Cabbage in A Sentence


    Potatoes, cabbage and lettuce are much grown for the early Northern markets.


    If the recent work on the cabbage disease may be accepted, the bacteria make their entry at the water pores at the margins of the leaf, and thence via the glandular cells to the tracheids.


    The second crop of cabbage was starting to develop, and the okra looked good.


    They can be killed by spreading about cabbage leaves, &c., poisoned with Paris green.


    A closely-related species or variety (Euterpe edulis) is the well-known palmito or cabbage palm found over the greater part of Brazil, whose terminal phylophore is cooked and eaten as a vegetable.


    A small species of palm is known as the Norfolk Island cabbage.


    Sample tasty menu items like a liver dumpling soup, red cabbage and a bratwurst.


    Potatoes give fair results when they are taken good care of, carrots grow to a thickness of IIin., while cabbage does poorly.


    The second crop of cabbage was starting to develop, and the Okra looked good.


    Cover the cabbage with a clean cloth and a closely fitting wooden board.


    There are early recipes for cabbage soup too, with Dorset the first county in England to cultivate cabbages.


    The monotypic Pringlea antiscorbutica, the Kerguelen Island cabbage, has no near ally in the southern hemisphere, but is closely related to the northern Cochlearia.


    In the colder latitudes, and even in the middle states, it is absolutely necessary to protect cauliflower in this way, as it is much more tender than cabbage and lettuce plants.


    Besides rubber, the forests produce a great variety of cabinet and construction woods, ivory-nuts (from the " tagua " palm, Phytelephas macrocarpa), " toquilla " fibre (Carludovica palmata) for the manufacture of so-called Panama hats, cabbage palms, several species of cinchona, vanilla and dyewoods.


    You can also add thinly sliced raw cabbage to salads.


    The savoy cabbage had been pulled earlier that day.


    The cabbage should be slightly crunchy, not soft.


    Chinese cabbage in Austria is heavily fertilized to produce big heads.


    Broccoli is a member of the cabbage family prized for its top crowns of tender, edible, green flower buds.


    Fixed-price, six-course " tasting " menu changes daily; sample roulade of duck foie gras and ham hock with pickled red cabbage.


    Stir-fry green cabbage with celery, purple sprouting broccoli, onions, carrots, leeks and flat green beans for a tasty seasonal treat.


    Talk about mouthwatering... Perfectly poached halibut in the sweet, savory juices of carrots, cabbage and Alsace bacon combined.


    My main course was a venison haunch steak served on a cabbage mash.


    The menu is spot on with Baltic herrings with new potatoes or glazed belly pork with chinese cabbage!


    Unless we are paraplegic, an absolute klutz or have just smoked far too much cabbage, getting dressed is a cinch.


    Then we moved on to a rack of lamb with puy lentils wrapped in cabbage and mashed potato with leek.


    Cut the courgettes and mushrooms into slices, the broccoli into florets, the cabbage into fine shreds and the carrot into thick matchsticks.


    Meanwhile, for the red cabbage, heat the oil in a saucepan and add the pancetta, shallots and garlic.


    Color photographs show the corn, cabbage, pickled plums and other vegetables that the company exports, mostly to Japan.


    He was looking so puffy in front-page pictures we remembered the attraction of Cabbage Patch dolls.


    Cabbage is known for its anti-inflammatory properties.


    These wasps then eat harmful cabbage aphids which may be feeding on the plants.


    In autumn 2000 cabbage stem flea beetles were found in the Borders - posing a potentially serious new problem for growers in Scotland.


    Try adding the Chinese cabbage bok choy to your diet.


    In a main course of grilled partridge, the bird had been cooked sympathetically, but braised red cabbage lacked texture and bite.


    If the truth be told I would rather eat curry than boiled cabbage!


    Then use the mixture to stuff the pickled cabbage leaves.


    She just fixed him one of his favorite foods, fried cabbage with green onions mixed in, using her special oil.


    Humans can smell hydrogen sulfide gas, the smell of rotten cabbage, in the parts per trillion range.


    Year by year skunk cabbage becomes more deeply anchored in the ground.


    To the south, Logan Botanic Garden is an important attraction, and features a collection of plants including cabbage palms and tree ferns.


    But in contrast to skunk cabbage, you can easily pull a wild calla out of the soil.


    This enables it to kill the caterpillars of the cabbage white butterfly quickly.


