The attacks were too powerful for the capabilities of our enemies alone.
Jobs done by people will be only the ones that require uniquely human capabilities to do.
The capabilities of the company's territory are only dimly known.
His capabilities as a soldier have been generally recognized by competent authorities.
As a teacher, besides the power of accurately gauging the character and capabilities of those who studied under him, he had the faculty of infecting them with his own enthusiasm, and thus of stimulating them to put forward their best efforts.
It is impossible within brief limits to convey more than a general idea of the work of a philosopher who published more than three hundred original papers bearing upon nearly every branch of physical science; who one day was working out the mathematics of a vortex theory of matter on hydrodynamical principles or discovering the limitations of the capabilities of the vortex atom, on another was applying the theory of elasticity to tides in the solid earth, or was calculating the size of water molecules, and later was designing an electricity meter, a dynamo or a domestic water-tap. It is only by reference to his published papers that any approximate conception can be formed of his life's work; but the student who had read all these knew comparatively little of Lord Kelvin if he had not talked with him face to face.
She made sure her computer was solely a word processor with no on line capabilities so no one could ever hack into it.
He'll know he wasn't identified by any normal means but he won't have a clue how you do it or what capabilities you possess.
The dramatic capabilities of the subject are, however, great, and it afterwards attracted Schiller, who, however, seems to have abandoned it in favour of the similar theme of the Russian Demetrius.
Seemann's favourable report on the capabilities of the islands, followed by a time of depression in Australia and New Zealand, led to a rapid increase of settlers - from 200 in 1860 to 1800 in 1869.
God knows who else will hound you if they have any idea of your capabilities.
Research conducted during quiet nights such as this only bolstered her opinion that the only organization that might have the capabilities still couldn't have done this.
Its object is a practical one, to determine by scientific considerations the shape of lens best adapted to improve the capabilities of the telescope, which had been invented not long before.
It will thus be seen that the agricultural capabilities of the Athabasca and Peace river districts, not yet fully known, are full of promise.
He discerned their capabilities, studied their characters, and sought to remedy their defects by frank and searching criticism.
It forms an important seat of the rice trade with several steam rice mills, and has great capabilities both from a mercantile and a military point of view, as it commands the great outlet of the Irrawaddy.
Does Jackson know about Howie's capabilities?
Your ability to heal makes you what we'd call a Natural, a human with extraordinary capabilities.
You've had time to assess our defenses and capabilities and now, learn the placement of our strongholds.
The judges, in making their awards at the show held annually in December, at Islington, North London (since 1862), are instructed to decide according to quality of flesh, lightness of offal, age and early maturity, with no restrictions as to feeding, and thus to promote the primary aim of the club in encouraging the selection and breeding of the best and most useful animals for the production of meat, and testing their capabilities in respect of early maturity.
The trading capabilities were aided by the construction in 1894 of the Frihavn (free port) at the northern extremity of the town, well supplied with warehouses and other conveniences.
These manifestations are the various powers and capabilities, or rather the habitudes of action, which characterize the different orders of being, diversified according to their several destinations."
Substantial changes in functional capabilities of the soil microbial biomass have been detected.
New types of Viton® are versatile, offering improved capabilities in steam, solvents, highly caustic environments and low temperatures.
The capabilities of the gun and the force of its fire left few people unmoved.
Such wormholes have been seriously suggested, as being within the capabilities of a future civilization.
While many monitors only have one base and one receiver, some of the newer models are now equipped with two monitors, which give parents even more freedom and monitoring capabilities.
Try to take photos from different angles, and use different speeds if your camera has the capabilities.
These products may become very expensive, so it is best to evaluate your exact needs regarding distance capabilities and features before purchasing monitors.
Baby monitors have changed over time with additional features like video or web capabilities.
When looking at another smartphone comparison, one area that can oftentimes get neglected is graphic processing capabilities.
While I sympathized in concept, the very nature of Howie's capabilities were so awesome to me, I couldn't conceive the ramifications of broadening them.
He may have only suspected a connection and his break-in no more than a fishing expedition but it proves his capabilities are admirable.
He loved war, the all consuming sensations of battle from the metallic scent of weapons and blood to the burn of his muscles as he fought beyond his normal capabilities.
You should leverage the single sign-on capabilities of the network.
These capabilities will deny an adversary the information advantage, preventing him from effectively employing his forces.
Recently I discovered an anagram search program for Linux which has some interesting capabilities not found in other anagram search program for Linux which has some interesting capabilities not found in other anagram programs I've seen.
The stated rationale is to widen access, reduce brain drain, bolster research capabilities and maximize the competitiveness of the sector.
Messenger and integrates telephony capabilities, such as PC to phone calling, Internet call waiting, directory lookup and more.
However, to illustrate to prospective customers our capabilities in this area, our work can be described in abstract.
Capabilities extend to all modes of CE and to sensitive UV, MS or fluorescence detection.
This affordable navigator offers automatic routing capabilities with turn-by-turn directions and voice guidance.
What follows are the more advanced, less used, or sometimes esoteric capabilities of perl regexps.
You can use the multimedia capabilities of the PC by connecting a headset to it.
The directional hydrophone extends the receiver's capabilities for real-time animal tracking studies.
