Pioneer in A Sentence


    He was the pioneer of British canoeing.


    Atlanta owes its origin to the development of pioneer railroads of Georgia.


    For Dr. Howe is the great pioneer on whose work that of Miss Sullivan and other teachers of the deaf-blind immediately depends.


    At Allahabad is published the Pioneer, perhaps the best known English paper in India.


    In science, on the other hand, he was a pioneer, working wholly for the future, and in great part alone.


    He was a pioneer in the fields of patrology and of biblical archaeology.


    James calls his work the "last word" of the earlier stage of psychology, but he was in reality the pioneer of the new.


    He was specially noted for his discovery of the electrical conductivity of bismuth and other metals, and for his pioneer work in wireless telegraphy.


    Now that the controversy has cleared away, we see that in spite of Buckle's too confident formulation of his laws, his pioneer work in a great field marks him out as the Augustine of the scientific age.


    The home mission as the pioneer in opening up new fields of labour, and the endowment scheme which renders permanent the religious centres that the mission has founded, are both traceable to Dr Chalmers.


    Henceforth he appears more in the character of an explorer, but it must be remembered that he regarded himself to the last as a pioneer missionary, whose work was to open up the country to others.


    These and numerous other works and editions of the Bible are known only to students, but as a pioneer in a branch of Biblical study which received a wide development in the 19th century, Calmet is worthy of remembrance.


    In church history Semler did the work of a pioneer in many periods and in several departments.


    After the war he engaged in the manufacture of gold and silver ware, and became a pioneer in the production in America of copper plating and copper spikes for ships.


    The great pioneer in this field was Omar Khayyam, who flourished in the 11 th century.


    The mercantile interests of Venice made it the pioneer in this direction, though its representatives abroad were at first commercial rather than diplomatic agents.


    Till 1889 they maintained two theological chairs in Belfast, where John Scott Porter (1801-1880) was a pioneer in biblical criticism; they now send their students to England for their theological education, though in certain respects their views and practices are more conservative than those of their English brethren.


    There he met the younger Lewis Hallam (1738-1808), a pioneer American theatrical manager and actor, who induced him to remove to the United States, and in 1783 he settled in Philadelphia, where he at once took the oath of allegiance to the United States, was admitted to practise law in 1785, and rapidly attained a prominent position at the bar.


    Much admired as he was by his contemporaries, his fame as a scholar therefore soon declined, but his reputation as a pioneer in Latin scholarship in England and as a teacher remains.


    Most of his stories portray the pioneer manners and dialect of the Central West, and the Hoosier Schoolmaster was one of the first examples of American local realistic fiction; it was very popular, and was translated into French, German and Danish.


    Our pioneer product was the first aluminum alloy wheelchair ever made in Taiwan.


    A pioneer in the study of hospital cross-infection, he was the first to use the term antiseptic in its modern sense.


    The seaside resort is now awash with young Navy recruits and members of the Pioneer Corps.


    Students at the Pioneer Cadet School wore silver colored braid.


    A new community of plants, animals, fungi and micro-organisms has largely replaced the earliest pioneer species which first colonized the bare ground.


    We also delve into the world of Adelaide Herrmann, Alexander's wife, now considered one of the great pioneer female conjurers.


    Cambridgeâs CDT, for example, is recognized as a pioneer in polymer organic light-emitting diodes (P-OLEDs ).


    Meanwhile, Baird asked the American pioneer Philo Farnsworth to come over to Britain to demonstrate his image dissector camera.


    He performed pioneer work in the early days of the management of tracheo-oesophageal fistula in neonates.


    It was the extraordinary variety of rocks which brought the early pioneer geologists here.


    Dornoch Firth and Morrich More Highland Dornoch Firth and Morrich More has the most extensive area of pioneer glasswort Salicornia spp. saltmarsh in Scotland.


    A durable pioneer homestead constructed of double-wall plastic to survive years on the backyard frontier.


    Also, during the 1940s, flying pioneer Sir Alan Cobham helped develop in-flight refueling here.


    After weaning, pigs are fed using Pioneer feeders for 13 days, then move straight onto the home produced liquid weaner diet.


    To be recognized as a civic pioneer, a local authority need not take on new responsibilities.


    Lots had to be drawn for the pioneer, and so the first TV advert in the UK was for Gibbs sr toothpaste.


    The Center will pioneer an emerging field that brings together statistics and the recent extensive advances in theoretically well-founded machine learning.


