I tried to think calmly and finally understood.
He calmly picked the clothes up and put them back in the drawer.
It's far easier to calmly pen the words I said than it was to say them.
Darkyn pursued calmly, eyes glowing.
Try instead to explain calmly why you feel angry.
He was glancing at everyone with a clear, bright expression, as if asking them to notice how calmly he sat under fire.
I'm counting on you to explain everything calmly.
Except that he's still got a hand in all this, Andre said calmly.
If she doesn't follow them, I'll make sure no one finds the body, he said calmly.
Therefore a mother, passing from the chamber which has just witnessed her paroxysms of grief, will describe calmly to a strangerespecially a foreignerthe death of her only child.
Jule spoke calmly and factually, his explanations making some strange sense, after her interactions with Jonny and meeting a real vampire.
An orator who cannot say anything plainly or calmly will scarcely look sane.
This really spooked me but as I was fearful that I'd " frighten " my dad away, I continued chatting calmly.
He could not look calmly at the standards of the passing battalions.
Hippolyte said interrogatively, again laughing, and then calmly and seriously sat back in his chair.
A man walked calmly through the crowd, strange red tattoos glowing all over his body, similar to the tattoos she'd seen on David Kingsly's neck when he invited her to the gala.
This responsibility, however, weighed but lightly on her; while her son was overwhelmed with remorse, she calmly enjoyed her short-lived triumph.
Essential modifications could not, of course, be at once effected or even indicated in a power whose life-blood is tradition, and whose main strength has always lain in calmly abiding the issue of events and in temporizing.
Reading these letters, Nicholas felt a dread of their wanting to take him away from surroundings in which, protected from all the entanglements of life, he was living so calmly and quietly.
He may have wanted to kill her at one point, but he'd just taken an arrow to the chest and calmly told her to run so he could defend her.
We know what he's planning, he said calmly.
Jule met her gaze calmly, and she resisted the urge to run.
Amid the chaos, a nurse calmly filled out forms in a methodical fashion, looking as if the second coming of Christ wouldn't ruffle her.
Siegfried calmly continues to tell how he found Briinnhilde asleep on the fiery mountain.
But these cases, when properly understood and calmly viewed, do not carry conviction against the epistle.
Lord Canning replied to the despatch, calmly and in a statesman-like manner explaining and vindicating his censured policy.
The Age of Reason can now be estimated calmly.
She knew the danger of letting him provoke her, but she was too overwhelmed to handle him calmly.
I don.t particularly want the world to go to shit before I get a chance to enjoy my time away from Hell, Rhyn said calmly.
He calmly interjected himself with more drugs to supplement his waning strength then stripped out of the heavier weapons, opting for a knife and small laser gun.
Without any real consultation with the PCS, Government Ministers calmly cast tens of thousands of mainly poorly paid public servants into unemployment.
It was so clear... December 1879, Cornwall, England Stars littered the midnight sky, shining calmly across the whole of Cornwall.
Long, elegantly tapered fingers calmly begin shaping it into the rough form of a rose.
The atrocity of many of Henry's acts, the novelty and success of his religious policy, the apparent despotism of his methods, or all combined, have made it difficult to estimate calmly the importance of Henry's work or the conditions which made it possible.
Instead of the Hebraic doctrine of a Jesus punished for our sins, we have the Hellenic idea of a man who is calmly tranquil in the consciousness of his unity with God.
He kept my mind alert and eager, and trained it to reason clearly, and to seek conclusions calmly and logically, instead of jumping wildly into space and arriving nowhere.
She was still too agitated by the encounter to be able to talk of the affair calmly.
Only at prayer did she feel able to think clearly and calmly of Prince Andrew and Anatole, as men for whom her feelings were as nothing compared with her awe and devotion to God.
This really spooked me but as I was fearful that I 'd " frighten " my dad away, I continued chatting calmly.
Ease into the new situation slowly and calmly both for the child's benefit and yourself.
Speak calmly and lovingly toward her, but don't prolong the inevitable.
By talking calmly and patiently, you can provide that to your baby and your baby can fall back to sleep.
It's important to hold a baby calmly and lovingly and not to be angry about having to wake up yet again.
If he begins crying in earnest, then speak calmly to him and maybe pat him or stroke him.
Establishing a routine and working calmly toward the goal of helping baby fall asleep is the ultimate goal.
No skills are required, other than calmly applying the seeds.
Some cats accept one of these foam baths much more calmly than being drenched.
This is best for couples who are able to discuss finances after divorce calmly and fairly.
Kids learn how to become highly functional and happy adults from witnessing their parents calmly handle changing situations rather than turning every disruption into a disaster.
Resist getting into disagreements by telling him that if he can't speak calmly and nicely, that you will have to continue the conversation at another time.
If you can adopt the ability to think calmly and clearly when something unexpected happens, then you will have gone a long way toward dealing with the main causes of stress in our lives.
If you are able to hold on during this small storm rolling through this part of your life and work through it calmly, you will be able to adapt much more quickly and successfully.
State your points calmly and rationally, and really try to listen to his/hers.
Communicate the possible solutions clearly and calmly.
Talk to your parents and establish some guidelines (calmly) so you all manage expectations about balancing time with family, time with friends, and time for yourself.
Then, make sure you let them see how responsible you are and calmly negotiate your rights.
