Matt Derbyshire gave Blackburn a second minute lead with a shot that took a wicked deflexion on its way past Wolves keeper Carl Ikeme.
At Carl's Jr., the Charbroiled BBQ Chicken Sandwich clocks in at 290 calories, with only 30 of those calories coming from fat.
Matriculating at the university of Gottingen in 1811, he began by devoting himself to astronomy under Carl Friedrich Gauss; but he enlisted in the Hanseatic Legion for the campaign of 1813 - 14, and became lieutenant of artillery in the Prussian service in 1815.
Humboldt's contemporary, Carl Ritter (1779-1859), extended and disseminated the same views, and in his interpretation of " Comparative Geography " he laid stress on the importance of Iditter.
This argument was tacitly accepted or explicitly avowed by almost every writer on the theory of geography, and Carl Ritter distinctly recognized and adopted it as the unifying principle of his system.
There is an excellent article by Carl Mirbt in Hauck's Realencyklopcidie, 3rd edition.
It is owing to these leading orographical features - divined by Carl Ritter, but only recently ascertained and established as fact by geographical research - that so many of the great Rivers.
Struve in 1848, and those relating to occultations of the Pleiades were discussed by Carl Linsser in 1864.
In 1887 Dr Carl Peters occupied the bay in the name of the German East Africa Company.
Of the principal workers in this field we may notice Friedrich Hoffmann, Andreas Sigismund Marggraf (who detected iron by its reaction with potassium ferrocyanide, and potassium and sodium by their flame colorations), and especially Carl Scheele and Torbern Olof Bergman.
For the latest edition we are indebted to the late Carl Muller (Paris, 1883-1906) to whom we are likewise indebted for an edition of the Geographi graeci minores (1855-1861).
Two years after Ray's death Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778) was born.
The first to establish a beet-sugar factory was his pupil and successor, Franz Carl Achard, at Cunern (near Breslau) in Silesia in 180r.
To steady the young soldiers, the cavalry commander (Carl von Schmidt) halted his men, made them correct their intervals and dressing as in peace, though under a heavy fire from the French infantry, and then withdrew them behind the cover of the nearest hill at a walk.
Rohrbach's solution, an aqueous solution of barium and mercuric iodides, introduced by Carl Rohrbach, has a density of 3.588.
Basin or Carl et Elegast (preserved in Dutch and Icelandic), the Voyage de Charlemagne a Jerusalem and Le Couronnement Looys also belong to the heroic period.
For strictly political history see a series of articles by Carl Becker in the American Historical Review, vols.
Afterwards there was a great influx of Germans, particularly after the Revolution of 1848, among them being Carl Schurz, who began the practice of law here.
An exhaustive bibliography and an excellent article onGregory by Carl Mirbt are to be found in Hauck's Realencyklopadie, ?3rd edition.
The system of Tournefort was for a long time adopted on the continent, but was ultimately displaced by that of Carl von Linne, or Linnaeus (q.v.; 1707-1778).
See Carl Mirbt's article in Herzog-Hauck, Realencyk.
The most marked case of such inversion in comparative anatomy is that of Carl Gegenbaur (5826-5903), who in arranging the fins of fishes in support of his theory that the fin of the Australian.
In 1543 it fell into the hands of the Turks, from whom it was recovered, in 1595, by Carl von Mansfeld.
A critical edition of all the previously known fables, prepared by Carl von Halm from the collections of Furia, Coray and Schneider, was published in the Teubner series of Greek and Latin texts.
He married his cousin Hedwig Elizabeth Charlotte of Holstein-Gottorp (1759-1818), but their only child, Carl Adolf, duke of Vermland, died in infancy (1798).
A very full list of his Latin and English works is given (pp. 36-43) in Dr Carl Horstmann's edition (1895-96) of his works in the Library of Early English Writers.
He married in 1776 Victoria Hedwig Caroline, princess of AnhaltBernburg-Schaumburg, whose mother, deserted by her husband Prince Carl Ludwig in 1749, had found refuge with her daughter in the house of Marshal Soubise.
See for geology Carl von Zittel, Beitrage zur Geologie and Palaontologie der libyschen Whste (Cassel, 1883); Reports of the Geological Survey of Egypt (Cairo, 1900, at seq.).
In 1857, Carl Christian Hall became prime minister.
Carl Christian Bagger (1807-1846) published volumes in 1834 and 1836 which gave promise of a great future, - a promise broken by his early death.
Among novelists who were not also poets was Andreas Nikolai de Saint-Aubain (1798-1865), who, under the pseudonym of Carl Bernhard, wrote a series of charming romances.
