puranic in A Sentence


    The two sects of Puranic Hinduism worshipping Shiva and Vishnu had developed into two separate religions.


    Although born of an earthly king, her position as an incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi is described throughout Puranic literature:.


    Though in the Puranic age religion continued to dominate society, the process of differentiation of the various departments of life became more pronounced.


    It was agreed even by Colebrooke, however, that by the Puranic period-at least at the time of the writing of the Kalika-Purana, human sacrifice was accepted.


    Though it is lesser in dimensions, it is more ornate with bold and round sculpture in the niches and cameos of Puranic scenes formed by miniature panels.


    Before we can think of a rational solution we must get rid of the futile mentality which urges some of us to try to revive the cultural life which prevailed during the Vedic or Puranic ages.


    It is in fact in Puranic times and thanks to the stories of the events of some deities and special characters that the bhakti current develops and materializes, that is the search for the divine focused on devotion.


    The Arya Samaj movement pursued a more pronounced revivalist policy; it attempted to carry Hinduism back to the pristine simplicity of the Vedic Age by discarding its Vedantic and Puranic elements and all influences of the Muslim and Western cultures.


    But in spite of all this, caste distinctions became more rigid because in this loose structure of Puranic religion and culture, the real binding force was provided by the Brahmins and their power and influence depended on the caste system.


    So the founders of the Puranic Hindu religion, who had an understanding of the conditions of their time and an insight into the Indian mind, made the Hindu religion so elastic as to accommodate all the religious trends of that age.


    The Puranas were far more popular among the common people than the Vedas, So the new Hinduism, in order to distinguish it from the old, can be called the Puranic Hindu religion and the culture founded upon it as the Puranic culture.


    But we must remember that in some parts of the country, specially in south India, there were large groups who even after adopting the religious tenets of Puranic Hinduism stuck to their own cultureseach with a separate language and to some extent separate way of living, separate customs, manners and laws.


    In the Puranic texts of Hinduism, Narasimha("man-lion") a half-lion, half-man incarnation or avatar of Vishnu, is worshipped by his devotees and saved the child devotee Prahlada from his father, the evil demon king Hiranyakashipu; Vishnu takes the form of half-man, half-lion creature in Narasimha, where he has a human torso and lower body, and a lion-like face and claws.


    The latter category is also to be found in the Rashtrakuta caves along with a relapse to the admixture of Vaishnavite carvings, though to a lesser extent. While the Western Chalukyan sculpture is noted for clarity in form, pose and expression, the Rashtrakuta phase is characterized by crowded ornamentation with less emphasis on pose and expression and, what is more, a tendency to depict Puranic episodes, either in a synoptic or narrative form.
