The light dues were reduced in 1898 from 22 cents to 1 cent per ton.
If roor is the rate per cent.
The material as mined will probably not average over 10 per cent.
Dollars must now be exchanged for Cuban pesos where a 10 per cent commission will be charged.
There is 300 per cent more casein in cow's milk than in human milk.
Eighty-five per cent of its bank-notes have been, on the average, covered by metal reserve.
A straw poll of New Insight staff in the office on one day showed that 100 per cent had tried it.
Shepard, meant to sell it for one cent, but under the arguments of Greeley he was persuaded to fix the price at two cents.
The flue-dust from the pyrites of Theux, near Spa (Belgium), according to BSttcher, contains o 5 to o 75 per cent.
The value of the glass product in 1905 was 4.4 per cent.
In Poland they constitute I per cent.
During the period 1891-1901 five English and five Welsh counties showed a decrease per cent in the population.
In these there was an increase per cent of 14.2 in 1811-1821, which fell off to 2.8 in 1841-1851.
The proportion of waste incinerated with energy recovery has remained roughly constant at just under 9 per cent.
It has proposed a 21 per cent increase in the interim dividend per share.
The annual increment for flats is 2 per cent, up to a maximum of 70 per cent.
For example, in Wales, in the automotive components industry, 78 per cent of firms have attained ISO 9000 standards or higher.
In December of the same year this impost was repealed, and a true income tax of io per cent.
In France, besides the stamp duties, there are charges on the transfer of real property amounting to about 6 per cent.
They are of large amount, even at the lowest rates of I to 4 per cent.
Eight per cent of the number of voters who at the last preceding election voted for a justice of the supreme court, by filing with the secretary of state a petition for the enactment of any law or constitutional amendment - the petition must contain the full text of the law and must be filed at least four months before the election at which it is to be voted upon - may secure a vote on the proposed measure at the next general election, and if it receives the approval of the voters it becomes a law without interposition of the legislature, and goes into effect from the day of the governor's proclamation announcing the result of the election.
On fusion with alkalis it yields para-oxybenzoic acid, and nas cent hydrogen reduces it to hydro shikimic acid.
Interest is usually calculated yearly or half -yearly, at a certain rate per cent.
When an amount will fall due at some future date, the present value of the debt is found by deducting discount at some rate per cent.
Benn (History of English Rationalism in the zgth Cent.) goes beyond ordinary usage in defining rationalism as a militant theory opposed to all belief in God.
The entire work of unloading, storing and reloading adds only one cent to the price of a bushel of wheat.
They were much used by Constantine Lascaris in his Greek grammar and by Urban of Belluno (end of 15th cent.).
One per cent of the natives are lepers.
Ireland does little to swell the rising tide of Decrease per cent.
G.) From Egypt the figure of the sphinx passed to Assyria, where it appears with a bearded male head on cylinders; the female sphinx, lying down and furnished with wings, is first found in the palace of Esar-haddon (7th cent.
Ten per cent of the value of the prizes was paid to the treasury of the pasha or his successors, who bore the titles of Agha or Dey or Bey.
Half the population are adherents of the Church of England, and about 18 per cent.
This last-mentioned sum is equal to 1.83 per cent.
The private railways show somewhat better " returns; the Emu Bay and Mount Bischoff line, 103 miles in length, constructed at a cost of £565,365, returned in 1904 about 3.22 per cent., and the Mount Lyell Company's railway, 22 miles long, costing £220,333, returned nearly 6 per cent.
The value of factory products in 1905 was $10,748,224, an increase of 35-7 per cent.
Fixed index annuity ape sales of £ 13 million were down 7 per cent on the same period of 2005.
All patients in this study were taking an aperient, despite this 78 per cent were constipated.
The argument about the famous 3 per cent attrition rate is also rather spurious.
The majority of the pigs did not show aversion to the presence of 30 per cent carbon dioxide in air.
A plain bagel which cost 90 pence in December now costs 1.60 euros an increase of 35 per cent.
The final agreement was a below-inflation rate increase of just five per cent for the next biennium.
Engines fuelled by methane biogas or gases from old coal mines normally cease to function if the methane concentration drops below 40 per cent.
They have fled a country with 18 per cent unemployment, the highest figure in the 25-nation bloc.
Diabetes risk Patients on beta blockers are also up to 30 per cent more likely to develop diabetes.
In the last few weeks alone, the price of an armed bodyguard has fallen by over 60 per cent!
The number of books bought from high street booksellers has actually gone up by around 25 per cent in the past ten years.
Professional boxing bouts, already reduced to 10 per cent of pre war figures will be further reduced.
About 40 per cent of car break-ins involve the theft of a mobile phone.
It was believed that a target of 60 per cent brownfield was the general target was this actually incorporated in the plan?
Combining these controls is estimated to reduce risk by up to 90 per cent for all three sheep BSE scenarios they considered.
Oil drums must have a bund with a capacity of 25 per cent of the total amount.
Put another way, 99 per cent of Staffordshire households were not burgled last year.
The rolling year total for double deck busses in June was down only 24 units or 2.5 per cent to 937 units.
The economy may be tight, but the lure of ten per cent capital gains tax has encouraged many owner-managers to consider a sale.
The majority of samples 114 (56 per cent) contained ethyl carbamate in the range 11-30 microgram/l.
The 1917 donation is of 700 v of Dante editions, translations and commentaries, many of 19 th and 20 th cent.
Research rarely proves things with 100 per cent certainty, there are always exceptions.
Broadband subscriptions rose to 69.2 per cent compared with 49.1 per cent in March 2005.
Eighty four per cent of people said they thought public figures should show more compassion.
Over the past 25 years, the UK has invested around 30 per cent less than its main European competitors.
Fifty per cent of under-18 conceptions occur in the 20% of wards with the highest rates.
The organ is endowed with £ 1000., three per cent consols, for defraying the salary of the organist, Mr. Thos.
