Cascade in A Sentence


    She reached up to unclasp her now-blonde hair, dropping it in a cascade about her shoulders.


    The Chalcedony Cascade displays a variety of colours.


    The Cascade Range enters from Canada, trending sotithward across the international boundary through ThePacifk Washington and Oregon to latitude 41; the Sierra Ranges.


    The glaciers must have reached the sea at Cascade Point in southern Westland.


    A shimmering cascade of magic shooting stars drifted down over the garden.


    A cascade of flowers down the side of the cake from the top is elegantly timeless.


    It is this aggregation of platelets which triggers the cascade of reactions leading to blood clot formation (thrombosis).


    Finally, swim in the cooling crystalline waters of the Rio On pools, whose waterfalls cascade over granite boulders.


    This can include curtains, draperies, valances, jabot and cascade sets, swags, or scarves.


    If you collect bird figurines, repurpose a few cardinals to perch among your evergreen spray or cascade.


    You can create a formal winter tabletop centerpiece or table cascade with either silk or fresh beautiful white flowers.


    Today they range from elegant music boxes to flowers that cascade gently down the side of the cake.


    Add a cascade of fresh yellow and red flowers down the side of the cake, and garnish with lemon peel and raspberries.


    To riff on the idea of what you might do with a traditional cake, try making a flower cascade down the side of a cupcake display or placing fresh flowers in between each tier of a stand.


    Fabrics are often airy, and there is no limit to the cascade of ruffles that will adorn your child's dresses.


    There is an on-campus cafe called the Cascade Range Cafe meant to help students meet each other (as the school is a commuter school, this can be difficult to do).


    Petunias and lantana also add beautiful flowers and some cascade over the edges of the pot.


    These include a white gold necklace with a cascade of diamond station pendants falling from a central drop diamond and a tremendous south sea pearl ring encircled by diamonds and white gold.


    You may prefer a rhinestone necklace made of varying sizes of oval and round rhinestones in a cascade style.


    A cascade of embroidered leaves in autumnal colors down the right side adds prettiness and interest.


    Finally, for the truly adventurous, Cascade has a three-story tube slide, which also travels outside the building before spitting riders out in the indoor pool.


    Oregon's major wine growing regions are divided by the Cascade Mountains.


    Permits are available from the North Cascade National Park visitor centers located in Marblemount and Stehekin.


    The trail can be accessed from both the east and west sides of North Cascade National Park.


    A series of notes will cascade down to the bottom of the screen and you'll need to time your button presses to coincide with the music.


    Because heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke have a cascade effect, the prevention of the onset of all heat disorders is similar.


    A stimulus at this part of the nociceptor unleashes a cascade of neurotransmitters (chemicals that transmit information within the nervous system) in the spine.


    Coagulation, or clotting, is a complex process (called the coagulation cascade) that involves 12 coagulation factors (designated by Roman numerals as factors I through XII) found in blood plasma and several other blood components.


    The Puget Sound Basin and the neighbouring slopes of the Cascade and Olympic Mountains are noted for their forests, consisting mainly of giant Douglas fir or Oregon pine (Pseudotsuga Douglasii), but containing also some cedar, spruce and hemlock, a smaller representation of a few other species and a dense undergrowth.


    The Northern Pacific, the first of the transcontinental roads to touch the Pacific north of San Francisco, reaches Seattle with a wide sweep to the south, crossing the Columbia river about where it is entered by the Yakima and ascending the valley of the latter to the Cascade Mountains.


    The Missouri is navigable for small boats to Fort Benton in Chouteau county, but farther upstream near Great Falls, Cascade county, to which it is navigable at high water, it falls 512 ft.


    Sugar beets were first grown in Montana at Evans, Cascade county, in 1893 without irrigation.


    The Pacific Coast Transition life-zone comprises the region between the Cascade and Coast ranges in Washington and Oregon, parts of northern California, and most of the California coast region from Cape Mendocino to Santa Barbara.


    It was common to those tribes east of the Rocky Mountains, in the south-west and upper Columbia; but unknown apparently among the Eskimo, along the northwest coast, and on the Pacific coast west of the Cascade range and the Sierras, except among some few Californian tribes, or here and there in Mexico and southward.


    The natural arch that admits one to Mammoth Cave has a span of 70 ft., and from a ledge above it a cascade leaps 59 ft.


    The Gothic Avenue contains numerous large stalactites and stalagmites, and an interesting place called the Chapel, and ends in a double dome and cascade.


    Fruit-growing has been an increasingly important industry in the region between the Cascade and Coast Ranges and (to a less degree) east of the Cascade Range; and the cultivation of apples is especially important.


    A stream crosses the northern end of the plateau, falling over the cliff edge in a fine cascade.


    Among the parks are Loring, near the centre of the city, in which is a statue of Ole Bull; Lyndale, in the south-west part of the city; Interlachen, just north-west of Lyndale; Glenwood, in the west of the city; Van Cleve, Logan, Windom and Columbia in the part of the city east of the Mississippi river; Riverside, on the south-west bank of the Mississippi; and Minnehaha Park, in which are the Minnehaha Falls, a beautiful cascade of the Minnehaha Creek (the outlet of Lake Minnetonka), near the Mississippi, with a fall of 50 ft., well known from Longfellow's poem " Hiawatha."


