there is to know about the where and the what of different cheerleading gear.
LoveToKnow Cheerleading is open to your suggestions.
Nothing makes a game more fun to watch than a great cheerleading dance at halftime.
Cheerleading dances are also a major element in competitions and so no doubt, your squad will spend hours perfecting dance routines.
Once you've learned about twenty four counts of the cheerleading dance, try dancing just that much to the music.
Improper arm, hand or foot positioning - remember that a cheerleading dance is a precision routine.
Once you've accomplished the basic list of cheerleading jumps, you'll likely want some solid improvement tips for cheerleading jumps.
However, there are some tips that will help just about anyone improve his/her cheerleading jumps and impress the coaches, judges and other cheerleaders on the squad.
Stretching can also help with other cheerleading skills such as splits cheer dances and kicks.
One of the best tips for cheerleading jumps and perfecting form is to practice the jump on the ground.
College cheerleading stunts take the choreography of high school teams to the next level.
For example, in the cheerleading stunt known as the "cupie," the flyer starts simply enough, putting her right foot into the base's hands.
There may be more technical dance training needed for college cheerleading stunts as well.
Of all the moves seen on the sidelines, cheerleading pyramids stunts are the biggest attention-grabbers.
There are several methods for creating cheerleading pyramids stunts, but before they are attempted there are safety issues that need to be addressed.
For a cheerleading squad, watching the moves in these four movies can be instructive!
Torrance, the new captain of the reigning National Champion high school cheerleading team, discovers that their ex-captain has stolen all of their routines from an inner city cheerleading squad.
In the face of having their programs cut, several inexperienced but talented college freshman come together to put a cheerleading squad together to beat the current reigning champions and their horrid taskmaster captain, Tina.
Leaving her current high school, senior Britney Allen tries to join the cheerleading squad of her new high school in a rough inner city neighborhood.
Forbidden love and great cheerleading; what more could you want?
While the Bring It On series isn't exactly the brightest star in cinematography, you can watch the films to try to pick out some of those great cheerleading moves and cheers.
Bring It On uses a variety of cheerleading styles, most notably an urban, hip hop flavor.
Every squad wants to make their cheerleading cheers and chants the best they can possibly be.
Once you know the basic steps, choreographing cheerleading cheers and chants, as well as following choreography for a routine, will be much easier.
For many squads, cheer camp is a place to hone skills, learn about cheerleading, and begin bonding with new squad members.
Most cheerleading camps will spend several hours a day cheering, learning routines, practicing stunts and learning new tumbling.
The American Cheerleading Association holds camps in Oklahoma and Texas every summer.
They will also put on private cheerleading camps.
Champion Cheerleading offers camps for different levels from Basic camp to a Varsity squad only, "Beast" camp.
Cheer Michigan offers cheerleading camp experiences for squads that are in or near Michigan.
With this in mind, you will want to be sure your gymnastics skills and stunts are the best they can possibly be if you're planning to try out for high school cheerleading.
In the past, cheerleading has not always gotten the respect it deserves as a competitive sport, but modern squads are changing these misconceptions.
Due to the competitive nature of cheerleading these days, many universities are now recruiting cheerleaders for their competitive squads.
Where basketball and golf once dominated, many of today's high school cheerleaders are finding that colleges now offer cheerleading scholarships.
High school cheerleading is a time filled with fun, friends and sports.
Not only will cheerleading help high school girls and guys stay conditioned and in shape, but it can open up social possibilities and the opportunity to meet new people.
The National Cheerleader's Association offers a variety of NCA cheerleading competitions throughout the year that are geared to meet the needs of many different cheerleading levels.
Getting involved in competitions sponsored by the National Cheerleading Association (NCA) is easy.
In addition, most squads find it very helpful to attend cheerleading camp in the summer before the school year begins.
However you get there, competing in NCA cheerleading competitions is sure to help your squad improve their overall cheerleading skills.
The National Cheerleader's Association really tries to reach a variety of age groups and ability levels in order to give as many cheerleading squads as possible the opportunity to compete.
Drill on your stunts and other cheerleading skills.
The UCLA Cheerleading squad is made up of male and female couples.
Dance squad members must be able to learn 50 or more dance routines, be able to work with pom pons and be familiar with cheerleading arm motions, but they do not tumble or do stunts.
Somewhat unique to collegiate level cheerleading is the UCLA Yell Crew.
While cheerleading and dancing has taken on a new life form of performing arts and athleticism, the yell crew harks back to the roots of cheerleading.
However, in addition to that, they are also are required to attend practices, personal training sessions, cheerleading boot camp, and perform at all home games and several away games.
If you've had cheerleading experience, go ahead and try out for all the positions on the squad.
In this age of the Internet and overnight delivery, finding exactly the right uniforms for your squad and getting them quickly from a reliable dealer with a good supply of cheerleading uniforms in stock is rather easy.
Any quick google search for "in-stock cheerleading uniforms" will lead to many, many sites that claim to be the one-stop shop for all of your cheerleading needs.
Compare that with the packages offered at Cheerleading Online.
With other features such as a "closeout" section and free shipping for orders over $100, this would seem to be a much better site for ordering cheerleading uniforms and accessories.
With a little effort, your squad will have the style and confidence of a well-equipped cheerleading team.
More often, though, cheerleading squads spend a lot of time fundraising by selling candy or other items.
This helps fund the uniforms, the shoes, and also field trips to see other cheerleading squads.
