Centered in A Sentence


    Everything is now centered round the Emperor.


    She felt the sense of being centered for the first time in her life and knew it was because of the man before her.


    Our business case was centered on the costs and savings rather than the wider open standards issues, and ultimately this proved compelling.


    The responsibility entrusted to all of us at our baptism is to live a God centered life.


    So the boundary of the ego (which is centered on the conscious mind) seems to be confused and fuzzy.


    Benidorm offers a party atmosphere centered on the seafront; while Alicante is a very Spanish town with top-rate historical buildings and bustling promenades.


    Our national character is centered on optimism.


    The cations are arranged into a face centered cubic structure with the anions occupying the tetrahedral sites.


    The silk cord was fastened to the brass gas lamp that centered the ceiling of the room, the other end tightly knotted about her soft white neck.


    Striding back to the kitchen, he deliberately removed the caduceus magnet and centered the picture on the refrigerator door – eye level.


    A stack of file folders was neatly arranged on one side, while a half-dozen pens, all facing in the same direction, were perfectly centered on the desk blotter.


    Mrs. O'Hara absently centered the cake on the table.


    From the remains of fortifications there he argues that the Hyksos were uncivilized desert people, skilled in the use of the bow, and must thus have destroyed by their archery the Egyptian armies trained to fight hand-tohand; further;, that their hordes were centered in Syria, but were driven thence by a superior force in the East to take refuge in the islands and became a sea-power--whence the strange description "Hellenic" in Manetho, which most editors have corrected to CtXAoi, "others."


    She felt centered and refreshed this morning, the newfound hunger for the blood of her mate sated for now.


    Past-Death took him to her bed most nights for thousands of years, and he'd never woken this sated and centered.


    The conference room was plain, the white walls bare, the harsh lighting and round conference table centered.


    Striding back to the kitchen, he deliberately removed the caduceus magnet and centered the picture on the refrigerator door – eye level.


    The doorway is a 4 centered arch in chamfered and carved architrave.


    The circular level bubble must be centered before reading the azimuth.


    The front panel is centered by a blind cartouche supported by winged putti and an eagle above military trophies.


    The county escaped the worst affects of the flooding in the eastern counties which centered on Essex.


    A very interesting example is Fe in the face centered cubic (fcc) phase.


    The program should return the type of local structure (face centered cubic, etc.) for each atom of the system.


    It's easier to tag something as H1 than to remember that level-one headings are 24-point bold Times centered or whatever.


    The result is TECHNOLOGY centered systems that generate failures because they are so ill-suited to the work at hand.


    The west doorway is modern and has molded jambs and a two centered arch.


    Promote women centered, evidence based midwifery practice. 18.


    When objectives are changed by turning the revolving nosepiece, the object should also remain centered.


    The struggle chiefly centered abroad, among the section furthest removed from positive work and from the participation of class-conscious proletarians.


    Our findings are consistent with a large-scale neural network centered in frontal and parietal cortex that supports comprehension of generalized quantifiers.


    Dark Age centered on 600 AD, timber building, evidence of metal workings, substantial metal working, Roman Samian pot shards.


    The point at which the star's mass is centered is called the singularity.


    Swedenborg taught a pantheistic theosophy centered on Jesus Christ, in whom he found a Trinity of Love, Wisdom and Energy.


    The remaining three years of their time at the center will be spent working on research projects centered on the theme of targeted therapeutics.


    It's a stellar nursery centered on a bright open cluster called The trapezium.


    Late Midlandian till predominantly underlies the area, associated with the large ice mass that was centered on the Lough Neagh Basin.


    Churches become centered on a particular person in a way that is deeply unhealthy.


    The recent vogue for product centered cause related marketing initiatives is such a case in point.


    From this year, research and teaching will be centered on the new waterside Docklands Campus at the Royal Albert Dock.


    Set across the top of the glass to keep wick centered.


    The second form performs a scan centered on center, having width width with step-size of step.


    All the complex laws of man centered for her in one clear and simple law--the law of love and self-sacrifice taught us by Him who lovingly suffered for mankind though He Himself was God.


    She lay on the sofa with her face to the wall, fingering the buttons of the leather cushion and seeing nothing but that cushion, and her confused thoughts were centered on one subject--the irrevocability of death and her own spiritual baseness, which she had not suspected, but which had shown itself during her father's illness.