    Lemstrom (88), who was a pioneer in this department, found an electric field highly beneficial in some but not in all cases.


    This treatise must not be confused with the Natural History of Religion, in which Hume acts as a pioneer for comparative religion, with its study of facts.


    Catherine Beecher, who was eager to establish what should be in effect a pioneer college for women, accompanied him; and with her went Harriet as an assistant, taking an active part in the literary and school life, contributing stories and sketches to local journals and compiling a school geography.


    Our knowledge of the chemical constitutions of the nucleus is due to the pioneer researches of Sir Lauder Brunton, Plosz, Miescher, Kossel and a host of more recent investigators.


    Frankfort (said to have been named after Stephen Frank, one of an early pioneer party ambushed here by Indians) was founded in 1786 by General James Wilkinson, then deeply interested in trade with the Spanish at New Orleans, and in the midst of his Spanish intrigues.


    The first Portuguese pioneer was Pedro de Sintra, who discovered and noted in 1461 the remarkable promontory of Cape Mount, Cape Mesurado (where the capital, Monrovia, is now situated) and the mouth of the Junk river.


    Here they are in line with non-Christian writers or culture-mockers like Lucian of Samosata; or graver spirits like Porphyry, who champions Neo-Platonism as a rival to Christianity, and does pioneer work in criticism by attacks on some of the Old Testament books.


    Benedict Spinoza, the eminent Jewish pantheist (1632-1677), to whom miracle is impossible, revelation a phrase, and who renews pioneer work in Old Testament criticism, finds at least a fair measure of liberty and comfort in Holland (his birth-land).


    All the pioneer work has been done in America; in fact, until the South-Eastern Agricultural College undertook the elucidation of this subject, little was known of it in England except by a few growers.


    Ohio was the pioneer state of the old North-West Territory, which embraced also what are now the states of Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin, and the N.E.


    Welcker was a pioneer in the field of archaeology, and was one of the first to insist, in opposition to the narrow methods of the older Hellenists, on the necessity of co-ordinating the study of Greek art and religion with philology.


    He is famous as a pioneer in the exploration of the monuments of Greece, travelling there in1675-1676with the Englishman (Sir) George Wheler (1650-1723), whose collection of antiquities was afterwards bequeathed to Oxford University.


    Boston was the pioneer municipality of the country in the establishment of open-air gymnasiums. A great improvement, planned for many years, was brought nearer by the completion of the new Cambridge Bridge.


    In the provision of public gymnasiums and baths (1866) Boston was the pioneer city of the country, and remains the most advanced.


    The pioneer work in this field, now frequently denominated " spectro-chemistry," was done by Sir Isaac Newton, who, from theoretical considerations based on his corpuscular theory of light, determined the function (n 2 - 1), where n is the refractive index, to be the expression for the refractive power; dividing this expression by the density (d), he obtained (n 2 - i)/d, which he named the " absolute refractive power."


    The pioneer of the more recent abolitionist movement was Benjamin Lundy (1789-1839).


    The great pioneer in the path of independent research, which, with the intelligent use of documentary and historical evidence, has led to so vast an increase in our acquaintance with the Roman Catacombs, was Padre Marchi of the Society of Jesus.


    When Christian county was formed from Logan county in 1797, Hopkinsville, formerly called Elizabethtown, became the countyseat, and was renamed in honour of Samuel Hopkins (c. 1 75 0 - 1819), an officer of the Continental Army in the War of Independence, a pioneer settler in Kentucky, and a representative in Congress from Kentucky in 1813-1815.


    Subsequently Sir Charles Bright supervised the laying of submarine cables in various regions of the world, and took a leading part as pioneer in other developments of the electrical industry.


    In the Swedish House of Nobles his contributions to political discussion had great influence, and he dealt with such subjects as the currency, the decimal system, the balance of trade and the liquor laws (where he was the pioneer of the Gothenburg system) with marked ability.


    The total number of units were, in the infantry, 28 regular battalions, I reserve battalion and 3 battalions of Frontier Guards; in the cavalry some 8 squadrons; in the artillery 9 field batteries; in the engineers 1 electro-technical and 1 auto battalion, a pioneer company and a railway operating company plus an aviation corps, or a total of about 1,200 officers and 35,000 men.


    Whitefield's visits raised a band of pioneer preachers, cultured and uncultured, men who knew their Bibles but often interpreted them awry.


    The increased interest which has been shown in the history of all creed-forms since the latter part of the r9th century is due in a great measure to the work of the veteran pioneer, Professor P. Caspari of Christiania, who began the herculean task of classifying the enormous number of creed-forms which have been recovered from obscure pages of early Christian literature.