    To speed up fermentation diluted whey concentrate or yogurt ferment can be added to the cabbage.


    The first hints of yellow from the early daffs can be seen among the cabbage.


    Other plants gathered included dandelion leaves for greens and salads, chicory roots for a coffee substitute, and cabbage leaves for chilblains!


    In this game you can " create 76 different, real world dishes from fried eggs to cabbage meat rolls!


    Remove all but 4 tablespoons of the bacon fat from the pan and add the cabbage.


    Popular food plants include holly, ivy, cabbage, nasturtium, honesty, long grasses, cuckoo flower, blackthorn.


    Serve on a cold day with buttered cabbage, boiled potatoes or mashed swede and enjoy with a fruity red wine.


    Cabbage moths fly to the nasturtiums and munch on their leaves instead of cabbage leaves.


    In the late 1970s, Cabbage Patch creator Xavier Roberts discovered fabric sculpture.


    This is equivalent to about one cup of boiled cabbage.


    The basis is the cabbage soup recipe, which is inexpensive.


    It is comprised of cabbage and other vegetables, as well as bouillon.


    One good thing about The Cabbage Soup Diet is that it is easy to prepare the soup.


    This may not be easy on The Cabbage Soup Diet, however, as the very low caloric intake can result in a lack of energy, and even weakness.


    The most difficult thing about staying on The Cabbage Soup Diet is that eating the soup every day becomes boring and repetitious.


    You will want to use common sense, however, as eating large amounts of cabbage and other roughage after a diet consisting of refined foods can cause considerable intestinal discomfort.


    Overall, The Cabbage Soup Diet can be the psychological boost many dieters need when first starting out.


    The Cabbage Soup Diet is simple and inexpensive to follow.


    Make the recipe for the soup, and the rest is easy -- that is, if you like cabbage!


    Eat the cabbage soup and as much fruit as you'd like all day long.


    You should eat the cabbage soup every single day.


    Vegetables should primarily include cabbage, collards, kale, bok choy, broccoli, lentils, and sea vegetables on a daily basis, as well as mushrooms and celery a few times a week.


    Good fibrous cooked vegetables are cabbage, broccoli, celery, corn, mushrooms, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and onions.


    Other programs marketing themselves as this type of plan include The Cabbage Soup Diet and The Grapefruit Diet.


    Whether entire food groups are eliminated, or emphasis is placed on one single food, such as the Cabbage Soup Diet, sticking to a restrictive plan does not teach lifelong eating habits.


    If you can tolerate cabbage, this cleansing regime may be tolerated well.


    There is a negative calorie diet available, and both the The Cabbage Soup Diet and the Grapefruit Diet follow this premise of fat-burning effect.


    Try to include recipes that have a variety of leafy vegetables like lettuce, spinach, Swiss chard and cabbage.


    Examples of this type of fad diet include The Cabbage Soup Diet or The Grapefruit Diet.


    Before you embark on a diet of cabbage soup for a week, take a look at the cabbage soup diet guidelines.


    The cabbage soup diet is simple in design.


    The cabbage soup diet relies on a combination of foods designed to burn fat.


    Cabbage soup diet guidelines are very rigid.


    While you follow the cabbage soup diet guidelines, consider the following tips.


    Sauté the vegetables (except for tomatoes and cabbage) in a pot using fat-free cooking spray.


    Some people like their cabbage to be crunchy, while others prefer a tender texture.


    While you might immediately think about corn, beans, and lettuce, don't forget other flavor-filled veggies like onions, radishes, cabbage, and mushrooms.


    Diets based around one food whether it be grapefruit, cabbage soup, cottage cheese, tuna or any other single item are not healthy.


    Cabbage soup is at the heart of this program, with rules about what to eat each day.


    The cabbage soup plan can be repeated, but the recommendation is to wait at least two weeks before staring the program again.


    Whether you choose the cabbage soup program or another variation, be aware that the biggest drawback is that the diet is not sustainable.


    Lastly, some diets, such as the Cabbage Soup Diet, can cause intestinal distress, not to mention make you socially unacceptable.


    Those following the Cabbage Soup Diet are likely to experience gassiness and other intestinal discomfort.


    Cabbage is healthy in moderation, but too much creates flatulence and gas.


    Gassy foods include things like beans and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage.


    The key to success, whether you choose to dine on cabbage soup or tuna, is persistence.


