Case in A Sentence


    But this is not the case historically.


    Don't plead my case for me.


    You should take notes in case we forget some detail.


    To build a case for the end of poverty, we begin by discussing scarcity.


    He remained adverse to any case where he knew for sure that someone was killed.


    In any case, he found something else interesting.


    It gives everyone a chance to make her case and be heard.


    In one case, the technology, writing, probably resulted in our memories getting worse, but we gained much more than we lost.


    The point of this gold indicator bends over the edge of the case, round which are set eleven raised points--the stem forms the twelfth.


    In any case, Alex might not be happy with her old-fashioned ideas.


    Howie remained obsessed that he'd failed to nail the culprit and when he heard of this later case, he begged Quinn to take enough time away from his wife and new daughter for a single session.


    I believe this is the case with energy.


    But in this case I don't think I made a mistake.


    The part of the room behind the columns, with a high silk-curtained mahogany bedstead on one side and on the other an immense case containing icons, was brightly illuminated with red light like a Russian church during evening service.


    In that case you would not have obliged me to give this refusal.


    Her fingers found the door handle - just in case.


    A case of pure stupidity; picking up a hitchhiking teenager.


    I'll try to dig up an old case file if you decide you want my help.


    In this case, we pay for the use of a womb.


    Only the lid of the case containing the carpets would not shut down.


    Yet before the day was over, it was obvious that wasn't the case.


    Either situation might be the case.


    That wasn't the case.


    Whatever the case, Natalie began suckling as soon as the nipple was in her mouth.


    In any case, Yancey didn't seem to be all that determined to avoid a relationship.


    Each case I handle gives me that much more experience.


    In another case, a missing twelve year old boy turned out to be a runaway.


    She would determine which case had the best chance of success.


    I recognized the case.


    We almost passed up the case, thinking it was yet another teenager leaving home on her own.


    I asked Daniel Brennan if there was any progress in the Bryce case.


    In this case, I didn't waste my time trying.


    She had expected to find Alex had paid the hospital bill, but that wasn't the case.


    In her case, any change would have to be an improvement - and what about the loss of innocence?


    Two receiving instruments, a siphon recorder and a mirror galvanometer, are shown; one only is absolutely necessary, but it is convenient Cable to have the galvanometer ready, so that in case of accident to the recorder it may be at once switched into circuit by the switch s.


    This would be the case in a besieged city or a nation using the food supply to keep its citizenry in check.


    But I am making a case I believe I can defend and will begin by defining my terms.


    I told her that the book wasn't afraid, and must sleep in its case, and that "girl" mustn't read in bed.


    The forest has never so good a setting, nor is so distinctly beautiful, as when seen from the middle of a small lake amid hills which rise from the water's edge; for the water in which it is reflected not only makes the best foreground in such a case, but, with its winding shore, the most natural and agreeable boundary to it.


    Maybe it was more a case of wishing it were so.


    Still, it didn't hurt to let someone know - just in case.


    That couldn't happen in Howie's case.


    She increased our supply by five dollars' worth, just in case.


    I don't mean the four attempts on the one case.


    Under no circumstances should we ever personally get directly involved with a case.


    The crime was eerily reminiscent of the Delaware kidnapping case where Howie was unsuccessful.


    Especially, I want to succeed spectacularly with the type of case we handled today.


    Martha had continued to take copious notes on each and every case.


    He hinted this case was only one of his many accomplishments.


    Sorry. That was a pretty blatant case of prying, wasn't it?


    The case of Jude Bryce, and/or his brother remained unresolved.


    Watch your back and keep your fake papers handy, just in case.


    The site is indexed and assigned case numbers.


    The child molester was tied to a similar but stronger case.


    Usually we rely on Betsy's sole decision as a method of choosing a case but the wide spread interest in this kidnapping caused her to share it with all of us.


    While Martha and Betsy, buoyed by our recent success, were eager to tackle the case, Quinn, not surprisingly, and yours truly to a lesser extent, were hesitant.


    Much the case with Howie and Julie, I felt the personal lives of our group deserved their own space to address their own problems.


    When we first accepted Mr. Cooms' generous funding, we established this secure connection in case he ever had a need to contact us.


    She made her case.


    Julie was a basket case when she learned she'd be required to transfer planes in Los Angeles.


    I figured these abductions mirror some old case, and then there's a time break of a few years, like he was away.


    Neither of us believed that to be the case.


    He claims he never hurt anyone seriously and the case file seems to bear him out.


    Ronnie doesn't know any of those people and he keeps saying I should step up to the plate, like it's the least I could do 'cause he already tolerates me like a bad case of hemorrhoids.


    An investigation proved that to be the case.


    They closed the case when a guy named Willard Humphries they were sure did it was sent away for another crime.


    That makes it an open case.


    She wasn't on my list, probably because the police considered the case closed.


    He promised to keep a close watch on our house, just in case.


    He insisted on leaving the vehicle at my disposal in case I needed it.


    I pushed the door slowly and found a case of water bottles, bread, peanut butter, crackers, cheese and several sealed containers of fruits and puddings.


    Our case of water bottles, down three from the original two dozen would need to be rationed.


    This man's look was considering, as if he were trying to memorize her features in case he needed the information in the future.


    She waited for a long moment in case he came back.


    And ready an emergency evac plan, just in case.


    Pack a bag, just in case.


    Jimmy, rig them as well, just in case.


    He withdrew a small case with a needle in it and several small vials.


    He returned the case and grabbed her again.


    Iggy cut in, agitation clear as she fumbled to open the case to her iPad.


    In any case, I'm on my way, darling, he said with disapproval.


    She kept her voice low, in case the room next door was occupied.


    In either case, I'm planning on expelling them and the Others both from the mortal realm.


    Two swung his legs off the bed, holding his breath in case she spoke again.


    Since he was the one she wanted to learn to outsmart, in case things broke bad, she doubted he'd teach her anything.


    You know that's not the case.


    I brought this, in case you needed a negotiation tool to use to protect yourself from him.


    In either case, Deidre never put a stupid deal over the life of another suffering as she had.


    In case I win our deal.


    A real live mystery, even if it's probably only a fender-bender auto case.


    It was only a week past the longest day of the year and still light outside but Dean joined her, in case she changed her mind and needed him.