    After some hesitation, he accepted the advice of his chief engineer officer Eric Dahlberg, who acted as pioneer throughout and chose the more circuitous route from Svendborg, by the islands of Langeland, Laaland and Falster, in preference to the direct route from Nyborg to KorsOr, which would have been across a broad, almost uninterrupted expanse of ice.


    John Henry Brown's History of Texas from 1685 to 1892 (2 vols., St Louis, 1892) is a detailed, rather biased treatment, by an old Texas pioneer who had access to a large mass of unprinted material.


    In poetry, a pioneer of the modern spirit in American verse was Richard Henry Dana; and later came Bryant, Longfellow, Whittier, Lowell and Holmes.


    Some efforts to remedy this dark condition of things had already been made by Thomas Gouge, with the assistance of Stephen Hughes, and also by the newly founded " Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge "; but it was Griffith Jones (1683-1761), rector of Llanddowror in south Carmarthenshire, who was destined to become the true pioneer of Welsh education, religious and secular.


    Truly I sometimes almost regret that I was not born to become a pioneer settler in the African wilds !


    On the other hand the Pioneer commander is unrealistic in expecting to get only really fit and soldierly men to be assigned to him.


    If you 'd like to test-drive a system for yourself, visit your nearest navigation shop or contact your local Pioneer office.


    Lots had to be drawn for the pioneer, and so the first TV advert in the UK was for Gibbs SR toothpaste.


    Thanks anyway and love to Dylan, he is a real trooper and do n't forget to tell him he is a pioneer !


    He helped to pioneer the modern heart catheterization, now widely used to treat cardiac patients.


    The rocking chairs of the past were often hewn out of trees from a pioneer's land.


    Ofoto is run by Kodak, the venerable American camera and film pioneer.


    Among the more popular names in the industry are Alpine, Sony, Pioneer, and Kenwood.


    The Alpine Type-S and Type-R series are usually a safe bet, whereas the entry-level Pioneer sets can provide good value for those not needing higher-end speakers.


    A pioneer in electronic retailing, the company also sells products through its website and mail-order catalogs.


    Frucall is a pioneer in the voice and text messaging-based, price-comparison market.


    Harry Ellis is another pioneer associated with the Mission style, as well as C.P.


    Rustic mirrors add the right flair to a wood-paneled den or a country-style cabin home, but even in a small urban apartment, a rustic mirror can bring in a little of the pioneer spirit.


    Rustle up some mirrors, prints, or clocks that have log-style frames or frames of distressed wood to lend a pioneer or back-country feel to the room.


    He is considered to be a pioneer in his field and has pioneered several techniques.


    Oprah Winfrey has been a pioneer among daytime talk show hosts, with the highest-rated talk show in television history.


    Tony Hawk was a pioneer in the sport of vertical skateboarding, taking his passion and turning it into a professional athletic career.


    Walnut Grove carries a small selection of Little House on the Prairie inspired accessories and dress sets, perfect for school character day, pioneer days or dress up.


    From The People Cookie Made for Dogs® to her patented product Cedar Green Mist® the air and fabric freshener, Wendy is a true pioneer in the pet industry.


    As a pioneer in the craft, Graham did not only have to create the first of modern dance pieces, she also had to create its first audiences.


    Stanley Greenspan is a pioneer in the field of autism and offers easy to read books with excellent information.


    The pioneer of this idea within the traditional medical community was Eric Schopler, Ph.


    If you visit Cnet, experts also like the Garmin Nuvi models, but consumer reviews favored a Pioneer model that has lots of fun and easy-to-use features but comes with a high price tag.


    During the pioneer period, when everything had to be re-used, rag rugs became popular.


    According to legend, the first underwire bra was invented by Howard Hughes, the famed movie producer and aviation pioneer.


    The pioneer of this service is the once-criticized Napster, now a major player in the legal music distribution world.


    Over the years he has been considered a punk pioneer, producing albums for bands like The Pogues.


    A tribute to Sly and The Family Stone had been planned for the evening, but the 61 year old, mohawked pioneer of psychedelic soul was not expected to be present.


    The popular CBS reality TV show is considered a pioneer in the genre pitting contestants (a.k.a. castaways) against each other in remote locations around the world.


    Westmore's father, Michael Westmore, is lauded as a pioneer of special effects make-up and made a special appearance on episode three of the show.


