sharrow in A Sentence


    Males may partake in more risky behaviors, so men may have more room to benefit from having a protective other- in this case a twin- who can pull them away for those behaviors,” Sharrow says.


    Males may partake in more risky behaviors, so men may have more room to benefit from having a protective other-- in this case a twin-- who can pull them away for those behaviors," Sharrow said.


    Males may partake in more risky behaviours, so men may have more room to benefit from having a protective other- in this case a twin- who can pull them away for those behaviours,” Sharrow said.


    But one question surrounding the so-called marriage protection hypothesis, Sharrow says, is whether marriage really makes you healthier, or whether healthier people are just more likely to get married(or join a community group or have a large circle of friends, which also are tied to better health).


    But one question surrounding the so-called marriage protection hypothesis, Sharrow said, is whether marriage really makes you healthier, or whether healthier people are just more likely to get married(or join a community group or have a large circle of friends, which also are tied to better health).