Results on the separating capabilities of a pair of parallel hyperplanes are obtained.
After we introduced thermal inkjet, we began experimenting with the imaging capabilities of the device.
Clipsal also run a number of certified courses to provide integrators with an opportunity to learn more about the capabilities of C- Bus.
The capabilities will include ground-based interceptors, sea-based interceptors, additional Patriot units and sensors on land, sea and space.
I dont have wireless LAN myself bu have several pieces of equipment which have wireless capabilities.
The aim of work in these areas is to maintain and improve neutron spectrometry and neutron dosimetry capabilities and services.
Raising the knowledge to the required level is well within the capabilities of most community optometrists.
Within the past year, the race has been to integrate a plethora of advanced features into local search capabilities.
Such capabilities also can support fissile material production for Tehran's overall nuclear weapons program.
It has the ripping capabilities of cdparanoia built in, but can also use external rippers (such as cdda2wav ).
The fluorescent probe was incorporated into thin films and three dimensional porous scaffolds demonstrating the capabilities of monitoring on-line.
With auditorium seating for over 500 people, the Great Hall is rigged with the latest in technology and staging capabilities.
Some internal PC-compatible models include full-duplex speakerphone, voice mail, caller ID, distinctive ring, and simultaneous voice and data capabilities.
Google's powerful SiteSearch capabilities are designed to improve site navigation and usability, as well as increase site stickiness.
The task is beyond the capabilities of even the largest supercomputer.
They also know that Capability Management includes all types of organizational capabilities not just technological ones.
Features to choose from include 100 ohm and 1000 ohm RTD and 2252 ohm thermistor capabilities.
Their off-road capabilities are superb, particularly when towing loaded trailers or climbing slopes with 500kg of bagged feed in the back.
From 1882 onwards a Batjan company attempted to exploit the island, but unsuccessfully, owing to a deficient knowledge of the soil and its capabilities and a lack of labourers.
Laynez was an astute politician and saw the vast capabilities of the Society over a far wider field than the founder contemplated; and he prepared to give it the direction that it has since followed.
Internal difficulties, low transport capabilities, and the necessity of garrisoning almost all parts of Albania and Macedonia to prevent local risings, added to the customary slackness in administration and training and the customary dishonesty in supply and equipment matters, resulted in the putting into the field of two armies which were numerically inferior, unequally trained, and poorly equipped - possessing indeed few assets beyond the solid fighting-worth of the individual Mahommedan Turk .2 With all this, however, the prestige of a great Power facing a group of small states, whose mutual hatred and rivalries had only just been composed, stood high, especially in Germany where the positive effects of the Turkish army reforms initiated by von der Goltz and others were overrated.
Beginning with not too many stocks he can test the capabilities of his location before investing much capital in the undertaking, so that by utilizing the information already given and adopting the wise adage " make haste slowly " he will realize in good time whether it will pay best to work for honey in comb or extracted honey in bulk; not only so, but the knowledge gained will enable him to select such appliances as are suited to his needs.
As robotic technology advances, we are being forced to readjust our expectations of machines' capabilities.
Changing unacceptable behaviors Changing unacceptable behaviors starts with a focus on the rainmaker 's positive capabilities.
The rays have stimulating growth capabilities and can rejuvenate the whole body.
Its unlimited roll-forward and rollback capabilities provide flexible options to return systems to a known good state if a patch causes system malfunctions.
The normal saber grip versus the reverse grip is also covered, since the methods and capabilities of each style are distinctly different.
Level II threats are those beyond base or base cluster self-defense capabilities.
The integral field capabilities will be used on the same nights as slit spectroscopy and imaging.
The first is the so-called ' information gap ' between the current decision support capabilities and the information needs of senior executives.
This stands in marked contrast to oil and fuel filters where there is a relatively large amount of information regarding filtration requirements and capabilities.
Do not make stereotypical assumptions about the capabilities of disabled people.
Google 's powerful SiteSearch capabilities are designed to improve site navigation and usability, as well as increase site stickiness.
We want European strategic airlift capabilities to be strengthened substantially.
China continues to develop more robust, survivable nuclear-armed missiles as well as conventional capabilities for use in a regional conflict.
However, it's unrealistic to assume only the United States will have the capabilities to wage such warfare.
China, North Korea, Cuba, and Russia, among others, are also believed to be developing cyber warfare capabilities.
Range-As you shop for dual video monitors, be mindful of the monitor's range capabilities.
The following dual video monitors are popular choices for many parents who need the extra assurance of added video capabilities.
Some monitors also offer video capabilities, so not only can a parent hear his child, but he can also see what the baby or toddler is doing.
If so, you'll definitely benefit from purchasing a monitor that has video capabilities.
If you live in a large house or you plan on using the monitor outside while your baby is sleeping, you'll need a monitor with longer range capabilities.
You can typically find monitors for the hearing impaired under $100, but if you want a monitor with video capabilities, plan on spending closer to $200.
Make sure your new microwave oven comes with instructions that detail all of the capabilities of this powerful appliance.
Finally, if you are a serious amateur photographer, you will want to look at digital cameras that allow you to adjust the light exposure, shutter speed and range capabilities.
For an entertainment center with surround-sound capabilities, you will likely want to try out a variety of speakers.
