You're careful about everyone else, but careless about your own safety.
The loss resulting from careless work is very serious.
He had been the target of constant attack during his life, and his personal foibles, careless dress and mental eccentricities were the theme of endless ridicule.
However, we knew a careless word overheard could spell our doom.
I hope that I shall never do anything to make them careless of their duties.
He considered it his duty to expose careless and ignorant writers, and certainly enjoyed doing so.
Ed had suffered needlessly for hours because she had done something careless – after promising she wouldn't.
Alex would have scolded her for being so careless.
In Assam and in upper Burma there are extensive forests of Ficus elastica, but to a large extent the trees have been damaged by careless tapping.
Africa, can, however, only be enforced by special administrative machinery and at considerable expense, and this legislative action can only be regarded as temporary and preliminary to the establishment of plantations of rubber trees, which are not only easier to control, but the trees are less liable to injury from careless tapping.
If you get close enough, sooner or later someone gets careless.
It was a young man's—or woman's—game, although Dean doubted he'd have joined the contest, at least not willingly, even in his careless years.
It might also warn you to be cautious rather than careless.
Accidents from the misuse and careless handling of explosives are unfortunately too frequent in mines.
The chivalry of France, undisciplined and careless of the lesson of Crecy and Poitiers, was quickly stung into action, and the French mounted men charged, only to be driven back in confusion.
The census figures relate to the calendar year preceding 1st June 1900, and hurried and careless answers about the preceding year's crop are almost sure to have been given by many farmers in the midst of the summer's work.
This was hardly done, however, before the panic of 1837 wiped out a large portion of the banks' assets; next came revelations of grossly careless and even of corrupt management, and in 1843 the banks were placed in liquidation.
Why don't you prevent him, you little careless creature?
Without changing his careless attitude, Pierre looked at them over his spectacles unable to understand what they wanted or how they could go on living without having solved the problems that so absorbed him.
Terence justifies this practice by that of the older poets, Naevius, Plautus, Ennius, whose careless freedom he follows in preference to the "obscura diligentia" of his detractor.
This supposition would compel us to believe either that the skilful writer of Acts was so careless as to incorporate a document without altering its form, or that " we " is introduced intentionally.
Once a little fish swam too near the surface, and the kitten grabbed it in her mouth and ate it up as quick as a wink; but Dorothy cautioned her to be careful what she ate in this valley of enchantments, and no more fishes were careless enough to swim within reach.
She brought into Princess Mary's strenuous, mournful, and gloomy world a quite different atmosphere, careless, lighthearted, and self-satisfied.
They'd like to search the LeBlanc's place on the off chance our boy broke in there too and maybe got careless.
After the captivity and death of Valerian, Gallienus succeeded to a merely nominal rule in the East, and was too careless and self-indulgent to take any active measures to recover the lost provinces.
Owing to complaints of the careless packing of American cotton, attention has been devoted of late to the improvement of the square bale.
The graphic descriptions of Hungarian life in the middle and lower classes by Lewis Kuthy won for him temporary renown; but his style, though flowery, is careless.
He admits that his quotations are not always exact, but asserts that this was the fault of careless copyists.
He had observed the great men of both parties in hours of careless relaxation, had seen the leaders of opposition without the mask of patriotism, and had heard the prime minister roar with laughter and tell stories not over-decent.
The rock inscriptions in the wild district of Safah near Damascus which have been collected by Halevy are also written in an Arabic dialect, but, owing chiefly to their careless execution, they are to a large extent unintelligible.
Barisch was shown to have been careless in the performance of his duties, and to have disregarded instructions; and the inference is that he conveyed the infection to his mouth, and so to the lungs, from the bacteriological specimens or inoculated animals.
When persons live crowded together in close contact, and when they are careless with regard to discharges of all kinds from patients, the risk is obviously much increased.
Indeed, perhaps in these times a belief in the ETH would be somehow dangerous, making us too careless of our own survival.
To avoid careless mistakes, read the application two or three times before you begin writing.
Typos imply that you're sloppy, careless, or simply have a poor grasp of the English language.
They are also quick to lose their tempers and are often selfish and careless.
Regardless of the type of ruler you purchase, however, you should always get in the habit of double-checking your measurements to avoid careless mistakes.