    Three miles up the Lochay, which rises in the hills beyond the forest of Mamlorn and has a course of 15 m., the river forms a graceful cascade.


    When he reached the waterfall at the base of the storage pond, the mist rose up from the cascade, creating a myriad of icy fingers of crystal in the cold air.


    Exercise 4 Close your eyes, stand on one leg & juggle a Three ball cascade.


    In response to cold, plants trigger a cascade of genetic reactions that allow them to survive.


    Calcium ions form an important part of this signaling cascade.


    There are many such caspases within an organism, which work together in a proteolytic cascade to activate themselves and one other.


    At the point of entry, a flowstone cascade on the left marks the climb up in to an adjacent aven.


    To do this you have to use a complex machine called a centrifuge cascade.


    Our early work established mutations in genes encoding members of the visual transduction cascade as important in these diseases.


    This activates a protein kinase cascade, ultimately leading to a multitude of complex effects.


    Similarly, knowing the domino theory, we quickly grab the second domino theory, we quickly grab the second domino to prevent the cascade.


    These are cascade, crescent, contemporary, nosegay, hand tied bouquet and arm or presentation style.


    How can the cascade model of training a large number of teachers be made workable.


    Below the bridge the river forms a beautiful cascade, 150 yds.


    Referential integrity is used to ensure that changes of site name cascade through the tables, for example.


    In the CASCADE study, 1,938 out of 7,680 people with a known HIV seroconversion date had died.


    Complementary work is now being conducted in the transonic cascade facility.


    The delicate travertine formations of upstream hall and the 15m high downstream cascade are worth to be seen.


    If you collect figurines, you can display these within a floral table cascade or place between holly leaves or pine needles.


    More and more couples are choosing to forgo the traditional wedding cake accessory in exchange for a bouquet or cascade of flowers.


    A cascade effect, for example, is elegant without being predictable.


    They are often used in formal weddings and consist of a central arrangement that has flowers aggregating downward to give the appearance of a cascade - and hence the name.


    Vertical lines such as a ribbon or floral cascade down the sides of the cake will also add height, as will a tall wedding cake top.


    It shows examples of past punk celebrity weddings, including Gwen Stefani's gorgeous dress that was white on top, only to cascade into baby pink and end in fuchsia.


    Create a cascade of faux berries without having to worry about staining your table linens or losing berries in transport.


    It's important for visitors to know that Cascade Basin is not handicap accessible.


    A curly updo is even more eye-catching - the curls will cascade wildly, but the overall look is still clean and controlled.


    Your curls should now be higher at the back of your head, with a cascade falling down your back.


    Wavy hair gals can wear this hairstyle effortlessly by letting waves cascade and tumble at a shoulder or a mid-back length.


    A floral wreath is another beautiful option for a loose-haired bride, or a floral head band can pull the hair away from the bride's face while letting it cascade down her back.


    Most commonly, alternative therapies in pregnancy are used to treat the discomforts caused by pregnancy and the resulting cascade of hormones.


    A video of him sleeping with one of his potential lead actress ends his relationship with his girlfriend and causes a cascade of problems for the other actors and actresses involved with the program.


    Many full body tattoos start with a sleeve or back tattoo and trickle into murals of art and themes that cascade down the body.


    In other words, cascade events can get out of control leaving you with a wide variety of tasks and no time to get them all done.


    Fast forward to today, and now Ellison is a policeman in Cascade Washington and working on a mad bomber case.


    Plus science has perfected new quantum cascade lasers that emit more light than heat.


    It forms a feedback loop that uses Protein C and Protein S to slow down the coagulation cascade.


    The woman peeled off her tattered tartan shawl revealing a cascade of amber tresses spilling down her thin back.


    Thus the Rio San Antonio suddenly disappears near San Antonio de los Banos; the cascades of the Jatibonico del Norte disappear and reappear in a surprising manner; the Moa cascade (near Guantanamo) drops 300 ft.


    The principal curiosity is the Karlsburg cascade, which is placed in a broad ravine, thickly wooded on both sides.


    Kiamath river, draining several lakes in the north-west part of the Basin Range province and traversing the Cascade Range to the Pacific, is apparently also an antecedent river.


    The Arid Transition life-zone comprises the western part of the Dakotas, north-eastern Montana, and irregular areas in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico and western Texas, covering for the most part the eastern base of the Cascade and Sierra Nevada Mountains and the higher parts of the Great Basin and the plateaus.


    The agricultural resources of the state may be considerably increased by irrigation east of the Cascade Mountains.


    In the former method, now commonly known as charging in cascade, the jars are insulated and the outside coating of one jar is connected to the inside coating of the next and so on for a whole series, the inside coating of the first jar and the outside coating of the last jar being the terminals of the condenser.