    Per-fekt Beauty was founded by Richard Anderson, a pioneer in the beauty industry who is responsible for launching a number of popular brands, including The Lancaster Group, Bobbi Brown Essentials and Yves Saint Laurent.


    In this sense Challamel was a pioneer, of no great originality, it is true, but at any rate of fairly wide information.


    Foreign readers of Maine have perhaps understood even better than English ones that he is not the propounder of a system but the pioneer of a method, and that detailed criticism, profitable as it may be and necessary as in time it must be, will not leave the method itself less valid or diminish the worth of the master's lessons in its use.


    This new departure, or rather, return to old ideas, encountered vehement opposition and difficulties that nearly wrecked it; but it has survived, and has been the pioneer in the extraordinary development of institutes of women devoted to external good works of every kind.


    Pippin of Heristal was a pioneer; he it was who began.


    The successors of Mehemet Ali, in an endeavour to make the country more profitable, extended their conquests to the south, and in 1853 and subsequent years trading posts were established on the Upper Nile, the pioneer European merchant being John Petherick, British consular agent at Khartum.'


    In his own words, he went in front of the Unionist army as a pioneer, and if his army was attacked he would go back to it; in no conceivable circumstances would he allow himself to be put in any sort of competition, direct or indirect, with Mr Balfour, his friend and leader, whom he meant to follow (October 6).


    But they see in him the pioneer of a literary and scientific movement; not merely a great ecclesiastic who patronized learning in his leisure hours, but the first mathematician and physicist of his age.


    After Pioneer 10 emerged through the asteroid belt, Pioneer 11, was launched on a similar trajectory.


    He was a pioneer in the use of the natural history diorama to exhibit large mammals against a representation of their habitat.


    John Paton was a great pioneer missionary who devoted himself to sharing the gospel with the cannibals of the New Hebrides in the Pacific.


    Second installment of our multi-year project to show the entire surviving oeuvre of the great pioneer master David Wark Griffith.


    He was not an anomaly in choosing this path, merely a pioneer.


    An exhibition explains the work of the famous Yorkshire aviation pioneer, Robert Blackburn.


    Turns down 6 yard return roquet and hits hoop 6 pioneer.


    Truly I sometimes almost regret that I was not born to become a pioneer settler in the African wilds!


    All unwittingly the old pioneer handed back the flashlight to the British suffragists.


    As Jeff watches the latest telecast on Ocean Pioneer II, Thunderbird 2 lands.


    Remember we still had no heating or hot water the pioneer spirit was beginning to wear a bit thin.


    Thanks anyway and love to Dylan, he is a real trooper and don't forget to tell him he is a pioneer!


    The site supports a wide variety of community types, with the characteristic zonation from pioneer to upper marsh vegetation.


    Of his early life and education we know nothing; from the contempt with which he spoke of all his fellow-philosophers and of his fellow-citizens as a whole we may gather that he regarded himself as self-taught and a pioneer of wisdom.


    This Latin treatise on mining and metallurgy had remained the standard text-book for almost 200 years after its appearance; the translation, with introduction, annotations, and appendices, was a pious memorial to a pioneer contributor to the knowledge of a great profession.


    Doubtless Flanders may claim to be the pioneer of " high farming " in medieval times, other countries following her lead in many respects.


    In the latter half of the century another Norfolk farmer, Thomas William Coke of Holkham, earl of Leicester, 1.13 a (1752-1842), figures as a pioneer of high-farming.


    His younger brother, SIR John Colomb (1838-1909), was closely associated in the pioneer work done for British naval strategy and Imperial defence, and his name stands no less high among those who during this period promoted accurate thinking on the subject of sea-power.


    The pioneer in this field was August Kekule, who, in 1865 (Ann., 137, p. 129; see also his Lehrbuch der organischen Chemie), submitted his well-known formula for benzene, so founding the " benzene theory " and opening up a problem which, notwithstanding the immense amount of labour since bestowed upon it, still remains imperfectly solved.


    In Yasna, 53, 2, he is spoken of as a pioneer of the doctrine revealed by Ormazd.


    Its basic principle wa liberty of the individual, liberty of the family and liberty of th nation; it was always found on the side of broad-minded justice, an it derived its materials from economic, social and scientific sources Other newspapers of greatly improved character followed the Jij i Shim p0, especially notable among them being the Kokumin Shimbui In the meanwhile Osaka, always pioneer in matters of commercif i enterprise, had set the example of applying the force of capital t journalistic development.