    But the attention of the crowd--officials, burghers, shopkeepers, peasants, and women in cloaks and in pelisses--was so eagerly centered on what was passing in Lobnoe Place that no one answered him.


    Russia will shudder to learn of the abandonment of the city in which her greatness is centered and in which lie the ashes of your ancestors!


    Though Princess Mary and Natasha were evidently glad to see their visitor and though all Pierre's interest was now centered in that house, by the evening they had talked over everything and the conversation passed from one trivial topic to another and repeatedly broke off.


    The whole meaning of life--not for him alone but for the whole world--seemed to him centered in his love and the possibility of being loved by her.


    Queer history should be centered upon queer people, not upon people who hate queers.


    One series of oral presentations centered on controlling diseases of rapeseed crops.


    Como 's atmospheric medieval quarter is centered on the Duomo, renowned for its elegant melding of gothic and renaissance styles.


    Through the dining room is a downstairs bathroom with roll-top bath with splendid, centered shower over.


    The point at which the star 's mass is centered is called the singularity.


    A sphere of 200 megaparsecs radius centered on the earth is large enough to contain several large clusters of galaxies.


    Around 8pm a band of thundery weather made its way through the central lowlands, centered to the west of Wishaw.


    It 's a stellar nursery centered on a bright open cluster called The Trapezium.


    Trends Much of the pressures on these vale landscapes are centered along the coast.


    His reasoning centered on his own delicacy, which had frequently been offended by Catherine 's vivacious, open character.


    The problem centered around a volute casing and removable suction cover.


    Dumfries Museum is centered around the eighteenth century windmill tower which stands above the town.


    Dissertation Project The MA Dissertation is centered on a yearlong project.


    Baby shower ideas have long centered around unique gifts, including a variety of corsages that the pregnant mother gets to wear.


    The theory around this idea was centered around the thought that babies who sleep on their tummies risk suffocating during their sleep.


    Themed basket - Consider giving baby boy gift baskets that are centered on a theme.


    If they aren't well centered, the owner might have crashed or dropped the bike hard.


    An evening can be centered around something as simple as decorating cookies or making caramel apples.


    Milk thistle benefits include a variety of curative properties centered on its unique ability to protect the liver and gallbladder.


    This means that your new office set up should be centered around what helps you work best.


    Generally centered around a cooking station, today's outdoor kitchens are excellent places to relax, to entertain, and to cook.


    A symmetrical display with a centered piece of art or a plasma television screen may work well for you - or maybe your room needs to try one of the newer approaches for fireplace decorating.


    The Victorian period of history (loosely defined as the 19th century and centered in Britain) is a study in contradictions.


    Money was no longer centered in the landed gentry exclusively, and this new class had cash to spend and wanted to flaunt it.


    Galley or peninsula kitchens are made of two parallel work areas centered around an aisle of floor space.


    Will this be a spa that's centered on a jetted tub or will your focus be on a steam shower or sauna.


    Large medallions inlaid into the floor and centered below a light can be a wonderful focal point for guests as they enter the home.


    Centered on natural, wholesome ingredients, the lipstick brings a new formula to the market and raises environmental awareness at the same time.


    The Online Books Page offers features letting readers explore books centered around a common theme.


    It could be centered on the page with a border around it (use a paper border, stickers or even leave that space for your journaling).


    Other scrapbooks deal just with events centered around the graduation.


    Then, remove the boot and binding, and use your ruler to make sure that the marks are centered along the width of the ski.Now you are ready to drill.


    While the physical effects of exercise are certainly beneficial, the psychological effects that come from focusing your mind on your body provides a feeling of being "centered" that will last far after your workout is over.


    However, this type of pain can also be felt as an annoying dull ache with pain centered around the eyes, the base of the neck, the jaw area or the entire face.


    Your mind calms and becomes centered and your muscles release the tension of the built up stress.


    Stress headache pain is generally a dull steady pain centered around the eyes, forehead, or temples.


    Sometimes the headache pain is felt throughout the entire head and scalp or centered at the back of the neck.


    There are chat rooms out there that are centered around nearly every particular interest, like soccer or makeup.


    This time around, the look is centered on tee shirts.


    Arrange the tiers asymmetrically instead of centered on one another.


    You could also choose to use a glittery maple leaf centered in a tuft of gold or bronze organza.


