Bestow in A Sentence


    It is a big honor to bestow on a person.


    He was ever ready to take blame on himself and bestow praise on others.


    I would ask that you bestow defenses upon them to thwart his inevitable attack.


    With this act we bestow upon any honorary member the right to vote on any matter.


    May the Good Lord fulfill you with His promises and bestow on you His many blessings.


    We may waive just so much care of ourselves as we honestly bestow elsewhere.


    She wished to help him, to bestow on him the superabundance of her own happiness.


    For Capricorns, a stable, secure love life is one of the best gifts you can bestow upon them.


    She was beloved of Apollo, who promised to bestow on her the spirit of prophecy if she would comply with his desires.


    If you must bestow a corporate moniker upon someone in the family, stick to the family dog or cat.


    Neither class cared to bestow jewels upon their persons, but neither spared thought or expense in the embellishment of the object they most loved.


    I humbly pray from Thine immense goodness and clemency, through the Blood of Jesus Christ, that Thou wilt deign to accept this sacrifice in the odour of sweetness; and as Thou hast granted me to desire and to offer this, so wilt Thou bestow abundant grace to fulfil it."


    She obtained a grant of 700,000 a year, and hastened to bestow a pension of X100,000 on her husband, whom she created generalissimo of her forces and lord high admiral, while Marlborough obtained the Garter, with the captain-generalship and other prizes, including a dukedom, and the duchess was made mistress of the robes with the control of the privy purse.


    Since she can't bestow gifts on Him, she leaves them for Italian children on January 6th.


    He further asserted that God is always willing to bestow his grace on all who seek it, though, at the same time, it is true that he sometimes bestows it without its being sought.


    The state of utter indigence to which Tennyson was reduced greatly exercised his friends, and in September 1845, at the suggestion of Henry Hallam, Sir Robert Peel was induced to bestow on the poet a pension of f200 a year.


    Here was an orator who could apply all the resources of a burnished rhetoric to the elucidation of figures; who could sweep the widest horizon of the financial future, and yet stoop to bestow the minutest attention on the microcosm of penny stamps and post-horses.


    After Iceland had got home rule in 1874, the grateful people showered on Jon Sigur3sson all the honours it could bestow.


    To confer on Prince Albert every honour that the crown could bestow, and to let him make his way gradually into public favour by his own tact, was the advice which Lord Melbourne gave; and the prince acted upon it so well, avoiding every appearance of intrusion, and treating men of all parties and degrees with urbanity, that within five months of his marriage he obtained a signal mark of the public confidence.


    In 1903 it was decided to bestow degrees on women, and in 1904 to establish women's scholarships.


    On the death of Johann Matthias Gesner at Göttingen in 1761, the vacant chair was refused first by Ernesti and then by Ruhnken, who persuaded Miinchhausen, the Hanoverian minister and principal curator of the university, to bestow it on Heyne (1763).


    This principle was elaborated in the firman, issued on the 13th of February, by which the sultan conferred on Mehemet Ali and his heirs by direct descent the pashalik of Egypt, the greatest care being taken not to bestow any rank and authority greater than that enjoyed by other viziers of the empire.


    With this wish list readily available, you can hope friends and family members wishing to bestow gifts upon your new arrival will follow the guidelines you've provided and save you some expense!


    By contrast, if the couple makes it known that they would prefer not to receive gifts, then it's important that you respect their wishes and not bestow gifts onto them.


    Another common thought as to the origin of Boxing Day is that, in Britain, it used to be the day that wealthy folks would bestow boxes of gifts to their servants and other household staff.


    I have seen old friends who had not a tear to bestow on misfortune, " said the baroness, nodding sadly.


    It is the glory of God to bestow free grace upon a sinner and elicit new life and genuine evangelical obedience.


    It has already been seen that Gibbon's early ailments all left him on the approach of manhood; thenceforward, " till admonished by the gout," he could truly boast of an immunity well-nigh perfect from every bodily complaint; an exceptionally vigorous brain, and a stomach "almost too good," united to bestow upon him a vast capacity alike for work and for enjoyment.


    This faith, he believed, could be properly awakened only by the manifestation, through Christ, of love as the law of life, and as identical with an eternal righteousness which it was God's purpose to bestow on every individual soul.


    After this he repaired to Rome and received one of the pensions, which Vespasian (according to Suetonius) was the first to bestow upon Latin and Greek writers.


    Poetry was to them a mechanical art that could be learned by diligent application, and the prizes they had to bestow were the rewards of ingenuity, not of genius or inspiration.


    Since 1874 the aim has been to bestow suffrage on all male citizens who shall have attained the age of twenty-one years and shall have been inhabitants of the state for one year, but for the protection of the ballot citizenship for ninety days, 2 residence in the county for four months, and in the election district for thirty days next preceding the election are required.


    They rather lead us to appreciate the motives which caused his contemporaries to bestow on him the honourable surnames "The Great" and "Doctor Universalis."


    The blessings which kings were expected to bestow upon their subjects, in life as well as after death, were partly of a supernatural character.


    He took with him an image of Ammon to bestow life and health on the prince of Byblus, but apparently no other provision for the journey or for the negotiations beyond a letter of recommendation to Smendes and a little gold and silver.


    It had become the practice of the Egyptian sultans to bestow all offices of importance on their own freedmen (Mamelukes) to the exclusion of the older amirs, whom they could not trust so well, but who in turn became still more disaffected.