A split in liability was agreed by the parties that she was 25 per cent contributory negligent for the accident.
Female managers working in HR had average pay rises of six per cent, compared to 4.8 per cent for their male co-workers.
Some 23 per cent of children still believe the old myth that crusts make hair curly.
Between 20 to 40 per cent of women will get cystitis in their lifetime.
The number of local authority areas where premature death rates are above the national average has risen by 40 per cent since 1991.
At what cost -- because most of those 88 per cent are thoroughly decent and humane people -- in Iraqi lives?
Since the cathode resistor is not decoupled, 100 per cent voltage negative feedback is applied between output and input.
This also brings me to your closing comment about the '37 per cent decrease in ESRC quota awards ', which is also incorrect.
The Government's annual budget deficit stands at 4 per cent of GDP.
Honda's 140PS 2.2-litre i-CTDi diesel continues; but as aerodynamic efficiency is improved by 12 per cent, fuel economy should improve.
There are now 1.45 per cent fewer Moroccan dirhams to the pound.
All schools and settings quoting a valid DfES number are entitled to a 50 per cent discount.
Even tho condoms are not 100 per cent safe, they do protect you against sexually transmitted diseases.
Taking the country as a whole, the number of voters disenfranchised is 0.11 per cent of the total.
English Nature reserve staff have now downgraded the extent of damage from 90 per cent to just 60 percent.
The process enables 100 per cent recovery and re-use of white and black dross.
If this is not done 80 per cent of the calories from roast duck will be from fat!
There were falls of 3.2 per cent in the output of cars and 1.8 per cent in the output of other durables.
In the UK about 40 per cent of people with the affected gene develop dystonia.
Studies estimate that 74 per cent of men will experience retrograde ejaculation after transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP ).
These bandages can be extended by 100 per cent of their length but do not contain elastomers.
Less than 15 per cent of the municipal electorate voted.
Most institutions take between 5 and 20 per cent of both their young and mature full-time entrants from these areas.
If you are choosing a joint venture don't think that by taking a 90 per cent equity stake you will necessarily have control.
The biggest fall was on council estates, where attendance dropped nine per cent in 2002.
The tests, using 4 per cent ethanol, the researchers argued, were similar to the alcoholic content of beer.
In the primary school end-of-year exams, there was a 100 per cent pass rate in six subjects, including French and English.
At present 75 per cent of the population is involved in subsistence farming.
In contrast, 64 per cent is used to produce livestock feed.
Fifteen per cent of all people who have had strokes have atrial fibrillation.
This vintage has surprising finesse despite a hefty whack of alcohol (14.5 per cent ).
Fifteen per cent of small and medium-sized firms said export orders were up, 37 per cent said they were down.
Google bought a 2.6 per cent share in the company June 2004, shortly before its own public floatation.
In the number from the survey rocketed per cent the footsie flotation.
Export crops, the revised forecast says, should grow by 11 per cent, rather than the 19.3 per cent initially envisaged.
We consider that the requirement to distribute 95 per cent of rental income and realized gains is, however, unduly restrictive.
A quarter of men say they compete in online gaming compared to only 4 per cent of women.
Yields on ten-year gilts, which peaked at 9 1/4 per cent in mid-September, are now 8 3/4 per cent.
Per cent of begs the question also launch a phil Gordon co-host.
The local greengrocers in the survey obtained 49 per cent of their apple lines from the UK.
In 90 per cent of cases within the New Zealand system, the mediation stage settles the grievance.
Other notable rising markets in the survey included Bulgaria which rose by 20.5 per cent and Denmark which has experienced 15.4 per cent growth.
Ninety per cent of patients with headache have either tension headache or migraine.
Step 3 For most people and bikes the correct saddle height corresponds to 109 per cent of the inseam (crotch to ground ).
Online business accounts for nearly ten per cent of its business, and customers include high-profile Web sites such as
This follows a 22 per cent price hike in March.
The intense heat, 90 per cent humidity and an obvious lack of refrigeration does not seem to affect the quality of the food.
As far as getting some relief from it goes, try getting some 1 per cent hydrocortisone cream.
It can often help to rinse the mouth with a diluted solution of 3 per cent hydrogen peroxide.
County Homesearch, for example, reports that 60 per cent of its clients were seeking the pastoral idyll.
The 15-year survival rate for 227 patients treated by immunosuppression was only 38 per cent.
Fifty per cent of the retail industry's turnover is spent on the cumulative burden imposed by the Government.
Blood clots (infarcts) and hemorrhages in the brain About 10 per cent of all brain infarcts cause epilepsy.
Indeed, male infertility is surprisingly common - it is estimated that 7.5 per cent of men have reduced fertility or are completely infertile.
M&G's net retail fund inflows also fell, down 19 per cent to £ 130 million.
Net investment product inflows of £ 0.9 billion are up 249 per cent on 2004.
Chromosomal instability is thought to occur in 85 per cent of all colorectal cancer cases.
Eleven per cent of these resulted in actionable intelligence.
They estimate that they supply 100 per cent of the market for dry isinglass and 90 per cent of the market for hydrolysed isinglass.
The national average for NHS staff having the flu jab is just 16 per cent.
Despite not being 100 per cent, Jo was 5th in the European junior Pursuit Championship last week.
Other stars lampooned in the show include rapper 50 Cent, Britney Spears and Wedding Crashers Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn.
Just 9.7 per cent use modern flush toilets or " improved " pit latrines.
The lighter ones are fed a diet ad lib with 1.3 per cent lysine and 14 MJ/kg DE to 55kg liveweight.
He sustained a 90 per cent tear of his medial ligaments in last Tuesday's Test match.
Nearly 60 per cent of the street lighting assets will need replacing over the first five years of the contract.
Tomatoes are packed with a red substance called lycopene, which can reduce the risk of prostate cancer by up to 35 per cent.
Prices are already down, by as much as 60 per cent, tho the biggest markdowns are not the most prominently displayed.