    If that were the case, Dean wondered, why had Joseph also rented a Jeep and parked out of sight behind Bird Song?


    With all you're got on your plate, being a basket case would be perfectly acceptable behavior.


    If scaring us was the case, they certainly were successful.


    The judge told us not to discuss the case.


    Can't discuss the case.


    How much time do you suppose we're spending on a case where as far as we can tell no one is in harm's way whatsoever?


    He thanked her and she promised to keep the file on her desk, just in case.


    She didn't say just in case of what.


    Actually, I'm a lawyer, working with local counsel on a pending case.


    While she'd most likely be out on the job, he'd case the place, now that his detective hat was fitting so well.


    Now that his diet had begun, wouldn't you know, Paul Dawkins had sprung for a case.


    The case hasn't even begun!


    I don't see how telling us what the case is about, who the litigants are and who's the attorney compromises anything.


    Solving a current murder was difficult enough—a forty-year-old case was near impossible.


    It was simply a case of differing definitions of quid pro quo.


    Unfortunately, my attorney thinks they have a pretty good case.


    Finally, he asked, "What are you going to do with the land if you win the case?"


    Much as I'd like to, I won't ask her if her mother's maiden name was Plotke, nor will I tell her daddy's bones may be taking a motor home trip up the west coast—or that his pinkie is in your jewel case.


    They gathered ponchos and a blanket, just in case afternoon showers arrived a bit early.


    He glanced back at Fred, who had again closed his eyes and was prattling on about the best ways to "case" the storage facility.


    Either one of them might have stolen the bony digit from Cynthia's jewelry case and fired a gun at the Lucky Pup Mine.


    She was a nut case.


    His court duties were presumably over now that the case was settled.


    Nasty bitches like me eat them alive, but in your case I'll try to restrain myself.


    If that were the case, why did someone try so hard to cover up his identity?


    Neither a hero nor a Good Samaritan, Wynn found himself retreating to the far wall, in case the worst-case scenario happened, and one of the powerful creatures decided to act.


    I think Wynn was insurance, in case something went wrong.


    He shut down her ability to use the portals, just in case there was something else going on.


    If you trusted me, that wouldn't be the case.


    You know that's not the case now, right?


    The worst case scenario – that she died of a tumor – was no longer possible.


    But he hoped that wasn't the case.


    In any case, Lori deserved to have something – and probably would have if she had contested the will instead of running away.


    Most of the time they did, but in the case of Lori, each time Carmen asked him about it, he simply said they would discuss it later.


    Such was the case when Katie called.


    In rural areas, first responders were often neighbors, which was the fortunate case with them.


    Two men got out and one reached in the back, picking up a case.


    In any case, the vow was for better or for worse.


    In which case, the best thing to do was let it drop.


    Maybe his inability to talk was more a case of unwillingness to talk.


    At first she though exhaustion might be the cause, but when he started working longer hours, it was obvious that wasn't the case.


    In any case, he needed the rest.


    Whatever the case, research and contemplation had not dampened the desire for more children – their children.


    If anything, she felt lucky to have a doctor who saw her as more than a case.


    Grab this guy and take him downstairs in case his soul pops up later.


    There are no locks on the doors or windows, and only one route of egress in the case of an emergency.


    Logan was an accountant, not a security guard, yet he barricaded the doors with furniture before bed in case there were criminals wandering the beach.


    She wasn't going to be on the beach when dark fell, in case Gabriel came back.


    What made someone like you take my case?


    In any case, I went to visit you at your apartment recently to ask you something.


    He'll be safe this way, she told herself again, hoping that was the case.


    In that case, I understand completely.


    We both did, just in case.


    In that case, I'll just go home.


    Worst case scenario, she'd call her.


    In that case, then, if you ever hurt me, I'll throw myself to the ocean!


    In any case, it looks like Ully needs to go back to the drawing board, and we use Rhyn for now to take out Sasha's henchmen.


    Kris lit another torch to display a darkened case on the wall.


    Jade looked around in case someone else saw what he.d done.


    She visited the small café and dropped three boxed lunches into a tote bag along with extra cocoa and marshmallows in case Toby woke up soon.


    Hannah would be a basket case if she only knew the extent of Katie.s issues!


    She found herself ascending the servants. stairwell at a run, in case the Ully-demon was still stalking her, until she reached her floor, which appeared blessedly free of any signs of battle and death.


    Hauling her to the bed, he shook out a pillow from its case and draped the case over her head like a hood.


    She stumbled but pressed herself to keep up, in case he left her there and she was trapped.


    She feared leaving the injured woman, in case Jade lurked on the other side of the hill or there were animals that might drag her away.


    Which hall is that in case I start wandering in the morning?


    These are all lower case.


    Dean hoped that wouldn't be the case, but he was less than sure.


    It brings the authorities into the picture in case Shipton does show up and causes trouble.


    It's like in the case of a death.


    She's always doing something melodramatic—a real nut case.


    He didn't tell her of his escalating concerns over the Shipton case, nor, surprisingly did she ask about it.


    They don't have a strong case, but if I'm the only one they're looking at, someone's going to get away with murder.


    If that's the case, then why would someone take the knife in the first place?


    By my read, all the police are doing is making a case against David Dean.


    She won't answer, but just in case the law's got a tap on the line it'll keep 'em off base.


    It was never clear if that was the case and the kid lucked out, but Dean used the excuse of mock consternation to excuse himself and walk uptown to telephone Cynthia.


    He's closing the case, and the open case on her husband's fall as well.


    Not, Dean surmised, out of a sense of charity as much as a severe case of nosiness.


    But for most of Dean's life, hadn't that always been the case?


    He wanted to stay home in case the human got out of line, yet Sarah had insisted he leave for the night.


    He wanted to listen in when she talked to Skippy in case he got out of line, so hurried downstairs.


    In that case, why don't you tell me a little about her?


    A case sat by the door and he drank from a bottle.


    I plan to put a huge dent in that case of bourbon.


    I know I can't do anything to plead your case, but what if Samantha spoke to them and told them what happened here.


    Jackson added, "Worst case scenario is you end up having to influence them."


    I rest my case.


    I can remember more than one time with a case of flu in the dead of winter - running back and forth to the outhouse.


    If that were the case, his attitude would change quickly enough when he held his first baby.