Find an array of digital voice recorders, including several with MP3 capabilities at Amazon.
Regardless, the U2 gives you an extremely sturdy and robust player whose essential capabilities are on-par with more expensive players.
Otherwise you may choose your gun and be let down by the behavior and capabilities of the cartridge the gun uses.
Some have the capabilities of taking photographs while others can hook into your computer for tracking purposes.
For a little extra money, you can get a scanner that has FireWire capabilities.
Some tractors have the ability to add this at a later date, so if you wish to do this at some point but not right now, then consider the tractor with the capabilities.
After you figure out how much assembly you can handle, establish what kind of material is within your capabilities.
Using standard composite cables (commonly called RCA cables) isn't utilizing the High Def capabilities of the TV.
Bluetooth capabilities, you can make and receive calls through an automotive GPS system.
Speaking of mobility, another important feature is a laptop's wireless capabilities.
You should be aware of the capabilities of a new or used computer.
Sound card - what are you sound card's capabilities?
Optical Drive - If you want to watch or burn DVDs using your computer, then choosing an optical drive with DVD burning capabilities is a must.
If you forgo the need for a desktop, that's OK; many laptops have the capabilities to hook up to a HDTV with a hi-def cord or-at the very least-a standard monitor cable.
While watches with GPS tracking capabilities are typically geared toward athletes and runners, there are also models available for children that serve a different purpose.
Other capabilities include outputting video to a television and an email application.
The Kindle 2 and Nook will run from $179 to $259 depending on its wireless capabilities.
It's an ultrasonic toothbrush with whitening capabilities built directly into the brush head, eliminating the need for a separate step for whitening.
Regardless of sifting capabilities, there still comes a day when it's time to completely empty the litter box and wash the entire assembly, hood included.
Unlike revolving bank cards, your purchasing capabilities are limited to the amount of money you have deposited with the card issuer.
On the other hand, not everyone has e-mail capabilities, nor is everyone happy about receiving electronic gifts instead of physical gifts that they can unwrap.
Ergonomics is the study of human capabilities in relation to the workplace environment.
If the repair is beyond your capabilities, it's time to call a professional for help.
Because of the blood thinning capabilities it should be avoided before surgery.
The Clairol lighted makeup mirrors were designed in the "True to Light" series that boasted excellent lighting capabilities.
Many online dating sites offer e-mail and even chat capabilities within the site.
Others provide photo printing, so they give you free storage and sharing capabilities in the hopes you will use their printing services.
Many sites offering Online Digital Photo Printing also include photo-sharing capabilities, so you can create online digital photo albums at Clark, the Kodak Easy Share Gallery, Snapfish, Shutterfly and York.
Taking advantage of your current bank's online capabilities can be a good first step towards total online banking.
If your anti-virus program has anti-phishing capabilities, then make sure they are turned on.
If you do, then you can install the Merriam-Webster application that has voice search capabilities.
Adding printing capabilities to a digital camera expands options for digital users.
A digital camera is the sum of its capabilities and user options.
Features outstanding sharing capabilities.
The birth of the digital age and instant image manipulation capabilities attracts many people who want to experiment with special effect photo editing.
Installing Adobe Photoshop freeware can expand your image editing capabilities and give you the power to turn your digital photos into professional-looking works of art.
Known for providing photo editing capabilities that rival expensive image editors, GIMP makes it easy for beginners and veterans alike to make their ordinary photos look professional.
They also have the automatic modes of a point-and- shoot and the fully manual capabilities of an SLR.
This sensor makes significant improvements on its predecessor's noise reduction capabilities, making the sensor perfect for low light work.
Like the Canon models, the D90 has a live view feature and like the higher range D300s, it also has movie capabilities.
The features outlined in this demo include the improved file browsing system, 16-bit editing capabilities, shadow and highlight correction, customizable keyboard shortcuts and adjustable layer comps.
All digital cameras have built-in processing capabilities, but leave those alone if you want creative control over your images.
Canon added a larger baseline sensor for enhanced precision in the camera's center-point autofocus capabilities.
It was created in Japan, primarily as a painting program, but it has gained popularity as a photo editing tool because it does have strong editing capabilities as well as some bonus features not found in other programs.
Because Pixia has strong photo editing and painting capabilities, it is a good choice for a photographer who needs a lightweight paint program in addition to photo editing.
Each program has some unique capabilities of its own, such as integration with social media, automatic editing tools, facial recognition, or compatibility with 3D images and movies.
Some of Lightroom's advantages are its compatibility with both Mac OS X and Windows, its nondestructive editing capabilities, its fast performance, its integration with Adobe Photoshop CS5, and its support for editing presets.
If you have a limited budget and only need basic photo editing capabilities, purchasing an expensive suite with advanced features may not be necessary.
Include an image of the auto, and do a little journaling about the vehicle's features and capabilities.
If you require comprehensive photo editing capabilities for your scrapbook project, consider using Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Photoshop Elements along with the scrapbook kit.
The size of the paper you choose may be limited by your printer's capabilities.
Some creative scrappers become so fascinated with the tool's capabilities that they end up creating unbelievable products.
Online photo editors with layering capabilities allow you to place one image over another for online scrapbooking.