    Vegetables in the cabbage family or spicy foods may also cause discomfort, so monitor how you feel when you eat these foods.


    Alongside these favorite munchies, sneak in some julienned rutabaga or bell peppers, 'roses' made of red cabbage, or diced raw sweet potato.


    Such diets include the Cabbage Soup Diet, Grapefruit Diet or the Master Cleanse.


    Chicken or Tofu Stirfry - Stirfry or wok your chicken or tofu with a variety of chopped vegetables, including green cabbage, carrots, and green onions.


    There are many components to a good cabbage soup diet recipe, and in fact there are a variety of recipes out there.


    Most people following the cabbage soup diet are attempting to drop excess weight quickly.


    This is where the cabbage soup diet recipe comes in.


    There are many variations on the typical cabbage soup recipe.


    What you include in the basic cabbage soup recipe depends on how low calorie you want to make it, but there is a basic soup recipe from which most others are derived.


    Follow this simple cabbage soup diet recipe for a flavorful, low calorie meal option.


    Add cabbage and enough water to fill the pot about three-quarters of the way full.


    Here are a few ideas of vegetables and other add-ins that can really jazz up a plain bowl of cabbage soup.


    Cabbage, in particular, is a sulfurous vegetable known to cause stomach upset in large quantities.


    Many vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage, can make you gassy and worsen stomach upset.


    In a large bowl, combine apple chunks, shredded cabbage and shredded carrots.


    Pour liquid mixture over apples, cabbage and carrots, tossing until well incorporated.


    Think of classic parings like tomato, mozzarella and basil; fresh avocado mixed with diced tomatoes and garlic; or crunchy cabbage slaw with a vinaigrette dressing.


    Many Americans make a point of eating black-eyed peas, cabbage, and hog jowls or ham on New Year's Day for luck because all of these foods are symbols of prosperity.


    The cereal crops (wheat, barley, oats, rye, maize); the cruciferous crops (turnips, cabbage, kale, rape, mustard); the solanaceous crops (potatoes); the chenopodiaceous crops (mangels, sugar-beets), and other non-leguminous crops have, so far as is known, no such power, and are therefore more or less benefited by the direct application of nitrogenous manures.


    Cabbage, said to have been introduced by a detachment of Cromwellian soldiers, is also raised, and among fruits black and red currants ripen in sheltered situations.


    Its houses are generally built of wood, with high roofs and wide verandahs shaded by cocoanut or cabbage palms. The principal buildings are the court house, in the centre of the town, government house, at the southern end, Fort George, towards the north, the British bank of Honduras, the hospital, the Roman Catholic convent, and the Wesleyan church, which is the largest and handsomest of all.


    The characteristic feature of the vegetation, the Kerguelen's Land cabbage, was formerly abundant, but has been greatly reduced by rabbits introduced on to the island.


    The Austroriparian zone has the long-leaf and loblolly pines, magnolia and live oak on the uplands, and the bald cypress, tupelo and cane in the swamps; and in the semi-tropical Gulf strip are the cabbage palmetto and Cuban pine; here, too, Sea Island cotton and tropical fruits are successfully cultivated.


    Potato haulms, and club-rooted cabbage crops should, however, never be mixed with ordinary clean vegetable refuse, as they would be most likely to perpetuate the terrible diseases to which they are subject.


    The chief crops grown for early supplies, or " primeurs " as they are called, are special varieties of cos and cabbage lettuces, short carrots, radishes, turnips, cauliflowers, endives, spinach, onions, corn salad and celery.


    Plant full crops of broccoli, Brussels sprouts, savoys, kales, leeks and early celery, with successional crops of cabbage and cauliflower.


    Cabbage, lettuce and cauliflower seeds, if sown early this month in hotbed or greenhouse, will make fine plants if transplanted into hotbed in March.


    Hardier sorts of vegetable seeds and plants, such as beets, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, lettuce, onions, parsley, parsnips, peas, potatoes, radishes, spinach, turnip, &c., should all be sown or planted by the middle of the month if the soil is dry and warm, and in all cases, where practicable, before the end of the month.


    Hoe deeply all transplanted crops, such as cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, &c. Tender vegetables, such as tomatoes, egg and pepper plants, sweet potatoes, &c., can be planted out.


    Such vegetables as cabbage, cauliflower, celery, &c., wanted for fall or winter use, are best planted this month, though in some sections they will do later.