The excavations, which continued for more than forty years (1738-1780), were executed at first under the immediate direction of Alcubierre (1738-1741), and then with the assistance of the engineers Rorro and Bardet (1741-1745), Carl Weber (1750-1764), and Francesco La Vega.
The princess unconsciously wrote her own biography from this period in her constant letters to Queen Victoria, a selection of which, edited by Dr. Carl Sell, were allowed to be printed in 1883.
In short, the conflict between Petrinism and Paulinism is, as Carl Schwarz puts it, the key to the literature of the 1st and 2nd century.
There is an exhaustive bibliography with an excellent article by Carl Mirbt in HerzogHauck, Realencyklopadie (3rd ed., 1904).
At Vienna he had lessons in pianoforte playing from Carl Czerny of " Velocity " fame, and from Salieri in harmony and analysis of scores.
Classicism in the shape of solid, respectable Hummel on the one hand, and Carl Czerny, a trifle flippant, perhaps, and inclined to appeal to the gallery, on the other, these gave the musical parentage of young Liszt.
See Calvin Colton, The Works of Henry Clay (6 vols., New York, 1857; new ed., 7 vols., New York, 1898), the first three volumes of which are an account of Clay's "Life and Times"; and Carl Schurz, Henry Clay (2 vols., Boston, 1887), in the "American Statesmen" series.
A new race of politicians was springing up. Since 1719, when the influence of the few great territorial families had been merged in a multitude of needy gentlemen, the first estate had become the nursery and afterwards the stronghold of an opposition at once noble and democratic which found its natural leaders in such men as Count Carl Gyllenborg and Count Carl Gustaf Tessin.
Klemming), Carl Magnus (ed.
The aesthetic critic and poet, Carl Rupert Nyblom (1832-1907), continued the studies, translations and original pieces which had created him a reputation as one of the most accomplished general writers of Sweden.
It will therefore be best in this brief sketch to say that the leader of the elder school was Viktor Rydberg (q.v.; 1828-1895) and that he was ably supported by Carl Snoilsky (q.v.; 1841-1 9 04) who at the beginning of the 20th century was the principal living poet of the bygone generation in Sweden.
The theory of utility was about 1870 being independently developed on somewhat similar lines by Carl Menger in Austria and M.E.L.
Gustavus was educated under the care of two governors who were amongst the most eminent Swedish statesmen of the day, Carl Gustaf Tessin and Carl Scheffer; but he owed most perhaps to the poet and historian Olof von Dalin.
Carl Sprengel, cited by Professor Edward Morren in his biographical sketch entitled Charles de l'Escluse, sa vie et ses oeuvres, states that the potato was introduced from Santa Fe into England by John Hawkins in 1563 (Garten Zeitung, 1805, p. 346).
There are numerous varieties of this plant in cultivation, one of the most remarkable of which is the variety pendula, with long, flexible, hanging, cord-like branches; it was discovered in Japan about 1776 by Carl Peter Thunberg, a pupil of Linnaeus, who made valuable collections at the Cape of Good Hope, in the Dutch East Indies and in Japan.
This was commissioned for the Carl Rosa Company, and was written to a version of Merimee's Colomba prepared by Franz Hueffer.
See Carl Frederik Bricka, Dansk.
In 1870 the subject of refrigeration was investigated by Professor Carl Linde of Munich, who was the first to consider the question from a thermodynamic point of view.
By carl angel usa quot where she describes being straight will impress.
Finally they would like to thank Brian, Jean, Carl, Pauline, Peter and Colin for the funeral arrangements.
An electronic beep let Carl know it was that time of day again.
I'll judge if ya want Timmy (Timmy) Wed, 18 Jan 2006 lovers tiffs hehe ok igneous carl your on!
Different color beads letters for each had three aces anchor ABC carl.
His friend carl pace yourself i'd been hoping.
But the pressure anchor abc carl branded consumer products.
The music that Carl Davies has written is complex, often discordant but the group took it on with ease.
In its lifetime it has had additional dulcimers added by Carl Frei which makes the sound a little mellower.
Sounds like Carl Barat having a hoedown at a pub in White Chapel.
Helge spent the next decade and a half collecting the impressionist and Post-Impressionist paintings that Carl found ' awful, mannered and ghastly ' .
Carl Hey, 72, and Steve Cole, 31, rebuilt the innings with gritty determination moving the visitors to 157.
We talk about the previous nights show and Carl informs us he has laryngitis.
Campbell Jung lexicon Of terms A useful lexicon of terms, particularly related to the psychology of Carl Jung.
The band he formed with Carl Barat was even called the libertines.
With five minutes left, Carl Furlong unnecessarily abused a linesman, and was given a straight red.