    On the invitation paper or card, the text is often centered or aligned on the left.


    I am a control freak, self centered, workaholic and many other things that make up my personality.


    Nicotine acts as both a stimulant and a relaxing agent that causes a person to feel more alert, calm and centered.


    Beginning at the top edge of that bar, pipe a single horizontal bar (approximately one and 1/2 inches long) centered directly over the vertical bar.


    Place the fondant centered on top of the cake.


    Forbes feels it's all in the privacy of the home, as celebrities' lives are centered around getting as much privacy as possible.


    A Norwegian painter who helped develop expressionism, most of Munch's work is centered on anxiety, sadness, and mourning, basing much of his art on his early childhood experiences of losing both parents and two siblings.


    The series centered around the relationship between the two Corey's while Haim lived with Feldman and his new bride Susie.


    Most of the gossip centered on the star is based on her weight and body size.


    Stewart came from humble beginnings to create a media empire, all centered around her unique brand of do-it-yourself projects.


    Content is generally centered around college life and popular culture, and as you've probably figured out, not all of it is appropriate for children or the faint of heart.


    This eCampus is centered on Web-based classes that utilize Blackboard, a program that allows students to log in and complete their work from any location, at any time.


    The University of Oklahoma offers 150 courses for distance learners, which are all centered around 40 different subjects and academic areas.


    To date, the recall has centered on wet pet foods sold in cans and pouches.


    The next couple of decades brought more scathing reviews along with an embarrassing amount of problems centered on the drug issues of singer, Scott Weiland.


    The center speaker should also be centered in relation to the television and not off to one side or the other.


    Make sure that the brace is centered and then tighten it in place.


    If they don't, the window isn't centered.


    Gems centered in symmetrical knots in circular, square, or rectangular patterns.


    Simple trinity knots centered around a single gem.


    Our core strategy is truly centered on the opinions and feedback of our consumers, and has discovered that the key driver to our future success lies in our unique ability to make our customers feel heard.


    The knot should be centered and both ends should meet at the bottom.


    From trips organized around discovering new places and ideas, to those centered on relaxation, vacations designed just for senior citizens can often be found at discounted rates.


    From writing workshops to intensive language learning, these travel opportunities are centered around developing a skill or simply practicing a skill with others who enjoy the same activity.


    For example, if you decide on a gift centered around a special favorite food, cook a meal and share it with your father.


    These early theories centered on the 19th century case of von Zastow, a convicted rapist whose excessive sleepiness attributed to excessive masturbation and repressed homosexuality.


    Health Centered Dentistry is a nice option for people interested in holistic treatments.


    John Laughlin, DDS and Dr. Madelyn Pearson, DDS are dentists in practice at Health Centered Dentistry.


    Look in the mirror and make sure that the lens is centered over your iris and that your vision isn't impaired by the lens.


    You get the feel of the soft contact's outer edges with the sharp vision of the rigid gas permeable lens centered over the pupil of the eye.


    Outside of the official sequels in the Guitar Hero for Xbox franchise, Activision and Neversoft have produced a number of additional titles that are either centered around specific bands or provide an expanded set list for players to enjoy.


    This time, it is centered around 1944 during the Normandy breakout.


    Melee is centered around multiplayer gaming.


    They also help to keep your feet centered so you don't have to keep looking down to ensure you are still in a good position on the Board.


    Second - Be sure of is that your rack is centered.


    Pinot Grigio gift baskets -The contents of this basket are centered on De Canal Pinot Grigio from Tuscany, Italy.


    Champagne is an especially festive choice, but you can also choose baskets centered around other bubbly wines like Spanish Cava, Italian Prosecco or American sparkling wines; or select a frizzante wine like Muscato d'Asti.


    The camera was not centered properly in the phone, so any pictures taken would seem off.


    Some children find that the syndrome has little impact on their overall lifestyle; others have found their lives centered on the disorder.


    Nutrition experts have built up convincing evidence that there are major problems with the conventional American diet, which is centered on meat products that are high in cholesterol and saturated fat and low in fiber.


    During gestation, the infant's hip should be developing with the head of the thigh bone (femur) sitting perfectly centered in its shallow socket (acetabulum).


    This behavioral style appears very early in life-within the first two months after birth-and undergoes development, centered on features such as intensity, activity, persistence, or emotionality.