This can turn junior high school cheerleading into a year-round activity.
While the athleticism and performance aspects of cheerleading demand a certain physique as well as a certain amount of showmanship, even the most pleasant of appearances can be soured by a bad attitude.
A cheerleading squad travels together, spends at least a few hours a day in practice together, and works together to perform.
Most cheerleaders are involved in community service organizations and donate their time and talents in other areas besides just cheerleading.
Some even get involved in cheerleading as a means to do more community service.
Check out LTK's Cheerleading Pictures slideshow to see cheerleaders whose inner spirit shines through.
The cheerleading squad also plans pep rallies before games, and decorates the hallways and team lockers.
Fundraising, for example, may have them selling candy or other goods to pay for uniforms, shoes and sometimes to help less-privileged members make it to cheerleading clinics and camps.
Cheerleading can take any young woman far.
Depending on the size of your squad and the organization it represents (college vs. high school, or middle school vs. an All Star squad) there are a variety of cheerleading outfits that your squad can wear to show off their spirit!
Generally, you will also find basketball cheerleaders wearing more traditional cheerleading outfits.
However, cheerleading outfits can change drastically for these sporting events.
The goal is to give the cheerleaders a uniform look by having matching cheerleading outfits, but to make sure that the cheerleaders are comfortable while at other events.
You can customize cheerleading shirts and shorts through most major suppliers.
Putting out their own calendar each year is just one of many philanthropic endeavors this cheerleading powerhouse performs.
The calendar became available for purchase in July of 2008 and can be purchased on the Eagles Cheerleading website.
In the first skit, the viewer learns that Ariana and Craig tried out for the real cheerleading team and were cut.
The reality is, not everyone makes the squad after cheerleading try outs.
In addition, if you're really serious about making the cheerleading squad, you can use the year off to better prepare yourself for next year's try outs.
You can read a complete history of the Dallas Cowboys cheerleading squad at their official website.
Coming up with fresh cheerleading moves game after game can be a real challenge.
Being unique in this age of cheerleading is a real challenge.
Cheerleading, as a sport, has exploded with competitions in all 50 states as well as televised National Championships.
With that said, read on to find a few ways to come up with new cheerleading moves.
Make sure the choreographer has some kind of cheerleading background, especially if you're choreographing stunts into the routine.
An excellent teaching video, this video shows a dance routine being taught that is an great example of traditional cheerleading moves blended with a little hip hop.
With the history of cheer as rich and layered as it is, there is no shortage of cheerleading quotes ranging from the deep and wise to the ridiculously funny.
These often delve into the real purpose of cheerleading and the role cheerleaders play in the course of a game.
Another category of cheerleading quotes belongs in the realm of advice given from one cheerleader to another, ranging from exhortations of courage to cautionary phrases about the dangers of letting ego and vanity get the better of you.
This shoe is designed for the squad that has gotten back to its roots in cheerleading and performs cheers during games.
Cheer and Pom offers a full selection of cheerleading shoes from several brands.
Cheerleading Online offers a complete selection of cheerleading shoes.
Whether you call them cheerleading bloomers, spankies or cheerleader briefs, this is one piece of equipment you cannot live without!
If you are ordering your uniform separately, it's important to know which type of cheerleading bloomers you actually need.
Cheerleading bloomers, generally referred to as "spankies" in cheer speak, are most often made of some combination of Lycra and polyester and will have the feel of spandex.
They are always in a color that coordinates with your uniform because as you tumble and leap, it's the cheerleading bloomers that the crowd will see!
Many cheerleading squads opt for full body suits.
However, remember that wearing longer skirts prohibits some of the advanced tumbling of more elite cheerleading squads.
These cheerleading bloomers go by a variety of names, but are best described as short shorts.
Remember, the purpose of cheerleading bloomers is for modesty.
With that said, some girls, especially those who are very new to cheerleading, find it very uncomfortable to wear spankies by themselves.
Cheerleading injuries are the dark side of an otherwise very fun and happy sport.
The whole purpose of cheerleading is to make it seem easy to be enthusiastic about the team, even to the point of flying through the air.
Even if the cheerleader seems okay, the incident certainly should be treated as a catastrophic cheerleading injury.
Surprisingly, they are usually not for the cheerleaders - in fact, in most states, cheerleading is considered an "activity" like chess or French club, not an actual sport.
This is in spite of the fact that cheerleading is responsible for more injuries than all the other women's sports put together.
Schools can invest in safety equipment such as proper cheerleading shoes, mats and rehearsal spaces for their cheer squads.
Giving them things to do on the sidelines - taking notes during practice, coming up with new routines, or even videotaping performances - can help squad members stay involved and productive while cheerleading injuries heal.
Adding cheerleading clipart megaphones, some pom pons or even cute little cheerleaders can really add to the visual appeal of your flyers, hand outs and posters.
Megaphones in particular, are a great way to make that announcement for game day, cheerleading try outs or anything else that you have to announce to your squad.
There are many places to find cheerleading clip art online.
Make sure to come for cheerleading try outs!
Remember, any type of cheerleading clipart megaphone, pom pons or even sports things like a basketball or football will always add some visual appeal to what you're presenting.
In addition, when it's something to pass out for the whole school, it communicates that the cheerleading squad has put attention and thought into their presentations!
Obviously, before your squad gets any other type of cheerleading clothes or accessories, you want to make sure that you have a great uniform.
However, once you have your uniform, there is a plethora of cheerleading clothes and accessories to choose from.