    She lowered the titanium glass and stepped away, tossing the case onto a desk.


    Sensing he had the upper hand in any case, Brady forced himself away from her.


    Save a little in case you run into any bad guys.


    Not this time, in case I don't come back.


    They said he'd been a basket case for almost two months by the time he jumped.


    This isn't a case of good guy, bad guy.


    I'm thinking someone is destroying the fed buildings in case a certain fed is hiding there.


    They moved on, taking circuitous routes back to the underground entrance in case they were being watched.


    In any case, my husband, Mike—who was voted to be the liaison with the soldiers—isn't likely to let it happen.


    No love lost between us and them in any case.


    I didn't expect him to get so far, and he may not pass at all.  In any case, I have a much larger problem.  I interfered when I shouldn't have, she said.


    Gods, but he could smell her sweet scent!  Her large eyes seemed to see right through him.  He feared reaching out, in case she slid through his fingers like smoke.  He'd lost her in life; he wasn't going to risk losing her in his dreams.  He could imagine closing the distance between them, sweeping her up into his arms, and making love to her on the beach.


    Rhyn crossed his arms, irritated.  Kiki trotted from the patio into the house perched on a hill overlooking Tokyo.  He returned ten minutes later with a small briefcase, a jacket and a hard case for his iPad.  Rhyn opened the portal, and the two strode through it, back to the massive tree where Rhyn had lost Toby in the cold, wet French Alps.


    Maybe.  In any case, whatever you felt for Jade, you have to figure out how to get over it.  You have your mate.  I've been waiting for mine for a lifetime.


    She reached the place where the food cubes had landed, bending to pick them up in case she needed them later.


    He'd paid in advance for two assignations after he began to suspect there was a traitor in his organization.  The second had been for Katie, in case she couldn't be reasoned with.


    And you sure don't know a damn thing about this case.


    The first word on the case Sackler and DeLeo were arguing about had come by way of a call from the Norfolk, Virginia Police Department the prior afternoon, Dean's day off.


    Still, a case that spawned a novel basis for argument was always a welcomed diversion from their increasing caseload.


    I don't know anything about the case, but I know it would take a room full of CPA's to figure out how many cups of coffee you guys owe each other.


    Dean made up his mind not to make up his mind until he knew more about the case.


    Dean usually devoted the solitary time behind the wheel to sorting out details of a case, putting little facts in their slots like letters in a country post office.


    Dean passed out his business card to Mayer and a few of the other workers in case anything important came to mind.


    Their case was weak, but they had a strong feeling they had the right man and with a little work could put it together.


    This case is looking like a no-brainer.


    Finally you've got something interesting—a case we can really sink our teeth into.


    I remember a case like this.


    This here case may be a lot more complicated than you think.


    Norfolk called to confirm Dean's flight, adding there was nothing much new on the case from their end.


    By the time he left the office for the ten-minute walk across the square to the courthouse, he felt com­fortable with the progress of the case.


    Bobby was assigned to the pending burglary case and Dean had made the arrest.


    Are you talking about the Byrne case?


    We're about ready to close our end of the case unless you've found something that looks fishy.


    I pulled Sackler off that check fraud case and gave him the Wasserman business full time.


    Now, let's get down to this case.


    The 'case' is a police matter if it's a case at all.


    Rita Angeltoni banged away on her keyboard, complaining of a terminal case of morning sickness.


    He wants to close up that Byrne case unless you've found a real good reason to keep it open.


    While the case might be officially closed, Dean felt an obliga­tion to Randy Byrne, as well as his own curiosity, to follow up the March fourth Whitney Motel incident.


    Dean felt guilty about pursuing the case but made a note to try and speak with the youth.


    Dean gave him the list but informed him the case was closed.


    I'm not even sure you've got the stuff to get in the ball game—and if that's the case, you're already a dead man.


    Like everyone else, he'd hoped Parkside was out of the case and was disappointed to learn the FBI was expecting Parkside's con­tinued assistance in the investigation.


    I'm on a new case now, and things are a little confusing.


    The case was over.


    After a quick supper of pastrami and fruit at Uncle Sally's Galley, Dean pedaled 27 hard miles, working up a good sweat and a painful case of shin splints.


    The Byrne case was closed but in spite of Winston's admonishment, the matter wouldn't leave his mind.


    It listed apartments, furnished or unfur­nished and a telephone number, just in case someone should hap­pen by.


    Dean wished he'd brought the picture of Jeffrey Byrne that World Wide had recently sent but it remained in the case file at the office.


    He and Burgess learned they'd both biked in the same 100-mile fund raiser two years earlier, before Dean caught a case of the lazies.


    He filled Fred in on his conversation with Cece Baldwin and tried to dismiss the entire case as a waste of time.


    Let's look at the facts, make a decision and close the case.


    Dean asked Hunter for the address, just in case.


    I probably got a terminal case of hemorrhoids.


    She hasn't worked on the other case....


    But you can do me a favor on the case.


    We thought we could lock the file drawer on this case when a body washed up, but no such luck.


    By Wednesday afternoon the matter was set­tled and the disposition of the case was in the hands of Bobby Witherspoon, the assistant DA, and the juvenile court system.


    Tom DeLeo continued doing legwork on the Wassermann case, a curious jurisdictional mess with the Federal boys in charge but legions of local flat feet in scattered municipalities doing their grunt work.


    But he's gotten some wild idea about the Byrne case.


    The FBI had put out a statement they were handling the Wasserman case and pur­suing strong leads out of state.


    He was gonna just leave a message but I explained I knew all about the case.


    Winston would have my job if I blew his mob case on unfounded specula­tion and if I went public in any way, the news is sure to get out.


    Maybe Corbin is just another name—a nom de plume—another alias for Byrne, just in case.


    It didn't have anything to do with the case.


    You're not just seeing my mother so you can get more evidence on the case are you?


    Besides, I'm tired of leading these bozos through this case.


    The case is all yours.


    The annoying little details of the Byrne case were still squirm­ing around in the morning, and in an effort to put one of them to bed Dean stopped by the Parkside Sentinel on his way to work.


    With all other thoughts lulled from his mind by the steady cadence of the wheels, he moved step by step through every facet of the Byrne case.


    How about I come down there just before seven so's they can follow me in case they don't know where it is.


