bolivars in A Sentence


    Alegria is a teacher of history and geography but in a Venezuela gripped by chronic hyperinflation, she was earning just 312,000 Bolivars a month: less than a dollar.


    The euro- which for the beginning of the month cost about 50,000 bolivares- took 26 days to reach the powerful Venezuelan banknote, since yesterday it is listed above one hundred thousand Bolivars.


    The economist pointed out that all these factors have negatively impacted the remuneration of Venezuelan workers, whom he called"holders of Bolivars in default", who must also face daily food shortages, medicines and physical money.


    Meanwhile, Maduro announced on the first day of the month the incorporation of the 100,000 Bolivars bill that began circulating the next day when the dollar was trading at around 43,000 bolivares in the parallel market, which governs most of the commercial activities due to the drought in the currencies assigned by the State.


    The parallel rate on Tuesday is equivalent 50% of the minimum wage of the country, but exceeds more than 8,000 times the value of the lowest official exchange rate(10 Bolivars) and at least 25 times the reference rate of the system of auctions(3,345 bolívares), which Chavismo implemented this year but which ceased several weeks ago.