Over the 12-week period, there were no differences between the two groups in lean body mass or per cent body fat.
The company plans to make all new Capilene base layers with more than 50 per cent recycled materials by spring 2007.
Last year saw an increase of 45 per cent in professional negligence mediations, solicitors accounting for 62 per cent of total cases.
The samples were extracted with 80 per cent aqueous methanol at room temperature, using a procedure based on that of Barnes et al.
Mills are largely controlled by elite landowning families, who together account for 77 per cent of the country's sugar milling.
A sizeable minority, up to 14 per cent, reported substituting capital for labor.
Military deaths as a proportion of all troops mobilized were in the region of 85 per cent for both Poland and Romania.
In the second quarter, eurozone growth remained modest at 0.5 per cent.
The interest rate charged by moneylenders is in the range of 60 to 120 per cent per annum.
We found that CCSB, having more than 25 per cent of the market, met the statutory criterion for being a scale monopolist.
Golden plovers seem to get the night-time munchies - under the cover of darkness, they eat 70 per cent more worms per minute!
In addition, 2 per cent of the market value of the property must be paid to the local municipality.
Ninety per cent of the time the Plumose Anemone can be tricked into consuming large fragments of boiled mussel or similar foods.
Using this technique in combination with another mutagenesis method called saturation mutagenesis the ee value has been improved to more than 90 per cent.
Sales rose in October and now are 8 per cent higher than in February, where they touched the nadir.
She was found contributorily negligent to the extent of 50 per cent.
However small acoustic neuromas, not causing any symptoms, can be found in up to nearly 3 per cent of elderly people.
All publications are printed on 100 per cent recycled newsprint, with waste kept to a minimum.
Also the name of a US five cent coin which actually contains about 24% nickel.
The researchers discovered that the amount of freebase nicotine varied considerably between products, ranging from 1.6 per cent up to 36 per cent.
In volume terms 13 per cent of firms said order books were above normal while 35 per cent said they were below normal.
Domestic burglary fell by 29 per cent, juvenile nuisance by 42 per cent and sexual offenses by 46 per cent.
A leading example is Norway where housing co- operatives provide 14 per cent of all housing in a highly developed system.
In contrast, cost overruns under PFI are on average 170 per cent from outline to full business case.
Today, some manufacturers still use the word pashmina to describe 100 per cent cashmere.
The PSA sighted Alaska as the cruise hot spot for 2004 with an increase of nearly 70 per cent in cruise passengers.
Undrained, heavily waterlogged peat is up to 90 per cent water.
There is a 50 per cent chance of parents passing on the gene, although with reduced penetrance.
At present, he has an occupational pension with his employer, which contributes 15 per cent of basic salary.
Their north Atlantic breeding populations are estimated to have declined by about 90 per cent in the last 20 years.
About 40 per cent of the rinsing water used for the toothbrushes in the test tested positive for the virus.
British Energy wants to produce two per cent of its electricity from wind power by 2010.
The cost of antidepressant prescriptions in England has risen by more than 2,000 per cent over the last twelve years.
We have rightly increased the proportion of new housing built on brownfield sites to 60 per cent.
Used alone, acitretin can improve severe psoriasis in 75 per cent of patients, 30 per cent achieving complete clearance.
But in 85 per cent of cases, the cause is organic or drug induced and not psychological.
The percentage of ethnic minority pupils in small schools is relatively low, with few having more than 5 per cent.
The economy grew by only 0.3 per cent in the second quarter of 2003.
New figures record 2,595 four-week quitters in 2005/6 compared with 1,186 in the previous year an increase of 119 per cent.
The maize harvest fell by 32 per cent due to erratic rainfall during the agricultural season.
Fifty per cent council tax rebate on second homes to end.
In 1822, the Rev. William Wilson, a late rector, bequeathed £ 400 three per cent.
The Prime Minister has set a target for a 30 per cent reduction in vehicle crime by March 2004.
Currently, the whole tax system is very regressive with a top marginal tax rate of 40 per cent.
Around US$200 billion is outstanding as claimed reparations resulting from the invasion in 1990 - some 40 per cent is claimed by Kuwait.
The ASTI is pursuing a claim for a 30 per cent rise in pay.
Recorded robbery increased by 15 per cent in Surrey in the 12 months ending December 2002.
No tail rotor, making it 50 per cent quieter.
If he earns 150 rubles there, he must give from three to ten per cent to the Kolhoz.
Features of agriculture in Cambodia Cambodia has a predominantly rural population, with some 85 per cent of people living in rural areas.
It said like-for-like sales rose by 0.8 per cent during the month, compared with November 2004.
The parties ' combined share of supply of farmed Atlantic salmon in the UK is approximately 42 per cent by volume.
Early results from OFT research show 59 per cent of the population aged over 15 has been targeted by mass-marketed scams.
It seems scandalous that the UK Liberal Democrats with 22 per cent of the votes achieved less than ten per cent of the seats.
Only some 0.0001 per cent of the deep seafloor has been subject to biological investigations.
They are the largest socially segregated group anywhere in the world, and make up nearly 3 per cent of the world's population.
Some will wish to select 20 or 30 or 40 per cent of their intake, others will wish to be wholly selective.
Around 10 per cent of patients will experience some unpleasant sensations of the face which may affect the quality of life.
The second most common serovar was S Typhimurium (ST) at 1.8 per cent.
In many African countries this has now skyrocketed to 7 per cent, and in some cases to an astounding 11 per cent 5.
For export-approved slaughterhouses, 71 per cent had satisfactory hygiene standards.
The lift-curve slope is predicted to within 10 per cent.
That was in contrast to the 0.4 per cent slump experienced elsewhere in the UK.
Construction will shrink by 10.8 per cent - this is a result of the conclusion in 2000 of the MOZAL smelter.
During the Kosovo campaign the United States was relied on to conduct almost 85 per cent of air strike sorties.
He still owns 8 per cent of JJB, which is currently the subject of takeover speculation.
