evangelicalism in A Sentence


    They would have never thrown out that term because doing that kind of taxonomy isn't really in the Baptist mindset, but the influence of Evangelicalism was everywhere.


    Answer: Evangelicalism is a somewhat broad term used to describe a movement within Protestantism that is characterized by an emphasis on having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.


    I spent a fair amount of time in other churches, and even in those churches that were quite conventional with their adult ministries, their youth ministry was heavily influenced by Evangelicalism.


    While the mostly white religious right was gaining political and cultural power over the last 40 years, Evangelicalism became as much a political and racial identity as a religious or theological one.


    Instead, the political activism that these younger evangelicals tend to engage in usually relates to issues like improving local schools, creating job opportunities, caring for the homeless and other activities that have been largely overlooked by American Evangelicalism as it has been practiced over the past several decades.


    Further, while the educational successes of Evangelicalism, through its many and varied curricula, have served to socialize young people into the“biblically based” moral world, it has also taught them how to read the Bible critically and to pay attention to biblical themes and narrative through-lines that resonate with their own life experiences.


    Today, most branches of Evangelicalism teach that lost sinners can be saved by the human act of raising their hands, saying the words of a“sinner's prayer,” or walking to the front of the church at what is called,“decision time.” Thus“decisionism” is a direct product of the teachings of the Pelagian heretic Charles G. Finney!