    Palm-trees are abundant in great variety, including the nipah, which is much used for thatching, the cabbage, fan, sugar, coco and sago palms. The last two furnish large supplies of food to the natives, some copra is exported, and sago factories, mostly in the hands of Chinese, prepare sago for the Dutch and British markets.


    Methodically chopping cabbage occupies a portion of these long evenings.


    Other notable plants include spiny restharrow, warty cabbage and black mustard.


    The roast saddle of venison was very good, full of flavor with a robust confit of red cabbage.


    And crispy seaweed - finely shredded cabbage fried and - sprinkled with sugar - doesn't exist either.


    Add the spicy slaw to the cabbage and carrot, mixing well to combine.


    Atkins diet, low carb diets, the cabbage soup diet - they are all here.


    This applies to soft vegetables as well as tougher wastes such as cabbage stalks or twiggy material.


    Remove the onion, mix it with the cabbage and add the sultanas.


    Tundra Cabbage is surprisingly tasty and tender for an over-wintered cabbage.


    They are found naturally in organically produced tripe and uncontaminated fatty fish and Savoy cabbage.


    At about 10pm we would have supper, cold ham, cheese and pickled walnuts and pickled red cabbage and pickled onions.


    It has been estimated that an acre of cabbage will absorb from the land and transpire from its leaves more than ten tons of water per day when the weather is fine.


    Among the common vegetables used in the green state are peas, beans, cabbage, cauliflowers, asparagus, Indian corn, onions, leeks, tomatoes, lettuce, radish, celery, parsley, cucumbers, pumpkins, squash and rhubarb.


    The accompanying red cabbage infused in juniper berries had a very strong pungent flavor.


    To stuff the cabbage leaves, place a spoonful of mixture in center of each leaf.


    Serve with noodles, rice, creamy mashed potatoes or stir-fried green cabbage with caraway seed.


    Try pickling cabbage in spiced vinegar â its sweet, tart flavor makes a good match with British cheeses.


    The second experiment was to see whether putting banana skins under cabbage plants made them grow faster as the old wives tale suggests.


    This pink quilt has a spectacular cabbage rose print and retails for about $130.


    For example, Cabbage Patch Dolls and Furbys are toys of the past that were in high demand.


    Citrus fruit is rich in this vitamin, as are strawberries, sweet red peppers, cabbage, cantaloupe, tomatoes and kiwi fruit.


    Most Chinese dishes have at least one or two fresh vegetables in them, like bok choy, green onions, cabbage, mushrooms, carrots, celery, and seasonings like fresh ginger and soy sauce.


    The slicing disc is great for cucumbers, carrots, even cabbage.


    Cabbage, turnips and cucumbers are the main vegetables in kimchee.


    They also planted and harvested yams, peanuts, black-eyed peas, tomatoes, melons, tea, potatoes, and cabbage.


    Vegetables in the cabbage family have been shown to help fight cancer, and you'd be surprised to learn that you can add them to a smoothie that still tastes sweet!


    Sauerkraut is fermented or pickled cabbage.


    Fresh cabbage is generally cut and then allowed to ferment in a brine for a period of time.


    It is fermented cabbage, somewhat like sauerkraut but much more pungent.


    Larvae of the cabbage moth feed upon pinks, but other insects tend to avoid them.


    While they leave behind a messy trail of half eaten leaves, the cabbage plants are for the most part left alone.


    Cabbage, kale, broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts all do well in the cool weather.


    These include Brussels sprouts, which sweeten after frosty nights, as well as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and kale.


    Allium members also may be planted with brassica vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, or kohlrabi because onions deter cabbage worms.


    Most garden centers offer zucchini, squash, and cool weather vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower as already started plants, too.


    Cool weather vegetables include broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, chard, kale, spinach, other greens such as mustard greens, lettuce, radishes and peas.


    Plant sage near cabbage since it's a natural repellent to cabbage worms.


    Rosemary also repels cabbage worms and is a good companion to beans since it repels the dreaded bean beetle.


    Dill is another great cabbage companion and supports good cabbage health; however, it should never be planted with tomatoes since dill attracts horn worms (tomato enemy).


    Place chopped potatoes, carrots, cabbage, onions and a teaspoon butter on the foil.


    Some foods, including cabbage, rutabagas, radishes, peanuts, peaches, soybeans, and spinach, can interfere with thyroid hormone production.