Mount Olympus Awards offers specific cheerleading patches to go on their jackets.
Cheerleading uniforms are cold in the winter!
When it comes to cheerleading clothes, sweats are almost an imperative.
They can be worn to school, at night during camp when it's colder or under your cheerleading skirt when the weather is really uncooperative.
Cheer Etc. has one of the best selections for cheerleading clothes, including sweats.
Q-Gifts allows you to submit your own artwork to customize any cheerleading clothes you buy from them.
Whatever you decide to do with your squad, having extra cheerleading apparel for them helps save money and preserve uniforms.
It is very helpful if the cheerleading captains plan for the football game and even practice for it before hand.
Crowds love it when the cheerleading squad does "tricks" in unison.
Whatever you're looking for, chances are good that you can find it in the Cheerleading Cheers Category.
Whether or not cheerleading is officially considered a sport at your school, there are still many cheerleading dangers that you should be wary of.
While some would argue that cheerleading is in fact more dangerous than football, others would point out that many safety precautions can be put in place to avoid injury most of the time.
Like all sports, cheerleading carries a risk, but cheerleading dangers do not have to be unnecessarily high if you take the proper safety precautions.
There are many ways to avoid cheerleading dangers.
Among cheerleading dangers, a flyer getting dropped on her head is probably one of the most dangerous and has the most serious potential consequences.
While the most catastrophic cheerleading injuries occur when a flyer falls, there are other cheerleading dangers such as sprained ankles, torn ligaments, and similar injuries.
The demands of cheerleading require that cheerleaders be strong--not just in their arms and legs but throughout their entire core.
With that said, things do happen in sports, and cheerleading is no exception.
Cheerleading hello cheers can be used in a variety of ways.
They can be used to introduce the cheerleading squad, the team, or as a means of invigorating the crowd into cheering their hearts out.
Remember that your cheerleading hello cheers set the tone for the entire game.
However, they have also been the center of one of the most recent cheerleading controversies in college football.
In September of 2008, the girls arrived to their first game dressed in two piece uniforms that included a "barely there" halter top and a shorter-than-short cheerleading skirt.
Advocates for cheerleading, particularly all-star and competitive cheerleading say that the skimpy uniforms are necessary.
The other side of the debate maintains that cheerleading was once a wholesome activity.
What separates cheerleading or even dance squads from a girl on the beach wearing a bikini?
The desire to implement uniform guidelines is one argument for regulating cheerleading as a sport; then things like uniform length and bare midriffs would have rules and boundaries.
Go and read something about the history of cheerleading, or moves for floor cheers, or something more useful.
Among the many competitions out there for cheerleading, All Star cheerleading competitions are some of the most competitive and highly viewed.
As with any cheerleading competition, the All Star cheerleading competitions have different levels, and squads must work their way up through each progressive level.
Making it past the different levels of All Star cheerleading competitions takes a lot of work and dedication from each and every team member.
Creating an unstoppable cheerleading squad does not happen overnight; it's built through team bonds, trust and skill.
These are just a few of the many ways a team can be successful and pull off an amazing routine that will warrant them a place in the cheerleading records.
High school cheerleading teams are different than college or pro squads in more ways than just the ages of the participants.
When the day of the game comes the high school cheerleading squad may ride in a bus to the away games or simply drum up support in their own community, drawing more than just student fans to the bleachers.
The other side of high school cheerleading teams are the competitions.
The rules for competition are created by the American Association of Cheerleading Coaches and Administrators (AACCA).
Not all high school cheerleading teams choose to participate in competitions, but those that do usually take them as seriously as any other sport.
Another major difference between pro and college cheerleading versus high school cheerleading is the fact that the members of the squad are minors.
Some cheerleading bags are for equipment, but cheeleading spirit bags are designed to motivate the team.
Rather than a simple duffel bag, the school should purchase matching and durable cheerleading bags for all the squad members.
It's hard to say exactly what should go into cheerleading bags.
It can be a good idea to have some "standard" things in the cheerleading bags, so that in the heat of performance it's easy to find a piece of equipment such as a spare set of cheerleading pom poms or a band-aid.
Spare uniform - Having extra cheerleading skirts, tops, shoes, and other essential pieces of the uniform make it easier to recover from any wardrobe malfunctions like tears or spills.
Street clothes - As great as it is to wear your cheer uniform to show school spirit, having extra clothes that you can change into after the game or competition is a good thing to keep in your cheerleading bag.
This spare CD can go into the squad captain's cheerleading bag.
There are many, many places to buy cheerleading bags - any sporting goods store will have some selection, and as cheerleaders are athletes a bag designed for athletes will work.
When looking for free clipart, cheerleading squads have a wide selection to choose from.
Check with your local office supply store to see which kind of creative options you can find for printing your cheerleading clipart.
Unless you're very lucky, you won't find the exact right free clipart - cheerleading or otherwise - it will be too big, too small or the wrong colors.
Most of them have prior cheerleading experience as well.
Cheerleading is not as glamorous as it might seem, but rather it is a lot of hard work.
The Falcons volunteers with numerous organizations including a junior cheerleading squad and local schools.
This group consists of twelve to fifteen ladies who are already a regular part of the cheerleading squad.
No doubt, cheerleading is a lot of work for these ladies.
The best way to find a source for cheerleading uniforms would be to use Google or some other search engine to discover several different cheerleading uniform vendors so you can do a side-by-side comparison.
Typing in cheerleading uniforms yields many results such as the major vendor Cheerdeals.