Most of the larger Pennsylvania ski resorts have snow making capabilities.
Hyperstress happens when someone is pushed beyond their limits and is forced to handle something beyond their capabilities.
Couples who want to go these routes should choose bands that also have DJ capabilities, so guests can request favorite songs during the dance.
Of course, you're taking a chance on the condition of any used book you order online, but you can still use the capabilities of each site to your advantage.
The Samsung R780 was named one of the best five notebooks for 2010 college graduates by Laptop magazine because of its sleek looks, sharp 17-inch display, and admirable gaming capabilities.
Though traveling the high seas, connectivity is also no problem on Freedom ships, with onboard high-tech presentation rooms ready to go, along with extensive Wi-Fi capabilities throughout the vessel.
Filling a bathtub, or using a performance shower system are beyond the capabilities of the demand heater, and a slow trickle of water, such as those used for shaving or tooth brushing, will not trigger the heater.
While most monorail track systems are low-voltage systems, some offer line-voltage capabilities.
Flannel's versatility comes from its insulating capabilities, and in pajamas, both sides are usually brushed to create an especially cozy feel.
Additionally, Rago's Thong Back Waist Cincher offers excellent shaping capabilities thanks to strong bands on each side of the panty.
It also provides an online community with chat, forums and photo album capabilities.
This is due to a variety of factors, including a reduced amount of physical capabilities, a loss of a spouse or close friendships due to old age, or feelings of abandonment and fear that may result from a move to a convalescent home.
This goes for both mental and physical capabilities.
The size, strength and visual capabilities of the senior can make a big difference in whether the chair will fit them and whether they will be able to operate the chair without help.
Activities should also help the residents retain, and even regain, their physical and mental capabilities.
These are less expensive than the Wild Planet model and require fewer batteries despite the fact that they both use LED lights for their "night vision" capabilities.
Some lenses are covered in a thin film that also adds reflective capabilities to the already absorptive lenses for additional protection.
In this game, players once again trek through the three original movies in a gaming environment that took full advantage of the graphical and sound capabilities of the latest gaming consoles.
Although the battles and movement are the same as in previous titles, the backgrounds and scenes have been redesigned to showcase the 3D capabilities of the handheld system.
One note of interest is there are no sound capabilities; the trade-off is you get an emulator that can offer smooth graphics on slow and fast systems equally.
The PlayStation Portable's CPU and graphics capabilities are often described as being between the PS One and the PS2.
The processing power of each system varies slightly, with the graphics capabilities advantage going to the Xbox 360 and the central processing power advantage going to the PS3.
Games, the power of the system, accessories and online capabilities are all common concerns when picking out a system, so spend your money wisely!
Wiggling the tail provided Mario with brief flying capabilities too.
The game played much like the original set of Mario games, but it had fantastically colorful graphics, multiplayer capabilities, and several new items and innovations that appealed to both purists and newcomers to the series.
One of the unique features of Borderlands the game is weapon and item capabilities.
Buying the Wii vs PS3 in this category is a tie because the capabilities of both systems are equal.
When the Nintendo 64 wowed us with its 3D capabilities, we cast aside the SNES to enjoy the latest games on the N64.
In addition, the new phones have larger displays in order to allow users to use the address book, global positioning, photography, PDA, text messaging and web browsing capabilities that are becoming standard on mobile devices.
Modern mobiles have full color displays, fast game play and even multiplayer capabilities.
Microsoft has recently released the Xbox 360, a new console with better gaming capabilities than the Xbox.
I don't know if it's excusable that a developer didn't know the capabilities of the Dreamcast, but maybe Crave Entertainment didn't, even though every other 3rd party developer did.
Graphically, this game pushes the capabilities of the Xbox.
There's a line on the track that, when driven on, gives you boost capabilities.
The boom microphone has noise-canceling capabilities and can be adjusted up and down to fit your needs.
Apple's iPhone and iPod touch both have hand held gaming capabilities.
The graphics were way ahead of any other portable system out there, but the innate cult following were the only gamers to really latch onto the capabilities.
The bottom screen allowed users to manipulate games that utilized the touch capabilities.
Both systems have excellent graphics and sound capabilities and offer gaming experiences far superior to any of the earlier console systems.
This system was suppose to have better graphics capabilities and support deeper and richer games.
Naturally, this title makes use of the DS's unique touchscreen capabilities, giving you a fresh take on an old basketball formula.
If you can't find a Wi-Fi access point or you don't have a wireless router hooked onto your modem for wireless capabilities, then go out and purchase a router.
By the same accord, it is possible to turn a Nintendo DS into an iPod with similar music and video-playing capabilities.
With the updated hardware and capabilities of the Game Boy Advance, Game Boy Advance SP and Game Boy Micro, games have become more fulfilling.
The planet Zebes is once again the location, but due to the superior capabilities of the SNES the world is larger and much more diverse.
Four controller ports could be found on the front of the console, emphasizing multi-player capabilities (four-way deathmatches and races became incredibly popular in Goldeneye 007 and Mario Kart 64).
This game has over 50 different types of fish to catch, over 65 medals and awards to obtain, 12 tournaments to try, and the capabilities to play multiplayer with up to four players (not online).