    In addition to lactose, known problem-causing substances include caffeine, beans, onions, cabbage, cucumbers, broccoli, fatty foods, alcohol, and certain medications.


    Other calcium-rich foods are figs, broccoli, cabbage, oats, almonds and filberts, yogurt, and blackstrap molasses.


    Some recommended fruits and vegetables to include in the juice are carrots, celery, cabbage, potatoes, cherries, lemons, beets, cucumbers, radishes, and garlic.


    Since they first became popular in the early 1980s, little girls have looked forward to getting their first Cabbage Patch Dolls.


    With the number of dolls the Cabbage Patch Kids line, a girl's first doll is only the beginning of her collection.The number of male babies available also means that little boys can get into the trend and adopt a new friend.


    The Cabbage Patch Babies and Newborns help little kids develop their nurturing instincts.


    Cabbage Patch Cuties are all ready for Halloween.


    Today, the original Cabbage Patch Dolls have been modernized.


    You can purchase a Cabbage Patch Kid dressed to fit your child's own personal style.


    While the original Cabbage Patch Dolls are 20 inches tall, these dolls are toddler-sized.


    Each year a special holiday edition Cabbage Patch Doll is created.


    No matter what type of Cabbage Patch Doll your child has, you must make sure it is dressed in style.


    A Dolly's World sells a variety of handmade clothes designed to fit Cabbage Patch babies and other dolls.


    Doll Clothes by Carole has clothes to fit all sizes of Cabbage Patch dolls, from the 11 inch newborns to the 20 inch originals.


    The first dolls sold under the Cabbage Patch Kids name appeared in 1982.


    The first Cabbage Patch Kids maintained the all-fabric body of the Little People but replaced the fabric head with a molded vinyl one with yarn hair.


    However, the name and birth date were only part of the Cabbage Patch Kid emphasis on individuality.


    It was the biggest toy of 1983 and a Cabbage Patch Kid even appeared on the cover of a December issue of Newsweek.


    Original Cabbage Patch Kids can be ordered online through the CPK Adoption Center.


    For those who have been in love with Cabbage Patch Dolls from the beginning, an original is the way to go.


    Members of the Cabbage Patch Kids Collectors Club have the option of ordering exclusive editions of the original Cabbage Patch Kids dolls, including those signed by the creator.


    Since Cabbage Patch Dolls come in different races and with different hair and eye colors, it is easy to find a Cabbage Patch Doll that looks just like your child.


    Start the collection when your child is small with a Cabbage Patch baby and add to the collection as your child gets older with a 14 inch and then a classic 20 inch doll.


    Cabbage Patch Newborns are baby dolls with soft bodies and plastic heads.


    They are the smallest of the Cabbage Patch Kids stuffed dolls, designed to represent newborn babies.


    If you're curious as to how Newborns measure up to other lines of Cabbage Patch dolls, the traditional "kids" are 16 inches tall, "babies" are 14 inches tall, and newborns come in at about 11 inches tall.


    Dolls started coming out of the cabbage patch way back in 1983.


    Cabbage Patch dolls are designed to be unique, with no two being exactly alike.


    If your child would instead like a surprise doll, meaning you don't know the gender or what outfit you will get, you can order the Surprise Newborn Twins which are packaged in cabbage leaf swaddlers which hide their clothing and their hair.


    Once you have a Cabbage Patch Newborn, it's time to dress it up.


    Newborns are easy to find right now, but considering how often the Cabbage Patch brand changes hands, this may change in a few years.


    While Cabbage Patch Kids are not as popular now as they were in the '80s, you may still have to shop around to find the one you want.


    Like Cabbage Patch Kids, each Pound Puppy came with an adoption certificate.


    Many other fruits and vegetables contain moderate amounts of Vitamin K, including red cabbage, avocados, dill pickles, kiwi, lentils, kidney beans, cucumbers, leeks, celery, artichokes, peas, and plums.


    From cloves and pears to greens and cabbage, you definitely have a choice in how you get your daily requirement.


    Vitamin K is found abundantly in such foods as leafy green vegetables, fruit such as cantaloupe, and vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, alfalfa sprouts and turnip greens.


    The 40 ounce container is ideal for creating soups and sauces as well as chopping cabbage.


    Kimchi, a pickled cabbage dish that tends to be very spicy.