    Dean began to wonder if he was laying his pension on the line by not reporting the entire case in an official manner.


    The case is closed.


    We thought we'd be cute and not announce it, just in case some interesting candidates showed up here to finish their handi­work.


    It's really helping build up the case against Delasandro.


    If that's the case, why did he bring his tent?


    It seemed more of the inves­tigation time of this case had taken place in motel rooms than any­where else.


    Byrne was a simple skip case.


    I didn't sic Nota on anyone—that came from Vinnie Baratto by way of Arthur Atherton and it didn't have a damned thing to do with the Byrne case.


    If you agree to let me fasten your other arm and drop this pillow case over your head so you can't see, I'll let you chat with our friend, but that's the only way.


    Jonathan secured his wrist, shook a pillow from its case and pulled the cloth over Dean's head.


    The FBI built a good case against Burgess.


    Had anyone else been that close, she would have felt her space was being invaded, but in this case the smell of his cologne and his close proximity increased her pulse.


    In any case, she couldn't... wouldn't, let him walk her up the mountain again.


    In any case, I've walked that path many times from or to the creek at night.


    She blushed and jerked the pillow case off.


    In any case, it could be Alex.


    Her voice was controlled – just in case it was Alex.


    Whatever the case, it was important to him that she stay with him.


    Kind of, except that in this case, God told you not to open them in the first place – and he saw you do it anyway.


    Whatever the case, they were either honest or meant to give her joy.


    Whatever the case, she pulled away unsatisfied.


    Maybe it was because he took his time, or because there were so many opportunities that were passed over – whatever the case, it wasn't as unpleasant as she had imagined.


    Whatever the case, it worked well for them.


    Whatever the case, the feeling of impending doom continued.


    Whatever the case, it was an undeniable fact now.


    Alex had insisted on keeping it that way in case something happened to him.


    Whatever the case, she started to cry again.


    The difference in this case is that it is getting to be a pattern — increasing in frequency and violence.


    Probably. We're warning our respective people to prepare, in case it happens.


    I need Darian alive, in case the plan to rule the mortal world doesn't quite work out for me.


    I wanted to give it to you, in case I … Jenn's throat grew tight as she looked at her little girl.


    She'd kept the mountain to her left, just in case she needed to find a place to hide out.


    Jenn drew a knife in case an animal had also taken refuge in the cave.


    In any case, it's my turn.


    He moved closer to her in case the unseen threat attacked, hands on the hilts of his daggers.


    He resisted the urge to burn them, in case the brittle papers held more secrets he needed.


    In either case, he'd just caused her pain he'd never want to feel.


    In any case, the house rental was her business and she needed to gain the confidence of running it without his direction.


    In any case, it's your truck – your business.


    In this case, it didn't matter, though.


    In any case, she was supposed to be taking care of the guests, not the other way around.


    In any case, I wouldn't want to stand in the way of romance.


    Whatever the case, he seemed thoroughly at ease in the role.


    Touching the case at her side, she froze.


    It wasn't in the case on her side.


    In any case, hiring a handler would eat up her profits.


    Maybe you should come along in case I need help.


    Whatever the case, her response was reassuring.


    In this case it was irrelevant, but Sam wouldn't have any way of knowing that.


    At least there would be another person with you in case something happened – and she seems the capable type otherwise.


    Of course, he could have changed - in which case they would drift further apart if she reverted.


    Whatever the case, he didn't appear upset with Gerald.


    In any case, how would she enforce it – chase him off at gunpoint?


    Whatever the case, Gerald had certainly held his own against Alex.


    In any case, this was something Alex could do.


    In any case, even if Henry had offended her personally, she wouldn't have run to Daddy about it.


    In any case, don't let your father hear you talking like that.


    Whatever the case, she was up early the next morning.


    Whatever the case, a refreshing swim sounded more inviting than the movies.


    Of course, in this case he had already done it and wanted to keep her in the dark.


    In any case, by noon all of her business was conducted except calling her father.


    In any case, it's your personality that Megan finds so irresistible.


    In any case, Sylvia was right.


    We're treating her for rabies, just in case.


    He knew all her secrets; it was leverage, in case she ever did anything stupid, like betray him.


    An iPad in a bright green case and a cell phone labeled work phone!!!!! was sitting on the table in the informal dining area, a sticky note on it.


    Just in case, she waited a full two minutes outside his condo before typing in the code.


    If he threw out every woman he slept with, she'd have to save this option for a last resort, in case he fired her the morning after.


    Jessi arrived fifteen minutes early the next day, in case Xander or Ingrid called in a substitute after she quit.


    Her hands were clenched in front of her, just in case she had to shove him and run.


    She wished it was the case.


    It's definitely not helping your case of trying to get me into your bed!


    She was beginning to think that was the case anyway.


    In any case, I kicked his ass, and he never forgave me.


    They're here in case any Guardians show up.


    Whatever the case is, Jonny broke our agreement.


    The native idea, which may be true, is that the shorter period occurs in the case of female and the longer in that of male calves.


    Afterwards it was proposed that the archbishop himself should try the case, but this suggestion came to nothing.


    The same is true in the case of a liquid such as water; it can be divided into drops and these again into smaller drops, or into the finest spray the particles of which are too small to be detected by our unaided vision.


    Or consider a well-marked case of what we are in the habit of calling chemical combination.


    This is the case in Roman history, especially in such portions as related to the history of law.


    It contains a closed vesicle regarded by Schepotieff as a right probosciscavity and in any case representing the pericardium of Balangolossus, the glomerulus of which is also probably represented.


    The cobaltous salts are formed when the metal, cobaltous oxide, hydroxide or carbonate, are dissolved in acids, or, in the case of the insoluble salts, by precipitation.


    Verres vainly tried to get the trial postponed till 69 when his friend Metellus would be the presiding judge, but in August Cicero opened the case.


    Much more was this the case when, in the summer, the dangers from the Croats, Serbs and the reaction at Vienna increased.


    In 1697 Georg Stahl admitted that fermentation and putrefaction were analogous processes, but that the former was a particular case of the latter.


    Hansen pointed out that this was by no means the case, for it is more difficult to separate the cells from each other in the gelatin than in the liquid.


    Only in her case religion must be taken in an even more restricted sense than Matthew Arnold's " morality touched by emotion."


