Break this down into a workable list and then categorize the items you need.
Many sites categorize people by their hometown, where they went to school and the different places they have worked, so you can browse through the people who went to your school or search for the name of someone you are looking for.
Doctors and researchers try to categorize autism into one of several types, though within each type of autism there are varying degrees of severity.
There are many ways to categorize postcards including the era in which they were made or the subject matter on the card.
In an attempt to categorize them, these were measured and compared to teeth in more complete mandibles.
Then, we categorize it to make it easier for them to fill that need.
Her dress lacked flattering shaping and contained so many different elements, it was difficult to categorize.
Now available for both PC and Mac platforms, this is a two-part program.The first part operates on your computer, searching the drive for pictures and allowing you to name them, categorize them, and otherwise organize them.
Journalists and cultural commentators like to give names to social trends or groups, which they often categorize by characteristic language uses.
Although some researchers believe that the ability to categorize is an achievement of toddlerhood, others suggest it is present in infancy.
Has been a the department shirk immediately categorize them a huge hand.
Although we commonly categorize eye color into blue, green or brown shades, there are actually several different tones in each color family.
The simple graphics make this immediately appealing and approachable for someone who would otherwise categorize themselves as a "non-gamer."
Tech Reviews adds smartphones as they're released and doesn't categorize them at first glance by price, cell phone service provider, or anything else.
Children can categorize themselves as members of a social category even if it does not assemble in one place.
Summer is a bit more difficult to categorize, but you can fit within this category if you look particularly attractive in shades of rose, periwinkle, and sage.
Their rectangular or rounded shape and long straps are features that categorize them as swings.
Gucci does not categorize its bookbags as such, allowing you to use either a backpack, messenger bag or tote for the purpose.
Those that you can identify, understand and categorize into tidy groupings fall under the realm of the "normal".
Agent Provocateur does not categorize their lingerie, distinguishing what is sleazy or smutty, and instead focuses on what is erotic and arousing to both wearers and their partners.
It is wise to categorize yourself in a genre that will reach the most people, but make sure it is the type of people that will be interested in your sound.
Maybe it was the way he accepted the loss – categorize and prioritize species.
As an artist who is uniquely stylized and thereby difficult to categorize, Jason Mraz burst onto the popular music scene in the early 2000s and became one of the most emulated musicians of modern times.
When you discover a site whose information you find valuable, you might categorize it and add it to your list of bookmarks.
Another way to categorize images is with "tags", which are simply words that apply to the content of a photo.
I've heard others state that Magnifique is easily the strongest rose scent they've used, but I'm more inclined to categorize this as a warm, rich vanilla when all is said and done.