    Contact lenses slow down eye movements, and because the optical center of the prescription is always centered on the eye with the contact lens, vision improves.


    Affected young women experience sharp, intermittent spasms of pain, usually centered in the suprapubic area.


    While students are taught the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic, this teaching approach is centered on the child's interests.


    Their care is very woman centered, which means they are there to address your needs and help you have the birth that you would like to experience.


    We are so happy we have a normal, grounded life to keep us centered."


    Chinatown, which is centered around Grant Street, is quite simple to find.


    This web-based publication has fiction, galleries, news, and features centered on the erotic lifestyle.


    There are many opinions on how it started, but most agree that the holiday centered on a fifteen-day festival that celebrated the beginning of spring.


    If you're looking for something a bit more specifically surf centered, you can try Surfboard Shack, although the selection seems to ebb and flow like the tides.


    A big part of that market is centered on men's drawstring swim trunks.


    The pain is usually centered in the hands, feet, and hips.


    Since you do not want one side of the meat to cook faster than another side, you should make sure that the meat is centered on the tines.


    By choosing the best games for everyone to play and establishing a fun event centered on these favorite games, a game night can become a treasured family tradition that allows even more board games to be explored.


    Print a test sheet to be sure the design is centered on each label.


    Only use the appropriately sized candles, and be sure the candle is centered in the sleeve before it is lit.


    You want the wick centered so that the wax is poured around it.


    Her charity efforts seem focused on charitable causes that are centered on improving the quality of life for minorities across the world.


    Tweak the arrangement of everything so it is centered and the letters are lined up.


    In 1880, the future Archbishop of Canterbury, Edward White Benson, was asked to create a worship format centered on the Christmas season.


    France is predominately Catholic, so many Christmas celebrations are centered in the church.


    People used to sing carols throughout the year, but as the celebration of Christ replaced the more pagan Saturnalia winter festivities, the popularity of carols centered on the new holiday.


    Some women enjoy evenings centered on crafting or another hobby.


    Some girls prefer a more private and personal proposal centered around things meaningful to their relationship.


    Double or triple hearts either centered or offset.


    Is the point centered with respect to the lobes?


    The jewelry range includes a wide selection of designs centered on a knotted design and diamonds to symbolize the strength of eternal love.


    The point should be sharp and centered between the two lobes.


    Simple chic accents such as silver slide lock or buckle closures, centered insignia and reinforced zippers give fashionable finished looks to many bags.


    Stay centered and do not spend too much time being upset by that which you cannot change.


    Virgos are practical, down to earth and centered.


    Most of the characteristics of Libra are centered around the belief that everything in life has an opposite.


    Chinese philosophy and culture is centered on the five elements and the interaction each one has with the natural world and all living matter, including you.


    Remember that the entire concept of the Barbie doll is centered on a doll that does not have a realistic shape or "normal" body measurements.


    Holiday games for kids should be centered around simply having fun.


    The four basic parenting styles tend to fall on either side of a basic continuum between those parents who are heavy on discipline and those parents who tend to take a different more child centered approach.


    Many early education teachers prefer to start with words that are centered around a common theme, such as colors and numbers.


    Many of these centered on the concept of giant insects.


    Taking Chance was aired on HBO and centered around Kevin Bacon's character, Lt. Col.


    The activity centered around Esther Cox, age 19, who lived on Princess Street in Amherst.


    This story is centered on a general store in a small town.


    The only requirement is your mind and a few peaceful moments when you can meditate and become centered each day.


    Many people report sightings of spirits or unusual and unexplained occurrences in the house particularly centered around Sarah Winchester's bedroom, the Hall of Fires and the Seance Room.


    It also keeps the heel centered and the foot stabilized.


    Set in 1960s Philadelphia, the program centered on the Pryor family and its many trials and tribulations through the tumultuous decade.


    In the beginning, the show centered on a small but fascinating cast of characters residing in a modest group of terraced homes in fictional Weatherfield.


    The program centered largely on moral themes, exploring topics such as alcoholism, drug addiction, homelessness, pre-marital sex, teen pregnancy and virginity, but shied away from topics such as abortion and homosexuality.


    Other, smaller designs that can be centered, have also had a run of popularity.


    One striking design has the eagle centered on the shoulder, with other design elements stretching around to the back.