    In the case of Lamennais the disciple outstripped the master.


    Her nights were spent in writing, which seemed in her case a relaxation from the real business of the day, playing with her grandchildren, gardening, conversing with her visitors - it might be Balzac or Dumas, or Octave Feuillet or Matthew Arnold - or writing long letters to Sainte-Beuve and Flaubert.


    In order to render an 'account of Tyndall's "residual blue" it is necessary to pursue the approximation further, taking for simplicity the case of spherical shape.


    So again, in the case of the Paris curves, the absolute value of the diurnal range in summer was much greater for the Eiffel Tower than for the Bureau Central, but the mean voltage was 2150 at the former station and only 134 at the latter.


    It is a clear case of an ancient frontier laid out in American fashion.


    It is also beneficial, especially in the case of partially exhausted beds, to water with a dilute solution of nitre.


    Champignons are highly esteemed (and especially is this the case abroad) for adding a most delicious flavour to stews, soups and gravies.


    If such is the case, there is reason to think that the composition of Gammer Gurton's Needle should be referred to the earlier period.


    It is bounded on the north-west by Ohio, from which it is separated by the Ohio river, on the north by Pennsylvania and Maryland, the Potomac river dividing it from the latter state; on the east and south-east by Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia, the boundary lines in the first two cases being meridians, in the last case a very irregular line following the crest of mountain ridges in places; and on the south-west by Virginia and Kentucky, the Big Sandy river separating it from the latter state.


    In case of the death, resignation or other disability of the governor, the president of the Senate acts as governor, and in case of his incapability the Speaker of the House of Delegates; and these two failing, the legislature on joint ballot elects an acting governor.


    He may veto a bill, or in case of an appropriation bill, the separate items, but this veto may be overridden by a simple majority of the total membership of each house.


    Dioc.," admitted in 1 4 03, he was not a scholar of Winchester, and in any case was not a scholar of New College.


    The slaying of the Minotaur by Theseus in that case indicates the abolition of such sacrifice by the advance of Greek civilization.


    When the law speaks universally, and something happens which is not according to the common course of events, it is right that the law should be modified in its application to that particular case, as the lawgiver himself would have done, if the case had been present to his mind.


    For a long time it was thought that precedents could have no place in equity, inasmuch as it professed in each case to do that which was just; and we find this view maintained by common lawyers after it had been abandoned by the professors of equity themselves.


    In the Armenian and Coptic rites the vestment is often elaborately embroidered; in the other rites the only ornament is a cross high in the middle of the back, save in the case of bishops of the Orthodox Church, whose sticharia are ornamented with two vertical red stripes (7rorayof, " rivers").


    The pressing demands of the military chest had to be satisfied by loans, and in at least one case from the private purse of the governor-general.


    In his case the ancestral hoards were under the control of his mother, the begum of Oudh, into whose hands they had been allowed to pass at the time when Hastings was powerless in council.


    But the causes that changed the character of the advocatus operated also in the case of the vidame.


    The angle through which the arm was moved, or, in the latter case, the angle between the two arms, was read off upon a finely graduated arc. With such means no very high accuracy was possible.


    In the case of close double stars he estimated the distance in terms of the disk of the components.


    In the measuring machines in general use the field of view, as in the case of the glass-scale micrometer, is sufficiently large to include the image of the 5 mm.


    In the case of the original Repsold plan without clockwork the description is not quite exact, because both the process of following the object and correcting the aim are simultaneously performed; whilst, if the clockwork runs uniformly and the friction-disk is set to the proper distance from the apex of the cone, the star will appear almost perfectly at rest, and the observer has only to apply delicate corrections by differential gear - a condition which is exactly analogous to that of training a modern gun-sight upon a fixed object.


    Native capital is lacking, and taxation on unremunerative lands is, as elsewhere in Italy, too heavy in proportion to what they may be expected to produce, and not sufficiently elastic in case of a bad harvest.


    In any case the Phoenician settlements are the earliest of which we have any accurate knowledge.


    The three Cipxovms who appear in the loth-century inscriptions just mentioned bear alternately the names Torcotorius and Salusius; and, inasmuch as this is the case with the judices of Cagliari from the 11th to the 13th century, there seems no doubt that they were the successors of these Byzantine ripXovrfs, who were perhaps the actual founders of the dynasty.


    His throne and life had not been saved for him by the British, as was the case with his father.


    In the case of London it seems to date from 1540.


    In this crisis Pericles persuaded the wavering assembly that compromise was useless, because Sparta was resolved to precipitate a war in any case.


    Strutt (Sports and Pastimes) suggests that the first player's bowl may have been regarded by the second player as a species of jack; but in that case it is not clear what was the first player's target.


    In no case must the stationary bowls be touched, or the semicircle crossed by the trailed jack or played bowls.


    The mud brought down by it, calculated at 7150 lb an hour at Bagdad, is not deposited in marshes to form alluvium, as in the case of the Euphrates, but although in flood time the river becomes at places an inland sea, rendering navigation extremely difficult and uncertain, the bulk of the mud is deposited in banks, shoals and islands in the bed of the river, and is finally carried out into the Persian Gulf.


    In this case too it is associated with radioactive matter, which is almost ubiquitous.


    Each then took a part, a family connexion was established, and the broken die served as a symbol of recognition; thus the members of each family found in the other hosts and protectors in case of need.


    The armature consists of a bony case, partly composed of solid buckler-like plates, and partly of movable transverse bands, the latter differing in number with the species, and giving to the body a considerable degree of flexibility.


    Probably his judgment of the situation was correct; yet, in view of Sennacherib's failure at Jerusalem in 701 and of the admitted strength of the city, the hope of the Jewish nobles could not be considered wholly unfounded, and in any case their patriotism (like that of the national party in the Roman siege) was not unworthy of admiration.


    It may be assumed that the social corruption in Jerusalem was such as is usually found in wealthy communities, made bolder in this case, perhaps, by the political unrest and the weakness of the royal government under Zedekiah.


    Probably he believed in the existence of other gods, though he does not express himself clearly on this point; in any case he held that the worship of other deities was destructive to Israel.


    A single case of homicide often leads to a series of similar crimes or to protracted warfare between neighbouring families and communities; the murderer, as a rule, takes refuge in the mountains from the avenger of blood, or remains for years shut up in his house.