    If that's the case, look for Groovy Girls, the Journey Girls or even Cabbage Patch Kids.


    Toys for girls range from Cabbage Patch Kids to princess dolls, horse toys to sports supplies.


    A typical combo plate sells for five dollars and includes a number of island favorites, including Hawaiian Kalua Pork and Korean Short Ribs on a bed of fresh island cabbage, plus two scoops of rice, and a scoop of macaroni/potato salad.


    They were first created commercially under the brand Cabbage Patch Kids® by Xavier Roberts in 1983.


    A number of slightly different variations of the cabbage soup recipe are the basis of the Cabbage Soup Diet plan.


    They each are made up of cabbage, assorted low-calorie vegetables and a type of liquid flavoring.


    Cabbage soup can be made in a slow cooker.


    You can easily adapt the cabbage soup recipe to include any low calorie vegetable you enjoy.


    Choose the seasonings and liquid of your choice to create different soups you will want to eat while on the cabbage soup diet plan.


    The effectiveness of the Cabbage Soup Diet is debatable.


    Once you have made a big pot of cabbage soup, the work is done for the next few days.


    Therefore, much of the weight lost on The Cabbage Soup Diet must be water weight.


    Also, your body will not be loaded down with the usual foods that take a long time to digest, as the cabbage soup keeps your digestive system moving.


    The so-called water cabbage (Pistia Stratiotes) is a floating plant widely distributed in the tropics, and consisting of rosettes of broadish leaves several inches across and a tuft of roots hanging in the water.


    Any who expect to get early cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce or radishes, while planting or sowing is delayed until the time of sowing tomato and egg plant in May, are sure to be disappointed of a full crop. Frequent rotation of crops should be practised in the vegetable garden, in order to head off insects and diseases; and also to make the best use of the land.


    If cabbage, cauliflower and lettuce are wanted to plant in cold frames, the seed should be sown from about the 10th to the 20th of this month; but judgment should be exercised, for, if sown too early, cabbage and cauliflower are apt to run to seed.


    All vegetable roots not designed to be left in the ground during the winter should be dug up, such as beets, carrots, parsnips, sweet potatoes, &c. The cabbage, cauliflower and lettuce plants grown from seed sown last month should be pricked out in cold frames.


    Cabbage, cauliflower and lettuce plants that are in frames should be regularly ventilated by lifting the sash on warm days, and on the approach of very cold weather they should be covered with straw mats or shutters.


    The principal market products are cauliflower, cabbage, onions, asparagus, gherkins, cucumbers, beans, peas, &c. The principal flowers are hyacinths, tulips, crocuses, narcissus and other bulbous plants, the total export of which is estimated at over 200,000.


    In 1899 the state also produced 5,304,503 bushels of tomatoes; 2,418,641 bushels of sweet potatoes; 2,052,200 bunches of asparagus; 17,890,980 heads of cabbage; 21,495,940 musk melons; 3,300,330 water melons; and 1,015,111 bushels of sweet corn.


    The area, however, under green crops - potatoes, turnips, mangel-wurzel, beet, cabbage, &c., shows during the same period a much less marked decline - only some 300,000 acres.


    Clover, lucerne and sainfoin make up the bulk of artificial pasturage, while vetches, crimson clover and cabbage are the other chief forage crops.


    A B In Great Britain the flea beetles (Halticidae) are one of the most serious enemies; one of these, the turnip flea (Phyllotreta nemorum), has in some years, notably 1881, caused more than 500,00o loss in England and Scotland alone by eating the young seedling turnips, cabbage and other Cruciferae.


    But little can be done in the northern states except to prepare manure, and get sashes, tools, &c., in working order; but in sections of the country where there is little or no frost the hardier kinds of seeds and plants may be sown and planted, such as asparagus, cabbage, cauliflower, carrot, leek, lettuce, onion, parsnip, peas, spinach, turnip, &c. In any section where these seeds can be sown in open ground, it is an indication that hotbeds may be started for the sowing of such tender vegetables as tomatoes, egg and pepper plants, &c.; though, unless in the extreme southern states, hotbeds should not be started before the beginning or middle of February.


    The cultivation of strawberries and vegetables (cabbage, cauliflower, beets, beans, tomatoes, egg-plant, cucumbers, water-melons, celery, &c.) for northern markets, and of orchard fruits, especially plums, pears and prunes, has likewise proved successful.