    The conclusions at which Bent arrived as to the Semitic origin of the ruins in Mashonaland have not been accepted by archaeologists, but the value of his pioneer work is undeniable (see Zimbabwe).


    He was a pioneer in experimental work with the liquefaction of gases (see 16.745 and 757).


    I consider myself an urban pioneer, trying to add a little beauty to the interior of the big city.


    Americana rustic country style harkens back to our country's pioneer roots and great expanses of outdoor spaces.


    Having created the trend, Maplestory is a pioneer in free-to-play MMORPG genre.


    Juie Kolaj is a pioneer in the development of hydrotherapy for dogs, and the dogs and the owners are the ones who benefit most from her techniques.


    Individual hot caps or a cold frame will ensure that your little pioneer seedlings are protected from cold winds or frost.


    As a musical group with a long history and one that is often recognized as being a pioneer in the genre of Southern Rock, the Allman Brothers' music ranges from beautiful to hard-rocking to complex.


    Organic Valley has been a pioneer in the retail sales of organic foods on a national level since 1988.


    Surya Brasil is a pioneer in the body care industry that has united Ayurvedic science with the traditional knowledge of Amazonian natives, plus sophisticated technology to benefit hair and body.


    Emme Aronson is considered a pioneer for all plus size female models.


    The Lane Bryant catalog was a pioneer in the plus-size modeling industry, with a campaign in the 1920s featuring plus sized models wearing fashions designed for stout women.


    Once the science became more clear, however, Maui Jim moved quickly, and became a pioneer in this new preventative technology.


    Bigfoot sightings have occurred for centuries and are documented through many myths, legends and pioneer diaries and reports.


    Yoga media pioneer Gaiam has created numerous yoga for kids DVDs that are especially helpful for introducing pre-school kids to the practice.


    The Hero, Left At The Head Of A Fatherless Family Of Twelve When Nearly Through College, Turns From The Glut Of Graduates Swarming Round The Prospects Of Professional City Bred Careers, Steadfastly Wrests A Home From The Wilderness, Helps His Brothers And Sisters, Marries A Habitante Fit For The Wife Of A Pioneer,.


    They brought with them four Chinese girls, who instructed the court and the people in the art of plain and figured weaving; and to the honour of these pioneer silk weavers a temple was erected in the province of Settsu.


    America has been the pioneer of the view that peace is the normal condition of mankind, and that, when the causes of war are eliminated, war ceases to have a raison d'être.


    Spencer county was still a wilderness, and the boy grew up in pioneer surroundings, living in a rude log-cabin, enduring many hardships and knowing only the primitive manners, conversation and ambitions of sparsely settled backwoods communities.


    His father died in 1817, and the son passed several years (1820-1824) in Ohio with his uncle, Bishop Philander Chase (1775-1852), the foremost pioneer of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the West, the first bishop of Ohio (1819-1831), and after 1835 bishop of Illinois.


    The debt of civilization to Egypt as a pioneer must be considerable, above all perhaps in religious thought.


    But though he was hailed, especially in lb h France, as the pioneer of European civilization in (ii.) raim, the East, the unsound foundations of his authority d.


    His later works include "Pioneer Monument," Salt Lake City; "Sir Isaac Newton," Congressional Library, Washington; and "Don Quixote."


    On the esplanade stands an obelisk to Henry Bell, the pioneer of steam navigation, who died at Helensburgh in 1830.


    William was a pioneer in astronomical research and perhaps owes his most lasting fame to his discoveries in this branch of study.


    Here are the hospital and laboratories of the American Medical Missionary College (of Chicago) and the Battle Creek Sanitarium, established in 1866, which was a pioneer in dietetic reform, and did much to make Battle Creek important in the manufacture of health foods, and in the publication of diet-reform literature.


    Among American linguistic scholars March ranks with Whitney, Child and Gildersleeve; and his studies in English, though practically pioneer work in America, are of undoubted value.


    Binney was the pioneer in a much-needed improvement of the forms of service in Nonconformist churches, and gave a special impulse to congregational psalmody by the publication of a book entitled The Service of Song in the House of the Lord.


    The betrothal, moreover, stimulated Lowell to new efforts towards self-support, and though nominally maintaining his law office, he threw his energy into the establishment, in company with a friend, Robert Carter, of a literary journal, to which the young men gave the name of The Pioneer.


    He possessed vast and varied learning, perfect calmness and impartiality, and great power of historical insight, and is now looked back to as the pioneer in the movement for the economic interpretation of history.


