leninist in A Sentence


    Having been influenced by Marxist and Leninist philosophies, Oli entered communist politics in 1966.


    For their edification, he prepared in October a thesis on the war which explained how it was not an imperialist but an internecine war which did not invite the application of the Leninist dictum of opposition to an imperialist war.


    And even if one continues to believe that the Leninist theory of imperialism is true and that national liberation is a part of the socialist and not of the bourgeois revolution, would not exceptions, that is, the appearance of new capitalist centers, be possible?


    It is a Marxist, Leninist, and Trotskyist tendency that acknowledges that the most oppressed sector of the modern working class is composed of women, particularly women of color, whose life experience of exploitation gives them the strength and determination to carry through a revolution against all forms of oppression.


    Rejecting both the Leninist cadre organization of the Old Left and conventional political parties, members of the New Left attempted to create activist communities that embodied the concept of participatory democracy, an idea famously championed in the 1962 Port Huron Statement of the Students for a Democratic Society, or SDS.


    In the former Eastern bloc, including Poland and East Germany, there are various narrow and very narrow gauge railways that run mostly through a public park and are often historically associated with or still operated by young people or members of the(state-sponsored during Leninist times)“pioneer organization”(e.g. the FDJ or“Jungpioniere” in the GDR).