    As the result of endless discussions between the representatives of the powers, the Porte and the pasha, the convention of Kutaya was signed on the i4th of May 1833, by which the sultan agreed to bestow on Mehemet All the pashaliks of Syria, Damascus, Aleppo and Itcheli, together with the district of Adana.


    Athena, who held Tydeus in special favour, hastened to the field of battle, to heal him of his wound and bestow immortality upon him.


    Faraday, however, showed long subsequently that to bestow upon the indications of such an electroscope definite meaning 1 See the English translation by the Gilbert Club of Gilbert's De magnete, p. 49 (London, 1900).


    The consuls Aulus Hirtius and C. Vibius Pansa, however, fell in the battle, and the senate became suspicious of Octavian, who, irritated at the refusal of a triumph and the appointment of Brutus to the command over his head, entered Rome at the head of his troops, and forced the senate to bestow the consulship upon him (August 19th).


    Volta then proved that all metals could be arranged in an electromotive 1 Modern researches have shown that the loss of charge is in fact dependent upon the ionization of the air, and that, provided the atmospheric moisture is prevented from condensing on the insulating supports, water vapour in the air does not per se bestow on it conductance for electricity.


    In the absence of other competing interests his religious beliefs and duties occupy a much larger share of his attention than the votaries of many higher faiths bestow on theirs; and though his ethical range may be very limited, yet the total influence of his religion in determining for him what he may do and what he may not, brings the greater part of conduct under its control.


    The Riksdag of 1682 proposed a fresh Reduktion, and declared that the whole question of how far the king was empowered by the law of the land to bestow fiefs, or, in case of urgent national distress, take them back again, was exclusively his majesty's affair.


    Charlemagne, with the title of king of the Franks and Lombards, became master of Italy, and in 800 the pope, who had crowned Pippin king of the Franks; claimed to bestow the Roman empire, and crowned his greater son emperor of the Romans (800).


    After the battle of Hastings Aldred joined the party who sought to bestow the throne upon Edgar the IEtheling, but when these efforts appeared hopeless he was among those who submitted to William the Conqueror at Berkhampstead.


    In recognition of this service to Christendom the pope sent to the victorious general the consecrated hat and sword which the court of Rome was accustomed to bestow upon those who had triumphed over the infidels.


    As a minister of the Church he felt his duty and his interest equally concerned in the support of her cause; nor could he fail to discover the inevitable tendency of Whig doctrines, whatever caresses individual Whigs might bestow on individual clergymen, to abase the Establishment as a corporation.


    I will present from you the book you desire to the Royal Society, Mr Boyle, Mr Paget, Mr Flamsteed, and if there be any else in town that you design to gratify that way; and I have sent you to bestow on your friends in the University 20 copies, which I entreat you to accept.


    That the members of this " city of Zeus " should observe their contracts, abstain from mutual harm, combine to protect each other from injury, were obvious points of natural law; while again, it was clearly necessary to the preservation of human society that its members should form sexual unions, produce children, and bestow care on their rearing and training.


    Moreover, he no longer bore the title of mayor, but that of duke or prince of the Franks; and the mayoralty, like the royal power now reduced to a shadow, became an hereditary possession which Pippin could bestow upon his sons.


    You may want to avoid a "commonplace" name-after all, your daughter is special, so you bestow a special spelling to make her name unique.


    Boys learn their sexuality in a context with other boys who bestow a sense of esteem on them.


    By far the greatest disciple of Aquinas is Dante Alighieri, in whose Divina Commedia the theology and philosophy of the middle ages, as fixed by Saint Thomas, have received the immortality which poetry alone can bestow.


    There was no real political freedom, yet none of the ease or security which enlightened despotism can bestow.


    Despite amiable companions, continually endeavoring to bestow mutual pleasure, I was now alone.


    God will never bestow His priceless gift that the wicked might be tormented endlessly in that fire.


    His most eminent highness cannot, however, bestow this commandery on any knight who is not of the grand-priory of Russia.


    In the second book Philosophy presents to Boetius Fortune, who is made to state to him the blessings he has enjoyed, and after that proceeds to discuss with him the kind of blessings that fortune can bestow, which are shown to be unsatisfactory and uncertain.


    Some officials have sought to bestow new legitimacy on long-standing disputes by recasting them as part of the antiterrorist crusade " .


    He afterwards became estranged from Philip, and, in 1303, was recognized as German king and future emperor by Boniface, and, in return, admitted the right of the pope alone to bestow the imperial crown, and promised that none of his sons should be elected German king without the papal consent.


    The minor characters of the honest old Huntley, whom the Scottish king obliges to bestow his daughter's hand upon Warbeck, and of her lover the faithful "Dalyell," are most effectively drawn; even "the men of judgment," the adventurers who surround the chief adventurer, are spirited sketches, and the Irishman among them has actually some humour; while the style of the play is, as befits a "Chronicle History," so clear and straightforward as to make it easy as well as interesting to read.


    Although he had been entrusted by his father to the guardianship of the church, he was pursued with relentless hatred by pope Innocent IV., who sought to bestow the kingdom of Sicily on a foreign prince.


    His principal treatises on this subject were the Measures of Submission to the Civil Magistrate and The Origin and Institution of Civil Government discussed; and his part in the discussion was so much appreciated by the Commons that in 1709 they presented an address to the queen praying her to "bestow some dignity in the church on Mr Hoadly for his eminent services both to church and state."


    The intention evidently is to bestow authority upon the fiction by connecting it with a story already known.


    Such rewards as the church could bestow had been offered to him.