    Robertson, Pioneer Humanists (1907); P. Sakmann, Bernard de Mandeville and die Bienenfabel-Controverse (Freiburg i/Br., 1897), and compare articles Ethics, Shaftesbury, Hobbes.


    His Pictorial FieldBook of the Revolution (first issued in 30 parts, 1850-1852, and then in 2 volumes) was a pioneer work of value in American historical literature.


    While, therefore, it is a profound mistake to regard Bacon as a great constructive philosopher, or even as a lonely pioneer of modern thought, it is quite unfair to speak of him as a trifler.


    It is a roughly built pioneer town, in which wood is the principal building material.


    Elder Park (40 acres) presented to the burgh in 1885 contains a statue of John Elder (1824-1869), the pioneer shipbuilder, the husband of the donor.


    Papias was also a pioneer in the habit, later so general, of taking the work of the Six Days (Hexaemeron) and the account of Paradise as referring mystically to Christ and His Church (so says Anastasius of Sinai).


    Michigan was a pioneer state in creating the American educational system; she began the organization of it at the time of her admission into the Union in 1837, and has since been noted for the high standard of her schools.


    He was subsequently one of the pioneer organizers of the General Federation of Trades, National Transport Workers' Federation, National Federation of General Workers, International Transport Federation, and the Labour party.


    With what he himself described as a satiric touch, his fortune was bequeathed to found a hospital for idiots and lunatics, now an important institution, as it was in many respects a pioneer bequest.


    The movement for the admission of women to the medical profession, of which she was the indefatigable pioneer in England, has extended to every civilized country except Spain and Turkey.


    He studied men rather than books; became acquainted with the vices in what was then a pioneer town; and in his Seven Lectures to Young Men (1844) treated these with genuine power of realistic description and with youthful and exuberant rhetoric. Eight years later (1847) he accepted a call to the pastorate of Plymouth Church (Congregational), then newly organized in Brooklyn, New York.


    Fowler was engineer of the London Metropolitan railway, the pioneer of underground railways, and noteworthy in that it was mostly made not by tunnelling, but by excavating from the surface and then covering in the permanent way; and he lived to be one of the engineers officially connected with the deep tunnelling "tube" system extensively adopted for electric railways in London.


    Much historical material may be found in the publications of the Oregon Historical Society, especially in the Society's Quarterly (1900 sqq.), and of the Oregon Pioneer Association.


    He began as a liberator, but various causes employed his pen; his heart was with the people, and he was understanded of them; he loved a worker, and the Songs of Labor convey the zest of the artisan and pioneer.


    The only developed parks are Pioneer and City Hall, both small, and Liberty Park (I io acres), in which Brigham Young built a grist mill in 1852 and which was bought from his estate by the city in 1880.


    At the same time, it is admitted by all that he was nowhere more than a pioneer.


    Martin Cellarius (1499-1564) a friend of Luther, is usually regarded as the first literary pioneer (1527) of the movement; the anti-Trinitarian position of Ludwig Haetzer was not disclosed till after his execution (5529) for anabaptism.


    Fraunhofer was the pioneer in this branch.


    The department has also endeavoured to encourage the fruit-growing industry in Ireland by the establishment of a horticultural school at Glasnevin, by efforts to secure uniformity in the packing and grading of fruit, by the establishment of experimental fruit-preserving factories, by the planting of orchards on a large scale in a few districts, and by pioneer lectures.


    Sir Thomas Sopwith, the pioneer aviator, was buried here in 1989.


    Pioneer's report segments the potential WiMAX market into " fixed wireless backhaul " and " mobile " .


    We were less pleased to see the desecration of a memorial to Graham Palmer, a pioneer of the restoration of the Montgomery canal.


    The main laggard was the US, despite its own Motorola being a smartcard pioneer.


    Her beautiful, skilled photographs represent a landmark in the extraordinary career of the 20th century's most unforgettable artistic pioneer.


    Especially famous have been the Jewish linguists, pre-eminent among them Theodor Benfey (1809-1881), the pioneer of modern comparative philology; and the Greek scholar and critic Jakob Bernays (1824-1881).


    The Institute of Technology has an exceptional reputation for the wide range of its instruction and its high standards of scholarship. It was a pioneer in introducing as a feature of its original plans laboratory instruction in physics, mechanics and mining.


    Lanfranc was trained in the legal studies for which northern Italy was then becoming famous, and acquired such proficiency that tradition links him with Irnerius of Bologna as a pioneer in the renaissance of Roman law.