This friendly, colorful site makes it easy to purchase both in-stock and custom cheerleading uniforms, bags, shoes and other accessories.
Most stores that supply athletic shoes include cheerleading shoes in their stock.
When Where can I find cheerleading uniforms? runs through your head, remember that it's one of the easier parts of running a squad, and take the time to get the perfect look for your cheerleaders.
Dancing has become such an integral part of cheerleading; squads generally perform during half time, at camp and during competitions.
It's impossible to pinpoint exactly how dancing became a part of cheerleading.
The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders, although not the first cheerleading squad of this nature, definitely set the tone for professional cheerleading squads in terms of the type of role NFL cheerleaders played during a game.
Although it's not the only example, it is a predominant example of cheerleading and dancing being integrally mixed and even somewhat synonymous.
On the high school and college level, the fact that cheerleading squads are not recognized as sports teams also plays a role in how dancing became integrated with cheerleading.
Some schools cannot obtain insurance for cheerleading squads that perform risky stunts and consequently, squads were left with dancing to spice up routines.
In fact, the national competition circuit in the '80s was definitively referred to as "cheerleading competitions".
Now, you'll notice that the nationally televised ESPN cheerleading competition is technically the World Cheer and Dance Competition.
Competition in cheerleading inadvertently launched dance into the cheerleading scene as squads continued to come up with new and interesting choreography.
Cheerleading if nothing else, is about precision movement.
The place to begin bolstering school spirit is with the cheerleading squad.
Why not set up a community clinic for football or junior cheerleading that lets the future members of your school come, participate and get excited?
Cheerleading seems to become more competitive every year, but if you haven't yet had the opportunity to see cheer extreme, you haven't seen anything yet!
Today's cheerleading squad is different than the squads from thirty years ago.
Extreme cheerleading squads have formed all over the country.
There are many different competitions available for extreme cheerleading.
Many of these competitions are hosted by various gyms in the area and professional gyms are also often home to cheerleading squads.
If anyone out there still had questions about whether or not cheerleading should be a sport, ten minutes watching one of these competitions would put those questions to rest.
As cheerleading becomess more competitive, competition circuits are seeing more advanced cheerleading stunts.
You can (and should if possible) learn advanced techniques from a gym that specializes in teaching cheerleading.
Advanced cheerleading stunts can be real crowd pleasers, but keep in mind that squad safety should always come first.
A basic part of any cheerleading uniform, spankies provide cheerleaders with coverage for when they kick, twirl, jump, and tumble.
While this reflected the style of the day, cheerleading was beginning to change too - becoming more physical.
By the 1970s, cheerleading was emerging as a sport, culminating in 1978 with the national broadcast of the Collegiate Cheerleading Championships.
By the following decade, modern cheerleading was well on its way.
Given the new physical demands of cheerleading, uniforms needed to be unrestrictive.
He played an active role in the development of the sport of cheerleading in the 1940s including founding the National Cheerleader's Association (NCA).
He also helped lead the first cheerleading camp.
The jackets come in many styles and combinations, but the classic cloth body (wool, cotton or some synthetic fabric) with leather sleeves and cotton cuffs is the usual choice of sports teams and cheerleading squads.
After not making the real Spartan cheerleading squad, they show up at a football game as "unofficial cheerleaders", but of course cause enough havoc to be asked to leave by a "real" Spartan cheerleader played by Quentin Tarantino.
Not only is cheerleading at a chess tournament deemed ridiculous (even the chess team makes fun of them now), but the Spartan cheers are also ridiculous.
May 9, 1998; almost disqualified from cheer camp, Paula Abdul saves the day when she agrees to be a member of the Spartan cheerleading squad.
However, the cheerleading and pom squad will sometimes create their own jackets or a version of a letterman jacket depending on the school's policy regarding letters for athletes and the school's stance on cheerleading as an athletic sport.
However, cheerleaders are not always offered the opportunity to earn a letter because the school doesn't recognize cheerleading as a sport.
Consequently, many cheerleaders letter in another sport and wear a pin supporting their cheerleading squad on their letterman jacket.
Other times, the cheerleading squad simply decides to choose something that goes with their uniforms better and can be worn when it's cold.
Nothing says "cheerleading web page" like good old fashioned pom poms clip art.
The iconic tool of the cheerleader, pom poms have been one visual symbol of all that is cheerleading.
Are you wondering which cheer camp clothes you need for your upcoming cheerleading camp trip?
While it may seem to you that cheerleading is a workout in and of itself, cheerleading puts different kinds of stresses on your shoes than jogging or dancing.
You can use your cheer shoes for dancing if three pairs of good quality athletic shoes are a tad too much for your wallet in addition to camp costs, and then you just need cheerleading shoes and running/aerobic shoes.
You and your squad might want to buy sassy T-shirts that proclaim your love for cheerleading or something that really speaks to your personality as a squad.
Cheerleading clipart is easy to find, and using it is a great way to dress up whatever you're making.
Resources for cheerleading clipart abound if you know where to look!
However, they do have a fair selection of Vector cheerleading images.
Good clipart images that specifically indicate cheerleaders or cheerleading can be difficult to find.
You can get away with using a basketball image instead of something that has more to do with cheerleading.
Still looking for more resources on cheerleading clipart?
The Toros cheers from Bring It On, the breakthrough movie about competitive cheerleading, are both good and bad examples of real cheerleading skill.