    The costume of the Tosks differs from that of the Ghegs; its distinctive feature is the white plaited linen fustanella or petticoat, which has been adopted by the Greeks; the Ghegs wear trews of white or crimson native cloth adorned with black braid, and a short, close-fitting jacket, which in the case of wealthy persons is embellished with gold lace.


    Instruction in the Albanian language is prohibited by the Turkish government for political reasons; a single exception has been made in the case of an American school for girls at Kortcha.


    The Lingayats number 436,968, or 46% of the Hindu population; they worship the symbol of Siva, and males and females both carry this emblem about their person in a silver case.


    The proposed order of subjects was entirely altered in view of the Colenso case, for which urgency was claimed; and most of the time was spent in discussing it.


    In the case of factories the exhaust steam from the engines used for driving the working machinery is made use of and forms the most economical method of heating possible.


    In this case both collars of cast iron are loose.


    The case is usually stated somewhat as follows.


    This adopting act allowed scruples as to "articles not essential and necessary in doctrine, worship or government" - the presbytery being judge in the case and not the subscriber.


    Farther south, in Patagonia, the prevailing wind is westerly, in which case the Andes again " blanket " an extensive region and deprive it of rain, turning it into an arid desolate steppe.


    Mention may also be made of the Tribunal des Conflits, a special court whose function it is to decide which is the competent tribunal when an administration and a judicial court both claim or refuse to deal with a given case.


    It may also dismiss a case on grounds of insufficient evidence.


    He may either dismiss the case at once by an order of non-lieu, or order it to be tried, when the prosecution is undertaken.


    If the demand for rehearing is refused such refusal is final; but if it is granted the case is then heard by the civil chamber, and after argument cessation (annulment) is granted or refused.


    The Court of Cassation does not give the ultimate decision on a case; it pronounces, not on the question of fact, but on the legal principle at issue, or the competence of the court giving the original decision.


    If it pronounces cessation it remits the case to the hearing of a court of the same order.


    The reserves of the active army and the Territorial Army and its reserve can only be recalled to active service in case of emergency and by decree of the head of the state.


    He became by a singular arrangement, only repeated in the case of Lord Ellenborough, a member of the cabinet, and remained in that position through various changes of administration for nearly fifteen years, and, although he persistently refused the chancellorship, he acted as Speaker of the House of Lords while the Great Seal was in commission.


    The one case in which jurisdiction has been given to it by statute is to enforce forfeitures under the statute of 1538.


    In the case of the great grey kangaroo, for instance, the period of gestation is less than forty days, and the newly-born embryo, which is blind, naked, and unable to use its bud-like limbs, is little more than an inch in length.


    Finally, there is the hypothesis that marsupials are the descendants of placentals, in which case, as was suggested by its discoverer, the placenta of the bandicoots would be a true vestigial structure.


    This appears actually to be the case in the period of the First Dynasty of Babylon and also in the 7th century in Assyria, where early Babylonian customs were kept up conservatively.


    The moral interest, which is so decisive on this question in the case of Kant, dominates Bishop Butler also.


    This is especially the case with the tributaries of the Darling on its left bank, where in seasons of great rains these rivers overspread their banks and flood the flat country for miles around and thus reach the main stream.


    Naval defence in any case remained primarily a question for the Imperial navy, and by agreement (1903, for ten years) between the British government and the governments of the Commonwealth (contributing an annual subsidy of £200,000) and of New Zealand (£40,000), an efficient fleet patrolled the Australasian waters, Sydney, its headquarters, being ranked as a first-class naval station.


    In Queensland the fields were all showing development in 1891, when the output exhibited a very large increase compared with that of former years; but, as in the case of Victoria, the production of the metal seems to have ceased.


    In old age they appear much ground down; particularly is this the case with women, who chew the different kinds of fibres, of which they make nets and bags.


    In every case of death from disease or unknown causes sorcery was suspected and an inquest held, at which the corpse was asked by each relative in succession the name of the murderer.


    Cannibalism was almost universal, either in the case of enemies killed in battle or when animal food was scarce.


    It required the chastening of adversity to teach it a salutary lesson, and a few years after, when the first effects of the crisis had passed away, business was on a much sounder footing than had been the case for very many years.


    The events of these three years taught the Labour leaders that a parliamentary party was of little practical influence unless it was able to cast on all important occasions a solid vote, and to meet the case a new method was devised.


    Smith, at the request of a member of the commission by which the prize was proposed, undertook in 1882 to write out the demonstration of his general theorems so far as was required to prove the results for the special case of five squares.


    Many of the propositions contained in his dissertation are general; but the demonstrations are not supplied for the case of seven squares.


    Filled with blood, it was natural to regard it as the seat of the blood, and as a matter of fact one-sixth of the entire blood of man is in the liver, while in the case of some animals the proportion is even larger.


    We are justified in concluding, therefore, that among the Greeks and Romans likewise the examination of the liver was the basis of divination in the case of the sacrificial animal.


    It is well known that the Romans borrowed their methods of hepatoscopy from the Etruscans, and, apart from the direct evidence for this in Latin writings, we have, in the case of the bronze model of a liver found near Piacenza in 1877, and of Etruscan origin, the unmistakable proof that among the Etruscans the examination of the liver was the basis of animal divination.


    The chief complaint which Europeans make concerning it is the extreme humidity, which causes the heat to be more oppressive than is the case where the air is dry.


    The enforcement of the first Book of Common Prayer had also been part of his official duties; and the fact that Bonner made no such protest against the burning of heretics as he had done in the former case shows that he found it the more congenial duty.


    The British minister demanded from the national government M`Leod's release, but his case was in the New York courts, over which the national government has no jurisdiction.


    The extraction (as is the case with all the rare earths) is a matter of great difficulty.


    Cromwell, who was as a rule especially scrupulous in protecting non-combatants from violence, justified his severity in this case by the cruelties perpetrated by the Irish in the rebellion of 1641, and as being necessary on military and political grounds in that it "would tend to prevent the effusion of blood for the future, which were the satisfactory grounds of such actions which otherwise cannot but work remorse and regret."


    In practice Anglican private worship appears to have been little interfered with; and although the recusant fines were rigorously exacted, the same seems to have been the case with the private celebration of the mass.