Their break-up was exceedingly ugly but they released some of the most definitive 80s hits, including Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go and Careless Whisper.
The tea trade of Wen-chow-Fu, formerly important, has declined owing to careless cultivation.
The authorities at Ottawa were at first careless or sceptical in regard to the danger, the reality of which was only brought home to them when a body of mounted police, advancing to regain a small post at Duck Lake, of which the rebels had taken possession, was attacked and twelve of their number killed.
He seems to have been a man of great business capacity, gay and careless in temperament, and thoroughly unscrupulous in political action.
Harris is followed by Harnack and others in supposing that it was only through a careless reading of this inscription that the work was supposed to have been addressed to Hadrian.
Linseed is subject to extensive and detrimental adulterations, resulting not only from careless harvesting and cleaning, whereby seeds of the flax dodder, and other weeds and grasses are mixed with it, but also from the direct admixture of cheaper and inferior oil-seeds, such as wild rape, mustard, sesame, poppy, &c., the latter adulterations being known in trade under the generic name of " buffum."
And the consequence of this atomism is not what a careless thinker might be led to assume, extreme diversity, but, on the contrary, extreme homogeneity of culture.
But his contempt for the annalistic form makes him at times careless in his chronology and arbitrary in his method of arranging his material; he not infrequently flies off at a tangent to relate stories which have little or no connexion with the main narrative; his critical faculty is too often allowed to lie dormant.
The dominating ambition of his life was to achieve fame, but though that sometimes betrayed him into petty jealousy, it did not leave him insensible to the claims on his knowledge of the "cause of humanity," to use a phrase often employed by him in connexion with his invention of the miners' lamp. Of the smaller observances of etiquette he was careless, and his frankness of disposition sometimes exposed him to annoyances which he might have avoided by the exercise of ordinary tact.
It was perhaps by a somewhat careless transference of ideas that this extension was brought about.
The book is probably not therefore a number of parts of different origin thrown loosely together by a careless editor, who does not deserve the title of author.
It was preached to a congregation who were careless and loose in their lives at a time when " the neighbouring towns were in great distress for their souls."
Owing to increased competition, and in some degree to careless harvesting, there was a great fall in prices after 1900, and the Seychellois, though still producing vanilla in large quantities, paid greater attention to the products of the coconut palm - copra, soap, coco-nut oil and coco-nuts - to the development of the mangrove bark industry, the collection of guano, the cultivation of rubber trees, the preparation of banana flour, the growing of sugar canes, and the distillation of rum and essential oils.
The over-dependence placed on one product caused waves of depression to alternate with waves of prosperity, and the depression following the fall in the price of vanilla was aggravated by periods of drought, "agricultural sloth and careless extravagance."
She interceded in 1331 with the king for some carpenters whose careless work on a platform resulted in an accident to herself and her ladies, and on 'a more famous occasion her prayers saved the citizens of Calais from Edward's vengeance.
The result of using properly treated natural limes is not to be judged from the careless manner in which such limes have often been used in the past.
In private houses it found its way more slowly, partly from an apprehension of danger attending its use, and partly from the discomfort which was experienced in many cases through the gas being distributed without purification, and to the careless and imperfect manner in which the service pipes were first fitted.
He was got by the Darley Arabian from Betty Leedes, by Careless from sister to Leedes, by Leedes's Arabian from a mare by Spanker out of a Barb mare, who was Spanker's own mother.
They seem careless in their attitudes to people infected or affected by HIV.
But you know how often a woman grows careless.
Careless Reef An offshore reef Carless has two large ergs rising from a shallow plateau surrounded by sheer walls rising from the deep.
John Adams, when he succeeded Deane (recalled from Paris through Lee's machinations) joined in the chorus of fault-finding against Franklin, dilated upon his social habits, his personal slothfulness and his complete lack of business-like system; but Adams soon came to see that, although careless of details, Franklin was doing what no other man could have 1 The house is familiar from the drawing of it by Victor Hugo.
Teens who become out of control may also be careless.
Reverse time with "Recall" and correct a careless mistake.
Don't rely on an editor to catch your careless mistakes; it's your responsibility to turn in work that is done to the best of your ability.