Up to 30 per cent of spam is now spewing from hijacked " zombie " PCs.
If the funds had passed to the estate of the divorced spouse, the ultimate inheritance tax liability could have been 40 per cent.
The Spanish company's 50 per cent stake in Bristol Airport could exchange hands for about £ 106 million.
The relative standard deviation (RSD) for the method of analysis was 5.8 per cent.
The new standpipes will provide water for 53 per cent of the people of Chiure.
And, as widely predicted, it stayed steadfast at 4.75 per cent.
In the author's area at lease 50 per cent may require temporary or permanent stoma.
In 2005, growth in the world's appetite for energy subsided from a rampant 4.4 per cent to 2.7 per cent.
Care was considered substandard in 57 per cent of cases.
Ten per cent fewer consumers are using a superstore or supermarket in a typical week now compared to 3 years ago.
There is a 50 per cent surcharge at night.
Raw nuts pay an 18 per cent export surtax - a measure designed to protect the national cashew processing industry.
Although 72 per cent of all houses in Great Britain do have some loft insulation, most would benefi though 72 per cent of all houses in Great Britain do have some loft insulation, most would benefi t from more.
For higher-rate taxpayers paying 40 per cent, every £ 100 going into their pension costs them £ 60.
They are the anchor tenants and account for 35 per cent of the retail space.
Women with low testosterone levels who had lost on average 18 per cent of their body weight were offered testosterone patches or placebo.
The actual audience achieved was 2,585 (including complimentary tickets ), or 54 per cent.
He also raised concerns about imported clay roof tiles entering the UK around 10 per cent cheaper than domestic clay roof tiles.
About 10 per cent of adults have experienced tinnitus for longer than five minutes.
The existing 2 per cent trend rate of UK productivity advance is in fact quite tolerable.
Around 40 per cent of patients with spasmodic torticollis are helped.
The total growth of foreign tourists is estimated to be about 20.3 per cent.
Asda is also offering 0 per cent on balance transfers for an introductory period of six months.
In addition, 47 per cent had elevated triglycerides.
Ninety per cent of all black truffles in Italy come from Umbria.
West Atlantic blue fin tuna are down to only 10 per cent of their former bounty.
At low engine speeds, the smaller turbocharger is effective immediately, producing 95 per cent of the available torque at just 1,500rpm.
A Joseph Rowntree Poll in 2000 found that 30 per cent of those polled agreed or tended to agree with compulsory turnout.
Election officials reported a 75 per cent turnout in the poll.
European election turnout in pilot regions was up more than 100 per cent.
Up to 40 per cent of emailed queries go unanswered, too.
Fourteen per cent remain undecided over how they would vote.
This can be seen from the emphasis put on not undershooting as well as not overshooting the 2.5 per cent objective.
Wages in the industry have been cut by 50 per cent since the 1980s and the workers are totally unskilled.
Last week like-for-like sales were up 20 per cent, following a 14.8 per cent uplift in the final quarter of 2005.
To maximize uptime the solution must be reliable, providing at least 98 per cent endurance.
The U-235 isotope makes up 0.7 per cent of naturally occurring uranium.
Gonococcal urethritis is diagnosed in 98 per cent of men by microscopic examination of the discharge obtained from a urethral swab.
For example, suppose a telecommunications company had measured customer satisfaction performance among its mobile phone users at 95 per cent.
The number of young adult drug users starting treatment has risen by more than 50 per cent in the last five years.
On average, Pakistani and Bangladeshi women earn only 56 per cent of the average hourly wage of White men.
It is customary to tip waiters 15 per cent of the bill.
The parties ' combined UK share of supply of mobile water coolers only is 15 per cent.
Group 2 had reduced energy from fat by 8.0 per cent and also lost 1.2 kg body weight and 1.4 per cent body fat.
Yet 90 per cent of the population lives within 100 miles of the US border, leaving huge tracts of unspoiled wilderness elsewhere.
In Hull, where there are 20mph limit zones, it is 12 per cent.
By means of a " magnetic shunt " Brown succeeded in increasing the working speed of long submarine cables to the extent of To to 15 per cent.
These when burnt would yield (6.5 X9430o)+(II X68300) =1364250 cal., an amount which is less than 1 per cent.
According to this view the enervating luxury of Palestinian culture almost destroyed the lofty ideal monotheism inculcated in the desert, and after the fall of the northern tribes (latter part of the 8th cent.) Judah is naturally regarded as the sole heir.
Eighty-three per cent of the annual convictions, summarily and on indictment, followed by committal to gaol, are for misconduct that is distinctly non-criminal, such as breaches of municipal by-laws and police regulations, drunkenness, gaming and offences under the vagrancy acts.
Like Signorile, they found that the squat produced the most quadriceps activity, peaking at 60 per cent of maximum activity levels.
The first is a two hour examination on quantitative methods worth 50 per cent.
Furthermore smoking increases the metabolism by five to ten per cent and when you quit smoking this will decrease.
Meanwhile, regulated rail fares are to rise by RPI plus 1 per cent for at least the next three years.
Short cuts 1 Dwain is a fan of rap star 50 Cent.
Despite tight control of gasoline prices in Pakistan, they reaped a dividend for the past year of 125 per cent.
The UK has set itself onto a path of a 60 per cent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by 2050.
Poor renters are more likely to be single than home-owners (40 per cent compared to 15 per cent).
Of this 0.57 per cent, only 38 per cent resided in the parish at death.
The frequency of retouched tools was about 5 per cent.
A Birmingham newspaperâs poll also revealed more than 50 per cent expect Villa to be fighting relegation again.
They are in the market for anything from short stories to full-length novels, and pay 37 per cent royalties.
By 26 weeks, almost 43 per cent had ruptured membranes compared with 24 per cent of controls.
Brain scans of patients with schizophrenia showed a 5 to 10 per cent loss of brain tissue, especially in the left temporal lobes.