    Brand's Cascade, the finest of all, is 40 ft.


    The counties where dry farming had been carried on on the largest scale were Missoula, Ravalli, Flathead, Cascade, Fergus and Gallatin, where cereal yields, though not nearly so large as from irrigated lands, were high compared with the average for the country.


    Gypsum in Carbon county and in Cascade county is worked for plaster.


    One of the most remarkable features of this province is seen in the temporary course taken by the Columbia river across the plains, while its canyon was obstructed by Pleistocene glaciers that came from the Cascade Mountains on the north-west.


    The western slope of the Sierra Nevada hears fine forests similar to those of the Cascade Range and of the Coast Range, but of more open growth, and with the redwood exchanged for groves of big trees (Sequoia gigantea) of which the tallest examples reach 325 ft.


    The Arctic or ArcticAlpine zone covers in the United States only the tops of a few mountains which extend above the limit of trees, such as Mt Katahdin in Maine, Mt Washington and neighboring peaks in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, and the loftier peaks of the Rocky, Cascade and Sierra Nevada Mountains.


    The Hudsonian zone covers the upper slopes of the higher mountains of New England, New York and North Carolina and larger areas on the elevated slopes of the Rocky and Cascade Mountains; and on the western mountains it is the home of the mountain goat, mountain sheep, Alpine flying-squirrel, nutcracker, evening grosbeak and Townsends solitaire.


    The Cascade Mountains divide the state topographically into two sharply contrasted parts.


    Iron ore, platinum, lead, quicksilver and cobalt have been obtained in the state in merchantable quantities, and there is some zinc ore in the Cascade Range.


    The most prominent physical feature of the state is the Cascade mountain range, which with a N.N.E.


    East of the Cascade Mountains the Columbia and Spokane rivers mark the boundary between the Okanogan Highlands to the northward and the Columbia plateau to the southward; The Okanogan Highlands, an outlier of the Rocky Mountains extending westward from the Coeur d'Alene Mountains in Idaho, reach heights of 5000 to 6000 ft.


    In the north, the Strait of Juan de Fuca and the intricately branching waterways of Puget Sound between the Cascade and the Olympic ranges occupy trough-like depressions which were filled by extensive glaciers in Pleistocene times; and thus mark the beginning of the great stretch of forded coast which extends northward to Alaska.


    Agriculture and Stock-Raising.--Oregon has some of the most productive agricultural lands in the United States, but they are rather limited in extent, being confined for the most part to the valleys west of the Cascade Mountains and the counties bordering .on the Columbia river east of those mountains.


    Of the almost innumerable river cascades, those of the Sierra Maestra Mountains, and in particular the Moa cascade, have already been mentioned.


    The western half of Washington lies in the Pacific Mountains province, consisting of the Coast range and the Cascade range, separated by a broad basin known as the Sound Valley.


    The Cascade Range is in essence a maturely dissected highland, composed in part of upwarped Colombian lavas, in part of older rocks, and crowned with several dissected volcanoes, of which the chief are (beginning in the north) Mts Baker (Io,827 ft.), Rainier (14,363 ft.), Adams (12,470 ft.) and Hood (11,225 ft.); the first three in \Vashington, the last in northern Oregon- These bear snowfields and glaciers; while the dissected highlands, with ridges of very irregular arrangement, are everywhere sculptured in a fashion that strongly suggests the work of numerous local Pleistocene glaciers as an important supplement to preglacial erosion.


    The Canadian zone crosses from Canada into northern and northwestern Maine, northern and central New Hampshire, northern Michigan, and north-eastern Minnesota and North Dakota, covers the Green Mountains, most of the Adirondacks and Catskills, the higher slopes of the mountains in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee, the lower slopes of the northern Rocky and Cascade Mountains, the upper slopes of the southern Rocky and Sierra Nevada Mountains, and a strip along the Pacific coast as far south as Cape Mendocino, interrupted, however, by the Columbia Valley.


    Both cattle and sheep ranches in the region east of the Cascade Mountains have been considerably encroached upon by the appropriation of lands for agricultural purposes, and the cattle, also, have been forced to the south and east by the grazing of sheep on lands formerly reserved for them; but the numbers of both cattle and sheep on the farms have become much larger.


    The most notable exceptions are in the case of a narrow strip west of the Cascade Range and of some of the higher mountain masses.


    A number of ridges and peaks bearing special names, such as the Rogue river, Umpqua and Siskiyou Mountains, belong to this group. The Cascade Mountains, the most important range in Oregon, extend parallel with the coast and lie about too m.


    From the coast to the eastern base of the Cascade Mountains the state is heavily timbered, except in small prairies and clearings in the Willamette and other valleys, and the most important tree is the great Douglas fir, pine or spruce (Pseudotsuga Douglasii), commonly called Oregon pine, which sometimes grows to a height of 300 ft., and which was formerly in great demand for masts and spars of sailing-vessels and for bridge timbers; the Douglas fir grows more commercial timber to the acre than any other American variety, and constitutes about five-sevenths of the total stand of the state.