provancher in A Sentence


    Before testing the robot itself, Provancher and colleagues used computer software to simulate ROCR's climbing, using such simulations to evaluate the most efficient climbing strategies and fine-tune the robot's physical features.


    Before testing the robot itself, Provancher and colleagues used computer software to simulate ROCR's climbing, using such simulation to evaluate the most efficient climbing strategies and fine-tune the robot's physical features.


    However, none have been able to achieve the 20 percent efficiency in climbing tests that ROCR has managed,“which is relatively impressive given that a car's engine is approximately 25 percent efficient," Provancher says.


    Provancher and his team decided to focus on wall climbing efficiency because, now that various methods have been tried and proven for robots to climb a variety of wall surfaces, for such robots to have both versatility and mission life,“efficiency rises to the top of the list of things to focus on,” he says.