    At one time, as in the case of Blechingdon, they would perform strange exploits worthy of the most daring hussars; at another their speed and tenacity paralyses armies.


    Ben Jonson produced a skilful amalgamation of the Aulularia and the Captivi in his early play The Case is Altered (written before 1599).


    Now, we know that the number of electrochemical equivalents electrolysed is proportional to the whole amount of electricity which passed through the circuit, and the product of this by the electromotive force of the battery is the work done by the latter, so that in this case also Joule showed that the heat generated was proportional to the work done.


    Thus the principle of Carnot involves the conclusion that a greater proportion of the heat possessed by a body at a high temperature can be converted into work than in the case of an equal quantity of heat possessed by a body at a low temperature, so that the availability of heat increases with the temperature.


    A subject so vast and so incapable of classification cannot be discussed here, but its aesthetic principles may be illustrated by the extreme case of the trumpets and horns, which in classical times had no scale except that of the natural harmonic series.


    The beginning of Mendelssohn's F minor quartet is, again, a case usually, but perhaps wrongly, condemned for its orchestral appearance on paper.


    A frequent combination was flute, violin and harpsichord (very probably with a violoncello doubling the bass), and in more than one case the violin was partly tuned lower to soften its tone.


    Although several species belonging to the second class occasionally enter the bodies of water snails and other animals before reaching their definitive host, they undergo no alteration of form in this intermediate host; the case is different, however, in Filaria medinensis and other forms, in which a free larval is followed by a parasitic existence in two distinct hosts, all the changes being accompanied by a metamorphosis.


    A good example of a fairly typical case is afforded by Heterodera schachtii, which attacks beetroot and causes great loss to the Continental sugar manufacturers.


    Where, however, there are a number of cranes all belonging to the same installation, and these are placed so as to be conveniently worked from a central power station, and where the work is rapid, heavy and continuous, as is the case at large ports, docks and railway or other warehouses, experience has shown that it is best to produce the power in a generating station and distribute it to the cranes.


    Sometimes, especially in the case of overhead travelling cranes for very heavy loads, the chain is a special pitch chain, formed of flat links pinned together, and the barrel is reduced to a wheel provided with teeth, or " sprockets," which engage in the links.


    In this case the chain is not coiled, but simply passes over the lifting wheel, the free end hanging loose.


    In the second, or " braking off " method, the brake is automatically applied by a spring or weight, and is released either mechanically or, in the case of electric cranes, by the pull of a solenoid or magnet which is energized by the current passing through the motor.


    In the latter case the overturning tendency begins as soon as the load leaves the ground, but ceases as soon as the load again touches the ground and thus relieves the crane of the extra weight, whereas overturning backwards is caused either by the reaction of a chain breaking or by excessive counterweight.


    It is now possible to apply motive power exactly where it is wanted, and to do so economically, so that the crane designer has a perfectly free hand in adding the various motions required by the special circumstances of each case.


    In case of dispute the judges dealt first with the contract.


    Sale was the delivery of the purchase (in the case of real estate symbolized by a staff, a key, or deed of conveyance) in return for the purchase money, receipts being given for both.


    In case the crop failed the Code fixed a statutory return.


    Hence the Code allowed a proviso to be inserted in the marriage contract, that the wife should not be seized for her husband's pre-nuptial debts; but enacted that then he was not responsible for her pre-nuptial debts, and, in any case, that both together were responsible for all debts contracted after marriage..


    A man might make his wife a settlement by deed of gift, which gave her a life interest in part of his property, and he might reserve to her the right to bequeath it to a favourite child, but she could in no case leave it to her family.


    If she did not prove her case, but was proved to be a bad wife, she was drowned.


    These children were free, in any case, and their mother could not be sold, though she might be pledged, and she was free on her master's death.


    In the case of a lawsuit the plaintiff preferred his own plea.


    If these were not at hand he might adjourn the case for their production, specifying a time up to six months.


    Connexion is made into the office (or to the underground system, as is often the case) from the aerial wire by means of a copper conductor, insulated with gutta-percha, which passes through a " leading in " cup, whereby leakage is prevented between the wire and the pole.


    Primary batteries have, in the case of all large offices, been displaced by accumulators.


    A spare set of accumulators is provided for every group of instruments in case of the failure of the working set.


    It is not possible to work double current from one set alone, as in this case, if one key of a group of instruments is up and another is down, the battery would be short-circuited and no current would flow to line.


    It will be observed that the circuit is not in this case actually open; the meaning of the expression " open circuit " is " no battery to line."


    B, indicating whether a station is calling, in case the relay sticks or is out of adjustment.


    Repeaters (or translators, as they are sometimes termed) are in Great Britain only used on fast-speed circuits; they are in no case found necessary on circuits worked by hand, or at " key speed " as it is called.


    In this case no current flows from the battery through the line or instruments, the whole action being inductive.


    To each group is connected a set of apparatus; hence during a complete revolution of the arms a pair of instruments (at station A and station B) will be in communication four times, and the intervals during which any particular set of instruments at the two stations are not in connexion with each other become much smaller than in the case of fig.


    In the case of the dash the ink-wheel is brought into contact with the paper by the first current as before and is pulled back by the reverse current after three times the interval.


    The transmitted signals or electric impulses, which on a land line are sharply defined when received, become attenuated and prolonged in the case of a long cable, and are unable to actuate the.


    These indications form the telegraph alphabet and are read in the same manner as in the case of the " single needle " instrument used on land.


    In the case of inland telegraphs and of cable communication with the continent of Europe government control has entirely superseded private companies.


    Thus, in the case of one station and one moving railway carriage, there is a circuit consisting partly of the earth, partly of the ordinary telegraph wires at the side of the track, and partly of the circuits of the telephone receiver at one place and the secondary of the induction coil at the other, two air gaps existing in this circuit.


    The magnetic and electric forces are directed alternately in one direction and the other, and at distances which are called multiples of a wave length the force is in the same direction at the same time, but in the case of damped waves not quite the same intensity.


    In any case the antenna serves as one surface of a condenser, the other surface of which is the earth.


    When this is the case, if discharges are made across the spark gap oscillations are excited in the closed circuit, and these induce other syntonic oscillations in the antenna circuit.


    In the case of the inductive mode of exciting the oscillations an important quantity is the coefficient of coupling of the two oscillation circuits.