There are two parts in the movie where cheerleading squads duel, using cheers to mock and belittle each other.
The whole movie is a lesson in the way that cheerleading should be more than just the traditional stunts, routines, and safe moves that have come from years and years of cheerleading.
There is also room in cheerleading for new moves, new choreography, which are the things that set squads apart from the rest.
The movie has a very predictable ending, and if anything, it suffers from trying too hard to be a story about racism and stereotypes and not being enough about actual cheerleading.
By the end of the movie, any resemblance to actual cheerleading is gone in favor of "dance battles" and attitudes.
These shorts are best suited for all types of cheerleading activities including practice, camp and/or working out.
They are also great for tumbling and other cheerleading activities.
With that said, they are ideal for a variety of activities during cheerleading.
They can be used under longer cheerleading skirts but they are also ideal for practice since there's not a lot of extra fabric to get in the way.
If you need to purchase shorts for cheerleading on your own, decide how many pairs to buy based on how often you have to practice and work out.
If you are doing something for cheerleading daily, chances are that you're going to want at least five pairs.
In the constant battle for good quality cheerleading gear, Soffe cheer skorts have emerged to solve many problems and provide an excellent part of the squad's uniform.
The University of Alabama has two cheerleading squads, one dance squad and of course there is the beloved elephant mascot, Big Al, which is played by three different students.
The duties of the cheerleading squad are divided into a "Crimson" cheer squad and a "White" cheer squad.
In addition to the two cheerleading squads, the University of Alabama also has a competition squad and cheerleaders from both the White and the Crimson squad are chosen to participate in the competition squad.
From the very beginning, the girls were to have that 'girl next door' look and so they wore longer skirts and their outfits were not skimpy unlike many NFL cheerleading squads today.
The professional cheerleading squad went under several name changes over the years.
As professional cheerleading started to take off in its own right, the squad was renamed the Golden Girls, who were the most notable in Packers' cheerleading history.
The last Packers' cheerleading squad was known as the Sideliners.
Perhaps it was their constant name changes or perhaps Green Bay fans simply didn't care to have cheerleaders, but the team dropped the professional cheerleading squad in 1988.
While the team uses cheerleading squads from local colleges, their presence is minute in comparison to the game.
They were the only Green Bay Packer cheerleading squad honored in this way.
There is no doubt the Green Bay's organization, as well as other football teams without cheerleading squads, actively reach out to the community.
The Texans cheerleaders are the official cheerleading squad for the NFL Houston Texans.
Audiences expecting competitive cheerleading performances will be slightly disappointed.
In general, NFL cheerleading only scratches the surface of the full gamut of stunts and abilities required by competitive cheerleaders.
Boasting the slogan "We Are Women's Sports", the Nfinity brand has worked hard to make Nfinity cheer shoes the official cheerleading shoes.
Nfinity is a relatively recent company, making a name for itself within the cheer community with the introduction of its first cheerleading shoe in 2004.
There's no question that cheerleading is a highly disciplined and occasionally injurious sport.
The Passion is described as ideal for both track and mat performances-an indoor and outdoor cheerleading shoe.
The Evolution is last in the line-up of Nfinity cheerleading shoes and is designed specifically for the most advanced cheerleaders.
It is currently the best selling cheerleading shoe on the market and has an extremely flexible sole.
The official Nfinity website can direct you to the numerous cheerleading and sport stores in your area that can help fit you in your first shoes.
The good news is that if you're a budget conscious clipart seeker, there are many places on the web to find cheerleading graphics for no cost.
The downside of free cheer-related graphic, of course, is that they will not be specific to your cheerleading squad.
So if you are merely a general fan of cheerleading, and not seeking out clipart to represent your team, these graphics are useful for dressing up your web page or projects.
More importantly, the site also offers various cheerleading resources that may be of interest to cheerleading fans.
Within the "Sports" category of ClipsAhoy you can find a small section allocated to cheerleading.
Many forms of cheerleading clipart are animated!
Although this may not be the most useful clipart for party invitations or newsletters, animated cheerleading graphics can really liven up a web article.Check out School-clip-art.com for a brief array of animated graphics.
Chances are, if you're already combing the Internet for cheerleading graphics, you probably have ideas regarding how to use them.
If you are truly a die-hard cheerleading fan, there are a myriad of options for exhausting the concept of cheerleader clipart.
Even cheerleading gear companies may devote a portion of their site to the words to chants submitted by their customers - there are over 600 cheers at Cheerleading.com.
After all, school mascots are not part of the cheerleading squad and don't share the same camaraderie that is brought on by hours and hours of practice, hanging signs and cheering at games.
Coming up with new cheers, chants, and routines for your squad should be an ongoing process for your cheerleading team.
At any given time of year there is some kind of holiday or theme that you can work into your cheerleading material.
Employing these strategies and using your entire squad's brain power to get the creative juices flowing will ensure that each and every game is special and that each year, the school's cheerleading squad is unique.
The best cheerleading cheers can be as varied as the teams or squads that shout them out, but they all have a few common characteristics.
In fact, in the age of YouTube and the Internet, it's even easier to watch people who you admire, like the Columbus High School Cheerleading Squad, who were the 2008 GHSA champions.
You may have what you think are the best cheerleading cheers in the world, but if your fans don't get excited by them, it won't matter a bit.
Remember that cheerleading is only a performance in competitions.
You can follow all the suggestions above, or ignore them and perfectly replicate the best cheerleading cheers from any competition, and still not have a good cheer.