It represented the most expensive home video game console at the time, but it was also the only one to offer full 1080p video games and Blu-ray playback capabilities.
Both consoles are boasting about their online play, media integration, wireless capabilities, and movie playback.
The DS does not have the capabilities to make the game look as good as its console counterparts.
It's shaped like the bottom portion of a rod complete with reel capabilities, including the fishing line crank.
Use the wireless capabilities of the PSP to play a portable multiplayer game with up to 4 simultaneous players in cooperative or competitive modes.
Sega decided to expand the keyboard capabilities by making The Typing of the Dead, which is the same basic game of House of the Dead, but you use the keyboard to type in words and phrases to kill the zombies.
But to make the playing field even, you have opportunities to gather jewels which increase your ships shields and turbo capabilities.
Now, if you don't have HDMI capabilities on your TV, then a major upgrade would be to purchase an LCD or Plasma with the HDMI input.
On the downside, you get sub-par graphics, many kid and youth-oriented titles, and no DVD playback capabilities.
There is no reason that any future console should not have the capabilities of playing older games.
Xeon, even though it taxes system like no other program, is thought to be the best emulator of those out there because of it's capabilities.
Whichever you choose, you may find that more than one unit with different capabilities will best protect you and your family.
Roadtrek is a popular Class B manufacturer, and its vehicles are indicative of the size and capabilities of a campervan.
A revamped van combines space with camping capabilities.
However, a truck camper, particularly a truck with 4-wheel drive capabilities, can get to those out of the way places that others only dream of camping in.
At around $50, the Samsung Factor is a basic Bluetooth-enabled flip phone with camera and email capabilities.
Headsets with Bluetooth capabilities are one of the newest and most popular sellers.
The multi-media geared cell phones including high-end gaming capabilities, fast data connections, and smartphone functionality.
The keypad is much the same as its clamshell cousin, but you also get to enjoy a 2.0 megapixel camera, landscape display, integrated multimedia player, video capabilities, and what Motorola calls "intuitive functionality."
They provide added capabilities, improve ease of use, or otherwise make the mobile phone more powerful or more capable.
For the purposes of this article, we'll focus on the music and MP3-playing capabilities of today's musicphones.
Different handsets have different capabilities.
Did you know that many music phones have capabilities to play tunes above and beyond the integrated MP3 player?
Again, check with your manufacturer or local retailer for more information about your specific model and its capabilities.
Most cell phone manufacturers have a selection of phones with built-in navigation capabilities.
By and large, you'll still all the basics like a color screen, text message capabilities and custom cell phone wallpapers.
It has Nextel Direct Connect to offer, plus voice dialing, speakerphone, and email capabilities.
It has Bluetooth, email, and Web capabilities.
There's a camera for instantly sharing your pictures, plus Web, email, and Bluetooth capabilities.
In addition, it has the camera, the speaker phone, and the Web capabilities of the KATANA II.
The iPhone camera should also gain video recording capabilities.
Many handsets from Telus Mobility and Verizon Wireless have so-called "crippled" Bluetooth capabilities.
Naturally, your computer will need Bluetooth capabilities, either internally or through a USB dongle as pictured above.
What Apple phone would be complete without iPod capabilities?
Verizon customers who are still in contracts will get a shot at the iPhone's capabilities.
In addition, you get built-in GPS capabilities with BlackBerry Maps that allow you to find businesses, restaurants, and more.
However, a common complaint is the lack of video recording capabilities.
The "Click" commercial shows off the capabilities of the BlackBerry Storm.
You can see the differences in price (sometimes as low as $0.99), size, weight, type, talk and standby times, and special features including everything from texting capabilities to whether or not there is a tip calculator.
The phones, as shipped to Radioshack, did not have the EVDO capabilities as the phone advertised.
The phone has all of the capabilities of a small laptop and is compatible with leading telecommunication operators.
You now have the capabilities to use sites such as Facebook and Twitter, as well as use notepads, play games, watch television, and so much more with cell phones.
The iPod Touch does not offer talk capabilities.
Because all three iPhone models have a camera and phone capabilities, you'll need to make your decision based on other features.
They do not have the same video capabilities, however.
Be sure to check with more than one to get a good grasp of the phone's capabilities before you commit.
Mobile Tech Review gives you a quick rundown of the phones' capabilities.
Get a strong understanding of the phone's capabilities and features.
In summary, the answer to the question "What is a smartphone?" is that a smartphone is a phone with powerful capabilities that are very similar to those found on a home computer.
Whether or not the cell phone has true GPS capabilities, it is possible to track its physical location in real-time.
Droid X has Skype Mobile capabilities as well, so you're not limited to texts and phone calls to stay in touch with the ones you love.
Android Community is also quite pleased with the Droid Incredible, applauding its great photo-taking capabilities, "intuitive smartphone experience out of the box," and the reliable Verizon network coverage.
Your choice may boil down to whether you enjoy having the latest model of your gadget purchases, whether you need global capabilities, or if you just want to get the best deal.
All of the Droid cell phones that are part of the Verizon line-up offer email capabilities, HTML browsers, WiFi, and can connect to mobile hotspots.
The Verizon Droid, regardless of version, isn't something you can just pick up, attach to any plan, and enjoy to its fullest capabilities.