    In this case a closed condenser circuit is formed with a battery of Leyden jars, an inductance coil and a spark gap, and oscillations are excited in it by discharges created across the spark gap by an induction coil or transformer.


    In the case of transmitters constructed as above described, in which the effective agent in producing the electric waves radiated is the sudden discharge of a condenser, it should be noticed that what is really sent out is a train of damped or decadent electric waves.


    In the case of the plain or directly excited antenna the oscillations are highly damped, and each train probably only consists at most of half a dozen oscillations.


    The process of reflection in the case of a wave motion involves the condition that the wave-length shall be small compared with the dimensions of the mirror, and hence the attempt to reflect and converge electric waves loon ft.


    Increase in the voltage acting upon a solid conductor increases the current through it, but in the case of the electric arc an increase in current is accompanied by a fall in the difference of potential of the carbons, within certain limits, and the arc has therefore been said to possess a negative resistance.'


    When this is the case the amplitude of the potential difference of the surfaces of the tubular condenser becomes a maximum, and this is indicated by connecting a vacuum tube filled with neon to the surfaces of the condenser.


    It is obvious that this apparatus might be used either as a transmitter or as a receiver, but that the effects must under ordinary circumstances be in either case extremely feeble.


    The microphonic portion of the transmitter is contained in a thin cylindrical box or case of brass A, the inner curved surface of which is covered with an insulating layer of paper.


    The case is firmly fixed to a " bridge " B with its back or bottom in a vertical position.


    To the brass bottom of the case is attached 'a thin disk of polished hard carbon C, which is slightly less in diameter than the brass bottom, so that the carbon disk almost entirely covers this brass back, leaving only a slight annular space around its edge.


    The front or cover of the case is a similar button of hard polished carbon D, also slightly smaller in diameter than the cylindrical wall of the box.


    The space enclosed between the front and rear faces of the box is filled about three-quarters full of finely granulated hard carbon, which therefore lies in contact with the front and rear carbon disks of the apparatus, and also fills up the space lying between the lower edge of these disks and the curved surface of the case.


    In these circumstances, when, as frequently will be the case, the person calling desires to be put in communication with a subscriber who belongs to another section, connexions must be established in the office between the two sections; this necessitates additional switchboard arrangements, and also increases the time required to put subscribers in communication with one another.


    There are still many magneto exchanges in existence, but when new exchanges are erected only the very smallest are equipped for magneto working, that system having succumbed to the common battery one in the case of all equipments of moderate and large dimensions.


    In this case the cables terminate upon the poles, the connexions between the cable wires and the open wires being made with rubber-covered leads.


    In each case the minimum annual amount for message fees is £1,.


    Palgrave, "docile means stupid, well and good; in such a case the camel is the very model of docility.


    Nor do the highest summits form a continuous ridge of great altitude for any considerable distance; they are rather a series of groups separated by tracts of very inferior elevation forming natural passes across the range, and broken in some places (as is the case in almost all limestone countries) by the waters from the upland valleys turning suddenly at right angles, and breaking through the mountain ranges which bound them.


    Of these Ischia and Procida, close to the northern headland of the Bay of Naples, are of volcanic origin, as is the case also with the more distant group of the Ponza Islands.


    In the former case a peasant family undertakes all the necessary work in return for payment in money or kind, which varies according to the crop; in the latter the money wages and the payment in kind are fixed beforehand.


    The electric power required fcir the tramways and the illuminatiQn of Rome is entirely supplied by turbines situated at Tivoli, and this is the case elsewhere, and the harnessing of this waterpower is capable of very considerable extension.


    As in the case of cotton, Italian woollen fabrics are conquering the home market in increasing degree.


    Women are, as a rule, paid less than men, and though their wages have also increased, the rise has been slighter than in the case of men.


    On the other hand, it is generally the case that even in the most unpromising inn the bedding is clean.


    A law came into operation in February 1908, according to which a weekly day of rest (with few exceptions)was established on Sunday in every case in which it was possible, and otherwise upon some other day of the week.


    Owing to the comnaratively small amount of letters, it is found possible to have a travelling post office on all principal trains (while almost every train has a travelling sorter, for whom a compartment is reserved) without a late fee being exacted in either case.


    In Italy there is no legal right in the poor to be supported by the parish or commune, nor any obligation on the commune to relieve the poorexcept in the case of forsaken children and the sick poor.


    Besides its legislative functions, the senate is the highest court of justice in the case of political offences or the impeachment of ministers.


    The case is frequent, too, in which a project is sanctioned by law, but is then not carried into execution, or only partly so, owing to the lack of funds.


    The most important of the local dues is the gate tax, or dazio di consumo, which may be either a surtax upon commodities (such as alcoholic drinks or meat), having already paid customs duty at the frontier, in which case the local surtax may not exceed 50% of the frontier duty, or an exclusively communal duty limited to 10% on flour, bread and farinaceous products,2 and to 20% upon other commodities.


    This is specially the case with the maritime ports.


    The plaintiffs in each case were imperialists; and Fredericks first action was to redress their supposed grievances.


    Milan and Piedmont were comparatively well governed; but repugnance to Austrian rule in the former case, and the contagion of French Jacobinical opinions in the latter, brought those populations into increasing hostility to the rulers.


    In the case of Italy, as in that of Germany, he frankly regretted the constitution of powerful homogeneous states upon the borders of France.


    Meanwhile Thiers had given place to Marshal Macmahon, who effected a decided improvement in Franco-Italian relations by recalling from Civitavecchia the cruiser Ornoque, which since 1870 had been stationed in that port at the disposal of the pope in case he should desire to quit Rome.


    The AustroGerman alliance of 1879 formally guaranteed the territory of the contracting parties, but Austria could not count upon effectual help from Germany in case of war, since Russian attack upon Austria would certainly have been followed by French attack upon Germany.


    This something more consisted, at least in part, of the arrangement, with the help of Austria and Germany, of an Anglo-Italian naval understanding having special reference to the Eastern question, but providing for common action by the British and Italian fleets in the Mediterranean in case of war.


    An effort to encourage the development of the mercantile marine was made in the same year, and a convention was concluded with the chief lines of passenger steamers to retain their fastest vessels as auxiliaries to the fleet in case of war.