Even NFL cheerleading franchises run clinics and special programs for all ages from kindergarten on up.
Most cheerleaders would start by trying out for the "Junior Varsity" level of cheerleading - and they'd be responsible for cheering for the junior varsity sports.
If your school's cheerleading program is competing, the level of competition and pressure to show well for your school is going to mean more practices.
Learning fun new cheerleading stunts is a great way to keep your squad fresh and excited as well as giving the fans something different to see every game.
The fact is, there are a limited number of ways the human body can move - cheerleading routines, like any other choreography, can be broken down into the specific moves that are the same for everyone.
The basics to doing it can be found on Ms. Pineapple's cheerleading page (a great resource to finding all sorts of stunts).
The key to finding out how to do the fun new cheerleading stunts that you imagine is to reduce the moves to what is absolutely necessary, and then add on or change whatever you can.
Keep in mind, when looking at cheerleading routines online, that the skill sets of cheerleaders and of their coaches can vary widely.
It's important, especially when trying out the more tricky moves, that you do so with the supervision and teaching of someone who is well trained in body mechanics and kinesthesiology, as well as gymnastics and cheerleading stunts.
The Indianapolis Colts cheerleaders are a professional cheerleading team who provide for the Colts high energy support during football season.
Professional cheerleading is very different from the college variety.
Whereas college cheerleading focuses on great athletic feats and stunts, professional NFL cheerleading is rather limited in the athleticism but, instead, promotes personality and community efforts.
Though each Colts Cheerleader will put in a certain amount of hours each week for games, training, and public appearances, cheerleading is by no means the only thing these girls do.
Choosing a youth cheerleading uniform can be an extensive process.
Only a few individuals will be looking to purchase a cheerleading uniform for personal uses that can range from Halloween costumes to some sort of audition gear.
However, most people conducting an online search for a youth cheerleading ensemble are seeking to outfit their entire squad.
Cheerleading uniforms consist of multiple components.
Hair accessories can also be included in a cheerleading uniform, and the components listed above are only the beginning.
Matching cheerleading shoes are another important aspect of a cheerleading uniform and although some brands of cheerleading shoes dominate the market, these shoes are sometimes custom made to compliment the uniform.
The shell top is one of the most outstanding aspects of a cheerleading uniform.
The top portion of a cheerleading uniform is the most attention getting at first glance because it bears the team logo.
Cheerleading skirts will also require quite a bit of decision making.
The accordion-pleat skirt has always been popular along the cheerleading circuit.
Whereas the actual cheer team will sport one kind of youth cheerleading uniform (usually favoring the classic cheerleading uniform), the dance squad may favor a sleeker style.
The fit of a cheerleading uniform is every bit as important as the style one chooses.
Sites such as TeamThreadz.com even specialize in custom made cheerleading uniforms.
This latter aspect can be particularly valuable for persons readying themselves for a serious cheerleading future.
Cheerleading auditions usually occur around the middle of spring.
This is the first period of rest a cheerleading squad will encounter before the vast summer break and football season.
Motivated and competitive cheerleading squads will host regular practices during the summer break.
The cheer camps coaches typically boast a very impressive cheerleading resume.
Ultra-ambitious high school teams can borrow some of the complicated moves of college cheerleading, which is why it is also important for less experienced squad coaches to attend cheer camp along with their team.
Cheerleading is not very different from other highly competitive sports when it comes down to training.
Many ballerinas began their training as early as three years of age and some cheerleading camps will start children out at around four years.
An early start can be vital for girls whose ambition includes cheerleading all the way up to the college level.
Competitive cheerleading requires a certain degree of gymnastics prowess, which only becomes more difficult as a cheerleader advances.
Hence, fortifying your child's training from an early age can provide the necessary rudiments for a solid cheerleading future.
Since a cheerleading squad will be learning and perfecting all sorts of new material, from stunts to routines, it is important that every squad member be up to date.
Each of the organizations recommended by Varsity represents the utmost in standards of teaching and safety for both cheerleading and dance.
Cheerleading and dance troupes have struggled hard to be taken seriously within the world of sports.
If you've seen a competitive cheerleading performance, you will note that these enthusiastic performances rely heavily on flawlessly executed dance moves and challenging gymnastics.
By the time cheerleading hits the college circuit, it has transformed into something devilishly acrobatic.
Perhaps some of these girls started with something as seemingly unrelated as ballet and then transferred into either cheerleading or a dance troupe during the middle-school years.
Sports like cheerleading and dance do not offer athletes a life-long career at a performance level.
So what becomes of cheerleading and dance legends after they've left the limelight?
The world of cheerleading and dance evolves like many performance-based arts.
For this reason, cheerleading camps are every bit as valuable for coaches as they are for cheer squads.
There are cheerleading camps and then there are dance camps.
There are also camps that combine the two because, after all, a lot of cheerleading draws from the world of dance.
However, not all dancers have an interest in actual cheerleading.
Dance troupes focus on the execution of dance rather than the chanting, stunts, and props endemic to the world of cheerleading.
Some are more geared towards cheerleading than dance and vice versa.
How exciting to find a mother and daughter cheer coaching team to share their experience and expertise about the world of competitive cheerleading.
Can you tell us how you first grew interested in cheerleading and your background?
People don't think that cheerleading is a "sport", but it really is much harder than most people think.
One advantage for me is that in competitive cheerleading you aren't cheering for someone else.