Hormone fluctuations, careless or hurtful words overheard, financial problems, in other words life, can make us feel unhappy or unattractive.
The Chinese, on the contrary, having from an early period had excellent porcelain, have been careless about the manufacture of glass.
If, in the face of what cannot be considered less than careless and inefficient agricultural practice, we have increased the wheat capacity of our land by 3.2 bushels per acre in so short a time, what may we not expect in the way of large acre yields before we experience the hardships of a true wheat famine?"
But on the union with Norway all this ceased, and there was left but a low dead level of poor peasant proprietors careless of all save how to live by as little labour as possible, and pay as few taxes as they could to their foreign rulers.
Though an annalist, Diceto is careless in his chronology; and the documents which he incorporates, while often important, are selected on no principle.
Whilst some, like Voltaire and the Physiocrats, representatives of the privileged classes and careless of political rights, wished to make use of the omnipotence of the prince to accomplish desirable reforms, or, like Montesquieu, adversely criticized despotism and extolled moderate governments, other, plebeiaris like Rousseau, proclaimed the theory of the social contract and the sovereignty of the people.
Careless was by Spanker from a Barb mare, so that Childers's dam was closely in-bred to Spanker.
It was a young man's—or woman's—game, although Dean doubted he'd have joined the contest, at least not willingly, even in his careless years.
But if he be negligent, and careless in teaching them, let him be deposed from his office, after the third admonition.
Do not be so careless, for even in earthly war there is the need for covering.
The story goes that she had a son called William who was often careless in his schoolwork.
In certain cases, they may also become careless of their personal hygiene.
In thick cloud, & slight confusion of meeting Italian party, I have gone S not N. Careless.
The Bill introduces the new offense of causing death by careless or inconsiderate driving.
We have found that a little foresight in these areas helps to prevent careless errors later on.
I cannot suffocate their plea for air with my careless indifference.
Instead it was a method of erecting signs that was beyond careless or inconsistent - it was sheer ineptitude.
If you are careless, you will get stung by potentially massive bills (unless you use pre-pay ).
He gives himself up freely to his impressions, and there is a fine, careless rapture in his laughter.
His rider, George Baker, picked up a two day ban for careless riding.
Sometimes people find records that have no scuffs that are visible, yet a careless needle scratch causes a break in the grooves.
Every single wrong note and careless whisper has long since evaporated and what we're left with is a concentrated glass of amber perfection.
On the other hand carelessness and neglect were severely punished, as in the case of the unskilful physician, if it led to loss of life or limb his hands were cut off, a slave had to be replaced, the loss of his eye paid for to half his value; a veterinary surgeon who caused the death of an ox or ass paid quarter value; a builder, whose careless workmanship caused death, lost his life or paid for it by the death of his child, replaced slave or goods, and in any case had to rebuild the house or make good any damages due to defective building and repair the defect as well.
But for the Tunisian question Italy might again have been drawn into the wake of France, Mancini tried to impede the organization of French rule in thi Regency by refusing to recognize the treaty of Bardo, yet sc careless was Bismarck of Italian susceptibilities that he in.
France was equally careless of Italian susceptibilities, and in April 1888 Goblet made a futile but irritating attempt to enforce at Massawa the Ottoman rgime of the capitulations in regard to non-Italian residents.
Notwithstanding the changes in organization and terminology, the officials remained ignorant, indolent, careless, indifferent to the public welfare, high-handed and extortionate, and the local self-government which was intended to enlighten and control them proved sadly wanting in vitality and practically worthless.
Benyowsky torteneteik (Adventures of Paul Ronto and Count Benyowski), are humorous and readable, but careless in style.
The true remedies consist in the avoidance of the fermentation of the leaves by careless gathering, transport or packing, in proper hygienic care in ventilation and in maintaining a proper degree of dryness in the atmosphere in rainy weather, and in the use of quicklime placed in different parts of the nursery to facilitate the transpiration of the silk-worms.
In April 1585 Sir Amyas Paulet was appointed to the office of which Sadler, accused of careless indulgence, had requested to be relieved; and on Christmas Eve she was removed from the hateful shelter of Tutbury to the castle of Chartley in the same county.
