In 1848 he supported Denmark against Germany; placed Swedish and Norwegian troops in cantonments in Fiinen and North Schleswig (1849-1850); and mediated the truce of Malmo (August 26th, 1848).
The cantonments near the city, built by Nott's division, were repaired and again occupied by the British army in 1879, when Shere Ali was driven from power by the invasion of Afghanistan, nor were they finally evacuated till the spring of 1881.
Its jurisdiction over natives was limited to the two centres of administration named " cantonments," and to such neighbouring territories as might be included by regulation within a feasible distance of those centres.
The cantonments are regulated by a municipal ordinance, establishing rates and laying down various regulations for order and sanitation.
The gipsies are scattered widely throughout the Peninsula; they are found not only in wandering troops, as elsewhere in Europe, but in settlements or cantonments in the neighbourhood of towns and villages.
Yazdeged, the last of the Sassanid kings of Persia, who died in 651, when defeated and hard pressed by the Moslems, invoked the aid of China; the Chinese emperor, Taitsung, issued an edict organizing the whole country from Ferghana to the borders of Persia into three Chinese administrative districts, with 126 military cantonments, an organization which, however, probably only existed on paper.
The troops in the cantonments were then under the command of General Elphinstone (not to be confounded with the civilian Mountstuart Elphinstone), with Sir William Macnaghten as chief political adviser.
After lingering in their cantonments for two months, the British army set off in the depth of winter to find its way back to India through the passes.
The principal buildings are two mosques built in the 17th century; a modern fort overlooking the cantonments; the railway station, which is an important junction on the Oudh and Rohilkhand line; the palace of the nawab of Rampur, and the government college.
The British agent to the governor-general resides at Indore, and there are British cantonments at Mhow, Neemuch and Nowgong.
In 1901 the population, with military cantonments, was 36,837, showing an increase of 8% in the decade.
The British troops in cantonments consisted of three regiments of native infantry and a battery of artillery.
The docks lie outside Calcutta, at Kidderpur, on the south; and at Alipur are the zoological gardens, the residence of the lieutenant-governor of Bengal, cantonments for a native infantry regiment, the central gaol and a government reformatory.
When troops are distributed in small parties amongst the houses of a town or village, they are said to be in cantonments, which are also called quarters or billets.
In the field, armies lived as a rule in camp (q.v.), and when the provision of canvas shelter was impossible in bivouac. At the present time, however, it is unusual, in Europe at any rate, for troops on active service to hamper themselves with the enormous trains of tent wagons that would be required, and cantonments or bivouacs, or a combination of the two have therefore taken the place, in modern warfare, of the old long rectilinear lines of tents that marked the restingplace and generally, too, the order of battle of an 18th-century army.
The greater part of an army operating in Europe at the present day is accommodated in widespread cantonments, an army corps occupying the villages and farms found within an area of 4 m.
If the troops halt for several days, of course they require either a more densely populated country from which to requisition supplies, or a wider area of cantonments.
The difficulty of controlling the troops, when scattered in private houses in parties of six or seven, is the principal objection to this system of cantonments.
The large cantonments are situated in the neighbourhood of the North-Western frontier, of the large cities and of the capitals of important native states.
Under Lord Kitchener's redistribution of the Indian army in 1903, the chief cantonments are Rawalpindi, Quetta, Peshawar, Kohat, Bannu, Nowshera, Sialkot, Mian Mir, Umballa, Muttra, Ferozepore, Meerut, Lucknow,lllhow, Jubbulpore, Bolarum, Poona, Secunderabad and Bangalore.
But Hewitt was too old and Wilson was lacking in initiative; the opportunity was lost, and no attempt was made to do more than clear the cantonments.
Sir Hugh marched against Gwalior at once, captured the Morar cantonments on the 16th of June, and carried the whole of the Gwalior positions by assault on the 19th, thus restoring his state to Sindhia within ten days of taking the field.
The cantonments, garrisoned by a native infantry regiment, are under British jurisdiction, and have a population of 4000.
There is a garden round the Phayre Museum, managed by the Agri-Horticultural Society, and an extremely pretty and wellkept garden in the cantonments under the pagoda.
By November 1812, Hill having joined him at Salamanca, Wellington once more had gone into cantonments near Ciudad Rodrigo, and the French armies had again scattered for convenience of supply.
There are flour-mills at Malegaon, railway workshops at Igatpuri, and cantonments at Deolali and Malegaon.
The allies were still resting in fancied security, dispersed throughout widely distant cantonments; for nothing but vague rumours had reached them, and they had not moved a man to meet the enemy.
Suppose this were to happen in the Prussian cantonments.
The military cantonments and posts in Malakand, Dir, Swat and Chitral were also enumerated, as were those in the Tochi Valley (the Northern Waziristan Agency) and in the Gomal (the Southern Waziristan Agency), the former figures being included in the census returns of Bannu district, and those of the latter in the returns of Dera Ismail Khan.
There are no large industries to attract the population to the towns; these, except Peshawar and Dera Ismail Khan, are either expansions of large agricultural villages or bazaars which have grown up round the many cantonments of the province.
The military cantonments contain accommodation for all three arms and are the headquarters of a brigade in the 8th division of the eastern army corps.