    A stand alone tattoo usually looks best when centered on the outside of your ankle just above the knob of your ankle bone.


    These designs may work best when kept small; wear them on your arm, above your heart or centered on your lower back.


    The modern world's hunger for tattoos that feature symbols, characters and script is beautifully sated by designs centered on Egyptian hieroglyphics.


    Changes in tattooing have largely centered around hygiene and speed.


    If you're a wordy person, consider a tattoo centered around text.


    If you opt to place the tattoo on your back, the cross looks great centered on the back and spanning shoulder to shoulder, creating a full-back tattoo.


    Keep this in mind as you design your wings and any image that will be centered between them.


    Be sure to remove links evenly from both sides of the watch so that the clasp remains centered on the underside of your wrist, and make certain that you avoid bending the pins and links out of their original shape.


    Your attention is centered on your progress.


    All of these free yoga exercises online can round out a centered yoga practice, whether you are a beginner or an experienced yogi looking for free routines to replace DVDs or expensive studio classes.


    Families appreciate the organization's uniquely individualized behavioral programs centered on each child's strengths and weaknesses as well as the professionally-trained staff.


    Able to remain calm, centered and focused in all environments.


    Letters centered toward the top or bottom of the page are ineffective and not eye appealing.


    If your letter is not spaced or centered correctly or has a font that is not businesslike, your resume could be ignored.


    The second format style, modified block format, consists of a centered heading, closing and signature line.


    On the other hand, you may prefer if the information was separated between the two sides of the card, or you may prefer if certain information was centered on the card.


    This information should be at the top of your resume, and if you want to, it can be centered on the page.


    If you are sending the letter by mail, fax, or as an attachment to an email, begin the letter with your name, address, and telephone number centered at the top of the page, as indicated by the above example document.


    In this case, the information should be lined up with the left margin rather than centered against the page.


    During the next few years more audio podcasts centered on the world of quilting began airing on the Internet and with them came a few video podcasts for quilters.


    It is usually best to keep your primary zone or work surface centered in the room.


    While dairy fats in moderation are fine, making an entire dish centered on cheese can spell disaster.


    This diet is centered on the theory that children with autism are more likely to have allergies to these proteins and that because they cannot digest gluten and casein, it forms substances that act like opiates in their bodies.


    The Slim Fast diet plan is centered on the daily consumption of the Slim Fast products.


    Place yourself centered under it so that it rests against the top of your shoulders with your feet shoulder-width apart.


    Load up a barbell and stand centered right in front of it.


    Once you enter the water, simply use your ordinary upright running style with your torso centered and posture tall.


    Repeat with another piece of tape across the bottom of the foot, centered in the arch and overlapping the ends of the first piece.


    A sheer bra, the cups are fairly see-through, but with its delicate embroidery and pretty centered bow, the bra is more like a moving piece of art than an article of lingerie.


    The competitions each week centered on a musical theme.


    Although "If Your Mother Only Knew" is centered on this basic storyline, the song is really a showcase for Rahzel's beatboxing.


    MySpace visitors can download individual songs from pages centered on the movie and its soundtrack, while also enjoying other movie-related content.


    The grunge movement was centered around Seattle, Washington, beginning in the early 80s and rising in popularity throughout the 90s.


    Despite failing to wow his music teachers, Elvis became more and more engrossed in music, especially Memphis' thriving blues scene centered on the now legendary Beale Street.


    The story of Tommy is centered on the Walker family.


    Any 21-year-old will enjoy a party centered around a Vegas theme.


    The "Cs" are centered, not sideways, upside down, or crooked.


    Cartoon-themed parties - Have a party that is centered on the child's favorite cartoon character or activity.


    Fall parties are often centered on the main meal.


    Carefully pour melted paraffin wax into the cup, making sure the wick stays centered.


    Cinco de Mayo celebrations are centered around a Mexican theme.


    Its values are centered on the Seven Principles, which seek to introduce and reaffirm those practices that seek to strengthen the family, the community, and the African culture as a whole.


    Instead, the Babylonian New Year was centered around the first new moon that appeared after the Vernal Equinox, which was the first day of spring.


    Some party games are centered around an established theme.


    Rock of Love 2 was the second installment in the successful VH1 series centered on Poison front man Bret Michael's search for love.