Also known by its HTC Titan codename, the HTC Mogul ran on Windows Mobile 6.1 and was compatible with the high-speed EVDO (Evolution Data Optimized) network of Sprint for its wireless data capabilities.
The AAMR classification system focuses on the capabilities of the retarded individual rather than on the limitations.
Although their general purpose, providing an interface between the brain and the body, remains constant, their capabilities vary widely.
Determining the limits of moral behavior becomes increasingly difficult as human capabilities, choices, and responsibilities proliferate with advances in technology and scientific knowledge.
Studies have also shown that extracurricular activities can boost a child's academic performance and provide students with a way to feel proud of themselves and their capabilities.
Brain processing capabilities can be assessed by spontaneous speech, repetition, reading, naming, writing, and comprehension.
Memory assessment includes determining the child's remote, recent, and immediate memory capabilities.
The examiner will also assess the sensation capabilities of the pharynx, by stimulating the area with a wooden tongue depressor, causing a gag reflex.
Symptoms of bipolar depressive episodes include low energy levels, feelings of despair, difficulty concentrating, extreme fatigue, and psychomotor retardation (slowed mental and physical capabilities).
The defining symptom of a learning disorder is academic performance that is markedly below a child's age and grade capabilities and measured IQ.
In the first five years of life, children acquire the basic capabilities that prepare them for later success in school and life.
Bonding research has also led to increased awareness of the natural capabilities of the infant at birth, and so it has encouraged many others to deliver their babies without anesthesia (which depresses mother and infant responsiveness).
The fit between the infant's temperament and capabilities and those of the mother and father is important.
Children with moderate to severe hyperglycemia may be treated in an intensive care unit for continuous monitoring and rapid response capabilities.
Feist - This video deviated from the standard format in order to tout the iPod nano's video capabilities.
Having new capabilities can allow an individual to make new friends and discover new social circles and recreational activities.
Genealogy continues to be one of the fast growing hobbies with enthusiasts combining family memories with document search and the knowledge-enlarging search capabilities of the Internet.
The standard version gives family and pedigree views, bookmarking capabilities and some charts.
Students without these capabilities are at a severe disadvantage with an online program and should look into campus-based programs.
Their mix-and-match capabilities allow you to choose the best fits for tops and bottoms.
Combine this property with the shirt's quick drying capabilities, and you have an efficient evaporative cooling machine that's fashionable and functional.
Motocross racers and other motor vehicle sport fans like the extra skin protection these garments offer, as well as their cooling capabilities.
It doesn't have any tickle capabilities.
Thinking skills - Just as pretend play can help with language skills, it can also improve a child's cognitive and abstract thinking capabilities.
These pets are toys, and no matter their capabilities, eventually you may see them discarded in a corner of your son's or daughter's bedroom.
Finally, if you are considering buying one of these innovative toys, educate yourself about the toy's capabilities, risks, and dangers.
You can purchase attachments to the meat grinder to further expand its capabilities.
Not only does it offer top-notch blending capabilities, the Ninja Master Pro also has the functionality of a full-sized food processor.
Many of Delonghi's coffee makers-this one included-have storage capabilities in the rear of the unit so that you can store extra power cord inside.
This portable air conditioner also has three fan speeds, providing excellent cooling capabilities for any situation.
In addition to its cooling capabilities, the AP7300 also has dehumidifier functionality, with a moisture removal capacity of 2.08 Pt/h.
The heavy-duty ACPA4000 is a 4KW, 120V air conditioning unit that offers excellent cooling capabilities.
With its 200-watt heating element, the Samsonite Travel Fabric Steamer ranks in the low- to mid-category in terms of heating capabilities.
Size and the popping capabilities can determine the cost, but you should have no trouble finding machines that are affordably priced.
It also has powerful dicing, mincing, and pureeing capabilities, making it an ideal tool for preparing vegetables for cooking and for creating rich and creamy soups and sauces.
If the person you're shopping for already owns a KitchenAid stand mixer, consider purchasing one (or more) of the many available accessories to enhance the powerful appliance's capabilities.
It is designed to allow for quick and easy blending and food processing capabilities that allow home cooks to enjoy professional results.
For instance, instead of being limited to just opening cans, some modern models have bag opener, bottle opener and knife sharpening capabilities as well.
Vertical steam capabilities allow you to use the steam iron as a professional steamer.
The Magic Bullet is a unique appliance in that it combines the capabilities of a blender, food processor and juicer all in one unit.
In addition to providing powerful food processing capabilities, this appliance is also very attractive.
Danby portable air conditioners offer convenient cooling capabilities no matter where you need it in your house.
If you have Internet capabilities on your phone, then you can surf to some of the sites listed above.
This Mango Tango Laptop Bag offers the best of all worlds with its bright turquoise exterior, elegant print, practical features and functional capabilities.
Since they know their capabilities and skills, these people often feel they do not need to rely on others.
With a clever ad campaign, was able to build awareness once again about the site's capabilities.
Now, robot toys have a range of capabilities, from simple functions to more complicated operations.
You can find some for less than $30, or you can choose a chair that has surround sound capabilities to really support his gaming habits.