An extra year of schooling for a girl can raise her eventual wages by 10 to 20 per cent.
Between August and December 1942, 32 per cent of all Chinese seamen on British ships calling at New York deserted.
They are the largest socially segregated group anywhere in the world, and make up nearly 3 per cent of the world 's population.
Those who ate 4-7 servings per week had a 22 per cent reduction.
The new group would be the world 's largest producer of industrial sewing thread with over 40 per cent of the United Kingdom market.
The most frequent site is the spine, some c. 56 per cent of all sexed adults were suffering from vertebral joint degeneration.
More than 70 per cent of shrimp farming is now in Asia.
For simplicity 's sake, let 's call it the " fifty per cent " rule.
Sixty-nine per cent of them said they had seen the ad " a lot " or " a few times ".
Chirac may well cave in to demands to offer some solace to the shareholders, 80 per cent of whom are French.
The Spanish company 's 50 per cent stake in Bristol Airport could exchange hands for about £ 106 million.
In the author 's area at lease 50 per cent may require temporary or permanent stoma.
In 2005, growth in the world 's appetite for energy subsided from a rampant 4.4 per cent to 2.7 per cent.
Reprographics costs were also substantial in the first year, making up about 10 per cent of the total.
Sales of Chinese food such as sweet-and-sour sauce, spring rolls and prawn crackers fell by 1 per cent in the same period.
Although 72 per cent of all houses in Great Britain do have some loft insulation, most would benefi t from more.
In the UK, it has been estimated that about 40 per cent of children under 10 years suffer from a threadworm infestation.
The actual audience achieved was 2,585 (including complimentary tickets), or 54 per cent.
Total tonnage recycled rose by 3.5 per cent to 587,000 tons, an increase of just over 20,000 tons from 2000.
Ten per cent of young people admitted to playing truant to go to paid work.
The turnout in a postal ballot was 66 per cent, the highest ever in a postal pilot.
Unlike the real election, there was a good turnout of voters, 85 per cent.
This is expected to increase, with over twelve per cent offering this facility by 2003.
Around 21 per cent of the children do not receive vaccinations against both tuberculosis (BCG) and measles.
An overwhelming 70 per cent gave the bicycle a landslide victory.
One survey published in February revealed a 350 per cent rise in the number of threats of violence against shopworkers in Scotland last year.
Forty-five per cent of the doctors admitted conducting virginity examinations for " social reasons ".
Six per cent reported taking volatile substances in the last year in 2002, compared with 7 per cent in 2001.
In India approximately 30 per cent of acute intestinal obstructions are secondary to volvulus of the sigmoid colon [3 ].
The Belfast Agreement was endorsed by 71.1 per cent of NI voters in a referendum held on 22 May.
For boys, waistlines expanded by 1.5 per cent.
These 200 people on my left would be the wealthy of the world, who consume 80 per cent of the available resources.
Did you really buy a widescreen television in order to see 25 per cent less of the picture?
Sheer willpower proved little better, with a success rate of only 6 per cent.
The milk-based Carnation infant formula Good Start Supreme is specially formulated and contains gentle 100 per cent whey comfort proteins.
You want to make sure that you take the time to really look at the funds before you invest one cent.
This card is a great tool that lets you buy gas when prices go down and fill your tank at the pump later when prices are higher without spending an extra cent.
Any monies under two dollars are counted in coins, with increments between one cent and fifty cents.
Curtis Jackson became 50 Cent, a nickname he had earned in rehab.
These musicians had been named in the song, and though 50 Cent claimed it was meant to be in jest, they took it quite seriously.
This led to 50 Cent, who is also known as "Fiddy," getting his own label, G-Unit Records, later in 2003.
Cent's career isn't confined to just music.
October 12, 2007, was declared "50 Cent Curtis Jackson Day" by the mayor of Bridgeport, Connecticut.
Early in his life, 50 Cent did time in prison for several different offenses, and was sentenced to probation after jumping into the audience at a concert, irked with being hit by a water bottle.
Despite his commercial success, 50 Cent made few friends in the industry.
While he's found great success as 50 Cent, he seems to always stay grounded enough to never forget his younger years as Curtis Jackson.
The selection of dolls to dress includes paper dolls inspired by actors like Ashton Kutcher and Tom Cruise, actresses like Jessica Alba and Angelina Jolie, and singers like 50 Cent and Britney Spears.
Some favorites include Ashanti, Beyonce, 50 Cent, David Beckham, Kate Bosworth, Eminem, Dennis Rodman, and Shakira.
The September 11 release date sparked a "feud" between Kanye and 50 Cent, who released his new album, Curtis, on the same day. 50 claimed that he would retire if Curtis sold fewer copies than Graduation.
Aside from Eminem, you've got Jay-Z who claimed it and 50 Cent said he'd do it if Kanye's album did better than his (which it did), but nary a mention of hanging up the mic.
Cent presidential financial advisor... sounds ludicrous right?
In a recent interview 50 Cent lamented about how the economic downturn has affected his spending habits.
This can be very helpful when you've just graduated and every cent matters towards monthly bills.
Cuttings of recent growth of 3 inches or so long are the best, and if made to a joint in the usual way and inserted in sandy soil in a cold frame, will, if kept close and fairly moist, root to almost cent. per cent.
It begins to flower in late summer, and lasts for many weeks in perfection, and nearly 70 per cent. of the garden varieties are traceable to it.
Cent Bulletproof for the Sony PlayStation 2 and Xbox gives players the opportunity to take on the personality of everyone's favorite G-Unit member.
Cent, or Fiddy, is tearing up all kinds of media outlets.
Nice try 50 Cent, I'm on to your programming skills.
Sixty-three per cent of their 2005 vintage is from Rochioli's original vines that were planted back in 1959, nine per cent from their sixteen-year-old hillside vineyards, and six per cent from their most recent plantings.
Ten per cent of the lot is barrel fermented, which imbues texture and an extra edge of lushness to the blend.