Nicole, what are some advantages and disadvantages of having a mom who owns a cheerleading and tumbling school?
Since cheerleading is always changing it's too hard for parents to keep up.
Moms need to remember that cheerleading is a lot harder and more difficult than it used to be.
Cheerleading can be very hard on one's body.
It takes a lot of practice for a cheerleading squad to present fans with a perfectly performed dance routine.
The dance aspect of a cheerleading routine is one of the last steps towards a memorable performance.
Great music is essential to excellent cheerleading dance routines.
This is why it is important for cheerleading squads to be up-to-date on the latest stunts and practice variations of these feats.
Audiences rarely mind when key steps from Michael Jackson's "Thriller" find their way into a cheerleading performance.
You can also view many cheerleading dance performances on YouTube in order to get an idea of what other squads have accomplished.
Some cheerleading performances rely too heavily on gymnastics and stunts to be truly interesting for an audience.
A good cheerleading routine should incorporate a balance between stunts, gymnastics and dance.
There are all sorts of cheerleading motions that distinguish cheerleading dance routines and cheers from other forms of dance.
Although cheerleading routines will often incorporate certain moves from a variety of dance genres, the most basic of cheerleading motions tend to follow the same patterns and characteristics.
Cheerleading is definitely in a category of its own.
Cheerleading routines and cheers rely heavily on tight, exacting, and almost military like motions.
Typically, cheerleading dance routines are set to specific counts and each count contains an exact movement.
Whereas the fluidity of a ballerina's arm merely falling into place may cover several counts, in cheerleading the motion of one arm position to the next will generally occupy one count.
Hence, the precision and tightness of such cheerleading motions are the distinguishing characteristics of a half-time dance routine.
These rules generally apply to the fields of grade-school through college cheerleading as well as the routines exhibited by competitive cheerleading circuits.
Professional cheerleading tends to mimic dance squads more than the cheerleading motions you would see carried out by competitive cheerleaders.
If you are not at all familiar with cheerleading, or if you're a young potential cheerleader hoping to learn as much as you can about this sport, there has never been a better opportunity to access information over the Internet.
You can start by checking out this slideshow of motion fundamentals as well as this article regarding the specifics of cheerleading chants and motions.
Moreover, many video sites are bursting with tutorials and demonstrative videos of cheerleading performances.
This video, available at 5min.com, is aptly titled "Learn a Great Cheerleading Motion" and glosses over the most basic cheerleading motions and the proper execution thereof.
Hands have a specific placement, arms must be equally balanced, and each of these cheerleading motions transitions quickly into the next tight move.
Cheerleading is generally not fluid; its moves exhibit military precision in everything from a mere chant to its most advanced stunts.
However, there is more to cheerleading than drills.
Cheerleading dance routines are usually governed by more complicated versions of a single eight-count drill.
Setting your dance routines to a specific series of counts really helps with the memorization process, which is why this practice is used by almost every committed cheerleading squad as well as by most choreographers.
Dancers are athletes, and cheerleading motions are often a mix of dance, aerobics and gymnastics, so it is very important for cheerleaders to focus just as much on their physical prowess as their choreography during training.
If you are just starting out your stint as a cheerleader, watching video performances of cheerleading cheers and dance routines may help your body to subliminally pick up on certain specifics of motions.
At the very least, it may help your body adapt on a subliminal level to the overarching characteristics of cheerleading motions.
However, a cheerleading heel stretch is also a foundation element for many more complicated flyer stunts, though it is not the same stretch needed for a scorpion or bow and arrow.
When reading great cheerleading quotes, remember that the silly tongue-in-cheek wordplay functions as a cheerleading accessory, worn on top of sheer athleticism and heart.
As noted on the website Cute Cheerleading Quotes, Erin Brooks said, "Cheerleading is not what it used to be.
Cute cheerleading quotes are a fun way to liven up a variety of events or subjects related to cheerleading.
Cheerleading quotes can encompass a number of themes.
Some of these quotes speak about cheerleading; other quotes are spoken by cheerleaders.
Topics can range from the difficulty of the sport to just the general nature of cheerleading.
You can visit sites such CuteLifeQuotes4u.com for some basic thoughts on cheerleading.
A more esoteric website under the name of PatricksBaby9 also contains an array of upbeat cheerleading quotes, many of which are concise enough to be slogans.
So where can you find excellent quotes regarding cheerleading that will be inspirational, memorable, or downright hilarious?
Sometimes the best way to receive truthful, but cute cheerleading quotes, is through field research.
Write these fun statements down for future use, as there are many constructive purposes for cheerleading quotes.
If you are not a cheerleader, but are in search of quotes regarding cheerleading, you can always watch movies that involve cheerleading.
These quotes will likely not qualify as great cheerleading quotes, but they will be amusing and attention-grabbing and, thus, unforgettable.
However, cheerleading quotes are also a fun way to dress up gifts and birthday cards for cheerleaders.
Quotes about this sport can bulk up any cheerleading related event, adding meaning to an otherwise ordinary speech.
This usage is particularly important for cheerleading coaches who will find themselves entreating school administration for funding.
Whereas most cheerleading coaches will want to fortify their words with prevailing and moving thoughts about cheerleading, cute quotes are excellent for appliquéing on T-shirts and other cheer-related apparel.
On bumper stickers, tryouts banners, or supportive notes for a sick squad member, cheerleading quotes can just add fun to an otherwise mundane mode of communication.