Yelling at a child instead of calmly explaining one's views on drinking does more harm than good.
The ships sail calmly along a looping course that takes them back to their initial embarkation cruise port, after having offered a night or two of uninterrupted fun.
Calmly praise your dog when he goes in the crate without fighting against it.
I calmly called Ruthie back to tell her what to do.
Everyone must be able to competently and calmly access the dog in the water.
Calmly remove your dog's leash, but leave his collar on.
If the dog listens, after a few seconds, calmly say "Take it," and allow the dog to eat the food.
Calmly explain that you need more time to review the material.
The tantrums often take place in public, which can be embarrassing and make them harder to deal with calmly.
Parents who are concerned about their ability to calmly deal with the child's temper tantrums may talk to the child's pediatrician about ways to cope more effectively with this natural part of the child's development.
They should intervene quickly but calmly to interrupt the aggression and prevent the their child from hurting another child.
In one moment, as Willie is canoodling with Sue and she's begging him to stay in his Santa suit, The Kid walks in and calmly says, "Hello Santa.
First remember to breathe, deeply and calmly.
Other men will calmly tell you that you have don't have to worry because he loves you.
The teenager may feel guilty or may rebel against his/her parents, which can create problems at home and/or school.If you're dealing with this problem, try to calmly discuss your feelings about the situation with your parents.
If you find yourself upset or angry about something the nanny has done, allow yourself to calm down and even sleep on it before calmly discussing the situation.
Don't accept righteous anger from any customer you consider to be a risk, but calmly explain that your actions reflect changes in your operations and are not meant to be personal.
You can also ask an open-ended question that requires the candidate to describe how they responded to an issue on the job to get an idea of the person's resourcefulness and ability to deal with situations calmly and rationally.
The way to begin searching for the best SEO package for your site is to calmly evaluate the competitors.
A voice from the other stall cried out the name Julie, but I had opened it too, and with knife at the woman's throat, calmly told her to adjust her clothing and come with me.
But then he pictured his beautiful wife, her unfailingly sweet and kind nature, and refused his mind's picture of her kneeling there in the snow, calmly sawing Shipton's rope until it parted, plunging him to his bloody death.
Alex gathered her clothes and calmly placed them back in the drawer.
He went on quite calmly, however, sure of his mission and of his music. His next volume (1872), Gareth and Lynette and The Last Tournament, continued, and, as he then supposed, concluded The Idylls of the King, to the great satisfaction of the poet, who had found much difficulty in rounding off the last sections of the poem.
Hancock's superb presence and power over men never shone more clearly than when, as the 150 guns of the Confederate army opened the attack he calmly rode along the front of his line to show his soldiers that he shared the dangers of the cannonade with them.
Calmly he readjusted his line and strengthened the torn centre.
When his daughter brought him the news, More calmly said, I' faith, Meg.
He answered their objections in detail, calmly and with an intellectual power and earnestness that carried the convention.
On the other hand, this corporeal thing is veritably and identically reason, mind, and ruling principle (X6-yos, vas, iiyE,uovtKOv); in virtue of its divine origin Cleanthes can say to Zeus, " We too are thy offspring," and a Seneca can calmly insist that, if man and God are not on perfect equality, the superiority rests rather on our side.
Setting forth these views, candidly and calmly, in a sermon, he found his congregation, not unnaturally, reluctant to agree with him, and therefore retired, not without some disappointment, from the pastoral office.
He understands their change of manner, calmly tells them not to mock him by calling him "the venerable Gotama"; that he has found the ambrosia of truth and can lead them to it.
He reached the edge of the tall roof, stepped one foot out into the air, and walked into space as calmly as if he were on firm ground.
Dorothy and Zeb jumped out of the buggy and ran after them, but the Sorcerer remained calmly in his throne.
During one of these moments of awkward silence when Anatole's prominent eyes were gazing calmly and fixedly at her, Natasha, to break the silence, asked him how he liked Moscow.
She could no longer think of him by herself calmly and continuously as she had done before.
You can either sit down with your partner or discuss your suspicions calmly (this can be difficult).
Take the time to explain calmly to your partner why the relationship must end.
The best thing to do was to calmly tell him she would rather not go.
In fact, it sat calmly on the couch across the room from him.
Mrs. Lincoln slipped into the room amid throaty sounds of welcome and hopped onto Martha's lap as calmly as if she'd never left.
Doa Maria Christina calmly presided over this solemn council, listening to the advice of Marshal Campos, always consulted in every great crisis; of Captain-General Pavia, who answered for the loyalty of the capital and of its garrison; of the duke de Sexto, the chief of the household; of Marshal Blanco, the chief of the military household; and of all the members of the cabinet and the presidents of the Senate and Congress assembled in the presence of the queen, the ex-queen Isabella, and the Infanta Isabella.
Judging by the calmly moderate and amicable tone in which the French Emperor spoke, Balashev was firmly persuaded that he wished for peace and intended to enter into negotiations.
The more he realized the absence of all personal motive in that old man--in whom there seemed to remain only the habit of passions, and in place of an intellect (grouping events and drawing conclusions) only the capacity calmly to contemplate the course of events--the more reassured he was that everything would be as it should.
He understood that latent heat (as they say in physics) of patriotism which was present in all these men he had seen, and this explained to him why they all prepared for death calmly, and as it were lightheartedly.