    Most episodes of the show centered around New York going out for one job opportunity or another, as well as her relationship with a man she met in her acting class.


    The show centered on a Missouri farmer looking for love among 10 city girls.


    The bulk of the complaints about the show, however, centered around the second stunt.


    Each episode centered around a challenge, a date for the winner(s) of the challenge and an elimination ceremony.


    The show is centered on the lives and work of a group of female Broward County, Florida police officers, but some felt the show spent a little too much time on stereotypes and not enough time presenting a realistic picture of police work.


    Much of the action of the show centered around Alexis' fight to clear her name in the so-called "Bling Ring" string of robberies.


    Earlier episodes featured only the first three wives, but Kody added Robyn as another wife in a special episode centered on the marriage and honeymoon between the two.


    Live Journal - The Live Journal community centered on Top Model is updated regularly with all kinds of information, including winners and eliminations.


    While the first five years of the series centered strongly on Smallville, the last five detailed Clark's transition from the small Kansas town to Metropolis.


    Don't feel like everything in your Harry Potter icon has to be centered and full-face.


    The Flash Forward television show is centered in Los Angeles where viewers are introduced to the main characters through slice-of-life vignettes of day-to-day life.


    The following list of popular choices are available on sites like, and other Sci-fi centered outlets.


    The plot in The Fellowship of the Ring is centered around an ancient ring in the possession of a Hobbit named Frodo Baggins.


    You can book a 14 day trip, Lord of Rings Discovery, which is centered around visiting the Lord of the Rings sites within two weeks.


    Mychurch is a way to share common Christian beliefs centered around the church.


    Security issues with social networking websites dealing with identity theft are centered on these profiles.


    As shown in the picture, there are a lot of ways to position your graphic, but unless you've specifically designed it to fit a certain way on the page, you'll probably want to select "top left" or "centered."


    The Order of the Arrow lodge insignia should be worn on the right pocket flap and the temporary insignia should be worn centered on the pocket or hung from the button.


    If no Order of Arrow lodge ensemble is worn, then the boy's nameplate is centered on the right pocket flap.


    In addition, the World Crest emblem is worn centered horizontally over the left pocket and vertically between the left shoulder seam and the top of the pocket.


    Medals are worn just above the left pocket seam, and service stars are centered above the medals.


    Using SEO in geographically centered ways is good business.


    Despite the fact that SEO centered on nearby locations represents fledgling technology, the benefits of these packages are already proven in a wide variety of business models.


    Geographically centered SEO attracts consumers from your area and helps your business grow.


    Their professional then personal relationships had centered around her and her illness.


    The idea of waking up to him each morning reminded her of how centered, energized and at peace she'd been after their first night together.


    However, at this point most of the hostility was centered around Dulce and Alex.


    Equally in demand are the summer barbecues centered round a special barbecue hut in the garden.


    Each newsletter will be centered around a topical theme and this quarter's theme is membrane biophysics.


    The king broke up Wilfrid's York based bishopric into two parts with two separate sees centered on York and Hexham.


    The discussions are immediately centered around the whys and wherefores of the imminent departure of myself and family as immigrants to the United States.


    Sad to say, the majority of the practice today is centered around new age feng shui.


    In general, coastal development has centered upon the large firths with much of the rest of the coast rural in nature.


    The region just south of the Arctic Circle along the eastern frontier is centered round Kuusamo.


    Some of the ' quarters ' were centered around the merchant guilds of the district.


    The CragRats ' drama improvisation centered on the difficult choice faced by a school in the throes of an Ofsted inspection.


    London Streets Map jigsaw Puzzle A unique 255-piece map jigsaw centered on a place of your choice.


    The table shows the angles between protein ligands centered on the metal ion.


    Much of the discussion of the book has centered round Hornby's use of a female first-person narrator.


    The work so far has centered around Milton Abbas and the surrounding parishes, with the overall aim to get people more active.


    The source counts and their errors were calculated using circular aperture photometry centered at the listed source position.


    Queer history should be centered upon queer history should be centered upon queer people, not upon people who hate queers.


    The route westwards beyond the Pennines provided links with areas centered round Halton, Heysham, Preston and Kendal.


    Now a youth center, supernatural happenings are centered around the first floor chamber where the king slept.


    It kept her centered and prevented her from running for the hills tearing her hair out.