The black checkers are flat and the white ones curved on top.
The old man and child were playing checkers in the comfortable den when a housekeeper called them to dinner.
Checkers requires 2 players and an 8 x 8 open space on the ground to use as the game board.
You'll recognize some of the games immediately - classics like chess and checkers are widespread - but others you'll only see on a computer.
Backgammon, although not quite as ubiquitous as say checkers or chess, has been around for age.
The rules of the game are easy to learn (though more complex than something like checkers), adding to the strategic value of the game.
Is there any tabletop game more inherently classic than Checkers?
Forget the complexity of chess, and the over-simplified connect four; checkers is the one timeless board game that can enthrall any two players, regardless of age.
Check out where you can play checkers online!
The internet, being the all-consuming behemoth that it is, contains several websites that offer up free versions of online checkers.
Okay, while technically not a website, Microsoft Windows XP offers up the classic checkers that we all know and love.
Simply go "Games" in your Start Menu and click on Internet Checkers.
The game will automatically find you an opponent and you'll be playing checkers over the internet before you know it!
Among these is a simple version of checkers in which you play the CPU. offers up several variations and difficulty levels for the true checkers enthusiast.
They offer a simple version of checkers that allows two people to go head-to-head on the same computer.
Quick, simple, and fun... just like checkers should be. offers a full assortment of games including chess and checkers.
Their checkers is simple, yet nice looking, and allows you to play a friend on the same computer or the computer, which can be set to either easy or hard.
Yahoo! offers up a dozen versions of every game known to man, so of course they have checkers!
You now know everything you need to about finding checkers on the internet.
As children we played hopscotch, football, basketball, Tic-Tac-Toe, checkers, Go Fish, etc. As we grow older our more developed brains crave sophisticated entertainment.
Why go to the trouble of learning how to play a strange, abstract game when you can just play checkers?
Most versions of Windows these days come pre-installed with some MSN Zone games, like Internet Checkers, Internet Backgammon, and -- my personal favorite -- Internet Reversi.
The object of Backgammon is to get all fifteen of your checkers off the board by moving them all into your inner quadrant and then removing them.
The setup may sound a bit confusing, but since Yahoo automatically does it, you don't have to worry about remembering how many checkers go where.
You can then move your checkers in several ways.
You must always move your checkers towards your inner quadrant, never backwards, and you can't move to any point that has two or more of your opponent's checkers on it.
If you land on a point that has one of your opponent's checkers on it, that checker is bumped (see below for more information).
Just like a regular roll, you can divide up the moves between checkers, moving either one checker 16 spaces, four checkers four spaces each, or any combination.
If their opponent has more than two checkers on both of these points, they must skip their turn and try to get the checker off the bar on the next turn.
Any number of checkers can get bumped onto the bar, which makes this a great strategy to keep the other player busy while you move all of your checkers to your inner quadrant.
To win, you must get all of your checkers to your inner quadrant and then begin moving them off the board.
One really nice point is that players don't have to worry about setting up the game, so they don't have to memorize where checkers go.
Among the highlights are Sudoku, Tic-Tac-Toe, WordSearch, Checkers, and Spin the Bottle.
It is believed that various versions of chaturanga spread across the world and developed into both Chinese chess (which uses pieces more like checkers) and the European version that is so popular today.
While only two players can participate at a time, the fast pace of most checkers games is perfect for tournaments or ongoing challenges for larger groups.
If the entire guest list is made up of people who are zealous email checkers, you will have success in sending out invites via the internet.
Tournament games - Senior citizen centers often hold board game and card game tournaments in which participants play games like dominoes, checkers, rummy, and other classics.
The old man and child were playing checkers in comfortable den when a housekeeper called them to dinner.
My teacher told me about some place all the politicians go to " hang out " called chequers or checkers?
The players ' checkers move in opposite directions on a board with 24 spaces.
All voting is a sort of gaming, like checkers or backgammon, with a slight moral tinge to it, a playing with right and wrong, with moral questions; and betting naturally accompanies it.
For example, model checkers offer very powerful reasoning abilities over finite state systems.
