henig in A Sentence


    In August 2005, Dr. Steve Henig joined the company as Chief Scientific Officer, responsible for product research and development.


    (Henig 2015) Foch's prediction proved to be accurate, but ironically, he did not seem to acknowledge that France's unrealistic economic demands were the principle cause of Germany's post-WWI military build-up.


    Conversely, Henig acknowledges that if the US had been a member, its reluctance to engage in war with European states or to enact economic sanctions might have hampered the ability of the League to deal with international incidents.


    Ruth Henig has suggested that, had the United States become a member, it would have also provided support to France and Britain, possibly making France feel more secure, and so encouraging France and Britain to co-operate more fully regarding Germany, thus making the rise to power of the Nazi Party less likely.


    Despite the crushing burden of these provisions, French Marshal Ferdinand Foch regarded the Versailles Treaty as too lenient when he said,“this is not peace. It is an armistice for twenty years.”(Henig 2015) Foch's prediction proved to be accurate, but ironically, he did not seem to acknowledge that France's unrealistic economic demands were the principle cause of Germany's post-WWI military build-up.
