The subdrift caving system, fig.
Deidre paced for a moment before caving.
In the latter case the top-slice caving method will usually be employed for the working of such intervening pillars.
JustRite Focusing Head-lantern - This powerful light is perfect for caving or anytime you want both hands free and still need a light source.
However, unique to Camp Horizons is their equestrian camp for teen girls and their co-ed adventure camp that includes rock climbing, white water rafting, high ropes courses and even caving for the more adventuresome!
Instead of caving in to the pressure to part with a few dollars, opt out of the group gift and bring a hand-picked card for the recipient instead, perhaps with a homemade treat or a less expensive gift just from you.
She struck, caving in his head and escaping with Sookie.
He knew it, which meant he was counting on her caving at some point.
He took her in for a long moment before caving.
Although petroleum wells in Russia have not the depth of many of those in the United States, the disturbed character of the strata, with consequent liability to caving, and the occurrence of hard concretions, render drilling a lengthy and expensive Drilling in operation.
In the working of thick deposits the block of ground between two levels is divided into horizontal sections or floors which are worked either from above downward or from of Thick the bottom upward; in the first case the separate floors are worked by one of the caving systems; in the second, generally with the aid of filling.
The bottom-slice caving system of mining begins at the bottom of a hundred-foot block of ground, a floor being excavated under the whole area, leaving pillars of sufficient size to support the ground above.
This is the cheapest of the three caving systems, but is applicable only when the deposit lies between walls of very solid rock, as otherwise wall rock is liable to cave with and become mixed with ore, which adds greatly to the expense of handling.
The caving in of mine workings results from the excavation of large areas supported upon pillars of insufficient size.
While the mine workings are small the overlying rocks support themselves of and the full pressure does not come upon the mine Caving p i llars.
It is estimated that the eating and caving of the shore below Little Rock averages 7 64 acres per mile every year (as against 1.99 acres above Little Rock).
No, easy was not something she was willing to accept, even if it meant caving to someone she craved, whose looks drove her crazy and whose touch made her feel more at home than she did in the mortal and Immortal worlds.
It has a drying room with dehumidifier, storage heater and spin dryer and a cold water sluice room for washing caving gear.
In the Main Bar can be seen a collection of caving cartoons by Jim Eyre, one of the local early cave explorers.
But if you haven't, try the following on your next caving trip.
Even a mine explorer will find links with the like minded among the caving fraternity.
Lack of lights, helmets or indeed any caving gear whatsoever added a certain frisson to the trip.
Caving huts are rarely plush, some are barely habitable, in contrast, this place was a veritable mansion.
The description of the surface hydrology, also written up in the draft caving report, had likewise become obsolete.
Within its wainscoted boudoirs a voluminous collection of assorted caving paraphernalia could be found, albeit mostly of the false hair variety.
His interests include caving, rock climbing, hiking, and racing sailboats.
Fiona Ware - GSG Caving Secretary Elphin Caving Center The hut survived the tremendous winter gales almost totally unscathed.
A gazetteer of non-human vertebrate remains from caves in the Yorkshire Dales referenced in caving club journals and allied literature.
Now normally the prospect of spending a weekend in a caving hut would fill mortals with fear.
This team is roving around the regions to listen to the caving population - to listen to YOUR views.
Could be used to wile away long winter evenings in caving huts.