The movement of the checkers follows the outcome of a roll of two dice, the numbers on the two dice constituting separate moves.
I have an 11-year-old male American Shorthair cat named Checkers.
Do you have any advice on what is going on with Checkers ?
The trouble is that now Checkers chases her under my bed whenever she wants to come out and roam the house.
Should I take Heidi back to my mother's house, or should I be more stern with Checkers when he goes after her?
If the problem is a furball, you can try feeding Checkers a couple spoonfuls of canned pumpkin to see if it helps move the mass through his system.
The problem now is that Checkers has gotten used to being king of your castle.
It opens to reveal a storage compartment that can function as a cooler or as a trash receptacle, and it even includes an integrated checkers board.
An additional game table that seats two people is perfect for playing chess, checkers, backgammon, or board games.
You can even participate in multiplayer games like Chess, Parchis, Checkers and Battleship.
Some ghetto fabulous prom dresses have unique patterns, like checkers or plaid, while others have bright neon colors.
Nicole Richie, but clearly not everyone looks at Paris' face that closely, because there is one Paris celebrity fake out there who has managed to fool more than a few guest list checkers.
Most senior centers provide venues for bridge, checkers and other card games as well as craft classes and even exercise programs.
Checkers or chess can pass the time quickly.
Tic tac toe or crossword puzzles can be played in a chair or on a bed while checkers or board games require a table.
This can include board games like checkers or can be taken outdoors.
Checkers, or Draughts as it's known in England, is played on the same type of board as Chess.
One misconception about checkers is when to jump.
Do you want a strategy game like Chess or Checkers, or are you interested in making a game of luck?
Checkers - A two-player strategy game in which players move their game pieces diagonally across the board, capturing their opponent's game pieces along the way.
No matter your taste in games, whether they are simple games like checkers or chess or something more difficult like Risk, Stratego or Ticket to Ride, there is something for everyone.
Chess, Checkers, Go, and even Connect Four are examples.
Checkers - Make a table that has eight rows and eight columns.
Checkers and chess are two examples of popular games that use generic square boards with alternating colors.
A game enjoyed by children and adults, the Checkers Board Game challenges your mind as you try to out think your opponent.
Archeologists believe the first form of checkers dates back to 3,000 B.C.
Another forerunner of modern day checkers called Alquerque was played by ancient Egyptians as early as 1400 B.C.
Over the centuries the French game became known as Draughts in Great Britain and Checkers in America.
For two players, checkers is a game of abstract strategy played on a square board arranged in a grid of eight by eight rows, totaling 64 small squares of alternating light and dark colors.
A game of checkers ends when one player removes all of his opponent’s game pieces or one player blocks his opponent from having anymore possible moves on the board.
Playing a game of basic checkers is fun and easy to learn.
There are dozens of varieties of checkers throughout the world including Internet checkers.
Recommended for ages six and up, the classic Checkers board game is fun for everyone and makes a great addition to family game night.
Whether you use a standard board with plastic game pieces, an elegant glass game set or a painted tabletop in your backyard with rocks as the checkers, the game is easy to learn and fun to play.
Checkers has very few rules and an easy style of play.
Has she always dreamed of sitting out on a pier and talking at sunset over a checkers game?
This vertical tic-tac-toe game builds strategy concepts as children try to beat their opponent in getting four checkers in a row.
Based on the family favorite Checkers, this math-oriented version requires math concepts or problems in addition to strategic play.
Games such as Yahtzee, Monopoly, Trouble, Sorry, Chinese Checkers, Chess, Battleship, and many other classic board games are ideas for math fun.
What is physically demanding about checkers?
Web portals are companies like that host many different themes of games, from classics such as checkers and parcheesi to themed games with Dr. Seuss characters, Sesame Street muppets, and many more.
They often keep lists of fraudulent coupons so checkers know which ones they cannot accept.
There are the popular games like Monopoly and Risk, but you can also find free board game instructions for games from way back in the past like Chessers, a game from the 1960's that combined Chess and Checkers into one fast pace game.