Another explanation, which appears first in Jewish authors of the middle ages and has found wide acceptance in recent times, derives the name from the causative of the verb; He (who) causes things to be, gives them being; or calls events into existence, brings them to pass; with many individual modifications of interpretation - creator, lifegiver, fulfiller of promises.
Other common causative organisms include other Gram-negative aerobes, Streptococcus spp. and anaerobes.
At the end of the day they were not causative.
However, such infections are hardly a causative death factor in infants not affected by death.
The document outlines the causative agents of West Nile Virus, disease transmission, clinical signs and symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.
The causative agent is Aeromonas salmonicida a non-motile, Gram-negative aerobic bacillus, typically 1 µm x 2 µm.
In short the inquiry must focus on matters directly causative of the death and must indeed be confined to these matters alone " .
Gas gangrene is caused by Clostridia and the most common causative organism is Clostridium perfringens, which produces exotoxins that cause local tissue damage.
Production loss from udder quarters with subclinical mastitis has been assessed for several different causative organisms and ranged from 10% to 26% .
Once the causative organism is known, treatment should be modified accordingly.
The human T-cell leukemia virus (HTLV-I) is believed to be the causative agent for some kinds of leukemias.
A TORCH test is performed to help screen for certain virus infections in infants who may have been exposed to a causative organism.
Any suspected infection should be reported to the obstetrician so that testing for the causative parasite in the mother can be performed.
The best way to prevent croup is to prevent the causative infections.
Adjustment disorders are also differentiated from other reactions to stress such as PTSD by both symptoms and the relative severity of the causative event.
Once test results are known and causative organisms identified, treatment can be adjusted appropriately.
The causative bacteria is called Salmonella.
Nasal swabs can be taken in order to identify the causative viral agent, although viral culture takes long enough that the patient is usually on the way to recovery by the time the viral agent has been identified.
A throat swab will capture the causative organism in most cases and the culture will allow the specific organism to be grown in the microbiology laboratory under certain conditions.
Characteristic appearance of the skin is the usual method of diagnosis, although fluid from the vesicles can be cultured and then examined in an attempt to identify the causative bacteria.
Paramyxovirus-A genus of viruses that includes the causative agent of mumps.
The fluid within the vesicles contains large quantities of the causative viruses.
If epiglottitis is suspected, no efforts should be made to look at the throat or to swab the throat in order to obtain a culture for identification of the causative organism.
Therefore, even if no causative factor is uncovered for a child with FTT, aggressive dietary management is the key to successful treatment.
Additionally, a choice of hundreds of diagnostic tests can be ordered by the physician to identify causative conditions, deficiencies, or diseases underlying the coagulopathy.
The same causative agents infect both adults and children.
Ramsey-Hunt's chief differences from Bell's palsy are both its causative agent and the severity of some symptoms.
Pneumonia can develop gradually in children after exposure to the causative organism, or it can develop quickly after another illness, reducing the lungs' ability to receive and distribute oxygen.
In addition to exposure to sufficient quantities of causative organisms, certain other conditions can increase the risk of pneumonia.
If the results of culture and sensitivity positively identify the causative bacteria, an antibiotic is prescribed for that demonstrated sensitivity.
When symptoms seem to suggest pneumonia, immediate attention allows early treatment so that breathing difficulties can be corrected quickly and drug therapy begun in order to destroy the causative organism.
Prevention involves avoiding contact with those animals capable of passing on the causative organisms.
Food poisoning is not spread from one individual to another but through direct contact with the causative bacteria, viruses, or other toxins in consumed food.
The symptoms of food poisoning by Shigella organisms may resemble meningitis and a differential diagnosis must be made by isolating the causative bacteria.
The microbiology laboratory may use samples of the bacteria grown to perform other special techniques to help identify the causative organism.
The causative bacteria is usually Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
The organisms present in the specimen can then be cultured (allowed to multiply) in a laboratory, and then viewed under a microscope to allow identification of the causative organisms.
A swab of the external canal will not necessarily reveal the actual causative organism, so some other tissue sample (biopsy) will need to be obtained.
About 5 percent of all ticks carry the causative bacteria.
Honey intolerance and bee pollen administration have also been suggested as a causative agent for EG.
The incidence of perinatal infection depends on the causative agent of infection.
How a bacterial or viral infection is diagnosed depends on the causative agent.
It is the causative agent of pneumocystosis.
The microbiology laboratory may use samples of the bacteria grown to perform other special techniques in order to help identify the causative organism.
It was not until 1933 that the causative agent was identified as a virus.
Parents may find it helpful to track their child's moods and behaviors and to help children learn to track their own moods and behaviors to help identify possible stresses and causative factors.
Performing bilirubin tests is the first step in making sure that normal degrees of jaundice do not become more severe and that liver dysfunction or other causative conditions, if present, are identified and treated early.
According to the American Heart Association in 90 to 95 percent of high blood pressure cases, the actual cause in unknown, however, causative factors are able to be more clearly defined.
A serious objection to this theory in every form is that the verb hayah, " to be," has no causative stem in Hebrew; to express the ideas which these scholars find in the name Yahweh the language employs altogether different verbs.
St George Mivart, in The Ground-work of Science (1898), maintained the reality of an active causative power underlying Nature, and the dignity of human reason, from an independent point of view.
It is probable that the verb had a special form denoting condition, as in Arabic. There was a causative form prefixing t, and ti-aces of forms resembling Piel and Niphal are observed.
It is now generally assumed that the word is the causative form (hiph`il) and should be pronounced Yahveh or Yahweh (accent on second syllable).
They must indeed be recognized as true, primary, causative and the like.
In the verbs there are causative, intensive or frequentative, and reciprocal forms.
These constitute a distinct formation, generally with a " causative " meaning; the solitary Attic specimen is riyayov.