Rabelais is the incarnation of the "esprit Gaulois," a jovial, careless soul, not destitute of common sense or even acute intellectual power, but first of all a good fellow, rather preferring a broad jest to a'fine-pointed one, and rollicking through life like a good-natured undergraduate.
To each of them he made some careless and agreeable remark except to Pierre and Helene, whose presence he seemed not to notice.
Now he rode beside Ilyin under the birch trees, occasionally plucking leaves from a branch that met his hand, sometimes touching his horse's side with his foot, or, without turning round, handing a pipe he had finished to an hussar riding behind him, with as calm and careless an air as though he were merely out for a ride.
Careless Tanners - adore the sun but do n't protect against harmful dangers.
Every single wrong note and careless whisper has long since evaporated and what we 're left with is a concentrated glass of amber perfection.
Much like visiting a regular tattoo parlor, the careless use of unsanitary needles can lead to an increased risk of hepatitis, or HIV.
The youngest Hogan, known for his affinity for fast cars and careless driving, was serving the sentence due to a 2007 accident that gravely injured his friend John Graziano.
Chordie - Chordie is another excellent site that features tabs for songs like Blister, Because of Me, Immortality and even Seether's cover of the Wham! song Careless Whisper.
Careless food handling between farm and table may create conditions for the growth of bacteria.
Even the careless Charles was moved to issue an order to the colony which effectually stopped the hanging of the Quakers for their religion, though it by no means put an end to the persecution of the body in New England.
Photius, probably on a careless reading of Clement, argued that he could not have believed in a real incarnation.
It is possible that Hodson was careless and extravagant in money matters rather than actually dishonest; but there were several similar charges against him.
Intellectually, too, they were somewhat sluggish, careless and unbusinesslike.
Hall was a man of independent means, and seems to have been careless of fame; at least he took no trouble to communicate his invention to the world.
Many of the districts which had been overrun in the time of the Angevin kings were lost; many of the Anglo-Norman families intermarried with and became absorbed by the Irish; they grew as careless of their-allegiaiice to the crown as any of the native chiefs.
Maybe it was brash and immature, even careless, but she intended to accept his proposal - even knowing as little as she did about him.
Ed had suffered needlessly for hours because she had done something careless – after promising she wouldn't.
They were looking for the propaganda poster that said "Careless talk costs lives."
O'Bannon plays the careless cad with such ease that nothing bothers him.
Cast of characters Gilbert Murray a rather careless veterinary surgeon who has dreams of opening his own animal sanctuary.
The editor of this volume is either very careless or ignorant with regard to names.
They suffer terrible carnage on the road from careless car drivers.
Emma was severely injured in a car accident caused by Ed Grundy's careless driving.
Despite several careless jumps, Coolefind comfortably took The Men's Open to give rider Stuart Morris his 100 th career point-to-point success.
The media, they think, have become unaccountable, over powerful and careless about accuracy.
They may be careless or unaware of the child's needs for affection and discipline.
Although one of the most intelligent signs of the zodiac, a Sag can also be careless.
Exact fine amounts are based on the number of overall employees in the company and the degree of malice or careless indifference shown by the employer.
Understanding how to read a pattern correctly will prevent careless mistakes and unnecessary frustration.
Also, many arrests have been made in recent years because of careless admissions of guilt on the site.
She does battle especially frequently with brother Seth, who often accuses her of getting pricing wrong and making careless mistakes with the company's stock and books.
Of 52 protected persons on one line, all escaped except two, who were careless; of 52 protected on another line, all escaped; while of 51 unprotected persons, living in alternate houses, all suffered except seven.
Mexico has suffered much from the reckless destruction of her forests, not only for industrial purposes but through the careless burning of grassy areas.
Another king in his place might have merited such titles, but Edward was too careless, too unsystematic, too lazy, and too fond of selfindulgence to make a real tyrant.
He had retained all the habits of a country gentleman of his native Beam, careless, familiar, boastful, thrifty, cunning, combined since his sojourn at the court of the Valois with a taint of corruption.
A careless word can quickly bring your relationship to a crashing end in the blink of an eye.
Felicity's impulsiveness continues to follow her as she and Noel spend a careless night together despite Felicity's continued involvement with Ben and Ben coping with his alcoholic father (John Ritter).
Himself absorbed in abstract questions and projects of general philanthropy, he had been careless of personal attachment.