The venue's new general manager is Carl Bathgate, previously based at the Carling Academy Birmingham.
The Motor Car It is usually agreed that a German, Carl Benz, built the first motorcar in 1885.
Carl Waters, a convicted murderer, is set free at the same time.
Carl Barat, who used to be part of The Libertines, has a strong slightly raw voice.
On his way out, Carl snatched a long-stemmed rose " For you!
In 1933, American showman Carl Denham returned from a mysterious, hidden island with a priceless treasure.
In July 2001, a remastered edition of Carl's debut solo album was released on CD by BMG Japan.
However, despite an encouraging performance from his players, Magpies manager Carl Taylor seemed surprisingly subdued.
Christus is a very impressive five-movement work, whose fundamentally tonal language is influenced by Carl Nielsen, with English and French accents.
Carl Wilhelm Scheele isolated tungsten trioxide for the first time in 1781.
Indeed it may be safely said that Gustavus III., during the last six years of his reign, mainly depended upon Wallqvist and his clerical colleague, Carl Gustaf Nordin, who were patriotic enough to subordinate even their private enmity to the royal service.
Useful instructions have been furnished by Carl Barus (Terrestrial Magnetism, 1897, 2, II) for the preparation of magnets calculated to withstand the effects of time, percussion and ordinary temperature variations.
Ewald's son Carl (1856-1908) achieved a great name as a novelist, but did his most characteristic work in a series of books for children, in which he used the fairy tale, in the manner of Hans Andersen, as a vehicle for satire and a theory of morals.
In the latter part of 1881 a Dutch pastor at the Paarl, a town in western Cape Colony named Du Toit, in a paper called De Patriot, suggested the organization of an Afrikander Bond; in the same year Carl Borckenhagen, a German resident in the Free State, advocated such a bond in his paper, the Bloemfontein Express.
The " method of least squares," by which the most probable result can be educed from a body of observational data, was published by Adrien Marie Legendre in 1806, by Carl Friedrich Gauss in his Theoria Motus (1809), which described also a mode of calculating the orbit of a planet from three complete observations, afterwards turned to important account for the recapture of Ceres, the first discovered asteroid (see Planets, Minor).
Carl's Jr., McDonalds, Wendy's and the In-N-Out hamburger all offer moderate nutrient levels and are not very high in sodium, either.
Voiced by Dave Willis, Carl is the Aqua Teen Hunger Force's neighbor.
Bald and overweight, Carl dresses casually in a stained wifebeater and sweats, while sporting a gold chain and green flip flops.
Despite these shining attributes, Carl is frequently reduced to paying for his, ahem, female companionship.
Paris has worked extensively as a model, lending her face and voice to companies like Guess, T-Mobile, Carl's Jr., and Iceberg.
Nikki and her father Carl were awaiting departure in an airport lounge when the whole ordeal began.
Words soon escalated into violence, resulting in the arrest of Carl, Nikki and Bianca.
Her first two marriages, to David Ross Williams and Carl McLaughlin, both ended in divorce.
The movement took its cue from the musical talents of Elvis Presley, Carl Perkins, and other musical phenomena who first introduced a new type of music that featured a mixture of rock and roll and country.
Historically, the SAT was developed by Carl Brigham (Brigham-Young Tests) who helped develop the first measurable assessment and achievement tests for the military.
First, it taps into the unconscious self, as well as to what Carl Jung termed the "collective unconscious", the one that is ever connected to the "call" and rhythm of nature, as well as the gossamer threads that connect us to one another.
Carl Jung (1875 to 1960) was a student of Sigmund Freud but they did not agree on the cause of dreams.
Carl Jung saw the unconscious mind as more spiritual.
Carl Jung also believed that dreams are important for individuals on the path of psychological healing.
In 1963, they joined forced with UCLA scientists to form the Hubbs-SeaWorld Institute, named in honor of marine biologists Laura and Carl Hubbs.
Protagonist Carl Johnson left his hometown in San Andreas five years earlier to escape the corruption, drugs and gangs of the inner city.
In this installment to the Grand Theft Auto legacy, you play as Carl "CJ" Johnson, who returns to the city of San Andreas after his mother's death.
Set in the 1930's, it is about a movie director named Carl Denham who seeks to make the greatest film ever in order to save his reputation.
Kong has taken a liking to Ann Darrow, the actress hired by Carl to be his leading lady, and will capture and save her a couple times throughout the game.
The voices of the characters are the actual actors from the movie- Carl Denham (Jack Black ), Ann Darrow (Naomi Watts ), Jack Driscoll (Adrien Brody ), and Jimmy (Jaime Bell ).The graphics in King Kong are amazing.