That's not to dampen your spirit; the state produces more than 90 per cent of the wine in the United States and carries the banner for this country's wine throughout the rest of the world.
You can get songs from artists like 50 Cent, Beyonce, Britney Spears, Jessica Simpson, Limp Bizkit, Madonna, Outkast, and more.
You may find all the information you are looking for without ever needing to pay a cent.
Reputable brand The twice marked-down bottle of 99 cent vitamins by a brand you've never heard of with misspellings on the label probably isn't a wise investment.
They send the dress in two different sizes and you won't have to pay a cent more.
At visitors have access to an array of musical electronic Christmas cards that don't cost a cent to send to friends and family during the holiday season.
Complete with an interior flap pocket and diminutive hardware, this shoulder bag is worth every affordable cent!
However, whether you currently have the money to purchase one, or are planning to save up for one, there can be no doubt that these bags are worth every cent!
For example, if you want to teach money, your questions could be "I am worth 1 cent.
Without paying a cent, you will be able to find movies from the past decade that aren't in public domain, but are still available for all to enjoy.
There are a lot of ways to do this, and they don't cost a cent!
In comparison, according to the daily fuel cost list posted by the AAA, the difference between the two prices is actually only 1/100th of a cent rather than a whole penny as it appears here.
While an extra 50 cent savings may not sound significant at first, this can quickly add up if you're using 20 to 30 coupons on each shopping trip.
You can see a more detailed explanation of how the math works out by reviewing the scenario posted on the Five Cent Nickel website.
Reebok has also granted footwear lines to rappers Jay-Z, who has is own S.Carters, and 50 Cent who has his G Unit line.
In 2003, the debut album by G Unit, led by 50 Cent, was so hugely popular that Reebok decided to release a line of sneakers called G Unit. 50 Cent endorsed the shoes and assisted with promotion by wearing G Unit footwear almost constantly.
Nothing has stopped either 50 Cent or Reebok and the shoes are still going strong.
Special to G Unit footwear, 50 cents of the proceeds from each shoe sold are donated to charities supported by 50 Cent.
Considering that his music comes with parental advisories and such hardcore topics as gang fights and oral sex, no one is surprised to learn that rapper, 50 Cent is heavily inked.
Jacob & Company diamond watches are the newest hot item among today's young entertainers, especially rap stars and hip hop artists, namely 50 Cent and other G Unit members.
Once you've determined that the pennies you hold are worth one cent and nothing more, feel free to experiment with the penny cleaning science which has collected a variety of cleaning methods to try.
It's ironic that a multi-billion dollar industry exists to promote something that doesn't actually cost you a cent.
If you do eat at fast food restaurants or foods that are not 100 per cent organic, the book warns that you'll gain back your weight.
Before you inflate it 100 per cent, sit on the ball.
At one-hundred (100) another word cent is added, one-thousand (1,000), mille, one million (1,000,000) is million and a billion (1,000,000,000) is a milliard.
These two hip hop enemies are releasing albums on the same day, and 50 Cent has said that if Kanye's album sells more than his, then he will stop making music.
Their miscalculation is your gain - instead of paying 15 cents, 20 cents or more for a single track, you can get a 99 cent download of your favorite Keith Urban album.
Her modeling became an issue in 2008 when pictures that appeared to show her posing naked with 50 Cent hit the internet. states that 50 Cent raked in $41 million between the summer of 2005 and the summer of 2006. 50 Cent is a hip-hop star with a background that draws people in.
Cent featuring Snoop and G-Unit – P.I.M.P.
She has DJ'd for 50 Cent, Snoop Dogg, and many other R&B and Rap stars.
In a market where the norm was a half cent to two cents per word, Galaxy paid five and six cents a word.
It may only be a fraction of a cent, but with millions of visitors, the money can add up.
The experience gained in the earlier days of ocean telegraphy, from the failure and abandonment of nearly 50 per cent.
In the period from 1855 to 1868 the number of messages carried annually by all the telegraph companies of the United Kingdom increased from 1,017,529 to 5,781,989, or an average annual increase of 16.36 per cent.
There were also extra charges under contingent regulations of great complexity, which commonly added 50 per cent.
In support of these views he reported that in Belgium in 1863 "a reduction of 33 per cent.
The stock of the Electric and International Company, the return on which had reached 10 per cent.
In 1869 Mr Scudamore estimated the operating expenses at 51 to 56 per cent.
In 1870-1 they were 57 per cent.
The interspace is filled with a very small quantity of nickel and silver filings, about 95 per cent.
The licences were for 31 years, expiring in 1922, without any provision for purchase or compensation, and were subject to the payment of a minimum royalty to the Post Office of 10 per cent.
The development of telephony in the United States of America is much greater than anywhere else; on the 1st of January 1907, 5 per cent.
The working expenses amounted to £1,530,093 or 62.6 per cent.
The years' working of the whole telephone system of the Post Office showed a balance of £451,787 after payment of the working expenses, while the estimated amount required to provide for depreciation of plant and interest at 3 per cent.
They are not exact, but may be taken as representing an approximation correct within one per cent.
Thus a gradient of I in 200 is the same as a half per cent.
In 1920 he vetoed a bill calling for censorship of moving pictures and likewise a bill to permit the sale of " 2.7 5 per cent " beer.
Thomsen by direct experiment found that the heat-capacity of a dilute aqueous solution diverged in general less than i per cent.
The accuracy of heats of combustion determined in the closed calorimeter is in favourable cases about one-half per cent.
The observed heat of combustion of sugar is, however, 1354000, so that the error of the rule is here 20 per cent.
Some appear written for the first time in the book of Jubilees, in " the Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs " (both perhaps 2nd century B.C.) and in later sources; and although in Genesis the stories are now in a post-exilic setting (a stage earlier than Jubilees), the older portions may well belong to the 7th or 6th cent.
The staple crop is rice, which is grown on 77 per cent.
In 1905 the value of, the factory product was $11,264,123, an increase of 59 per cent.