The next time you find yourself engaged in a debate about whether or not cheerleading is truly a sport, empowering your opinion with a horde of quotes (cute or poignant) is the first step in adding weight to your platform.
The trouble is, since most squads are influenced by the same sources when it comes to their creativity, how can a cheerleading squad acquire an original and advanced stunt choreography on its own?
The most advanced stunts are exhibited by the highest echelons of competitive cheerleading squads and college teams.
When it comes to unique cheer competition stunts, cheerleading can almost resemble the acrobatics you might see at a circus.
Keeping an eye on the college circuit can in many ways be more helpful when it comes to unique cheerleading moves than watching competition videos on YouTube.
Outside influences are very important to the evolution of cheerleading and unique cheer competition stunts.
Borrowing from different types of dance, martial arts and acrobatic displays are all ways to insert new themes into competitive cheerleading.
Cheerleading coaches should be encouraged to look outside the world of cheerleading to acquire themes and ideas that can give their squad's stunts and moves a spark of originality.
If you've never experienced a serious injury, it's easy to lose sight of the fact that cheerleading can result in head, neck and back injuries that can change a life forever.
As you progress from easy, safe cheerleading stunts to more involved stunts, you will appreciate the time you put into focusing on fundamentals and safety, developing as a well-rounded cheerleader.
If you think that purchasing discount cheerleading uniforms means that you have to forfeit quality and style, think again.
Shop cheerleading sales for discount skirts or shorts, and pair them with a nice, personalized polo shirt.
Get in the habit of purchasing discount cheerleading uniforms in order to save a bundle of cash.
Cheerleading hair pieces are a uniform staple, particularly for competition cheer.
Hence, cheerleading hair pieces have become an essential item for coordinating hair styles within a squad.
Of course, curled looks aren't the only style boasted by cheerleading hair pieces.
This retailer also offers several accessories for your cheerleading hair style such as glitter and color sprays.
If you're organizing a cheer league or you have a large squad, you might want to purchase cheerleading uniforms wholesale.
Learning how to do the splits can help you perform more dynamic jumps and stunts during your cheerleading routines.
In addition to training sessions, cheerleaders are expected to maintain a goal weight that is set by the cheerleading director and to get their hair done every three weeks.
Those 48 girls then spend a full month with Stacy Kinder, director of Titans cheerleading.
The Junior Cheerleaders and T-Rac program is a sort of summer camp experience where young girls and boys can learn a cheerleading routine and an opportunity to perform at a half-time show on LP Field.
Cheerleaders in North Carolina can get excited about all the fun overnight cheerleading camps in NC.
A number of national organizations offer overnight cheerleading camps in NC.
Cheerleading camp for ages 13 and up is a little bit different from cheerleading camp for elementary and tween age girls and boys.
Varsity partners with several nationally recognized cheerleading organizations to provide professional cheerleading camps to youth of all ages all across the country.
All Varsity cheer camps are led by American Association of Cheerleading Coaches and Administrators, so you know they'll be run safely and with the best instruction.
There are a number of other cheer organizations that provide local and national cheerleading camp for ages 13 and up.
Overall cheerleading camp is a beneficial and fun experience that teenage cheerleaders should take advantage of for growth and development within the sport.
If you're looking for cheerleading tryout tips that can help you make the team, then you're probably already ahead of the game.
Start preparing for your cheerleading tryout the instant you decide you want to make the team.
Even if they know nothing about cheerleading, their presence will help you get used to performing in front of individuals who are critiquing your every move.
Not only do you need to nail your stunts, jumps and cheers, you also need to let your personality shine during your cheerleading tryout.
In addition to all of your cheerleading commitments, LSU is first, and foremost, a college.
To really decide whether or not cheerleading for LSU is a good option for you, attend LSU sporting events and cheer clinics.
It's especially unfortunate due to the high caliber of cheerleading that the cheer team displayed, making them role models for cheerleaders everywhere.
It wasn't easy to make the cheerleading team.
The Denver Nuggets cheerleading routines were intense and full of tumbling, stunting and acrobatic moves.
Unlike high school or college cheerleading routines that outlaw certain tosses and stunts as too risky, professional teams can perform any stunts they choose, leading to highly difficult routines.
You designate a certain date as the cheerleading fundraiser night.
Even the easiest cheerleading stunts require shoulder stability, as does sports such as tennis, golf, volleyball and bowling.
If you are buying for a cheerleading squad, for example, and want to get sports bras in a sexy cut that you can then customize with embroidery or fabric paint, you will more than likely be able to find a shop willing to work with you.
So cheerleading squads, sports teams or even a school, Girl Scout or camp group can often successfully buy wholesale sports bras.
David reportedly enjoys all types of sports, including cheerleading.
At the end of the show, Rycroft was offered a position on the Dallas Cowboys cheerleading squad, which she accepted.
She currently sings in a rock band and is also part of the cheerleading squad at school.
She was kicked off her high school cheerleading squad and was the subject of the school gossip mill, forcing her to leave school and complete high school online.
She lived in California, enjoyed cheerleading, shopping at the mall and hanging out with her friends.
For those who compete on a dance team or in a cheerleading squad, there is a wide array of MySpace layouts to choose from, ranging from the iconic pompoms to photographs of well-known squads, such as the Dallas Cowboys' cheerleaders.
However, most online uniform sources for dance teams or cheerleading will also have accessories that can be used to set apart your leader and make your whole band shine.
In 2002, Granada Television invited the cheerleading squad from Zoë Taylor School of Dance to perform for them.