With their realistic handling and optional off-road capabilities, battery powered ATVs for children are a great way to introduce both boys and girls to the pleasures of outdoor exploration.
While Jim Carrey received his powers through God, Sandler happens upon a remote control that allows him to treat his life as a TV show, complete with TiVo capabilities.
Use the service's online capabilities to watch your favorite podcasts and visit YouTube.
Those tend to be formatted for easier reading because most of the scripts are in TXT format and have limited formatting capabilities.
There certainly isn't a definitive answer, but many believe that a clairvoyant simply senses things that are beyond the capabilities of the average person's senses.
Most laptops are built with decent capabilities, so they are able to function a few years down the road.
I joined my brother in 2004 to help further develop the technology and incorporate footwear designs that would enable stable and durable adjustable-height capabilities in women's high heel footwear.
The Deluxe Rooms offer guests either a queen or two double beds, a private marble bathroom, an in-room safe, wireless Internet capabilities, and many other conveniences that make the hotel feel homey.
Business guests will enjoy the well-equipped conference rooms, copy services, Internet capabilities, and fax services.
The line offers five different watches, each with unique features that range from alarms to calendars to chronograph capabilities.
If you are looking for a watch with all these capabilities, research the brands and find the one that offers you all the features you require.
A classic look, high-grade capabilities, unrivaled efficiency and accuracy are the hallmarks of these watches.
Sony has also produced a full-color television watch that resembles the design of the vintage Seiko television watch but with modern functions and capabilities.
You may already know how to set your Casio Watch, but do you know all of the watch's capabilities?
Chronographs are watches that have stopwatch and timekeeping capabilities.
The difference between the two models is that this one features a digital analogic quartz movement and offers additional chronograph functions including a calendar, alarm capabilities, a second time zone, and a countdown mode.
Citizen Watches are well respected for their reliability and good time keeping capabilities.
The chronograph models offer 12 hours of elapsed time recording, 1/20th second stopwatch capabilities, and split time measurements.
A simple black case hides pocket-sized technology like AM/FM stereo and shortwave radio, digital function display, analog tuner and lighted digital alarm capabilities.
Other features include Tissot's exclusive touch-sensitive crystal, synchronization capabilities and a contemporary design.
Some watches even have two-way radio communication capabilities or built-in compasses.
Yoga and Pilates tops for women should be fitted but not tight, not too revealing, and provide maximum stretch and shape-retention capabilities.
When the doctor coined the term, he merely chose the phrase to reflect the paradox between the advanced capabilities with low functioning in other areas.
Ensure that you buy the best computer for your needs by carefully selecting one with the specifications and capabilities you desire.
Don't obscure your skills, education or capabilities in flowery wording.
Key words consist of anything which is contained in the title of the position you seek or words which show your managerial capabilities.
If what you seek is basic printing capabilities, a basic printer may suffice.
If you anticipate starting a new business, you may need fax or scanning capabilities.
A third reason for downsizing is that a business can grow beyond what it was envisioned to be, well beyond the capabilities of the entrepreneur who founded it.
With family member successors, the retiring business owner usually knows the capabilities of the one slotted to take over.
Another interesting feature of Google Gmail is the archive capabilities.
This can be a brief recap of how your capabilities will positively impact the needs of the company and position.
QuickBooks is reputed as the easiest to use among accounting programs with similar capabilities.
Digital portfolios, are quick and easy to view, they do not require pictures and tend to just provide marketable aspects of an individual showing proven capabilities.
It allows both the employer and employee to find a fit not just on capabilities but also on the culture which amounts to higher job satisfaction and greater employee retention.
The premium version allows multiple users to import data from excel, and also has built-in financial tracking capabilities.
Your resume must reflect your capabilities and skills -- accurately, creatively, and comprehensively.
The Sage Extended Enterprise Suite has general ledger, purchase order and accounts payable capabilities.
The skills and proficiencies were clearly listed at the top of the resume so that the employer could easily see whether the individual had the required capabilities to do the job.
Create a brochure or flyer on your computer describing your capabilities.
Minivans are more of a family vehicle and have become popular for all they offer, like DVD and video playing capabilities.
This Garmin is priced mid-ranged and includes spoken street names and bluetooth capabilities.
It is has bluetooth capabilities, and it's easy to connect to your cell phone with a few quick steps.
It helps to understand sport utility vehicle size differences when making SUV comparisons, since size figures greatly into towing capabilities, cargo room, cost, fuel economy, and other features.
Inspired by the once-popular Jeep Cherokee, the Liberty is a compact sport utility vehicle targeted at young families and those who need off-road driving capabilities.
Since 1953, Jeep owners have been celebrating the off-road capabilities of their vehicles by participating in Jeep Jamborees.
You can enhance the capabilities of your Cricket vacuum by adding an attachment set to the basic unit.
The attachment set includes a variety of tools and accessories that can enhance the appliance's cleaning capabilities.
Fancy wire and tools aren't critical when you're starting out, but you should at least buy some wire that is good quality and a basic beading plier or pliers set that includes crimping, cutting and bending capabilities.
If you have kids of varying ages, why not schedule some one-on-one time with each child and pick a project that fits each child's capabilities?
These exercises are approachable no matter what your physical capabilities, showing some of the many benefits of Pilates.