The value of the factory products increased from $1,935,442 in 1900 to $4,427,816 in 1905, or 128.8 per cent.
On this reduced capital a minimum interest of% was to be paid, the rate of interest to be increased by quarters per cent.
It is found (Bourne, 24) that some species of scorpion faint at a temperature of 4 0 0 Cent.
Religion.-Seventy-five per cent at least of the Letts are Protestants, but there is a Catholic majority in Latgalia and a number of Greek Orthodox among the Letts.
Pop. (1901) 395,570, showing an increase of 17 per cent.
It is calculated that in the NorthWest Provinces of India 5 per cent.
Hence only in exceptional circumstances is it possible to utilize a large class of widely distributed ores, carrying from Io to 35 per cent.
In roasting a ton of rich blende containing 60 per cent.
This dust may amount to Io per cent.
The current efficiency was about 83 per cent.
Parting by nitric acid is of considerable antiquity, being mentioned by Albertus Magnus (13th cent.), Biringuccio (1540) and Agricola (1556).
In the United States, for instance, it was shown in 1890 that more than 21.5 per cent.
In Nassau and Bavaria woody structure is very common, and it is [[Table I]].-Elementary Composition of Coal (the figures denote the amounts per cent).
The total farm acreage was 125,807,017 acres in 1900, the total number of farms 1 being 351,085, their average acreage 358.3 acres, 84.9 per cent.
Population.-The population in 1880 was 1,J91,749; in 1890 7 2,235,523; in 1900 2 3,048,710; and in 1910, 3,896,542.3 Of the population in 1900, 94.1 per cent.
In 1782 he prepared an elaborate report on the coinage, suggesting the use of the decimal system and of the terms dollar and cent.
But it was pointed out 2 that in the oldest MS. existing in the Cambridge university library the figure 4 had been imperfectly erased before the word "cent," a discovery which harmonized with the results of a criticism of the contents of the poem itself.
B.e.) whose periplus is translated by Avienus (end of 4th cent.
The continental portion, although less mixed than that of the peninsula, consists of Great and Little Russians, who constitute 83 per cent.
He wrote an epic, Charlemagne, ou l'Eglise delivree (2 vols., 1814), also La Verite sur les Cent _Tours and Memoirs, which were not completed.
Pop. (1901) 109,979, showing an increase of 16 per cent.
The most sharply contested of the changes was in regard to silks, which had been completely prohibited, and were now admitted at a duty of 30 per cent.
The nullification movement led in 1833 to the well-known compromise, by which the rates of duty as established by the Act of 1832 were to be gradually reduced, reaching in 1842 a general level of 20 per cent.
In 1875, however, when the revenue had become deficient after the crisis of 1873, the io per cent.
Alluvial loams occupy the narrow river valleys; but the most common soil of the section is that formed from gneiss with a large per cent.
The leading agricultural pursuits are the growing of Indian corn and wheat and the raising of livestock, yet it is in the production of fruits, vegetables and tobacco, that Maryland ranks highest as an agricultural state, and in no other state except South Carolina is so large a per cent.
For the year 1898-9 the present writer obtained figures directly from the books kept by the custom-house official at Tabriz, and although, as this official informed him, some important items had not been entered at all, the value of the exports and imports shown in the books exceeded that of the consular reports by about io per cent.
The population of the state was 141,885 in 1790; 318,300 in' 1870; 346,991 in 1880; 376,530 in 1890; and 411,588 in 1900; and 430,572 in 1910; the per cent of increase was 9.3 from 1890 to 1900 and 4.6 from 1900 to 1910.
There are, besides, scattered pieces of information in Aphraates (4th cent.), Barhebraeus (13th cent.) and others.
During1834-1846the royalty was 6 cents, and between 1846 and 1898 it remained stationary at one cent.
Putting the rates of the twelve returning railways together, we find the average freight in the two years 1859-1860 was 3 o06 cents per ton per mile, and that in 1896-1897 the average rate had fallen to 797 of a cent per ton per mile.
The total value of the city's factory product in 1905 was $22,955,197, an increase of 14.4 per cent.
In 1905 the value of all factory products was $7,047,637, of which $1,144,384 (16.2 per cent.) represented pottery, terra-cotta, and fireclay products.
On the other hand, in a Congressional election in a certain district in Massachusetts, the only expenditure of one of the candidates was for the two cent stamp placed on his letter of acceptance.
He not only opposed the president's "ten per cent.
Seventy-one per cent of the troops were on the sick list, and more than forty officers died - only six from wounds.
In January 1840 the Assam Company was formed to take over the early tea garden of the East India Company, and this, the premier company, is still in existence, having produced up to 1907 no less than 117,000,000 lb of tea and paid in dividends X1,360,000 or 730 per cent.
The industry is a declining one, because of change in the American taste, and the area under cultivation has diminished by nearly 20 per cent.
The only known mineral of which it forms an essential component is the rare mineral crookesite of Skrikerum, Smaland, Sweden, which, according to Nordenskidld, contains 33.3 per cent.
This is a tall iron erection, built up from superposed cylinders, which are separated from one another by perforated horizontal diaphragms, con this recovery is carried out in the most efficient manner, the process cannot possibly pay; but so much progress has been made in this direction that the loss of ammonia is very slight indeed, merely a fraction per cent.
After the death of Basil (886), his son and successo Leo, who had formerly been devoted to Photius, but in r cent years displayed great hatred towards him, deprived him f his office and banished him to the monastery of Bordi in Arm ia.
Under favourable conditions in the larger works of the United States the cost of converting a 50% matte to metallic copper is generally understood to be only about 1 o to iw of a cent per lb.
A small crystal of oxalic acid added to concentrated sulphuric acid containing about 1 per cent.
Racine is said to have assured his son that Corneille made verses "cent fois plus beaux" than his own, but that his own greater popularity was owing to the fact that he took some trouble to make himself personally agreeable.