Carl Denham, an ambitious movie director with something to prove, decides to create an exciting film in an exotic location unlike anything ever created.
As for audio dialog, the voices are played by the actors in the movie, which add to the richness of the game - Carl Denham (Jack Black ), Ann Darrow (Naomi Watts ), Jack Driscoll (Adrien Brody ), and Jimmy (Jaime Bell ).
There was resurgence in 1971, when Carl Doumani acquired the winery and began a process of transfiguration, renovating the estate's buildings and grounds.
The Myers-Briggs inventory is based on Carl Jung's theory of types, outlined in his 1921 work Psychological Types.
Renowned psychologist Carl Rogers emphasized how childhood experiences affect personality development.
Carl Wernicke, a German neurologist, identified another region in the left hemisphere that was responsible for language comprehension.
Stafstrom, Carl E., et al. Epilepsy and the Ketongenic Diet.
In the forward to the book, Carl Gustav Jung states that Wilhelm was a long time practitioner of I Ching, and that he studied under a Chinese scholar in the field, Lao Nai-hsüan.
This method is typified in Carl Jung's, The Red Book.
Directed by Steven Spielberg, Jaws was scripted by Peter Benchley and Carl Gottlieb from the novel by Peter Benchley.
Other notables in the early years include Carl Stalling, Sammy Cahn, Peggy Lee, Sonny Burke, George Bruns, Mel Leven, Leigh Harline, Ned Washington, Ray Gilbert, Roger Miller, Jerry Livingston, Al Hoffman, and Mack David.
In his book The Jaws Log, screenwriter Carl Gottleib tells how the script was being constantly revised throughout the production.
However in recent years, this controversial subject has seeped into what Carl Jung termed "the collective unconscious", to the point where even Dr. Brian Weiss, a respected therapist, was featured on Oprah to discuss the topic.
Ricky Nelson, Carl Perkins, Johnny Cash, Roy Orbison, The Everly Brothers, Chuck Berry, Buddy Holly and Gene Vincent are some of the other rockabilly artists most people have heard of.
Some will even go so far as to change their voices or assume fake names ("I'm not Carla, I'm Carl!") for the day.
The faces behind Big Electric Music are Mike Rouleau, Carl Schultz, Bernie Maisonneuve and Mark Othmer.
After the release of the well received major label debut, Quaid and Cash decided to leave the band, and they were soon replaced with Bo Koster and Carl Broemel.
In 1966, she married Carl Thomas Dean, who she met at a laundromat in Georgia.
The city was home to Sam Phillips and Sun Records, the label that launched the careers of many of the most significant figures in early rock, including Elvis, Carl Perkins and Jerry Lee Lewis.
Kim Vo took the judging chair once occupied by Sally Hershberger and Kelly Atterton took over Michael Carl's judging duties.
The first SafeSpot SkateSpot was constructed with support of Carl's Jr. during an episode of Fantasy Factory.
Carl Sagan quotes offer philosophical observations on the condition of humanity.
Carl was born into a working-class Jewish family in New York in 1934.
Carl pursued both undergraduate, graduate and doctorate degrees in Astronomy.
His legacy continues to drive people from all cultures and all walks of life to seek out Carl Sagan quotes for insight and inspiration.
Carl was very much a skeptic, and stood firmly against scientific fraud.
Goodreads is an excellent resource to read the best excerpts from Carl Sagan's writing.
Lennic, Elyse Leveseque, Brad Wright, Charlie Cohen and Martin Wood were all invited to go and spend the night on the U.S.S. Carl Vinson.
Cynthia, this is Claudette Lander and her husband Carl.
Cynthia offered a hand to Carl and he accepted it cordially.
Claudette and Carl were waiting patiently in the dining room when Cynthia and Cade entered.
There was Carl the Cutter, The Gypsy, Frank the Fruitcake; crazy names.
During the next two years he continued to support the cause of the duchies, and in 1850, with Carl Samwer, he published a history of the dealings of Denmark with Schleswig-Holstein, Die Herzogthiimer Schleswig-Holstein land das Kiinigreich Ddnemark seit dem Jahre 1806 (Hamburg, 1850).
Among the servants there was a little page whose name was Carl.
It was Carl's duty to sit outside of the king's bedroom and be ready to serve him at any time.
There, sitting in his chair, was Carl, fast asleep.
Carl awoke with a start, and came quickly to answer the call.
Fishing peg 48, Carl float fished a small roach dead bait to take his new personal best.
On his way out, Carl snatched a long-stemmed rose For you !
Robert Abel himself had a partner, a science fiction fan of long-standing, called Carl Pederson.