The nest is a slight hollow in the ground, wonderfully inconspicuous even when deepened, as is usually the case, by incubation, and the blackspotted olive eggs (four in number) are almost invisible to the careless or untrained eye.
He, his immediate follower, Gilbert Tennent (1703-1764), other clergymen, such as James Davenport, and many untrained laymen who took up the work, agreed in the emotional and dramatic character of their preaching, in rousing their hearers to a high pitch of excitement, often amounting to frenzy, in the undue stress they put upon "bodily effects" (the physical manifestations of an abnormal psychic state) as proofs of conversion, and in their unrestrained attacks upon the many clergymen who did not join them and whom they called "dead men," unconverted, unregenerate and careless of the spiritual condition of their parishes.
The characteristics of Lelewel as an historian are great research and power to draw inferences from his facts; his style is too often careless, and his narrative is not picturesque, but his expressions are frequently terse and incisive.
Sometimes he spoke of mind as an effect of matter; but, though his expressions may be careless, nothing is to be made of the difference, for he called it movement and effect indifferently in the same context.
On the Amazons and in other parts of South America there are butterflies of the group Ithomiinae which are distasteful and have all the characters of specially protected species, being conspicuously coloured, slow of flight, careless of exposure and abundant in individuals.
It inevitably leads careless writers to take for granted that we have, historically, two Buddhisms - one manufactured in Ceylon, the other in Nepal.
Unfortunately for England his ambition was to be tile mirror of chivalry rather than a model administrator He took up and abandoned great enterprises with equal levity; he was reckless in the spending of money; and in times of trouble he was careless of constitutional precedent, and apt to push his prerogative to extremes.
The habit of obtaining money otherwise than by the consent of those who are required to pay it would be certain to make parliament careless of the feelings anl interests of that great majority of the population at home, which was unrepresented in parliament.
The union of the Three Crowns transferred the practical rule of Iceland to Denmark in 1280, and the old Treaty of Union, by which the island had reserved its essential rights, was disregarded by the absolute Danish monarchs; but, though new taxation was imposed, it was rather their careless neglect than their too active interference that damaged Iceland's interests.
Unfortunately, you were far more careless calling your tip line and a telephone code was noted and remembered by the operator.
It is not surprising that with such maxims as these in his mouth, unguarded in his expressions and careless of his reputation, he should have afforded room for the circulation of many stories to his disadvantage."
These vines are less satisfactory than trees as rubber producers, owing to the readiness with which they are injured and destroyed by careless tapping, and to the difficulty of regulating these methods in the case of vines distributed over enormous areas of forest.
Yahweh appears to plead with His people for their sins, but the sinners are no longer a careless and oppressive aristocracy buoyed up by deceptive assurances of Yahweh's help, by prophecies of wine and strong drink; they are bowed down by a religion of terror, wearied with attempts to propitiate an angry God by countless offerings, and even by the sacrifice of the first-born.
For the composition of the uta gradually deteriorated from the end ofthe 9th century, when a game called uta-awase became a fashionable pastime, and aristocratic men and women tried to string together versicles of 31 syllables, careful of the form and careless of the thought.
This annual inquiry has sometimes been mistaken by careless passers-by for an annual reassessment of each ryot's holding.
Careless alike of fame and of influence, Tennyson spent these years mainly at Somersby, in a uniform devotion of his whole soul to the art of poetry.
As a rule he is careless of definitely rhythmical cadence, though his sentences are always pleasant to the ear.
My company was not unacceptable to the young and careless, as well as to the studious and literary; and as I took a particular pleasure in the company of modest women, I had no reason to be displeased with the reception I met with from them.
It is a careless compilation from St Jerome in the earlier part, and from other writers in the later, but the lack of other sources makes it very valuable for the period from 4 2 5 to 455, which is drawn from Prosper's personal experience.
But, careless for the morrow, he was always printing at his own cost great books which found no buyers.
The improvement may be discerned by a skilful critic in the Journey to the Hebrides, and in the Lives of the Poets is so obvious that it cannot escape the notice of the most careless reader.
Although intrinsically of excellent quality, Rambong rubber, owing to the careless method of collection practised by the natives which leads to the inclusion of much impurity, usually fetches a lower price than Para.