    Oberlin was the first American college to adopt coeducation of sexes, and was a pioneer in America (1835) in the coeducation of the white and black races.'


    J Vineyards and Winery is a pioneer in the wine scene in the Russian River.


    Alfred Adler (1870-1937) was a pioneer in the study of birth order.


    He was a pioneer in building safety requiring that workers have daily sobriety tests, wear specially-designed headgear - the precursor to today's hard hat - as well as glare-free goggles and wind protection hand cream.


    Pioneer Linens offers several different categories of beach towels, but if it's novel beach towels you are after, focus your attention on their Seychelles towel and their Disco Nights category.


    Dr. Norman Walker, a legendary health pioneer, opened the Norwalk Laboratories of Health Research in 1910.


    Robert Wood Johnson Foundation funds seven program areas including building human capital, pioneer, vulnerable populations, childhood obesity, coverage, public health and quality/equality.


    You can adapt patterns for Dorothy, or pioneer girl clothes or a 1950s girl's dress.


    Surfers are no doubt immediately familiar with Roxy, the brand founded in 1990 by surfing culture pioneer Quiksilver.


    Arguably the first great "edutainment" title for personal computers was The Oregon Trail, a title that put players into the role of a nineteenth century pioneer making his way across the American wilderness with a wagon train.


    Near death experience (NDEs) is a term coined by research pioneer, Dr. Raymond Moody.


    Discount Car Stereo sells car stereo components and accessories from some of the top manufacturers like JVC, Alpine and Pioneer.


    A pioneer in women's fashion and a fitting example of the American entrepreneurial spirit, Anne Klein launched her world renowned company in 1968.


    A pioneer in daytime television, Phillips also created Another World, As the World Turns, Love is a Many Splendored Thing and Days of Our Lives.


    Santos-Dumont was an aviation pioneer, and his desire for a good timepiece to use while flying inspired the Santos watch.


    A pioneer in the watch field, Fossil has created a number of fashion and design innovations for their own line of watches.


    In keeping with its founding fathers' motto of becoming "Close to the hearts of people everywhere" Citizen continues to pioneer precision dive watches like the ones featured in the sections below.


    In the last quarter of the 19th century spectroscopy and photography together worked a revolution in observational astronomy, and in both branches Huggins acted as pioneer.


    Cheyne worked indefatigably as a resourceful pioneer, but for many years, in view of the prevailing temper,.


    Gnosticism was also the pioneer of the Christian Church in the strong emphasis laid on the idea of salvation in religion.


    As an important pioneer station Klosterneuburg has various military buildings and stores, and among the schools it possesses an academy of wine and fruit cultivation.


    The leaders of this party came into close contact with the Social Democrats, and their relations became so cordial that Social Democracy everywhere declared the " Democratie Chretienne " to be its forerunner and pioneer.


    Bombay was the pioneer in the custom, followed now by Calcutta and Karachi, by which deliveries of goods from British merchants remained under the control of the banks until the native dealers took them up. Manchester business with India, China, &c., is done under various conditions, however, and a good many firms have branches abroad.


    What Carey did for England was largely done for Scotland by Alexander Duff, who settled in Calcutta in 1830, and was a pioneer of higher education in India.


    In the words of The Pioneer, " this is a hard fact which cannot be explained away " and " the most remarkable feature of the returns."


    Lowell himself had already turned his studies in dramatic and early poetic literature to account in another magazine, and continued the series in The Pioneer, besides contributing poems; but after the issue of three monthly numbers, beginning in January 1843, the magazine came to an end, partly because of a sudden disaster which befell Lowell's eyes, partly through the inexperience of the conductors and unfortunate business connexions.


    Doubtless what we have is in the main a reflex of the heuristic character of Aristotle's own work as pioneer.


    It is concurrently with signal success in the work of a pioneer in the mathematical.


    Such are Pioneer Hall, the home of the Society of California Pioneers (1850), endowed by James Lick; Portsmouth Square, where the flag of the United States was raised on the 8th of July 1846, and where the Committee of Vigilance executed criminals in 1851 and 1856; Union Square, a fashionable shopping centre, decorated with a column raised in honour of the achievements of the United States Navy in the Spanish-American War of 1898;; also the United States Branch Mint, associated with memories of the early mining days (the present mint dates only from 1874).


    His Tibetan-English Dictionary, and pioneer Tibetan Grammar, both published in 1834, opened to Europeans the way to acquire a knowledge of the Tibetan language as found in the ancient classics.


