Cataclysm in A Sentence


    As early as 1186 the earth had escaped one threatened cataclysm of the astrologers.


    The most important of all the symptoms of the approaching cataclysm was, however, the growing unrest among the peasants.


    Yes, a comet slamming into the planet or some galactic cataclysm could wipe us all out.


    Only a fraction of it has to melt to trigger a cataclysm.


    In Crete, at least, the excavations show that the old civilization must have ended in a social and political cataclysm.


    This journey was necessary because the homeland was facing cataclysm - sinking, as legend has it.


    The stress of puberty is the most intense natural cataclysm that a growing child has to undergo.


    By the event of the first great cataclysm, Atlantis was firmly established in many areas of the Earth.


    Today they seem portents of a cataclysm that may not conveniently wait until we're history.


    Five years afterwards Portugal was overtaken by the tremendous disaster of the Lisbon earthquake (see Lisbon), which, as Oliveira Martins justly observes, was " more than a cataclysm of nature; it was a moral revolution."


    But everyone was just so glad to be alive and to have survived the cataclysm that became known as the Great War.


    The Great God and Great Goddess personified the cataclysm of creation and the formative Universe.


    Soon after William's death came the cataclysm that was the Indian Mutiny of 1857.


    We cannot undo the cosmic cataclysm of the Fall by making astronomical measurements or adjustments.


    Legend says that the island of Atlantis was sunk beneath the waves 11,000 years ago by a massive cataclysm.


    In Cyprus, and perhaps on the south-west Anatolian coasts, there is some reason to think that the cataclysm was less complete, and Aegean art continued to languish, cut off from its fountain-head.


    But he is best known as the regenerator of the realm after the cataclysm of1241-1242(see Bela Iv.).


    While there may be anger beneath the surface - or even bubbling way over the surface - of individuals who consider themselves emo, in truth emo may best be described as a cataclysm of feelings that aren't easily explained.


    Other prophecies warn about a cataclysm that will end the world, but December 21, 2012 is the date that caught the world's attention.


    These conspiracy theorists claim that a catacomb of underground tunnels that connect around the globe still exist from the last cataclysm and have been revamped to accommodate those in power.


    It's still a mighty handy thing to have around if you have a cataclysm you want to undo.


    Poland had, in fact, emerged from the cataclysm of1648-1667a moribund state, though her not unskilful diplomacy had enabled her for a time to save appearances.


    This has been called the " cyclic uproar " and is a final, all-engulfing cataclysm.


    Other than cataclysm, asymmetrical attack, or government gone wild, we have little to worry about.


    The cataclysm of the French Revolution interrupted his studies.


    It was the beginning of that policy of " stability " associated later with Metternich, which was to last till the cataclysm of 1848.


    King John Casimir, betrayed and abandoned by his own subjects, fled .to Silesia, and profiting by the cataclysm which, for the moment, had swept the Polish state out of existence, the Muscovites, unopposed, quickly appropriated nearly everything which was not already occupied by the Swedes.