Try these suggestions to make its slimming capabilities work for you.
Consumer Search lists the Moving Comfort Vero bra (about $35) as one of the top sports bra picks overall for its coverage, shape, padded cups, adjustable straps, and moisture-wicking capabilities.
You can wear flannel boxers or flannel-lined boxers over thick, microfiber briefs with moisture-wicking capabilities.
It cleverly marked the era of pop with references to such entities as MTV, heard in 'Money For Nothing' featuring Sting, and the newly created CD and video technological capabilities.
All of these capabilities allow you to both listen to music online and create your own.
Older versions of the PSP may be unable to play certain audio types, as recent system upgrades have increased its playing capabilities.
Much the dismay of P2P music downloading fans everywhere, Windows Vista and Limewire did not take to each other very well, halting the download capabilities of Windows Vista users.
The full version of Nero also includes sound editing and file creation capabilities in addition to basic burning.
The latest version of iMesh - iMesh 7 - follows the same format but also has instant messaging capabilities and a social networking feature.
Although these statements paint her in a less than flattering light with regards to her intellectual capabilities, viewers then discover that she is actually an executive editor of a popular Miami publication.
The description of the capabilities of the ship and why the ship was created follows the specifications of the Star Trek ship.
Blog Search Engine is a site that uses Google's powerful search capabilities to make it easier to find topics of interest on blogs throughout the Internet.
All you need is Internet access and a web browser with Javascript capabilities, or you can also use the programs on your mobile phone or other handheld device.
The word "extensible" implies that the user, in this case the blogger, can expand the language's capabilities.
Our users are fans of Facebook's group application, because of its messaging capabilities.
All of these contain blogging features along with many other capabilities, and it's possible that if you only need a blog that using one would be overkill.There are also blog-centric CMS's available, such as the very popular Wordpress.
You can also find out more at I Can Stalk U, including how to turn the geotagging capabilities off on your phone.
Selecting the right Eye-Tech™ model for the job is easy; take a look at the name to find out the shade capabilities.
There are literally thousands of templates, free and otherwise, that you can download to get the most out of your web site and max out the capabilities of FrontPage.
That work is still a good example of your capabilities as a web designer.
Once you choose your website builder, familiarize yourself with it's capabilities and always keep in mind that content is king.
It's a constant game of cat and mouse in terms of Internet security, so if you're going to use CGI proxy make sure you're fully aware of its capabilities and limitations.
Xanga has continued to grow though, mainly through its core base of music and image fans who enjoy both the site's social media capabilities and the freedom to customize their pages using free Xanga HTML.
Keeping both small and large computer systems secure from hackers and identity thieves is one reason why many security experts disable most client-side scripting capabilities on the browsers used within corporate networks.
However, while corporate IT security may disable browser scripting like ActiveX, which compiles and runs itself on a client PC, very few security groups go so far as to disable Javascript capabilities.
If you'd rather only enable Javascript capabilities for specific websites, and still block it when you're visiting the rest of the Internet, you'll need to follow the procedure above up to the "Custom Level" page.
In this exclusive LoveToKnow Web-Design interview with Adrian Dawson, the owner of 3030 Interactive, he discusses the history of his company, local Fargo web design market as well as the capabilities and expertise that his company offers.
Each site can have members sign up and establish various levels of accessibility and has many chat and forum capabilities.
Some people are aware that most word-processors like Microsoft Word include HTML code generating capabilities.
These programs are more designed with the Web 2.0 in mind, featuring capabilities such as podcast management, filtered listings, and concurrent transfers from multiple sites.
He has to believe you guys truly exist and he may guess some of your limits and capabilities.
They know what they shouldn't about our capabilities and our weaknesses.
I will be here only another few moon-cycles and will work with you to teach you the different units and their capabilities.
You guys were the only ones with the manpower and capabilities.
Aelius Caesar, who was in a feeble state of health and died on the 1st of January 138, before he had an opportunity of proving his capabilities.
The Ottoman Empire is renowned for its productiveness, but enterprise and skill in utilizing its capabilities are still greatly lacking.
The policy of many of Pombal's measures is more than questionable; but his admission of all races to equal rights in the eye of the law, his abolition of feudal privileges, and the firmer organization of the powers of the land which he introduced, powerfully co-operated towards the development of the capabilities of Brazil.
Pupils, the chief of whom were Kiyomasa, Kiyotsume, Kiyomitsu, Kiyonaga and Kiyomine, carried on his tradition until the end of the 18th century, the three earlier using but few colors, while the works of the two last named show a technical mastery of all the capabilities of the process.
That creatures should exist so nearly approaching to each other in all the particulars of their physical structure, and yet differing so immeasurably in their endowments and capabilities, would be a fact hard to believe, if it were not manifest to our observation.
In such cases the flowers, so far as their functional capabilities are concerned, are usually abortive.
The plan is to augment present capabilities for treating excited states.
In the automotive industry, the first division manufacturers have been able to maintain their capabilities throughout all their vertically integrated functions.
It has the ripping capabilities of cdparanoia built in, but can also use external rippers (such as cdda2wav).
The full-duplex speakerphone capabilities permit high-quality conferencing and hands-free operation.
The above technique for determining specifications will also give you graphics capabilities.