Thus while in1882-1883the ratio of illiterate recruits amounted to 9.75%, in 1901 less than one quarter per cent of the military drafts were without schooling.
Roman Catholics; Wesleyans number nearly 16 per cent., and Presbyterians about 62 per cent.
By the general education law enacted in 1909, 25 per cent.
Each county court may provide for one or more county high schools to be maintained in part by additional county taxes and miscellaneous funds, and 8 per cent.
When the general education law was enacted in 1909 Tennessee had no state normal schools, but by the law 13 per cent.
The most probable of the above dates appears to be that maintained by Fritzsche, that is, if we understand by the Maccabean times the early decades of the 2nd cent.
With the downfall of; the Maccabean dynasty, however, the older idea revived in the 1st cent.
Though the original work was dependent on the Apocalypse of Baruch it cannot have been written much before the close of the 1st cent.
An MRI scan can detect an abnormality in 80 per cent of people with epilepsy undergoing the test.
This was particularly marked for those in low skilled jobs (41 per cent DEs compared to 19 per cent abs ).
Playing games is not only the preserve of the younger generation, with seven per cent of the sample tackling tombs and blasting aliens!
Other Complications About 10 per cent of patients with myeloma develop primary amyloidosis.
The risk of death from a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm is about 50 per cent, even during operation.
He departed as 50,000 stunned with-profit annuity holders had just been told their pensions would be slashed by up to 30 per cent.
Roughly 10 per cent of adult asthmatics, and more women than men, are found to be aspirin sensitive.
The Republicans give big business 100 per cent cooperation.
Today we have only six per cent of the early stage high tech venture capital of the United States.
But a sweater marked 100 per cent cashmere cannot be legally diluted with wool.
The report states that a ' cuffing ' effect may occur to the deflated catheter balloon when removing 100 per cent silicone catheters.
Broadband subscriptions rose to 69.2 per cent compared with 49.1 per cent compared with 49.1 per cent in March 2005.
Any child born to someone affected by FAP has a fifty per cent chance of inheriting the condition.
If you only have three per cent of a company it's bloody hard to work up the enthusiasm to fire the Chief Executive.
More than 41 million packets of counterfeit cigarettes were seized in 2004, a rise of 25 per cent over the previous year.
Spending about 3.5 per cent of GDP on defense does not involve the American citizenry in any great sacrifice.
Women with low stomach acid were able to absorb 45 per cent of calcium citrate, however.
In 2001 children who have disability in mainstream classrooms represented 2.37 per cent of the total student population of just over four million.
To the S the day dawned mostly cloudy with rain across N England and Cent Ireland.
Forget 70 per cent cocoa solids, we're talking 100 per cent.
Sixteen per cent of couples with dependent children now cohabit rather than marry.
Over 90 per cent of the deals covered collective bargaining on pay, hours and holidays.
The Treasury should considering reducing the discount used in the public sector comparator from six to five per cent.
The aft fuselage, at the back, houses the main engines that provide the other 29 per cent of thrust required for launch.
Samantha says, our granddad supports us 100 per cent.
However, nearly half of lone parent households still have no-one in work, compared to only 7 per cent of couples with children.
Thimerosal is 50 per cent composed of ethyl mercury and is used as a preservative.
The old adage, 10 per cent inspiration and 90 per cent perspiration springs to mind.
Humans now appropriate 40 per cent of the planet's organic matter produced by photosynthesis.
Background The Bertram Diabetes Center serves a population of about 510,000 in East Norfolk, with a diabetes prevalence of 2.5 per cent.
In a study of Nepalese porters, 45 per cent had experienced medical problems on treks.
In Gaza the figure reaches about 10 per cent, and 7.7 per cent in Maputo province.
Ninety per cent are granted, although often with strict provisos.
The solid alloy consists of crystals of pure tin in juxtaposition with crystals of almost pure lead and bismuth, these two metals dissolving each other in solid solution to the extent of a few per cent only.
Another relationship was denied vehemently at first by both parties, but 50 Cent and talk show host Chelsea Handler have finally admitted they did have a relationship in late 2010.
She explained to Piers Morgan that 50 Cent was "the complete antithesis of what you would imagine."
While 50 Cent started his life under difficult circumstances, he has done much to rise above poverty and drug dealing.
A new street car company began operations on the 1st of November 1906, charging a 3 cent fare.
A noteworthy peculiarity in the foreign mail service is that an extra charge of 2 cents for each letter and 1 cent for each post-card is collected when they are sent across the isthmus of Panama.
Sixty per cent of the present output of timber being needed for internal consumption, about 200,000 festmetres are available annually for export.
Some idea of the business efficiency of the C.R.B., as it was familiarly called, may be gained from the fact that although almost $1,000,000,000 was expended on food and transportation, only about one-half of one per cent was required for overhead expenses.
The cost of construction, to the same year, exceeded £14,000,000, the interest earned per cent since 1895 not being less than £3, 12s.
To the Prophecy of Restoration we may fitly apply the words, too gracious and too subtly chosen to be translated, of Renan, "ce second Isaie, dont Fame lumineuse semble comme impregnee, six cent ans d'avance, de toutes les rosees, de tous les parfums de l'avenir" (L'Antechrist, p. 464); though, indeed, the common verdict of sympathetic readers sums up the sentence in a single phrase - "the Evangelical Prophet."
Aluminium, when alloyed with a few per cent of magnesium, gains greatly in rigidity while remaining very light; this alloy, under the name of magnalium, is coming into use for small articles in which lightness and rigidity have to be combined.
As to method of cultivation, 36.3 per cent of the farms were in 1900 managed by the owners, 33.3% by cash renters, 24.4% by share tenants, and the remaining 6% by other methods.
The phrase Cent Jours was first used by the prefect of Paris, the comte de Chabrol, in his speech welcoming the king.
With some modifications introduced by Jefferson, notably the adoption of a higher unit of value (the dollar instead of one-tenth of a cent), this plan constitutes the basis of the present American system.