    In Burma the American Baptists, whose work began with Adoniram Judson in 1813, are conspicuous, and have had marked success among the Karens or peasant class, where the pioneer was George Dana Boardman (1827).


    Their pioneer work was continued in that district, as well as others, by a number of Swiss, pre-eminent among whom were Gottlieb Studer (1804-1890) of Bern, and Edouard Desor (1811-1882) of Neuchatel.


    When he was a year old his parents removed to Howard (Family)|Howard county, Missouri, then a frontier settlement, and the boy was early trained in the hardships and requirements of pioneer life.


    Petty's Irish survey was based on a collection of social data which entitles him to be considered a real pioneer in the science of comparative statistics.


    For some years a small trade was carried on by the British Captain Wiggins with the mouth of the river Yenisei through the Kara Sea, and after his death in 1905 the Russians themselves endeavoured to carry farther the pioneer work which he had begun.


    Dr. William Howard Hay, pioneer of the Hay Diet, was born in 1866.


    Vien, the pioneer of the classical reaction in painting..


    The name is a Chippewa word meaning "first" or "he goes before," and is said to have been chosen at the request of the Pioneer Iron Company as an equivalent for "Pioneer."


    Then the stage of novelty suddenly shifted to South America, where after the pioneer labours of Darwin, Owen and Burmeister, the field of our knowledge was suddenly and vastly extended by explorations by the brothers Ameghino (Carlos and Florentino).


    Although Mai was not as successful in textual criticism as in the decipherment of manuscripts, he will always be remembered as a laborious and persevering pioneer, by whose efforts many ancient writings have been rescued from oblivion.


    McKinney was named, as was the county, in honour of Collin McKinney, a pioneer in the region and a signer of the Declaration of the Independence of Texas.


    And in this work of collection and instruction Filelfo excelled, passing rapidly from place to place, stirring up the zeal for learning by the passion of his own enthusiastic temperament, and acting as a pioneer for men like Poliziano and Erasmus.


    He is celebrated as a pioneer of electrical science, after whom the "volt" is named.


    With the constant practice of this operation it is hardly possible that the repulsion acting between like poles should have entirely escaped recognition; but though it appears to have been noticed that the lodestone sometimes repelled iron instead of attracting it, no clear statement of the fundamental law that unlike poles attract while like poles repel was recorded before the publication in 1581 of the New Attractive by Robert Norman, a pioneer in accurate magnetic work.


    The pioneer of this kind of literature is considered to have been Saikaku (1641I693), who wrote sketches of every-day life as he saw it, short tales of some merit and novels which deal with the most disreputable phases of human existence.


    I feel like a pioneer.


    The pioneer work of the census of 1840 in the fields of educational statistics, statistics of occupations, of defective classes and of causes of death, suffered from numerous errors and defects.


    Rutherfurd's photographs of the Pleiades in 1866 entitle him to rank as a pioneer in the use of the camera as an instrument of precision; and he secured at Cordoba 1400 negatives of southern starclusters, the reduction of which occupied the closing years of his life.


    For various reasons (here following Koppe, who just previously in additions to his translation of Lowth's Isaiah had shown himself the pioneer of the higher criticism of the book of Isaiah) he argues that " in our Isaiah are many oracles not the work of this prophet."


    The ancient life of the Atlantic border of North America was also becoming known through the work of the pioneer verte.rate palaeontologists Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), Richard Harlan (1796-1843), Jeffries Wyman (1814-1874) and Joseph Leidy (1823-1891).


    For instance, children in the early days of the U.S. were homeschooled because there weren't always schools in new settlements or the pioneer wilderness.


    Like Lessing, whose work he immediately continued, he was a pioneer of the golden age of this literature.


    The first regular newspaper of Boston, the Boston Newsletter, was the pioneer of the American newspaper press.


    Roger Bacon was rather a pioneer of modern science than a Scholastic, and persecution and imprisonment were the penalty of his opposition to the spirit of his time.


    Here it is right to speak of Karl Pearson as a pioneer of notable importance.


    His services as an abolitionist pioneer are recorded in Clarkson's History of the Abolition of the African Slave Trade.


    Hincks devoted his spare time to the study of hieroglyphics, and to the deciphering of the cuneiform script, in which he was a pioneer.


    Lessing was the exponent of German classicism; Herder, on the contrary, was a pioneer of the romantic movement.


    An interesting example of the importance of his pioneer work is the fact that there has been a strong tendency to revert to the views which he advanced on the question of the Hittites in his early Oxford lectures.